Saturday, May 18, 2024

Prayers for Easter, 2024

Saturday in 7 Easter, May 18, 2024

Gracious Holy Spirit, as we seek to accept that our continuity as an existing being, we seek such in your greater connecting reality of stringing together the mystery of how identity is carried forever in time.  Amen.

Friday in 7 Easter, May 17, 2024

God who represent the highest of human value, give us the grace to continue to value in better ways the best ways to apply justice and love to the people in our world.  Amen.

Thursday in 7 Easter, May 16, 2024

Lord Jesus who is Word of God, you said that your words are Spirit and they are life; let the Spirit words of our lives be inventive and creative of the order of love and justice in our world so that we might be connected in the best possible ways.  Amen.

Wednesday in 7 Easter, May 15, 2024

God, we confess you as the Great Spirit of the infinite negligible, the mystery of what we cannot know and see in terms of direct causation effects of what is happening in our lives; in faith we hold to a profound connecting Thread of Love within all things to make all manner of things well, indeed.  Amen.

Tuesday in 7 Easter, May 14, 2024

God of unity, we seek a string of unity of the connection of all things in time; give us grace to assist the creative evolving of love and justice in time and the Spirit of Wisdom to hold diversity together in harmony.  Amen.

Monday in 7 Easter, May 13, 2024

Holy Spirit, we seek to know the influence of the expanding greatness of One in the midst of incalculable diversity; give us wisdom to know how to direct the magnetism of the gravity of One into local phenomena of the peace of harmony.  Amen.

 Sunday, 7 Easter, May 12, Sunday after the Ascension

Jesus Christ, you gave us the example of prayer, not as a way to believe that we can micromanage God's interventions in the world, but to embrace Christ the Word who calls to the communication vocation of being language users who bear the image of Christ the Word.  Give us the grace of perpetual communication with you as all and in all and let our prayers be perpetual intercessional requests for the outcomes of love and justice.  Amen.

Saturday in 6 Easter, May 11, 2024

Ascended Christ, Word of God; let your intercessors sustain us continually to live with the dreadfully wonderful and frightening freedom which is aboard in this world.  Grant us the wisdom to live with all the probabilities which freedom implies, and help us the shape the direction of the future with love and justice that creates a stronger probability of more future love and justice.  Amen.

Friday in 6 Easter, May 10, 2024

Ascended Christ, you have become a metaphor for everything having been freed from the limitations of being bodily in Jesus of Nazareth; give us grace not to use your "all and in all" status to justify words and deeds unworthy of what love and justice means in practice.  Amen.

Thursday, Ascension Day, May 9, 2024

Lord Jesus Christ, you have left this world in your particular bodily form, but you did not have to leave us a double portion of your spirit because you awakened us to the always, already Holy Spirit as the continuous omnipresence of the divine in our world.  In your absence and memory, O Jesus, let us manifest spiritual Christliness in our world through love and justice.  Amen.

Wednesday in 6 Easter, May 8, 2024

Lord of the Ascension, you ask of us to be continually drawn upward in surpassing our former vision and panorama of what has happened so that we might integrate all that has happened in making down to earth better choices of love and justice today.  Amen.

Tuesday in 6 Easter, May 7, 2024

Lord of the Ascension, you have mystically allowed us to ride your elevator to sit with you in heavenly places in profound inward and peaceful places to give us insightful and refuge perspective upon our exterior world which often are far from peaceful or heavenly.  In your ascension we are elevated to find perspectives of love, joy, peace, love, and justice.  Amen.

Monday in 6 Easter, May 6, 2024

Lord of the Ascension, we seek the eddying vortex of your rise to be the spiritual energy for us to rise in the ability to offer the highest love and serve for God and for our world which needs to rise Godward rather and sink to be our lesser angels.  Amen.

Sunday, 6 Easter, May 5, 2024

God of Love, let us receive each day greater love, surpassing love to meet the needs of love and justice which continually confront us.  Amen.

Saturday in 5 Easter, May 4, 2024

God who has befriended us to feel like we belong; give us befriending gifts to help others feel that they belong in this world with enhanced dignity or worth and acceptance.  Amen.

Friday in 5 Easter, May 3, 2024

Jesus Christ, Friend of humanity, let friendship come to the people who need it the most today and in the forms which are most telling to their individual needs.  Amen.

Thursday in 5 Easter, May 2, 2024

O God of Love, be the connecting string of permanence within all the transitory immensely varied events of our lives and give us the sense that all things are always already held together for ever with purposes known and yet to be known.  Amen.

Wednesday in 5 Easter, May 1, 2024

God of Time and Change, living process is the continual laying down of the life of what was for the life of what will be; where we have the volitional power let us influence the life that will be with words and deeds of love and justice.  Amen.

Tuesday in 5 Easter, April 30, 2024

God, our playwright, Language Originator and Language User, you have give us love and justice as scripts for our lives but you require us to ad lib within the emerging events of our lives; let our acting also be our real lives of seeking to apply justice and love in the circumstances of our lives.  Amen.

Monday in 5 Easter, April 29, 2024

God of Love, how can you bear all things without pinpoint restraining intervention? In freedom you call us to be your weakness and we ask you to give us the greatest strength while being weak to prevent harm, hate, and persecution in our world.  Amen.

Sunday, 5 Easter, April 28, 2024

Christ the Vine, through you flows the holy sap of our connectedness with God and all things because the experience of the sublime makes us poets.  Amen.

Saturday in 4 Easter, April 27, 2024

God who is love, we extoll and overuse the word love as a superlative cliche of human existence; grant us the ability to do love rather than just talk about its importance.  Amen.

Friday in 4 Easter, April 26, 2024

Risen Christ, as the all and in all, you are connecting vine within all things; teach us to learn the best way to be connected with you, each other, and our island home.  Amen.

Thursday in 4 Easter, April 25, 2024

Jesus Christ, the impression that you made while you lived was unleashed by how you became known as the Risen Christ; and while we confess you poetically as being all and in all, let us instantiate your poignant intentional presence in events of love and justice.  Amen.

Wednesday in 4 Easter, April 24, 2024 (Genocide Remembrance Day)

God of love, let the rainbow in the sky be a sign to us that the destruction of people on this earth by anyone is a violation of love and justice which proceeds from the essence of who you are.  Amen.

Tuesday in 4 Easter, April 23, 2024

God, for a world in which love has become a cliche, we confess you as Love, from which every other love is but an imperfect reflection; give us strength for the hardy love of the practice of justice which is applied love for those who need it the most.  Amen.

Monday in 4 Easter, April 22, 2024

Christ the Vine, you are the organically spiritual connection residing in all; grant everyone access to the deep image upon all so that the flow of the divine might make us our best human selves.  Amen.

Sunday, 4 Easter, April 21, 2024

Good Shepherd Christ, give us discernment and willingness to be shepherding people who in kindness make pets of those in need to nurture them to be grateful shepherds, who like us learn from our needs to minister to others.  Amen.

Saturday in 3 Easter, April 20, 2024

Shepherd us O Christ, in the care that we need when we need it through your agents who are inspired to help us; and grant us also to be inspired agents of shepherding care when others need such care.  Amen.

Friday in 3 Easter, April 19, 2024

Good Shepherd Christ, when we need help please send us good shepherds; and when we see others who need help let us arise to be good shepherds.  Amen.

Thursday in 3 Easter, April 18, 2024

Lord Jesus Christ, citizens of great empires have come to regard themselves as Christians and yet we as Christians have allowed and been complicit in unChrist-like actions be done in our name; we ask for the impossible in asking that you would convert empires into good shepherds who care for the most vulnerable.  Amen.

Wednesday in 3 Easter, April 17, 2024

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the good shepherd not of us a commodities in your flock for our human product equivalent of wool and meat; you have made us to be favored pets who bring you joy even as we learn the delight of being drastically inferior to you in the very best ways of love and justice.  Amen.

Tuesday in 3 Easter, April 16, 2024

God, you are the great collective of all life, give us grace in our various human collective to admit what we done wrong to knowingly and unknowingly harm others and our environment; give us the wisdom of a reparative mission to creatively have authentic repentance with genuine actions to redress the results of the harmful actions of those who have left us with some obvious clean up.  Amen.

Monday in 3 Easter, April 15, 2024

Good Shepherd, give us the grace of shepherding so that we as mere sheep might help other needy sheep to their full life potential.  Amen.

3 Easter, April 14, 2024

Risen Christ, you ate with your disciples in your appearances; let you appearance continual be known in the adequate food supply for everyone in our world.  Amen.

Saturday in 2 Easter, April 13, 2024

Risen Christ, let your presence be multiplied over and over again under the guise of adequate food for all people in this world as food supports life.  We accept your omnipresence in the enough food for all today.  Amen.

Friday in 2 Easter, April 12, 2024

Risen Christ, you appeared to your disciples variously including in partaking of food; we receive the Eucharist as partaking of the Risen Christ presence again and again.  Amen.

Thursday in 2 Easter, April 11, 2024

Almighty God, let the power of the Gospel be known by your winsome Holy Spirit; let us never adopt coercive practices to prove the validity of love and justice even as we embrace good laws for the protection of the freedom of all.  Amen.

Wednesday in 2 Easter, April 10, 2024

God of creative freedom, it is awesome to confront what freedom means in our world; it often seems a high price to pay for the free possibility for bad things to happen.  Give us a deep appreciation for the real freedom which we have to create the probability that good things can happen through our agency, especially in acts of love and justice.  Amen.

Tuesday in 2 Easter, April 9, 2024

God, we believe in the substantial world which confronts our senses, but we humbly recognize that we only process and perceive this world through the inward and invisible faculty of language; give us renewing inward Easter grace for the lenses of our language to perceive your graceful presence in our world, but not just for perceiving but for expediting creative acts of love and justice.  Amen.

Monday in 2 Easter, April 8, 2024

Holy Spirit, you overshadowed Blessed Mary for her to realize the special child to be born to her; you overshadow us to help us realize the Christ-image born within us to enable us to realize our destiny as children of God.  Amen.

Second Sunday of Easter, April 7, 2024

Gracious Risen Christ, let us be doubters like Thomas of having any superior experiences of you which would deny the validity of your presence to so many other people in ways which are telling to their specific circumstances.  Amen.

Easter Saturday, April 6, 2024

God of our faith, give us continual doubt about the final adequacy of what we think we know about you and everything and so keep us humbly open to new understanding in new times of what love and justice requires of us.  Amen.

Easter Friday, April 5, 2024

Everlasting God, we know in time we die and we mourn the loss of our compositional state of being dependent upon seeing, hearing, and touching for empirical verification; grant us faith to accept the absolute past of our lives and the lives of our loved ones and let us accept that such objectivity of the absolute past is never lost but contained in the composition of everything which continues including us while we can be empirically verified.  Amen.

Easter Thursday, April 4, 2024

Come again O Risen Lord and be apparent in new ways to our world; in adequate food for everyone, in justice for everyone, in the defeat of greed and cruelty, be known in our lives.  Amen.

Easter Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Risen Lord, we ask again and again when your manifest reappearances will occur; will we find you appearing when peace, love, and justice breaks into our human experiences?  Amen.

Easter Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Risen Christ, we wait for your surprise "peek a boo" sudden appearance which can arise at anytime and place because all things are filled with the glory of God butt sometimes experienced as pain, suffering, and loss.  Give us grace to do our part in shaping the sustaining glory of life toward the outcomes of love and justice.  Amen.

Easter Monday, April 1, 2024

Lord Jesus Christ of resurrection continuity; we review the record of your re-appearances, even as we ask for wisdom and insight to recognize your appearances to our world especially within the works of love and justice which happen for people who need the sense of your presence.  Amen.

Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024

Eternal Word and Risen Lord, we look to you for our sustaining continuity beyond the seeming discontinuous event of death; preserve and retain us in your mercy and improve us as we are being continually remade in your image.  Amen.

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