Showing posts with label Good Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Good Friday. Show all posts

Friday, April 18, 2014

Bad Friday Rewritten as Good Friday from the Hindsight of Resurrection Grace

Good Friday    April 18, 2014
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Ps 22
Heb.10:1-25        John 18:1-19:37

  The Cross of Jesus has developed many meanings since it first occurred.  We can only start with a very secular history of the Roman method of capital punishment, the method of crucifixion.  It was a horrendous event that could be coupled with floggings, humiliations and other techniques of torture.  One could imagine it a part of interrogation as a way for the Roman authorities to find out co-conspirators in anything that could have the appearance of an insurrection.  The Cross of Jesus lost its brutal secular historical interpretation when the followers of Jesus could not believe that the death of such an amazingly perfect person could be but the seed planted for a more perfect and complete outcome.
  The greatest outcome of the Cross of Jesus was the birth of a large number of people who saw the Cross of Jesus as an event of Glory.  St. Paul said that he would know nothing among his people, except Christ and Him Crucified.  St. Paul said that he would glory in the Cross of Christ, through whom he was crucified to the world and the world to him.
  The earliest New Testament writings are the writing of St. Paul and the cross had become for him a profound metaphor of personal transformation.  It had become the profound metaphor for the Eucharist which Paul presided at.  Paul wrote, “Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us; therefore let us keep the feast.”  With St. Paul we have a Lamb of God theology which in turn becomes a part of how Christ is presented in the Gospel of John.
  The Passion Gospel of John, which is read on Good Friday, is the most developed presentation of the Passion Narrative.  In this Passion we can see evidence that “Glorying in the Cross” of Jesus has now become the way in which the very Passion Narrative is presented.
  In the Gospel of John, Pilate as the executioner is treated as though he is a minor pawn in God’s purposes for the world.  “Pilate, you could not do anything unless it was allowed and ordained by God.”
  Some people might think that an event can only have one meaning or several official meanings.  Some people would be ready to excommunicate you if you believed or thought lots of different things about the cross.
  I think that the Cross of Jesus, like any event, does not ever finish having meanings, even new meanings because in our isolation from the events of 2000 years, new meanings, other meaning can occur to us.  One meaning can even contradict another meaning and yet still not be censored by doctrinal police who presume to know the “real meaning.”
  For many years, the  prophets and sages to criticized the business of priestly religion.  The economy of priestly religion was for people to provide animal offerings for the priests of the temple.    The priests of the Jewish Temples wanted sacrifices of lambs, heifers, sheep, goats and birds.  Such offerings were good for the Temple economy; the animal offerings were “stand in” victims to pay with life for the sins of the people who gave the animal offering.  People could get “indulgences” for their otherwise bad behavior by offering sacrifices.
  The ancient sages had enough of the “bloody mess” when they cried, “God does not desire bloody sacrifice.  God does not desire the blood of animals.”  What God desires is the living sacrifice of loving mercy and justice and walking humbly before God.
  If this living sacrifice theology really caught on, then religious institutions would surely not be needed.
  The holy Man, Jesus was a living sacrifice with his life; he loved mercy, he did justice, he advocated radical love and he walk humbly as Son of God before God.
  The justice, love and mercy of Jesus caused a stir.  He gained a following and some of his own felt threatened.  Jesus was in the tradition of the prophets who wanted religion not to be a diversionary game from how one lived one’s life.  His radical love, justice and mercy were also a threat to the Romans.  The Roman authorities ended up being like unknowing secular priests who offered the life of Jesus, not on an altar, but upon the cross.
  The Cross to end the life of a political figure got reinterpreted and it became an altar on which an offering was made to God to consummate or celebrate the relationship between humanity and God in a new Covenant.
  And here’s the meaning now.   Please understand that God does not want death or blood or sacrifices.  In the story of the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham, we have a paradigm shift for ancient pre-history.  God did not want human sacrifice so Abraham understood that God would allow animal substitute sacrifices.  But then later we are told by the prophets that God does not desire the sacrifice of animals.   
  You and I could imagine a different life for Jesus of Nazareth.  How about, Jesus living to a ripe age of 90 and then dying a natural death and coming back to life after 90 years of life.  We could have found equal inspiration from those events.  Did God really need Jesus to die a violent death on the cross as the only way in which God could love and forgive people?
   Or is this the way in which humanity gets the real message about freedom.  If even the divine life is and can be offered up to death  for a temporary victory for the forces of evil; is that not the most profound sign of how the very nature of God is Creative Freedom?   Jesus was subject to the conditions of freedom which allowed forces of tyrants to rid the world of people whom they deemed to be a threat to their power.  But isn’t the main point of life to resist and overcome the freedom of evil with the freedom for good?  The death of Jesus on the cross and the frequent defeat of all good things in life is but proof that freedom is a fact of life, it is a fact of God, because even God honors freedom.
  The Cross of Jesus is the story that we’ve been given.  His death on the cross is the death from which we must look for meaning.  The followers of Jesus had the freedom to know and present the cross in a completely different way than it was intended by the Roman authorities.  They had the freedom to reinterpret a very bad Friday and re-create it to be a very Good Friday.  And with this creative interpretive goodness we have the ultimate irony: In but a century and a half this man who died on the cross took over the Roman Empire.
  The Passion Narrative which we have read today is not so much the truth of the details of what happened when Jesus died on the cross; it is the truth of the faith of the people who took the Cross as a rallying symbol of glory.  The people who wrote the passion narrative had already had the evil freedom which resulted in the cross, overcome by the freedom of resurrection goodness.  By knowing the freedom of resurrection goodness, they could re-visit the cross and present it not as harsh history but as the divine providence known from the hindsight of resurrection grace.
  Today, Good Friday, invites us again to have faith in this incredible ironic alchemy of transformation.  We see in our lives and in our world the results of the freedom of evil and badness, of greed, pride, hatred, bias and bigotry.  We find the attitudes and the results of the freedom of evil in our world. 
  And we seek to live with hope for the future and with faith in the present.  We look to our present goodness to reinterpret our past experience of badness; we hope that any Bad Fridays in our world now will be overcome and re-interpreted with future and free resurrection goodness.

   Let us be inspired by the faith of the writers of the Passion Gospel, who knew powerful freedom of such resurrection Goodness that they could write for us a Good Friday.   Amen.

Friday, March 29, 2013

John Rewrites Passion as Triumph

Good Friday    March 29, 2013
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Ps 22
Heb.10:1-25        John 18:1-19:37

  The Passion Gospel of John is quite a different Passion Gospel.  It is so triumphant that it would seem to ignore or underplay the pain and devastation that the event of crucifixion would be.
  In the Passion Gospel of John, it is presented as though Jesus is calling the shots step by step.
  When the police of the chief priests arrive in the Garden of Gethsemane to arrest Jesus, in John’s Gospel, Judas is not needed to identify Jesus with a kiss.  Jesus steps forward and says,”Who are you looking for?”  When they say, “Jesus of Nazareth.”  Jesus says, “I am he.”  And when he does, the soldier all fall to the ground.  The phrase “I am” said by Jesus in the Gospel of John is to identify him with the God who approached Moses in the burning bush and called himself, “I am.”  In John’s Gospel, Jesus said, “I and the Father are One.”  And so when Jesus said “I am he,” he has the authority to knock the soldiers over like a bowling ball hitting pins.  At the arrest, who is in control?
  Peter drew his sword and cut off the ear of a soldier and Jesus told him to put away his sword because he was going to drink the cup of death given to him by his Father.
  The Jews did not use crucifixion as a method of death punishment; their preferred method according to the law was stoning.  In John’s Gospel the writer is writing towards a crucifixion goal.  “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.”  Jesus also said in John’s Gospel, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all people to myself.”  The cross was the Roman method of the spectacle to discourage any insurrection.  And in John’s Gospel, the Cross is like an advertising billboard proclaiming the Kingship of Jesus.  What incredible irony that such literature should arise in the late first and early 2nd century when there were still powerful emperors on the Roman throne.
   Jesus said to Pilate, “You have no power over me unless it was given to you.  Those who delivered me to you have a greater sin.”  So here we have a late writing and the Roman’s role in the crucifixion is being softened to be less than the role of the Jews.  This is written well after the separation of the synagogue and the church and when the majority of the followers of Christ are Gentile Roman citizens.
  What are we to make of this presentation of the Passion by the Gospel of John?  The Gospel of John is evidence of the strength of the Jesus Movement.  One does not look back at origins and interpret them in such triumphant way unless the Movement shows signs of great vitality and strength.
  There is something about completion that redeems and even brings about a reinterpretation and a complete re-writing of the past. 
  Can you imagine the mountain climber struggling to get to the top and having incredible doubts about being able to make it, but then from the top, the struggle looks different?
  Christianity is re-written from the top of the mountain of resurrection and John’s Passion account is proof of the future redeeming the past almost to the point of being unrecognizable as being true to the conditions of a Roman crucifixion.
  Good Friday is all about the method of rewriting our past lives from the perspective of resurrection.  This re-writing is the work of faith when we are able to declare the past as providence, even when it did not seem so at the time.  Without trivializing pain and suffering in the past, it is the work of hope to relativized suffering to make it serve a future.  And the work of faith is to be involved in anticipating a better future.
  Today, I invite you to look back at a very bad Friday in your life, and ask yourself if current outcomes have helped you to come to call your past, Good.  It could be that it may not ever happen because there may be some wounds that time does not seem to heal.  But are those wounds made beneficial to us as we attempt to use them to minister to others going through something similar?
  Let us offer up our bad Fridays to God today, in hopes that in time we can by faith call them Good.  Amen.

Prayers for Easter, 2024

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