Friday in 3 Epiphany, January 31, 2025
God who has given us language to encode our existence and knowing of it; we find ourselves often encoded with the limitations of our time and place influences when we seem to be but the unthinking pawns of known and unknown habits of bias which prevent us from successful acts of charity; give us grace to expand our cultural codes to love's standard of loving our neighbor as our themselves. Amen.
Thursday in 3 Epiphany, January 30, 2025
God, whom we are prone to forget because we are so locked into our provincial ghettos; let our rituals of remembrance be for us an invocation of your presence and blessing upon the specific rites of passage through which we transverse on our way to becoming holy humans. Amen.
Wednesday in 3 Epiphany, January 29, 2025
God, the great expanding Container of All; all belong to you even though all do recognize such; help us to realize that we all belong together and we are challenged with living together in the best possible way for the common good of all. Amen.
Tuesday in 3 Epiphany, January 28, 2025
God of Time and of our aging, we adopt rituals of remembering You in the times of our lives, so that among all that is lost in the process of time, we can retain community identity bearing our highest values of the love of You and our neighbors. Amen.
Monday in 3 Epiphany, January 27, 2025
God who is the Great Expanding Container of All in Time; grant that what we add in freedom to the over-all becoming of all that is be works of love, mercy, justice, and kindness and so help to determine a better future. Amen.
Sunday, 3 Epiphany, January 26, 2025
Good God, whom we confess that you have made us good; we confess that we have not lived up to our original goodness even to descend into acts of incredible inhumanity; we thank you for allowing Jesus to arise in our history as an example and as a grace to restore toward our original goodness and toward a hard won future holy goodness. Amen.
Saturday in 2 Epiphany, January 25, 2025 (Conversion of St. Paul)
Holy Spirit, you are the dynamic presence of God in the process of history; through you we came to have the paradigm shift arising in the ministry of Paul, who wrote the Gentile people into the line of salvation history; give us grace to invite continuously those who have been deprived of the knowledge of their full inclusion in the family of God. Amen.
Friday in 2 Epiphany, January 24, 2025
At some point we as language users came to call you God, or the one who used language to create by making word the flesh of existence; and from our experience of delight we have posited an original goodness even in the midst of the freedom for some things to be awful; give us grace to embrace the goodness of the good news which Jesus came to reinforce as what is the most appropriate representation of the original delight. Amen.
Thursday in 2 Epiphany, January 23, 2025
God, whom we have come to deem as a Language Originator; with language and faith we have come to deem our existence as good, even when we have behaved badly and when the clashes in the conflicts in nature often put us in harms way; give us grace to believe in original goodness and empower us to preach the good news which was so exemplified in the life of Jesus. Amen.
Wednesday in 2 Epiphany, January 22, 2025
God, who often seems incognito in the non-apparent; when greed and evil intent seem to have become the apparent public norm such that they have overturn values of truth, keep us faithful in the oft unseen works of kindness, love, justice, and mercy. Amen.
Tuesday in 2 Epiphany, January 21, 2025
God of all probabilities, the presence of so many circumstances of bad news in our world cries out for the good news of healing, sight, peace, love, and the overcoming of greed with a great Spirit of generosity; grant us good news especially to those who are devastated by the bad news of their froward circumstances. Amen.
Monday in 2 Epiphany, January 20, 2025 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)
While violence was practiced against his people, O God, you raised up Martin Luther King, Jr., to practice non-violence in trusting that the innate naturalness of love and justice could win the hearts of those who claimed religion but practiced oppression; help us to continue in the work of Dr. King, following Jesus to bend the arc of history toward a more perfect justice for all. Amen.
Sunday, 2 Epiphany, January 19, 2025
God, you have blessed the human community with innumerable gifts and where they are exercised with wisdom and love, they promote the common good; confuse the gifts of the powerful and the greedy O God, and let the collateral gleanings of their selfish foolishness redound to the benefit of those who are in need. Amen.
Saturday in 1 Epiphany, January 18, 2025 (Confession of Peter, beginning week of Prayer for Christian Unity)
God, we acknowledge that Christians seem often to be persons divided by confessing a common Messiah; give us wisdom to seek the more significant unity in pursuing outcomes of love and justice for all people in our world. Amen.
Friday in 1 Epiphany, January 17, 2025
Omni-present God, we often wish that omni-present sustenance of all were more discriminating in what is being sustained as we observe that everything that has happened has the proof of having been sustained, even by the divine omni-presence; we ask for fearful respect for the genuine freedom which we have in shaping how our world is sustained and help us shape the world toward love and justice. Amen.
Thursday in 1 Epiphany, January 16, 2025
God of all and in all, individualize the signs of your presence to as many a possible so that our world can survive and be sustained in peace and care for one another. Amen.
Wednesday in 1 Epiphany, January 15, 2025
God, how can we know your signs unless we first know the codes and translations of what a sign of you would be? You gave us Jesus as the chief sign revealer of how to be humanly best in knowing the sign of what is divinely human and what is humanly divine. Amen.
Tuesday in 1 Epiphany, January 14, 2025
God you have given us Christly presence as the power of imagination to supplement the seeming ordinary water of life and make it seem like an extraordinary feast such that others think we drink the elixir of wine, but we must confess that we are Holy Spirited people. Amen.
Monday in 1 Epiphany, January 13, 2025
God, we like Mary, seek for the Christ to be in the mundane of our lives akin to dealing with shortage of wine at a wedding party; and even though in rebuke of our trivial priorities, we may hear a sigh of "what does that have to do with the higher priorities of the Risen Christ," we thank you for being involved in the child-like ordinary stuff of our lives. Amen.
Sunday, 1 Epiphany, January 12, 2025 The Baptism of Our Lord
Eternal Word of God, you are coming to full solidarity with all humans in all human experience, and we commemorate your baptism as a event of the solidarity of the divine life with us, thus affirming ways of being human as valid ways to come to know what is more than human, even God as the Great Expanding Container of Life. Amen.
Saturday after the Epiphany, January 11, 2025
God of Water, Wind, and Fire; who cleanses, quenches, breathes life, and warms and gives light; save us from floods and hurricanes, tornadoes, and devastating fires, and bring us renewing and rebuilding resilience when we know the worst effects of being caught in harms way of nature. Amen.
Friday after the Epiphany, January 10, 2025
God, the Container of All, into whom we have all been initiated by being born; we thank you for specific baptism and being received into particular communities of faith so as to continuously remind ourselves that you in Jesus represent the divine with us in such complete solidarity as to allow us to regard our paths as being valid ways of affirming our relationship in and through You. Amen.
Thursday after the Epiphany, January 9, 2025
Forgive us God of all, for wanting the name of being a Christian country, or Christian community without manifesting the basics of being Christ-like in loving you and our neighbor as ourselves. Amen.
Wednesday after the Epiphany, January 8, 2025
Eternal Word of God, giver of language which gives us ritual process within community; you became baptized by John to express solidarity with humanity in a particular moment of time and in becoming one with us you now invite us to become one with you in your Risen State in our baptismal states of becoming more Christ-like. Amen.
Tuesday after the Epiphany, January 7, 2025
God of Omni-Manifestations, your omnipresence often obscures specificity to be known in personal ways; we thank you for the personality of Christ who is human enough to allow us to reduce you to anthropomorphic ways to perceiving your relevance to us in our specific situations. Amen.
The Feast of the Epiphany, January 6, 2025
God, who existed before our calendars to observe your manifestations to us; we recognize that the Christ nature came from the beginning and came in Jesus, and will continue to come as the Light which enlightens toward the surpassing goals of enlightenment to which we are called; give us grace to adjust our seeing behaviors to the light of Christ today. Amen.