Showing posts with label B Proper 7. Show all posts
Showing posts with label B Proper 7. Show all posts

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Dealing with the Big Goliath of Life

4 Pentecost Cycle B Proper 7    June 20, 2021
1 Samuel 17: (1a, 4-11, 19-23), 32-49 Psalm 9:9-20
2 Corinthians 6:1-13 Mark 4:35-41    

It is not surprising that the dominant book of a large portion of humanity, the Bible would provide the common cliches and metaphors for life.

What do we say when an obvious underdog is facing a formidable opponent?  We say it is David versus Goliath.  This is a cultural metaphor.

What do we say about the great trials in life which can come to anyone at almost anytime?  We call them the storms of life.  We want to be spared or saved from the storms of life.  And so the stories about Jesus as the storm whisperer have become faith metaphors for us.

One of the problems in the reading of the Bible is that it is a book that is often read only for individual and personal meaning.  We can forget that the Bible was written within communities and it was a continuous collaboration of writers within their communities in trying to bring spiritual insights to their people.  The Bible is to be read and interpreted collaboratively as a community which means there is not final interpretation of the Bible since the Bible will continue to be read within communities of people.

One of the reasons why biblical fundamentalism has happened is because individual readings of the Bible have become elevated as the rule of the community.  Readers who mistake poetry for science have caused misreadings of the Bible.  Readers who have made teaching stories and narratives into exact historical accounts have caused misreadings of the Bible.

What perhaps is the biggest issue of human life?  It is death.  How do we integrate encounter with death into our lives while we live?

The big Goliath of human living is Death.  That's the big elephant in the room.  It's the secret we try to keep from children as long as possible, but when a pet or someone close dies, they become aware of the phenomenon of death.

David, the prominent model for the Messiah, was threatened with death by Goliath.  The people of Israel were threatened with death by Goliath and the armies of the Philistines.  But David was the hero in the face of death, and he helped Israel deal with the enemies who threatened them with death.

What is the main feast day of all Christianity?  It is Easter.  It is resurrection day.  The resurrection is when God through Jesus Christ provided a new meaning for Death.  And what was the new meaning of death?  It was no longer an ending only; it was seen as a new beginning in a life beyond life.

The early church was built around resurrection as the supreme value.  It was a way of life of dealing with the reality of death.  The death of Jesus, God's Son on the cross was real and deeply felt by his friends.  The re-appearance of Christ after his death was so meaningfully real to his followers that an entire lifestyle was created.  What was this lifestyle?

It was the baptismal lifestyle.  In baptism one symbolic is immersed in the death of Christ in water;  and one comes up from the water to have that water of death calmed and neutralized in taking on an identity with the resurrection of Christ.

Let us appreciate how the stories of Jesus are parables of the teaching of the early church.  Jesus calming the storm on the sea is a metaphor for the Risen Christ calming the power of death exemplified in the threatening water and storm.

If this is a historical event of Jesus with the disciples, we would have some great moral inconsistencies.  Like why does a threatening storm only get calmed for Peter, James and John, and not for the millions throughout the ages who have died because of hurricanes, tornadoes and firestorms?  Is God only an interventionist for a few favored people?  Can one see how important it is for the integrity of God, to read these passages as theological teachings and not as private individual events.

The big teaching of the church is this: The Risen Christ is present and co-exists with everything else, including death, so don't live in fear or denial, live with faith and acceptance of what happens even as we accept that the Risen Christ is with us through everything.

Paul was so certain about the Risen Christ that he listed what he was able to tolerate because of his hope in the Risen Christ: "through great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger; by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, holiness of spirit, genuine love, truthful speech, and the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left; in honor and dishonor, in ill repute and good repute. We are treated as impostors, and yet are true; as unknown, and yet are well known; as dying, and see-- we are alive; as punished, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing everything."

Paul was saying, "I'm not going to lie to you about the great Goliath's in life which are anchored in our eventual deaths; but what I confess to you is that the Risen Christ is known and co-exists with all of these things, because the Risen Christ is a witness to life after life after life after life after life....

Let us accept the Gospel lesson today.  It is not a cute little story about the selective intervention of Jesus in a storm for Peter, James and John in a boat; no it is the teaching of the faith of the church in the Risen Christ who is with us always, in everything, and at our deaths and beyond.

We are not exempt from having to face our Goliaths in this life.  Let us have the faith of David and faith in the Risen Christ to live with hope within all that happens to us.  Amen.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Sunday School, June 20, 2021 4 Pentecost B, Proper 7

 Sunday School, June 20, 2021     4 Pentecost B, Proper 7


One has to choose Hebrew Scripture/Psalter selection
David and Goliath in the time of all   the battling super heroes might be popular with the youth even though the story itself might be PG-13 or even regarded to be violent if one tells the ending with the beheading of Goliath by David.

One could also use the loyal friendship theme between David and Jonathan even though the story includes Saul’s effort to kill David.

If one wants to match themes, one could go with God speaking out of the whirlwind to Job informing Job that he is really not as big as God to be able to understand how and why everything that happens to us in this world, so we have the necessity to have faith in one who is greater than us to handle all situations in life and in death.

The whirlwind theme of job could be coupled with the storm on the sea with Jesus sleeping in the boat while the disciples are terribly frightening.  Jesus reminded them to have faith because he was present with them and if he was calm enough to sleep during the windy storm, they could have faith in his presence even during a difficult times.

A possible fruitful line of instruction might be to present Storms as great events over which we have no control as to when they happen, how strong they are and when they will end.  Storms could be a metaphor for all of the big challenges in life that we have to face, like an exam in school and other things which come up in our life and even may surprise us.  The lesson that we can learn is that if we have this natural energy to fear, then we can have the energy of fear converted to faith, if we can trust that others are with us to help us as they represent the presents of Christ to us.  When we are tempted to fear, we are to take some deep breaths and say inside of ourselves, “Jesus, speak peace to my stormy heart.”  It is important to stop and remember Christ and remember to have faith instead of fear.

I think that we can find out in our lives that Christ is not sleeping and ignoring us; quite the opposite, we often are forgetting and ignoring Christ.  When we make the effort to awaken the presence of Christ in our hearts, then we have the chance to know the voice of Christ say within us, “Peace be Still.”

You can have your children mention times when they really needed to have peace in their hearts.


We read a story today about the friends of Jesus.  They were sailing with Jesus in a boat across the Sea of Galilee.  And suddenly a wind storm came up and caused some very big waves.  And where was Jesus?  He was sleeping in front of the boat.  And so they woke him up and said, “Don’t you care that we are in danger?”  And Jesus woke up and said to the wind and sea, “Peace be still.”  And the wind and the sea became quiet.  And Jesus asked them, “Why are you so fearful?”
  Jesus knew that his friends were fishermen.  They fished on this lake all of the time and they had gone through many storms.  So why were they more fearful now than other times?
  Well, they probably thought that nothing bad should ever happen to them if Jesus was with them.
  Sometimes we think that nothing bad should happen to us when our parents are with us.  And you know what?  Your parents never want anything bad to happen, but still some things can go wrong.  Why?  Because they believe in freedom.  Have you ever lost a game when your parents were watching?  Yes.  Now it would look silly if your parents tried to play on your team to help you win.  Have you ever fell down when you are playing and when your parents are watching?  Of course.  So we can have accidents even when our parents are watching.
  Have you ever gotten a B on your homework, even when your parents helped you to do your project for school?
  Should we quit playing baseball and soccer, just because we lose some games?  Should we quit playing on the playground, just because we fall down and skin our knee a few times?  No… If we quit, then we would let fear of bad luck control our lives and we would never try anything because of fear.
  Just because we have some bad things happen to us in life, it does not mean that God is not caring for us.  God does not want us to be afraid of life.  God wants us to keep on trying to do new and better things.
  So, when we fall, what do we do?  Yes, we cry when our knee hurts.  We get some love from our parents.  We get a band aid on our knee.  And we try to be careful.  But do we quit playing?  No.  We keep on playing and having fun.  Why?  Because we want to live in faith about the good things in life.  We don’t want to live in fear about the bad things and the hurt that can happen in life.
  Jesus tried to teach his disciples to live by faith instead of fear.  That is a good lesson for us to learn too.  Let us learn to live by faith today. Amen.

Intergenerational Family Service with Holy Eucharist
June 20, 2021: The Fifth Sunday After Pentecost

Gathering Songs: Only a Boy Named David, Peace Before Us, Precious Lord, When the Saints

Song: Only a Boy Named David (All the Best Songs for Kids # 112)
Only a boy named David, only a little sling.  Only a boy named David but he could pray and sing.  Only a boy named David, only a rippling brook.  Only a boy named David and five little stones he took.  And one little stone went in the sling and the sling went round and round.  And one little stone went in the sling and the sling went round and round.  An-----------------------------------------d, Round and round and round and round and round and round and round.  And one little stone went up in the air; and the the giant came tumbling down.

Liturgist: Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
People: And blessed be God’s kingdom, now and for ever.  Amen.

Liturgist:  Oh God, Our hearts are open to you.
And you know us and we can hide nothing from you.
Prepare our hearts and our minds to love you and worship you.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Liturgist:         The Lord be with you.
People:            And also with you.

Liturgist:  Let us pray
Keep, O Lord, your household the Church in your steadfast faith and love, that through your grace we may proclaim your truth with boldness, and minister your justice with compassion; for the sake of our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Litany Phrase: Alleluia (chanted)

O God, you are Great!  Alleluia
O God, you have made us! Alleluia
O God, you have made yourself known to us!  Alleluia
O God, you have provided us with us a Savior!  Alleluia
O God, you have given us a Christian family!  Alleluia
O God, you have forgiven our sins!  Alleluia
O God, you brought your Son Jesus back from the dead!  Alleluia

A reading from the First Book of Samuel

Then David took his staff in his hand, and chose five smooth stones from the wadi, and put them in his shepherd's bag, in the pouch; his sling was in his hand, and he drew near to the Philistine, Goliah.  The giant said to David, "Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?"  But David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with sword and spear and javelin; but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This very day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head so that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that the LORD does not save by sword and spear; for the battle is the LORD's and he will give you into our hand."  When the Philistine drew nearer to meet David, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine. David put his hand in his bag, took out a stone, slung it, and struck the Philistine on his forehead; the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell face down on the ground.
Liturgist: The Word of the Lord
People: Thanks be to God
Liturgist: Let us read together from Psalm 9

The LORD will be a refuge for the oppressed, * a refuge in time of trouble.
Those who know your Name will put their trust in you, * for you never forsake those who seek you, O LORD.
Sing praise to the LORD who dwells in Zion; * proclaim to the peoples the things he has done.

Litany Phrase: Thanks be to God! (chanted)

For the good earth, for our food and clothing. Thanks be to God!
For our families and friends. Thanks be to God!
For the talents and gifts that you have given to us. Thanks be to God!
For this day of worship. Thanks be to God!
For health and for a good night’s sleep. Thanks be to God!
For work and for play. Thanks be to God!
For teaching and for learning. Thanks be to God!
For the happy events of our lives. Thanks be to God!
For the celebration of the birthdays and anniversaries of our friends and parish family.
   Thanks be to God!

Liturgist:         The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark
People:            Glory to you, Lord Christ.

When evening had come, Jesus said to his disciples, "Let us go across to the other side." And leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. Other boats were with him. A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and said to him, "Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?" He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!" Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. He said to them, "Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?" And they were filled with great awe and said to one another, "Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?"

Liturgist:         The Gospel of the Lord.
People:            Praise to you, Lord Christ.

Sermon – Father Phil

Children’s Creed

We did not make ourselves, so we believe that God the Father is the maker of the world.
Since God is so great and we are so small,
We believe God came into our world and was born as Jesus, son of the Virgin Mary.
We need God’s help and we believe that God saved us by the life, death and
     resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe that God is present with us now as the Holy Spirit.
We believe that we are baptized into God’s family the Church where everyone is
We believe that Christ is kind and fair.
We believe that we have a future in knowing Jesus Christ.
And since we all must die, we believe that God will preserve us forever.  Amen.

Litany Phrase: Christ, have mercy. (chanted)

For fighting and war to cease in our world. Christ, have mercy.
For peace on earth and good will towards all. Christ, have mercy.
For the safety of all who travel. Christ, have mercy.
For jobs for all who need them. Christ, have mercy.
For care of those who are growing old. Christ, have mercy.
For the safety, health and nutrition of all the children in our world. Christ, have mercy.
For the well-being of our families and friends. Christ, have mercy.
For the good health of those we know to be ill. Christ, have mercy.
For the remembrance of those who have died. Christ, have mercy.
For the forgiveness of all of our sins. Christ, have mercy.

Liturgist:         The Peace of the Lord be always with you.
People:            And also with you.

Song during the preparation of the Altar and the receiving of an offering.
Song: Peace Before Us  (Wonder, Love and Praise,  # 791)
Peace before us.  Peace behind us.  Peace under our feet.  Peace within us.  Peace over us.  Let all around us be Peace.
Love before us…  3. Light before us…..4. Christ before us.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below.
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Prologue to the Eucharist
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, for to them belong the kingdom of heaven.”
All become members of a family by birth or adoption.
Baptism is a celebration of birth into the family of God.
A family meal gathers and sustains each human family.
The Holy Eucharist is the special meal that Jesus gave to his friends to keep us together as the family of Christ.

The Lord be with you
And also with you.

Lift up your hearts
We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to God.
It is right to give God thanks and praise.

It is very good and right to give thanks, because God made us, Jesus redeemed us and the Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts.  Therefore with Angels and Archangels and all of the world that we see and don’t see, we forever sing this hymn of praise:

Holy, Holy, Holy (Intoned)
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of Power and Might.  Heav’n and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. 
Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna in the Highest.

All may gather around the altar

Our grateful praise we offer to you God, our Creator;
You have made us in your image
And you gave us many men and women of faith to help us to live by faith:
Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Rachael.
And then you gave us your Son, Jesus, born of Mary, nurtured by Joseph
And he called us to be sons and daughters of God.
Your Son called us to live better lives and he gave us this Holy Meal so that when we eat
  the bread and drink the wine, we can  know that the Presence of Christ is as near to us as  
  this food and drink  that becomes a part of us.

The Prayer continues with these words

And so, Father, we bring you these gifts of bread and wine. Bless and sanctify them by your Holy Spirit to be for your people the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Bless and sanctify us by your Holy Spirit so that we may love God and our neighbor.
On the night when Jesus was betrayed he took bread, said the blessing, broke the bread, and gave it to his friends, and said, "Take, eat: This is my Body, which is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me."
After supper, Jesus took the cup of wine, gave thanks, and said, "Drink this, all of you. This is my Blood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me."
Father, we now celebrate the memorial of your Son. When we eat this holy Meal of Bread and Wine, we are telling the entire world about the life, death and resurrection of Christ and that his presence will be with us in our future.
Let this holy meal keep us together as friends who share a special relationship because of your Son Jesus Christ.  May we forever live with praise to God to whom we belong as sons and daughters.
By Christ, and with Christ, and in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit all honor and glory
 is yours, Almighty Father, now and for ever. AMEN.

And now as our Savior Christ has taught us, we now sing,

Our Father: (Renew # 180, West Indian Lord’s Prayer)
Our Father who art in heaven:  Hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done: Hallowed be thy name.

Done on earth as it is in heaven: Hallowed be thy name.
Give us this day our daily bread: Hallowed be thy name.

And forgive us all our debts: Hallowed be thy name.
As we forgive our debtors: Hallowed be thy name.

Lead us not into temptation: Hallowed be thy name.
But deliver us from evil: Hallowed be thy name.

Thine is the kingdom, power, and glory: Hallowed be thy name.
Forever and ever: Hallowed be thy name.

Amen, amen, amen: Hallowed be thy name.
Amen, amen, amen, amen: Hallowed be thy name.

Breaking of the Bread

Celebrant:       Alleluia! Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.
People:            Therefore let us keep the feast.  Alleluia!

Words of Administration

Communion Song: Precious Lord, Take My Hand (Wonder, Love and Praise # 800)
Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, let me stand, I am tired, I am weak, I am worn; thought the storm, through the night, lead me on to the light, take my hand, precious Lord, lead me on.
When the way grows drear, precious Lord, linger near, when my life is almost most gone; hear my cry, hear my call, hold my hand, lest I fall, take my hand, precious Lord, lead me on.
When the darkness appears and the night draws near, and the day is past and gone; at the river I stand, guide my feet, hold my hand, precious Lord, lead me on.

Post-Communion Prayer

Everlasting God, we have gathered for the meal that Jesus asked us to keep;
We have remembered his words of blessing on the bread and the wine.
And His Presence has been known to us.
We have remembered that we are sons and daughters of God and brothers
    and sisters in Christ.
Send us forth now into our everyday lives remembering that the blessing in the
     bread and wine spreads into each time, place and person in our lives,
As we are ever blessed by you, O Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Closing Song: When the Saints (Christian Children’s Songbook # 248)
1-O when the saints, go marching in.  O when the saints go marching in.  Lord I want to be in that number, when the saints go marching in.
2-O when the girls go marching in….  3-O when the boys go marching in….

Liturgist: Let us go forth in the Name of Christ. 
People: Thanks be to God! 


Friday, June 22, 2018

Jesus, Why Are you Sleeping in My Storm?

 5 Pentecost Cycle B Proper 7    June 24, 2018
Job 38:1-11  Psalm 9:9-20
2 Corinthians 6:1-13 Mark 4:35-41    

  There is a false sense of triumphalism in some religious people who can be tempted to think that being religious means that one's life will always express the signs of God's blessing, like wealth, health and all signs of success and fortune.  People who have more than their "share" of luck can build their formulaic systems for others about "attaining the signs of God's blessing."
  In the biblical witness there were phases when it seemed as though people had become very formulaic about blessing and success.  "If you obey God and the keep the commandments, then God will bless you with health, wealth, success and good luck."  Implied in this formula, is that if one has any signs of illness, poverty, failure and misfortune, then it is a sign that perhaps one has some known or unknown sin that has drawn the karmic disfavor of God.
  To counter this simply formula of blessing, the Bible has the witness of Job, Jesus and Paul and many other people who were called to "fill up" what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ.  And bearing afflictions with Christ is surely not inferior faith even if the state of affliction does not look like blessing or success.
  I believe that the "Jesus, sleeping in the boat," story in the Gospel is an instructive parable about misconceptions about what following Jesus means?
  Apparently some disciples believed that following Jesus meant being the chief leaders in the administration of Jesus that would take over this world by force.  Apparently, the disciple fishermen, who had surely been on many a stormy Sea of Galilee in their fishing careers, suddenly decided that "hanging" with Jesus meant that they would be exempt from the conditions of freedom of events that can happen to anyone in life.
  How many times do people who are committed to lives of faith, seem to ask, "Jesus, why are you sleeping through all of this?  Don't you see what is happening to me?  Look what is happening to my health and the health of family members and friends?  Look what is happening to our country?   Look what is happening in relationships that have soured?  Look what is happening in my job?  
  "Jesus, why are you sleeping in my storm?"  Implied in the question is that I should be exempt from the conditions of freedom of what might happen to any person in life.  One also might challenge, "What's the use of following the commandments if they don't guarantee the obvious visual conditions of favor and blessing in my life?"
  In the witness of Job, Jesus and Paul who are people on the  favor of God, we find that each of these was not spared from the conditions of freedom of some very bad things happening to them.  Job lost everything but his life.  His best friends had really easy answers about his sinful cause of his obvious punishments of misfortune.  They were sure about the laws of karma: "Job, because these terrible things happened to you, you must have offended God to cause them."  Jesus was not spared derision; He was called mad, demonic and a drunkard.  He was mocked, he was flogged and he was wrongly charged and he was killed in a criminal's death on the cross.  St. Paul often felt the poignant pain of his own sin, but he also felt called as an apostles.  But did his high calling as an apostle exempt him from the worst conditions of freedom?  He wrote: "we have commended ourselves in every way: through great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger; ...We are treated as impostors, and yet are true; as unknown, and yet are well known; as dying, and see-- we are alive; as punished, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing everything."  Was God sleeping in the storms of Job?  Was God the Father sleeping in the storms in the life of Jesus?  Was Jesus sleeping in the storms that came to St. Paul."
  When Jesus woke up and calmed the storm, it was like: "Okay, kids, I'm glad that you regard me to be a hero interventionist whenever you get in a fix, but come on, you've got to grow up and have adult faith."  True faith means living with the conditions of freedom without having any special exemptions.  One can be persuaded about the blessing of knowing God and Christ in the midst of everything that can happen and that is honest to God and honest to life.
  So one might ask?  What's the use of the law or the program of discipleship faith in Christ if one is not guaranteed success?  Following laws and embracing a discipleship program is what I would call good actuarial wisdom.  Wisdom involves the discipline of following good probability thinking: it doesn't mean that you don't take creative risks of faith, but that you know when you are doing it.  Good actuarial wisdom is not rocket science.  If you don't smoke you decrease your chance of getting lung cancer and so you will have the blessing and favor of having healthy lungs.  But even following good actuarial wisdom does not exempt one from anything that might happen.  Freedom, law and actuarial wisdom can and do co-exist.
  So how are we to live with both freedom and with actuarial wisdom?  We live with faith because we act now inspired by the hope of what Christ offers us in this life and in the life to come.  We have the resurrection card in our pocket and we know it's there and we don't want to play it until our time comes.  But knowing that we've got this final winning card, we can live with faith within the storms of life whether we experience great deliverance or whether we survive with wounds or unscathed.
  The Gospel for you and me today is that faith is the ability to live both with actuarial wisdom and within the conditions of freedom in life.  And this faith is real and it is honest to life conditions.  If Jesus appears to be sleeping in the storms of our lives, it is because he trusts that we will continue to have faith in his presence which can complement everything that can happen to us.  Jesus can say, "I've been there with you.  I am there with you now."  Amen.

Sunday School, June 24, 2018 5 Pentecost B, Proper 7

Sunday School, June 24, 2018     5 Pentecost B, Proper 7


One has to choose Hebrew Scripture/Psalter selection
David and Goliath in the time of all   the battling super heroes might be popular with the youth even though the story itself might be PG-13 or even regarded to be violent if one tells the ending with the beheading of Goliath by David.

One could also use the loyal friendship theme between David and Jonathan even though the story includes Saul’s effort to kill David.

If one wants to match themes, one could go with God speaking out of the whirlwind to Job informing Job that he is really not as big as God to be able to understand how and why everything that happens to us in this world, so we have the necessity to have faith in one who is greater than us to handle all situations in life and in death.

The whirlwind theme of job could be coupled with the storm on the sea with Jesus sleeping in the boat while the disciples are terribly frightening.  Jesus reminded them to have faith because he was present with them and if he was calm enough to sleep during the windy storm, they could have faith in his presence even during a difficult times.

A possible fruitful line of instruction might be to present Storms as great events over which we have no control as to when they happen, how strong they are and when they will end.  Storms could be a metaphor for all of the big challenges in life that we have to face, like an exam in school and other things which come up in our life and even may surprise us.  The lesson that we can learn is that if we have this natural energy to fear, then we can have the energy of fear converted to faith, if we can trust that others are with us to help us as they represent the presents of Christ to us.  When we are tempted to fear, we are to take some deep breaths and say inside of ourselves, “Jesus, speak peace to my stormy heart.”  It is important to stop and remember Christ and remember to have faith instead of fear.

I think that we can find out in our lives that Christ is not sleeping and ignoring us; quite the opposite, we often are forgetting and ignoring Christ.  When we make the effort to awaken the presence of Christ in our hearts, then we have the chance to know the voice of Christ say within us, “Peace be Still.”

You can have your children mention times when they really needed to have peace in their hearts.


We read a story today about the friends of Jesus.  They were sailing with Jesus in a boat across the Sea of Galilee.  And suddenly a wind storm came up and caused some very big waves.  And where was Jesus?  He was sleeping in front of the boat.  And so they woke him up and said, “Don’t you care that we are in danger?”  And Jesus woke up and said to the wind and sea, “Peace be still.”  And the wind and the sea became quiet.  And Jesus asked them, “Why are you so fearful?”
  Jesus knew that his friends were fishermen.  They fished on this lake all of the time and they had gone through many storms.  So why were they more fearful now than other times?
  Well, they probably thought that nothing bad should ever happen to them if Jesus was with them.
  Sometimes we think that nothing bad should happen to us when our parents are with us.  And you know what?  Your parents never want anything bad to happen, but still some things can go wrong.  Why?  Because they believe in freedom.  Have you ever lost a game when your parents were watching?  Yes.  Now it would look silly if your parents tried to play on your team to help you win.  Have you ever fell down when you are playing and when your parents are watching?  Of course.  So we can have accidents even when our parents are watching.
  Have you ever gotten a B on your homework, even when your parents helped you to do your project for school?
  Should we quit playing baseball and soccer, just because we lose some games?  Should we quit playing on the playground, just because we fall down and skin our knee a few times?  No… If we quit, then we would let fear of bad luck control our lives and we would never try anything because of fear.
  Just because we have some bad things happen to us in life, it does not mean that God is not caring for us.  God does not want us to be afraid of life.  God wants us to keep on trying to do new and better things.
  So, when we fall, what do we do?  Yes, we cry when our knee hurts.  We get some love from our parents.  We get a band aid on our knee.  And we try to be careful.  But do we quit playing?  No.  We keep on playing and having fun.  Why?  Because we want to live in faith about the good things in life.  We don’t want to live in fear about the bad things and the hurt that can happen in life.
  Jesus tried to teach his disciples to live by faith instead of fear.  That is a good lesson for us to learn too.  Let us learn to live by faith today. Amen.

St. John the Divine Episcopal Church
17740 Peak Avenue, Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Family Service with Holy Eucharist
June 24, 2018: The Fifth Sunday After Pentecost

Gathering Songs: Only a Boy Named David, Peace Before Us, Precious Lord, When the Saints

Song: Only a Boy Named David (All the Best Songs for Kids # 112)
Only a boy named David, only a little sling.  Only a boy named David but he could pray and sing.  Only a boy named David, only a rippling brook.  Only a boy named David and five little stones he took.  And one little stone went in the sling and the sling went round and round.  And one little stone went in the sling and the sling went round and round.  An-----------------------------------------d, Round and round and round and round and round and round and round.  And one little stone went up in the air; and the the giant came tumbling down.

Liturgist: Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
People: And blessed be God’s kingdom, now and for ever.  Amen.

Liturgist:  Oh God, Our hearts are open to you.
And you know us and we can hide nothing from you.
Prepare our hearts and our minds to love you and worship you.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Liturgist:         The Lord be with you.
People:            And also with you.

Liturgist:  Let us pray
Keep, O Lord, your household the Church in your steadfast faith and love, that through your grace we may proclaim your truth with boldness, and minister your justice with compassion; for the sake of our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Litany Phrase: Alleluia (chanted)

O God, you are Great!  Alleluia
O God, you have made us! Alleluia
O God, you have made yourself known to us!  Alleluia
O God, you have provided us with us a Savior!  Alleluia
O God, you have given us a Christian family!  Alleluia
O God, you have forgiven our sins!  Alleluia
O God, you brought your Son Jesus back from the dead!  Alleluia

A reading from the First Book of Samuel

Then David took his staff in his hand, and chose five smooth stones from the wadi, and put them in his shepherd's bag, in the pouch; his sling was in his hand, and he drew near to the Philistine, Goliah.  The giant said to David, "Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?"  But David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with sword and spear and javelin; but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This very day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head so that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that the LORD does not save by sword and spear; for the battle is the LORD's and he will give you into our hand."  When the Philistine drew nearer to meet David, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine. David put his hand in his bag, took out a stone, slung it, and struck the Philistine on his forehead; the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell face down on the ground.
Liturgist: The Word of the Lord
People: Thanks be to God
Liturgist: Let us read together from Psalm 9

The LORD will be a refuge for the oppressed, * a refuge in time of trouble.
Those who know your Name will put their trust in you, * for you never forsake those who seek you, O LORD.
Sing praise to the LORD who dwells in Zion; * proclaim to the peoples the things he has done.

Litany Phrase: Thanks be to God! (chanted)

For the good earth, for our food and clothing. Thanks be to God!
For our families and friends. Thanks be to God!
For the talents and gifts that you have given to us. Thanks be to God!
For this day of worship. Thanks be to God!
For health and for a good night’s sleep. Thanks be to God!
For work and for play. Thanks be to God!
For teaching and for learning. Thanks be to God!
For the happy events of our lives. Thanks be to God!
For the celebration of the birthdays and anniversaries of our friends and parish family.
   Thanks be to God!

Liturgist:         The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark
People:            Glory to you, Lord Christ.

When evening had come, Jesus said to his disciples, "Let us go across to the other side." And leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. Other boats were with him. A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and said to him, "Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?" He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!" Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. He said to them, "Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?" And they were filled with great awe and said to one another, "Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?"

Liturgist:         The Gospel of the Lord.
People:            Praise to you, Lord Christ.

Sermon – Father Phil

Children’s Creed

We did not make ourselves, so we believe that God the Father is the maker of the world.
Since God is so great and we are so small,
We believe God came into our world and was born as Jesus, son of the Virgin Mary.
We need God’s help and we believe that God saved us by the life, death and
     resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe that God is present with us now as the Holy Spirit.
We believe that we are baptized into God’s family the Church where everyone is
We believe that Christ is kind and fair.
We believe that we have a future in knowing Jesus Christ.
And since we all must die, we believe that God will preserve us forever.  Amen.

Litany Phrase: Christ, have mercy. (chanted)

For fighting and war to cease in our world. Christ, have mercy.
For peace on earth and good will towards all. Christ, have mercy.
For the safety of all who travel. Christ, have mercy.
For jobs for all who need them. Christ, have mercy.
For care of those who are growing old. Christ, have mercy.
For the safety, health and nutrition of all the children in our world. Christ, have mercy.
For the well-being of our families and friends. Christ, have mercy.
For the good health of those we know to be ill. Christ, have mercy.
For the remembrance of those who have died. Christ, have mercy.
For the forgiveness of all of our sins. Christ, have mercy.

Liturgist:         The Peace of the Lord be always with you.
People:            And also with you.

Song during the preparation of the Altar and the receiving of an offering.
Song: Peace Before Us  (Wonder, Love and Praise,  # 791)
Peace before us.  Peace behind us.  Peace under our feet.  Peace within us.  Peace over us.  Let all around us be Peace.
Love before us…  3. Light before us…..4. Christ before us.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below.
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Prologue to the Eucharist
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, for to them belong the kingdom of heaven.”
All become members of a family by birth or adoption.
Baptism is a celebration of birth into the family of God.
A family meal gathers and sustains each human family.
The Holy Eucharist is the special meal that Jesus gave to his friends to keep us together as the family of Christ.

The Lord be with you
And also with you.

Lift up your hearts
We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to God.
It is right to give God thanks and praise.

It is very good and right to give thanks, because God made us, Jesus redeemed us and the Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts.  Therefore with Angels and Archangels and all of the world that we see and don’t see, we forever sing this hymn of praise:

Holy, Holy, Holy (Intoned)
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of Power and Might.  Heav’n and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. 
Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna in the Highest.

All may gather around the altar

Our grateful praise we offer to you God, our Creator;
You have made us in your image
And you gave us many men and women of faith to help us to live by faith:
Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Rachael.
And then you gave us your Son, Jesus, born of Mary, nurtured by Joseph
And he called us to be sons and daughters of God.
Your Son called us to live better lives and he gave us this Holy Meal so that when we eat
  the bread and drink the wine, we can  know that the Presence of Christ is as near to us as  
  this food and drink  that becomes a part of us.

The Prayer continues with these words

And so, Father, we bring you these gifts of bread and wine. Bless and sanctify them by your Holy Spirit to be for your people the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Bless and sanctify us by your Holy Spirit so that we may love God and our neighbor.
On the night when Jesus was betrayed he took bread, said the blessing, broke the bread, and gave it to his friends, and said, "Take, eat: This is my Body, which is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me."
After supper, Jesus took the cup of wine, gave thanks, and said, "Drink this, all of you. This is my Blood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me."
Father, we now celebrate the memorial of your Son. When we eat this holy Meal of Bread and Wine, we are telling the entire world about the life, death and resurrection of Christ and that his presence will be with us in our future.
Let this holy meal keep us together as friends who share a special relationship because of your Son Jesus Christ.  May we forever live with praise to God to whom we belong as sons and daughters.
By Christ, and with Christ, and in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit all honor and glory
 is yours, Almighty Father, now and for ever. AMEN.

And now as our Savior Christ has taught us, we now sing,

Our Father: (Renew # 180, West Indian Lord’s Prayer)
Our Father who art in heaven:  Hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done: Hallowed be thy name.

Done on earth as it is in heaven: Hallowed be thy name.
Give us this day our daily bread: Hallowed be thy name.

And forgive us all our debts: Hallowed be thy name.
As we forgive our debtors: Hallowed be thy name.

Lead us not into temptation: Hallowed be thy name.
But deliver us from evil: Hallowed be thy name.

Thine is the kingdom, power, and glory: Hallowed be thy name.
Forever and ever: Hallowed be thy name.

Amen, amen, amen: Hallowed be thy name.
Amen, amen, amen, amen: Hallowed be thy name.

Breaking of the Bread

Celebrant:       Alleluia! Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.
People:            Therefore let us keep the feast.  Alleluia!

Words of Administration

Communion Song: Precious Lord, Take My Hand (Wonder, Love and Praise # 800)
Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, let me stand, I am tired, I am weak, I am worn; thought the storm, through the night, lead me on to the light, take my hand, precious Lord, lead me on.
When the way grows drear, precious Lord, linger near, when my life is almost most gone; hear my cry, hear my call, hold my hand, lest I fall, take my hand, precious Lord, lead me on.
When the darkness appears and the night draws near, and the day is past and gone; at the river I stand, guide my feet, hold my hand, precious Lord, lead me on.

Post-Communion Prayer

Everlasting God, we have gathered for the meal that Jesus asked us to keep;
We have remembered his words of blessing on the bread and the wine.
And His Presence has been known to us.
We have remembered that we are sons and daughters of God and brothers
    and sisters in Christ.
Send us forth now into our everyday lives remembering that the blessing in the
     bread and wine spreads into each time, place and person in our lives,
As we are ever blessed by you, O Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Closing Song: When the Saints (Christian Children’s Songbook # 248)
1-O when the saints, go marching in.  O when the saints go marching in.  Lord I want to be in that number, when the saints go marching in.
2-O when the girls go marching in….  3-O when the boys go marching in….

Liturgist: Let us go forth in the Name of Christ. 
People: Thanks be to God! 


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