Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Prayers for Pentecost, 2024

Tuesday in 21 Pentecost, October 15, 2024

God, from the whirlwind of all probabilities that always lies before when we don't know the future as actual, communicate with us in ways that are adequate to effective action now in causes of love and justice.  Amen.

Monday in 21 Pentecost, October 14, 2024 (Indigenous Peoples Day)

God whose Realm we live in because only you have the duration to own everything; forgive us in our pride of ownership of land to the neglect of loving stewardship of the people connected with land.  Forgive our inability to find just and loving belonging to the land for all peoples.  Amen.

Sunday, 21 Pentecost, October 13, 2024

God, as adults we have lost the complete cover of innocency and through hard knocks have arrived to be culpable moral agents; give us access to the remembrance of original innocence, tenderness, and joy, so as to imbue our current moral agency with original beauty.  Amen.

Saturday in 20 Pentecost, October 12, 2024

God of the always already, help us discovery the always already of our original blessing of being children of God who bear the divine image.  Amen.

Friday in 20 Pentecost, October 11, 2024

God, you are the changing finalities in Omni-Becoming, inclusive of all that adds to your unchallenged future; give us humility to bear the latest in our lives, not as final answers or solutions, but as contributions to better chances for love and justice to prevail in new ways in the future.  Amen.

Thursday in 20 Pentecost, October 10, 2024

Eternal Word of God, help us to be discerning readers of the words which we have received from the past and let us avoid the unloving and unjust practices of the peoples who could not yet see the extension of full dignity to all human beings.  And let our behaviors leave a better legacy to the future than what we have received from the past.  Amen.

Wednesday in 20 Pentecost, October 9, 2024

Eternal Word of God, you have created us as people who have language and as language users to be able to reciprocally speak of your great Personhood; having language is our greatest human attribute and so we humbly anchor ourselves upon you as the everlasting Word which is co-present in all seeing and knowing.  Amen.

Tuesday in 20 Pentecost, October 8, 2024

God, we confess you because we believe we are connected with everyone and everything all at once even while being lost in the mystery of such Plenitude; we cannot help but personalize you because to have language is to be personal and to personalize everything that comes to language.  Give us the grace of love which is to know the best of being related to you and to our neighbors.  Amen.

Monday in 20 Pentecost, October 7, 2024

God of our future, the vastness of what goodness yet needs to be accomplished humbles us regarding what we have and have not yet achieved; keep us focused on what we have yet to do in the work of love and justice so that we do not grovel in the guilt of our failure or linger in the pride of accomplishments.  Amen.

Sunday, 20 Pentecost, October 6, 2024

God of Love, forgive when we are so much in fear of our own sinfulness that we elevate negative rules to having more authority than the positive rule that we have to love one another.  Amen.

Saturday in 19 Pentecost, October 5, 2024

God, you are the passive goodness of the creation that we have inherited to participate within; give us the courage to be the active agents of goodness in the liberation of our freedom to weave the gift of a good creation with our free acts of the goodness of love and justice.  Amen.

Friday in 19 Pentecost, October 4, 2024

God of continuous renewal, help us to connect with the childlike within ourselves so that we might have the motivation and spirit of kindness to care for the vulnerable people in our world.  Amen.

Thursday in 19 Pentecost, October 3, 2024

Inspire us continually, O God, in our dance with the freedom of what can happen and give us the wisdom of knowing how to act with justice and love in every arising situation.  Amen.

Wednesday in 19 Pentecost, October 2, 2024

God, free us from the unreality of assuming that our current lives should have the quality of the time lapsed effects of events happening in short sequence of time; give us the patience to bear with the between moments of drudgery with expectant hearts for the fresh blooms of love and justice to open in their appointed times.  Amen.

 Tuesday in 19 Pentecost, October 1, 2024

God who often appears to be weak; your weakness seems manifest in allowing innocent suffering and in the mistiming of catastrophic hurricanes and earthquakes in populated areas; we honor your greatness in respecting genuine freedom to occur, and we ask for our grace to use our freedom for goodness to counter the freely horrible things which can occur.  Amen.

Monday in 19 Pentecost, September 30, 2024

God of the freedom that results in all that has happened; you have given us the mission to establish goodness as what is normatively best for humanity even in the face of the daunting evidence of evil.  Give us grace in the work of overcoming evil with good.  Amen.

Sunday, 19 Pentecost, September 29, 2024

God of creative becoming, where the memories of life have left us locked into bad responses to bad events, let neutralize the bad memories as a but a bad interpretation of how we should see things now.  Give us grace to create beyond knee jerk reactions of revenge and defensiveness and free us to make new loving decisions.  Amen.

Saturday in 18 Pentecost, September 28, 2024

God of all that has become, we are left with traces of what has happened; give us grace to revive and renew what is good, loving, and just with wise imitation and let us relay traces of what is best in love and justice to our future.  Amen.

Friday in 18 Pentecost, September 27, 2024

God the Omnipresent One, your immanence makes your greatness continuously relevant in attaining creative advances within time; help us to free you from being limited to the injustices of past cultures and give us the wisdom to have insights and action to make love and justice evident today.  Amen.

Thursday in 18 Pentecost, September 26, 2024

God, your apparent weakness is known in your tolerance of the freedom of people to harm each other in horrendous ways with the innocent suffering because of the decisions made by the few and powerful; have you left it up to us to freely convert each other to the superiority of goodness and kindness to each other?  Amen.

Wednesday in 18 Pentecost, September 25, 2024

Gracious Christ, whisper us to know the depth below our inner turbulence to know the cleanness of heart of your Holy Spirit, and let the bubbling of the same Spirit ever be at work in rising to the surface through our minds, emotions, and will, even to come to bodily acts of love and justice.  Amen.

Tuesday in 18 Pentecost, September 24, 2024

God of wisdom, give us vision and agility to be good tap dancers through the minefield of life, knowing that we are not safe from the passage of time but that we can know safety as continuing Spirit within time.  Give us continual insights to chart a a course of love and justice through the precariousness of life.  Amen.

Monday in 18 Pentecost, September 23, 2024

Gracious God of good news, give us the humility to rejoice in the many ways that goodness can be delivered to people and to appreciate that our own strategies of goodness need not be in competition with others who seek to do good in different ways.  Amen.

Sunday, 18 Pentecost, September 22, 2024

Jesus of Nazareth, the telling of your birth signified to us that God's intense presence is found in the vulnerable, in the infant and child-like; forgive us for seeking greatness in power, wealth, and prestige and missing the lure to activate our tenderness toward acting to help the vulnerable in our world and so find your presence.  Amen.

Saturday in 17 Pentecost, September 21, 2024

God about whom we are persuaded, let us consider carefully not just that we are persuaded about you but also how we are persuaded in how we articulate in word and deed how the greatest value in life is to be represented.  Amen.

Friday in 17 Pentecost, September 20, 2024

God who is known to us as the baby Jesus; protect the children in this world today from the harm caused by adults failing in their chief role; and protect within each person the child aspect of personality which is a meditative source of continual rebirth and renewal.  Amen.

Thursday in 17 Pentecost, September 19, 2024

Grant to us Renewing Spirit, an access to the child like within us which is the ability to touch the part of us before our memories were formed by the many imprints of words and language from the nurturing contexts of our lives, some for our good and some for our bad programming.  Give us refuge in the place before we knew that we were, and let it be a cleansing of the slate of our memories so clouded by too many harsh impressions.  Amen.

Wednesday in 17 Pentecost, September 18, 2024

God, your image upon comprises what feels both completely new and completely everlasting; give us grace to access the site within us which is a renewing presence which enables us to embrace the new challenges of this day. Amen.

Tuesday in 17 Pentecost, September 17, 2024

God, you are closer to us than we are to ourselves in you omnipresence; in the sin of alienation we have lost awareness of living and having our being in You, and we have lost the sense of You within us.  Help us to be restored into our original heritage so that we might bless in acting from the original blessing.  Amen.

Monday in 17 Pentecost, September 16, 2024

Lord Jesus, your words to Nicodemus was an invitation to a new birth; deliver us from the childish need to have power over others, and awaken us to the child like innocence within ourselves to make us winsome to others to be in the service of what is best for the common good.  Amen.

Sunday, 17 Pentecost, September 15, 2024

Jesus the Messiah, help us to accept that we are living within the messianic age of the suffering servant Messiah but also accept that the greater continuous good of the All sustains the realm of all probability;  but let our contribution to the all be goodness so as to collaterally effect the realm of the probable toward what is loving and just.  Amen.

Saturday in 16 Pentecost, September 14, 2024 (Holy Cross Day)

Lord Jesus Christ, your post resurrection appearances remade the meaning of the cross of your death; we ask for more outcomes which can render the worst moments of life into the painful unwilling contributions of a better future.  Amen.

Friday in 16 Pentecost, September 13, 2024

God, who is the ground of all probabilities because creative freedom is your dynamic essence to guarantee moral validity; let all who experiences joyful rewards in life be so cognizant of the opposite that they reach out to comfort those who are sorrowing and trying to hang on with coping hope to situations of threat and harm.  In the continuum of probable occurrences, let those who know the fruits of goodness apply this goodness to be a balm to those who know the losses of harsh events.  Amen.

Thursday in 16 Pentecost, September 12, 2024

Risen Christ, in Jesus you manifested what the messianic means in human behaviors, which is a caring love which flows from loving God and becomes actual in our behaviors toward our neighbors.  Help us to behave in such messianic ways today.  Amen.

Wednesday in 16 Pentecost, September 11, 2024 (9/11 Remembrance Day in the United States)

God, the peoples of this earth have littered in their histories Remembrance Days because of eventful and tragic loss of great numbers of people in singular events; as we can name revenge, greed, and hatred as the cause of these events, such naming does not seem to prevent their repetitions in new times and new places.  Do not let us fall into a passive "get used to it" attitude about how badly we can hurt each other even as we celebrate the heroes who respond to the worst of human harm and let us continue to remember the preciousness of the lives of those who have been untimely lost as our ounce of prevention for any future pound of loss.  Amen.

Tuesday in 16 Pentecost, September 10, 2024

Jesus the Messiah, forgive us when we like Peter want you to be a dominant military person instead of one who suffers unto death and who has Risen to be one who still is suffering in the suffering of the world.  Help us to be truly messianic when we arise to alleviate the suffering of this world.  Amen.

Monday in 16 Pentecost, September 9, 2024

Christ, Jesus the Anointed and Designated One, reveal to us what is truly messianic and kingly in the practice of love and justice especially in caring and shepherding the most vulnerable and needy people in the world.  Amen.

Sunday, 16 Pentecost, September 8, 2024

God of the lost and hungry, let the bread crumbs of your feasting table be the luring trail to all and bring all to the table which includes all who want to live together in love and harmony around the Unifying One.  Amen.

Saturday in 15 Pentecost, September 7, 2024

Gracious God, as we rewrite our lives trying to connect what we have been with what we are now with faith to profess providential meanings; help us to accept the potential providential meanings for what is happening in our world which most often does not seem to make good, loving, and just sense.  Amen.

Friday in 15 Pentecost, September 6, 2026

Sustaining Steward of All that has been, as we apprize what has gone before, give us the wisdom to choose the good things to emulate and further perpetuate into the future so that goodness, love, and justice will continue to have the future for the people of the future.  Amen.

Thursday in 15 Pentecost, September 5, 2024

God of All, in our fear and smallness, we often construct barriers of false security and imply with our actions that you subscribe to such barriers too; give us grace to view the training of this great Life to be a continuing exercise in the stretching of our hearts toward the accessible grace of the largesse of your loving heart.  Amen.

Wednesday in 15 Pentecost, September 4, 2024

God of love, give us love which equals and exceeds the love which liberal countries with liberal laws have to protect all citizens.  Forgive us for many years of not loving our neighbors as ourselves while claiming loyalty to the God of Love.  Amen.

Tuesday in 15 Pentecost, September 3, 2024

God of all, you are beyond our local and regional presentations of who we think that you are; let your profound Allness continually deconstruct the limitations which we place upon you to support our smallness of heart in the failure to achieve complete charities with our neighbors.  Amen.

Monday in 15 Pentecost, September 2, 2024 (US Labor Day)

God, whose continuous labor is creativity; give us grace to enter into the creative process through our vocations and the resulting labor.  Grant that our markets can truly be free with the provision of gainful employment for all and grant us justice in the proportioned sharing of the goods in society for the benefit of the common good which honors the diverse conditions of the many people of our world.  Amen.

Sunday, 15 Pentecost, September 1, 2024

God, we know you because of the Eternal Word linguistic ground on which we continuously create language products to confess in words more words about words even in body language acts; help us in our environment of words by words to learn to use words in the best ways especially in the body language performance of closer approximations to sublime love and justice.  Amen.

Saturday in 14 Pentecost, August 31, 2024

God who is One, forgive us when we make our differences greater than your oneness; give us the grace proceeding from your oneness to harmonize in the unity which honors diversity for the practice of strategic love for everyone.  Amen.

Friday in 14 Pentecost, August 30, 2024

Keep us, O Great God, from limiting your greatness to the smallness of our group perspective based upon the mere language traditions which we have inherited in our context.  Let your greatness be the great Sea in which our limited sugar cubes of understanding are being perpetually dissolved.  Amen.

Thursday in 14 Pentecost, August 29, 2024

God, whose very definition would imply availability to all, forgive us when we misrepresent you as somehow limited to accessibility requirements which we falsely place due to arrogating to ourselves exclusive gatekeeper privileges.  Amen.

Wednesday in 14 Pentecost, August 28, 2024

God who is the love on which our esteem is founded; help us to generalize the esteem we experience from your love for us to the rest of the people of the world.  Amen.

Tuesday in 14 Pentecost, August 27, 2024

Gracious Spirit, be within us the clean heart so that from such a flow we can act out the words and deeds needed to bring peace, love, and justice to our world.  Amen.

Monday in 14 Pentecost, August 26, 2024

God, let our religion be that which inspires us to the practice of love and justice for all, not a replacement for doing love and justice.  Amen.

Sunday, 14 Pentecost, August 25, 2024

God who has comprised all former becoming, we ask for wisdom today to become in a way that bends the arc of the universe more perfectly toward justice and love for the common good of all people on earth.  Amen.

Saturday in 13 Pentecost, August 24, 2024

God, whom we believe to be One who thinks upon us with the best version of who we can be; let your desire for what is good for us be the energetic lure for us to become the best versions of ourselves in love and justice.  Amen.

Friday in 13 Pentecost, August 23, 2024

Great God, my version of you is my effort to speak what is superlative; give us grace to support the validity of our versions of you through living lives of love and justice.  Amen.

Thursday in 13 Pentecost, August 22, 2024

God, you are the Plenitude who is unavoidable and beyond any human competency, and we can be but humble ones who have had greatness funneled into smaller perceptual units for us lesser to claim a participation in your Greater Fullness; keep us humble about what we think we know or how we hold our revealing insights, and keep us mindful to test our insights with the standards of love and justice.  Amen.

 Wednesday in 13 Pentecost, August 21, 2024

God of infinitive creativity, you make each person within each moment manifest uniqueness like each snowflake, even while maintaining the sameness of snowiness in general makeup; give us the wisdom to honor the uniqueness of each person even while we affirm the general and common good which is needed for new snowflakes of unique creative manifestations to occur.  Amen.

Tuesday in 13 Pentecost, August 20, 2024

Gracious Eternal Word, becoming from Word as we have, you have given us the vocation of using word to assert the highest values of human living, and to do this with discourse of hope, love, faith, and joy.  Forgive us for humbly exaggerating as we search for the discourse of the fantastic to proclaim the One who gave us the example of love and justice in a uniquely poignant way.  Amen.

Monday in 13 Pentecost, August 19, 2024

God of beauty, help us to live artful from the heart because we have been lured by your love to respond to beauty with hope, love, joy, and peace.  Let our hopeful, loving, joyful, and peaceful responses today create waves of collateral blessing.  Amen.

Sunday, 13 Pentecost, August 18, 2024

God, who is Holy Being, about whom we don't have to be persuaded about because we have no choice about existing in plentitude; give us humility not to arrogate to ourselves exclusive privilege to speak on your behalf, but give us diligence to work to manifest the best proof of Godly effects in this world, which is love and justice.  Amen.

Saturday in 12 Pentecost, August 17, 2024

To address you in prayer, O God, is to confess relationship between persons; we thank you for the personhood which you have bestowed upon us a your children and we ask for grace to model your higher personhood in the modest and humble ways that we can as we seek to fulfill personhood in community through the practice of love and justice.  Amen. 

Friday in 12 Pentecost, August 16, 2024

Eternal Word of God, teach us that to be literary about life in the use of word is different than being only literal about empirical verification; give us poetic hearts to generate sublime words of truth which can accompany and give meaning to the brute facts of agony and ecstasy which can happen to us.  Amen.

Thursday in 12 Pentecost, August 15, 2024 Feast of St. Mary

Blessed Mary, you have born the grace of the feminine for a humanity which has because of patriarchy kept women in unseen roles even while they have been prominent scaffolds holding up civilization; let us honor you and all women today by promoting manifold roles of women in a world which needs new models in collaborating leadership.  Amen.

Wednesday in 12 Pentecost, August 14, 2024

Eternal Word, who brings us to persuasion in many different ways; keep us brutal in our facts as it pertains to the material needs of the people in our world; but inspire us poetically in soaring ways so that we might bear the fullness of all probabilities without being crushed by apparent contradictions.  Amen.

Tuesday in 12 Pentecost, August 13, 2024

Gracious God, you call us to surpass ourselves each day toward what is better and best appropriate to what applied love and justice means in our situation; keep us from the paralysis of not acting because the perfect is not accessible to us in any moment of time.  Help us to understand perfection as the completion of us all making continuous progress in what is good and kind.  Amen.

Monday in 12 Pentecost, August 12, 2024

Eternal Word of God, give us wisdom in the breadth of language use in knowing how to be poetic when moved, but also to be very literal about the relief of pain and suffering in the practice of love and justice.  Amen.

Sunday, 12 Pentecost, August 11, 2024

Eternal Word of God, we know ourselves again in the occasion of becoming again within the field of language; let us exercise our freedom to help bend the arc of history toward love and justice today.  Amen.

Saturday in 11 Pentecost, August 10, 2024

God of Time and in Time, like fresh snowflakes new occasions arrive with their uniqueness requiring us to be inventive afresh in applying eternally old love and justice in the situations before us.  Give us boldness to  free love and justice from being limited to but our previous community affinities that we might ever be in the work of expanding the love of God to an ever widening circle of people.  Amen.

Friday in 11 Pentecost, August 9, 2024

Eternal Word, as it is impossible for us to avoid learning and using the reservoir of language which is a common heritage of all people with local and personal adaption; help us to understand how our lives have been constituted within our linguistic community, but also with particular reference to our body language acts regarding the actual performance of love and justice.  Amen.

Thursday in 11 Pentecost, August 8, 2024

God, you have become known to us because we believe that the best of what we understand about love and justice comes from a greatness which is available to us but greater than us.  Give us grace to not just confess you as Love and Justice, but also to live out these high values as the identity of our lives.  Amen.

Wednesday in 11 Pentecost, August 7, 2024

Deliver us, O God, from limiting the modes of how you can be perceived since your omnipresence in all times and places makes you accessible in manifold ways.  Give us the humility to avoid making our favored modes of perceiving you to be definitive for how everyone else should come to experience you.  Amen.

Tuesday, Feast of the Transfiguration, August 6, 20204

Light of the World, Jesus Christ, we seek continually enlightenment from you as we adjust our seeing to the brightness and brilliance of your example of love and justice for the people of this world.  Amen.

Monday in 11 Pentecost, August, 5, 2024

Eternal Word of God, you are the living bread of life as our life is imbued with the language of existence; give us the wisdom of the kind of language diet we need to constitute and reconstitute our lives toward the expressions of love and justice.  Amen.

Sunday, 11 Pentecost, August 4, 2024

Christ the Eternal Word, our very consciousness of being, becoming, and doing proceeds from you, and in our doing, let us be inspired to provide enough bread, enough food for all peoples in this world.  Let the eternal Word inspire us to take good care of each other.  Amen.

Saturday in 10 Pentecost, August 3, 2024

Eternal Word who is God, we live by you through having language which is the basis for all human things to come to have being, and being known; you as living word is present in eating bread as the two co-inhere for our spiritual and physical lives. Amen.

Friday in 10 Pentecost, August 2, 2024

God of all, you have made us cosmic citizens even while being very localized in particular location; keep us from assuming cosmic significance for our very limited local identities, but teach us that the cosmic image of Christ upon us all rebukes our local provincialism when we refuse to love beyond our national identity, ethnicity, or social nurture.  Amen.

Thursday in 10 Pentecost, August 1, 2024

God who impels an evolution toward justice; keep us from using our liturgy for mere entertainment and community identity rather than as exhortation to go forth in our lives to help bend the arc of history toward better manifestation of  justice.  Amen.

Wednesday in 10 Pentecost, July 31, 2024

Eternal Word, you have given us language to know that we are constituted with a personal relating dynamic; give us grace to avoid the misuse of language by sowing division and separation and violating the nature of language as being a medium of connection best expressed as love.  Amen.

Tuesday in 10 Pentecost, July 30, 2024

God who invites us to unite our faith and our works; give us the grace to work in faith toward the ideals which we hope for and the humility to acknowledge where we have failed even while not replacing perfectability with a false perfectionism.  Amen.

Monday in 10 Pentecost, July 29, 2024

God, about whom we are always working on being better persuaded about in better ways; let not our belief in you or persuasion about you be separated from the work of better loving and caring for the people of this world.  Amen.

Sunday, 10 Pentecost, July 28, 2024

Great God, when we ponder the quantity of your Plenitude, we are thankful to know the quality of your love which invites us to be our very best loving selves as we tend to our local gardens and communities within your Plenitude.  Amen.

Saturday in 9 Pentecost, July 27, 2024

Jesus, you are for us the Sign of God in human life as if Plenitude could be funneled and focused into the life of a person; the signifying emptying and weakening of the divine into human experience affirms our human lives as valid ways to come to relate to a Personal Plenitude beyond our ability to control.  Help us to live in the insight of the humility required to be honestly human.  Amen.

Friday in 9 Pentecost, July 26, 2024

Gracious God, give us wisdom to build the contexts for people to understand the love of God in their lives since the results of selfish harm and cruelty often cloud the doors of perceiving the original blessing of being alive itself.  Amen.

Thursday in 9 Pentecost, July 25, 2024

Eternal Word of God, when you became known in the flesh as Jesus Christ, you became a human Sign of how we should live; give us grace to receive continually the significance of Christ so that our lives might be lived as signs of light for our world.  Amen.

Wednesday in 9 Pentecost, July 24, 2024

Eternal Word of God, you became enfleshed so that we might embrace our lives as signifying subjects exploring and finding meaningful significant signs for how we can best live our worded lives in love and justice; give us grace to signify our lives with the best of love and justice in our bodily practices.  Amen.

Tuesday in 9 Pentecost, July 23, 2024

Omnipresent God, would that the doors of perception would be opened to everyone today for immanent occasions of the flood of love, so that our world might be healed in learning that harmony is the respect of differences for the strategies of love in every human situation.  Amen.

Monday in 9 Pentecost, July 22, 2024

God of basic health and salvation, Jesus is presented as being concerned that the basic health care of enough food be available to all; give us the same concern for all the hungry people in our world.  Amen.

Sunday, 9 Pentecost, July 21, 2024

God, the creating container of all, in whom all things arise and belong, enlighten us about our cosmic citizenship even as we live as very limited local citizens always in need of broadening our horizons towards the largesse of your love.  Amen.

Saturday in 8 Pentecost, July 20, 2024

God as Good Shepherd, where and when we have experienced great nurture in our life experience, let us humbly learn from such nurturing the ability to nurture others who need to know the friendly original blessing of existence itself.  Amen.

Friday in 8 Pentecost, July 19 2024

O God, where can anyone run from being connected with everything and being contained by plenitude?  Enlighten us with strategies to avoid the falsehoods of alienation and separation and the consequences of denying the moral significance  of the complete interrelating free entities in the ecology of the Divine Milieu.  Amen.

Thursday in 8 Pentecost, July 18, 2024

Perfect God, because we cannot be perfect as individuals or as societies; we ask today for grace toward each person and each society being less selfish, harmful, and hurtful, than yesterday.  On the path of perfectability let us be better today than we were yesterday.  Amen.

Wednesday in 8 Pentecost, July 17, 2024

God who gave this world Jesus to help us realize a heavenly citizenship; give us the grace to practice this citizenship with the attending behaviors of love and justice for each other while we yet live.  Amen.

Tuesday in 8 Pentecost, July 16, 2024

God, in a world of people made vulnerable through naive youthfulness, ignorance due to illiteracy or subscribing to forms of bad thinking held in mob behaviors, we need non-exploitive leaders who mentor the vulnerable toward personal enlightenment and the common good.  Give us such leaders today and expose exploitive leaders through enlightened voters.  Amen.

Monday in 8 Pentecost, July 15, 2024

Lord Jesus Christ, you observed the crowds as sheep without a shepherd; give this world non-exploitive leadership in family, churches, society, government, media, business,  and all collaborative community endeavors.  Amen.

Sunday, 8 Pentecost, July 14, 2024

God, you have become known through the Christ effect, first in Jesus of Nazareth, and now in the afterlife awarenesses of the Risen Christ; help us to be transmitters of this Christ tradition in the ways that befits his love and justice.  Amen.

Saturday in 7 Pentecost, July 13, 2024

Eternal Word of God, we and move and have our known identities in language; help us to be co-creators in what we inherited and learned from our language traditions, and let us perform in speaking, writing, and body language the messages of love and justice.  Amen.

Friday in 7 Pentecost, July 12, 2024

God, whom we deem empirical in your physical presence in each occasion of everything that is becoming; we acknowledge continuous always already creating life and we can only make but feeble language pictures in trying to freeze continuous life which cannot be represented as frozen.  Keep us from making language idols about a dynamic life which is always moving on.  Amen.

Thursday in 7 Pentecost, July 11, 2024

God of the absolute past, what we thought was probable yesterday, is actual today but often with some unanticipated surprises; in our current state of uncertainty in the mix of good and evil, give us hope for the overcoming of evil with good, and give us faith to be those who work on behalf of what is good.  Amen.

Wednesday in 7 Pentecost, July 10, 2024

Word of God, keep us from limiting you to but biblical texts upon pages and the various interpretations of the same; let us worship you as the all in all as we find you co-extensive with everything and let us accept our word ability as both our limitation and our blessing.  Amen.

Tuesday in 7 Pentecost, July 9, 2024

God who is all ears to all sound; thank you for tolerating our perpetual complaints and commentary about life in this world; forgive us where our blind self-interest conflicts with what is good and just for the common good and enlighten us and energize us in the task of being answers to our own prayers.  Amen.

Monday in 7 Pentecost, July 8, 2024

God who presides over the statistical approximations of why things happen when they happen; we are often baffled by the apparent statistics of evil and greedy people living long and havoc reeking lives, while good and generous people seem to leave this world before being able to finish further good work; give us eyes to see the goodness beyond the seeming screaming evil that would brag about its success.  Amen.

Sunday, 7 Pentecost, July 7, 2024

Everlasting God, you are perpetual future, and from this future arises hope; let us not seek a static state of perfection as some chimerical stoppage of time,  but let us seek to be better aged and mature in surpassing ourselves in excellence in future states.  Amen.

Saturday in 6 Pentecost, July 6, 2024

God of Hope, hope's images present us with vision of what is not yet to give us a direction for what can be better; thank you for the sustaining analgesic of hopeful betterment to relieve us in the oft painful work of faith to make the better so.  Amen.

Friday in 6 Pentecost, July 5, 2024

Gracious God, when things are seemingly prosperous in our lives, keep us from building such comfort bubbles that cannot survive when challenging losses come our way.  Help us live by the non-apparent inner Spirit in good times and bad times and let that Spirit be known through the words which constitute the lenses of our lives through which we interpret everything.  Amen.

Thursday in 6 Pentecost, July 4, 2024 (Independence Day, USA)

God of wisdom, you seek wisdom to be so accessible so as to allow the collective group wisdom within community to attain the continual practice of justice for all people; give the people of the United States a renewed appreciation for freedom in the exercise of group wisdom free from capricious whims of a lawless leader.  Amen.

Wednesday in 6 Pentecost, July 3, 2024

Gracious great integrating God, give us wisdom to know how we fit in the specific surroundings of our lives, even as we submit to the mystery of not knowing the greater surrounding of our life for which we have no access except the intuition of  You.  Amen.

Tuesday in 6 Pentecost, July 2, 2024

God who is Word, we find our experience marked with many signs; give us the wisdom to read your signs guided by the principles of love and justice for all.  Amen.

Monday in 6 Pentecost, July 1, 2024

God who is the familiarity of everything, we experience apparent deja vu time and time again being in your familiarity and yet needing reintroduction to you in revealing and insightful experience.  Let the familiarity with your love be known afresh today.  Amen.

Sunday, 6 Pentecost, June 30, 2024

God of the Salvation of healthiness; sometimes cures of our temporary sicknesses arise in predictable ways and sometimes they don't arrive at all; help us to have faith in the salvatory health of the completeness of all and survive the momentary events when temporal sickness pretends to define completeness.  Amen.

 Saturday in 5 Pentecost, June 29, 2024

God of hope and faith; help us to leave bondage of believing that our sins of the past over-determine us to present and future woes and help us to embrace realistic forgiveness which involves continuous reparations into our hopeful future.  Amen.

Friday in 5 Pentecost, June 28, 2024

God of the perfection of Completeness, in spite of and because of so much pain, loss, imperfection, and sinfulness, we still cannot remove hope from our psyches; let this hope continue to be our salve of coping with what is, but also the impetus for visionary faith to always be at the work of healing.  Amen.

Thursday in 5 Pentecost, June 27, 2027

Lord Jesus Christ, not everyone in Palestine who was sick in your time received seeming miraculous healing, nor in our time does everyone receive uncanny healing events which allow them to live to life expectancy; give us grace to embrace a salvation faith which encompasses the entire spectrum of human health from cradle to the grave, with the faith to be joyful and thankful in unexpected healing, and endurance and care to faithfully co-exist in supportive community for the times when healing does not occur and death happens.  Amen.

Wednesday in 5 Pentecost, June 26, 2024

God, you tolerate the uneven scattering of the weals and woes which are occurring at anytime and we often ask the why question in the face of the enigmatic freedom which is always already present; give us faith to both live with your tolerance for freedom even as we accept the significance of having freedom muscles to be at the work of overcoming evil with good.  Amen.

Tuesday in 5 Pentecost, June 25, 2024

God, we seek healing even as we know that time gives us perpetual aging degrading of our life condition; let the experience of hope which does not degrade couple with the post-life vision of resurrection give us a continual coping ability with the sicknesses of living in time with aging's continuous transitions.  Amen,

 Monday in 5 Pentecost, June 24, 2024

God of Salvation; give us grace to accept the full dimensions of Salvation as integrating health in adjusting to all that happens including aging, events of sickness, and death itself; and give us healthful faith to live with probabilities of weal or woe that might happen to any of us.  Amen.

Sunday, 5 Pentecost, June 23, 2024

Lord Jesus Christ, you are associated with stilling a storm; help us to survive and help each other during the particular storms which are still waiting to be stilled.  Amen.

Saturday in 4 Pentecost, June 22, 2024

God of Wisdom, the truth of everything having happened needs to processed by the Truth of what should happen according to love and justice; give us the wisdom of assessing the truths of everything with the standard of love and justice.  Amen.

Friday in 4 Pentecost, June 21,2 2024

God of Peace, it would seem that peace is more expressive of a way to live in the world of probabilities oft fraught with conflicts which are not peaceful; even as we seek the resolutions of peace in actual life situations, we ask for the inner peace to help us survive the changes of what arises which challenge the previously calm harmonies.  Amen.

Thursday in 4 Pentecost, June 20, 2024

Christ, let your cosmic command, Peace be still, resound through the universe so that all might be free of the fear which prevents us from faithful loving of what is just and good.  Amen.

Wednesday in 4 Pentecost, June 19, 2024

God, the history of humanity is also the history of the delay in justice coming to all people with the sensitivity to the particular respect which is due to the many varieties of human differences; forgive us for creating artificial majorities from which we have excluded those who cannot seem to fit within the edges of our cookie cutter rules and give us hearts to appreciate the varieties of human differences for those who are committed to doing no harm.  Amen.

Tuesday in 4 Pentecost, June 18, 2024

God, we are people who believe it is normal not to want bad things to happen, even the seeming mistimings of being caught in a terrible storm; give us grace to believe in the goodness of everything else truly accompanying with sustaining completeness the various seeming local and personal events which are happening for us today.  Amen.

Monday in 4 Pentecost, June 17, 2024

God who encompasses all probabilities, we commit ourselves today to act toward our preference for love and justice to prevail in our world even as we mourn the obvious situations where peace, love, and justice seem to be losing and causing the harm of many; teach us the incredible value to freely choosing to do good today.  Amen.

Sunday, 4 Pentecost, June 16, 2024

Everlasting God, Omni-Becoming One, your borders expand in time and include within them everything else which is expanding in its own relative freedom of becoming; let your divine creative impulse of love lure us to what is loving so that we can spread healing in our world.  Amen.

Saturday in 3 Pentecost, June 15, 2024

God, whose Realm is the Greater Realm than we can know with our limitations; keep us mystically baffled by your greatness that we might with humility embrace the individual steps to honor your greatness with the practice of love and justice.  Amen.

Friday in 3 Pentecost, June 14, 2024

God, whose Realm contains all, let us not overvalue or undervalue the particular lesser realms in which we live; deliver us from pride of thinking our small realms are too important, but give us courage to believe that the deeds of our realm for love and justice are significant for the life of this world, now and in the future.  Amen.

Thursday in 3 Pentecost, June 13, 2024

God, we may call it vanity to be subject to the freedom of what probably can occur; give us faith to cherish the freedom of the future what might happen, but give us wisdom to take what has happened and make something good happen now.  Amen.

Wednesday in 3 Pentecost, June 12, 2024

God beyond our horizons, we often make final what we see and know in our own limited horizons but you as the ever great MORE remind us that it is most natural and honest to be humble; give us grace to live honest and humble lives today.  Amen.

Tuesday in 3 Pentecost, June 11, 2024

God of the most encompassing Realm, so many other realms with people of power have risen and fallen within your Realm; grant that the people of this world will freely choose the powers which best reflect the justice for the most people in this world, and let us be delivered from the petty realms of the the greedy today.  Amen.

Monday in 3 Pentecost, June 10, 2024

Gracious God, give us patience when it seems as though the weeds of evil are growing over and dominating our gardens planted for love and justice; let organic goodness of the original creation intent win in our world so quick to challenge the normalcy of good.  Amen.

Sunday, 3 Pentecost, June 9, 2024

God of the old, God of the new, give us grace to reconcile the past for what it was then and embrace the present for what it is now when it comes to the application of what love and justice means in the lives of the people in this world.  Amen.

Saturday in 2 Pentecost, June 8, 2024

Great God of the Always MORE, keep us humble in our relative smallness among everything else; but let us not discount the collection of small effects of goodness which we can generate to contribute to the probability of good outcomes.  Amen.

Friday in 2 Pentecost, June 7, 2024

God of all, forgive us when we in word and deed, knowingly or unknowingly excommunicate people as being recipients of your graceful presence; enlarge our hearts to accept your graceful omnipresence even as we accept how we perceive you in our local and personal situations.  Amen.

Thursday in 2 Pentecost, June 6, 2024

Invisible and unseen God, we continually look for your hidden presence and we seek to register evidence of the effects of your invisible presence; we marvel at your respect for the freedom of things to occur which seem to contradict your favor for love and justice even while we ask for courage to honor freedom with the performance of what is just and loving.  Amen.

Wednesday in 2 Pentecost, June 5, 2024

Christ the Messiah, when people have clamored for singular kings to preside over them they have always been disappointed; thank you for giving the notion of kingly a new distinction by surpassing all others in love and sacrifice, and may we follow your kingly example in manifesting love and justice.  Amen.

Tuesday in 2 Pentecost, June 4, 20204

God, your Son Jesus came to teach us that you are the parent of all, and that we manifest our family inheritance best by doing the will of God in loving God, and our neighbors as ourselves.  Give us grace to be good family members.  Amen.

Monday in 2 Pentecost, June 3, 2024

God of all, give us grace to define what is good to be for the common good as we see beyond what seems to be good only for us and those closest to us; let us not mistake local religion for universal justice.  Amen.

Sunday, 2 Pentecost, June 2, 2024

Lord Jesus Christ, let your rest be within us even as we are yoked with you in the works of our lives; let us know your aid in pulling with us with the tug of your corrections when we veer off the path of what is worthy.  Amen.

Saturday in 1 Pentecost, June 1, 2024

God of the Sabbath, grant us your restfulness in the midst of our activities toward the healing of the earth and our human relations; let your restfulness be known as peace in our midst.  Amen.

Friday in 1 Pentecost, May 31, 2024

Grant O God of the Sabbath, rest of many kinds to the peoples this earth: rest from excessive labor, rest from war, rest from hatred, rest from worry, rest from anxiety and let us find an interior rest which follows us wherever we go.  Amen.

Thursday in 1 Pentecost, May 30, 2024

Lord Jesus Christ, you promised to give us rest, a rest which is not just a calendar injunction for a weekly day off; help us to discover the peaceful rest of an inward Sabbath in being people who find their rest in God.  Amen.

Wednesday in 1 Pentecost, May 29, 2024

God, who has ordained rest to balance the active lives we live; inspire our communities to provide for the rest of all who labor for subsistence in life and let not the wealthy exploit the rest which working people so deserve.  Amen.

Tuesday in 1 Pentecost, May 28, 2024

God of harmonic order, give us wisdom to avoid replacing justice with a legalism which does not apply the law for the right motive of teaching all people the recommended behaviors for growing with continually forgiveness in perfection.  Amen.

Monday in 1 Pentecost, May 27, 2024

God of the order and wisdom of harmony; give us an appreciation of both justice and charity that we might apply with sensitive love the wise ordering of our lives that take into account our imperfections on our paths of perfectability.  Amen.

First Sunday after Pentecost: Trinity Sunday, May 26, 2024

Everlasting God, in the foldout of the times of our lives we lose in our bodily lives the families of our lives; we confess you as the Holy and Enduring Trinity as the guarantor of the very notion of us being a family of humanity with personalities forged by inter-relationships and we beseech the grace of the Heavenly Perfect Persons to help sustain us in our continual familial pursuit to love one another well.  Amen.

First Saturday after Pentecost, May 25, 2024

Holy Personhood of God, we accept the contextual communities which define our personhood and we salute the higher Trinitarian context from which the birth of personhood derives.  Grant us closer approximations of the perfect unity and harmony of your Trinitarian Internal Fellowship today.  Amen.

First Friday after Pentecost, May 24, 2024

Holy Trinity, we do not confess you as such to be proud of our knowledge of the divine; we confess you as Persons as an invitation to be in relationship with you and to be on the path of continuously exploring this relationship.  Amen.

First Thursday after Pentecost, May 23, 2024

Holy God, give to us a Holy Spirited day that we might find the great God desire convert our mere desires to inspire us to surpass ourselves in the work of love and justice in our world today.  Amen.

First Wednesday after Pentecost, May 22, 2024

Lord Jesus Christ, we regard the words that are associated with you about the nature of God as our Father, you as unique Son, and the Spirit as Advocate and Comforter; give us humility not to presume to know too much about God in precise ways but give us hearts to seek ever the mystery of relationship with the Great Container of all life.  Amen.

First Tuesday after Pentecost, May 21, 2024

God of the future who helps us discover what always has been in the past; we discovered you as Trinity in an explicit way even as we have come to understand trinitarian personality as imbued in the nature of things; give us grace to find our true personhood within the great Personality of Plenitude.  Amen.

First Monday after Pentecost, May 20, 2024

God, who is invisible so much so that we describe you as Wind or Breath, we seek your visible effects in our life especially in your Pure Spirit becoming known in love and justice within the lives of people.  Amen.

Day of Pentecost, May 19, 2024

Christ, the Eternal Word, who is also Holy Spirit coming to all the languages of the world; let the peoples of all languages find the inner source of peace that we might do justice to the image of God upon our lives.  Amen

Prayers for Pentecost, 2024

Tuesday in 21 Pentecost, October 15, 2024 God, from the whirlwind of all probabilities that always lies before when we don't know the fu...