Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Quiz of the Day, January 2023

Quiz of the Day, January 31, 2023

What is something Paul did not write about himself?

a. that he was going blind
b. that he was chief of sinners
c. that he had a physical infirmity
d. that he was the least of the apostles
e. that he was not worthy to be called an apostle

Quiz of the Day, January 30, 2021

Of the following, which is not an English transliteration of an Aramaic phrase in the Bible?

a. mene, mene, tekel upharsin
b. ephphatha
c. talitha cum
d. eloi, eloi, lama sabachthani
e. maranatha
f. rabbi

Quiz of the Day, January 29, 2023

Of the following what is true about the biblical Rahab?

a. a sea monster
b. a harlot from Jericho
c. a person in the messianic lineage of Jesus
d. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, January 28, 2023

Which Greek philosopher figured most highly in the theology of Thomas Aquinas?

a. Socrates
b. Plato
c. Hippolytus
d. Aristotle

Quiz of the Day, January 27, 2023

Which of the following miracles occurs in all four Gospels?

a. healing the man with leprosy
b. feeding of the 5000/4000
c. raising of Lazarus from the dead
d. healing of Peter's mother-in-law

Quiz of the Day, January 26, 2023

Which pope was the first pope to say publicly that homosexuality is not a crime?

a. John Paul II
b. Benedict XVI
c. John XXIII
d. Francis I

Quiz of the Day, January 25, 2023

St. Paul was riding a horse to Damascus in what version of his conversion?

a. Acts of the Apostles
b. Galatians
c. Ephesians
d. Painting by Caravaggio

Quiz of the Day, January 24, 2023

Which Creed is integrated into the baptismal vows?

a. Nicene Creed
b. Athanasian Creed
c. Chalcedonian Creed
d. Apostles Creed

Quiz of the Day, January 23, 2023

Which Gospels do not include the beatitudes?

a. Matthew and Mark
b. Mark and Luke
c. Luke and John
d. Matthew and John
e. Mark and John

Quiz of the Day, January 22, 2023

What was the name of the demon cast out by Jesus in the Geserenes?

a. Beelzebul
b. Satan
c. Legion
d. Tartarus

Quiz of the Day, January 21, 2023

According to the Gospel of Matthew, what became a home of Jesus after he left Nazareth?

a. Jerusalem
b. Bethany
c. Capernaum
d. Bethlehem

Quiz of the Day, January 20, 2023

Jesus was from Galilee and the prophet Isaiah refers to the Galilee of the Gentiles?What does Galilee of the Gentiles refer to?

a. there was a Galilee of the Gentiles and one of the Jews
b. part of Galilee was given by Hiram of Tyre by Solomon
c. it had a majority of non-Jewish residence
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

Quiz of the Day, January 19, 2023

Which of the following is not true about the "mustard seed" in the Bible?

a. a metaphor in the parables of Jesus
b. a metaphor about forgiveness
c. a metaphor about the kingdom of God
d. a metaphor about faith

Quiz of the Day, January 18, 2023

The messianic confession of Peter took place where?

a. Jerusalem
b. Bethany
c. Jericho
d. Samaria
e. Caesarea Philippi

Quiz of the Day, January 17, 2023

Who is the Father of monasticism?

a. Dominic
b. Benedict
c. Francis of Assisi
d. Anthony of Egypt

Quiz of the Day, January 16, 2023

Which Gospel does not include a list of the twelve disciples?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, January 15, 2023

Who was the king of Salem?

a. David
b. Solomon
c. Asa
d. Melchizedek

Quiz of the Day, January 14, 2023

Who was the founder of the Anglican Order of St. John the Evangelist?

a. Gregory Dix
b. Charles Gore
c. Richard Benson
d. Nicholas Ferrar

Quiz of the Day, January 13, 2023

Levi, who followed Jesus left what profession?

a. farming
b. fishing
c. Herodian lawyer
d. tax collecting

Quiz of the Day, January 12, 2023

For which of the following was Jesus not accused?

a. being mad
b. being in league with Beelzebul
c. for eating with sinners
d. for working on the Sabbath
e. for forgiving sins
f. for using oil to anoint the sick

Quiz of the Day, January 11, 2023

In which Gospel does Andrew bring his brother Peter to meet Jesus?

a. Mark
b. Matthew
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, January 10, 2023

Which of the following is not true regarding William Laud?

a. he was Archbishop of Canterbury
b. he was Bishop of London
c. he opposed the Puritans and Calvinism
d. he was executed in the English Civil War
e. he was not a supporter of Charles I

Quiz of the Day, January 9, 2023

Of the following, who is the one named as a follower of John the Baptist?

a. Philip
b. Andrew
c. John
d. Peter

Quiz of the Day, January 8, 2023

Which of the following is not true about the baptism of John the Baptist?

a. he did not feel worthy to baptize Jesus
b. his baptism occurred in the Jordan River
c. his baptism was a liturgical innovation since the Jews did not have anything like it
d. his baptism was one signifying repentance

Quiz of the Day, January 7, 2023

The Epiphany is mainly about what?

a. the manifestation of Christ to the peoples of Palestine
b. the manifestation of Christ to the Jews
c. the manifestation of Christ to the magi
d. the manifestation of Christ to everyone

Quiz of the Day, January 6, 2023

How did the magi become kings?

a. in the Gospel of Luke
b. from Hebrew Scriptures references used to explain Jesus
c. Revelations refers to Jesus as King of kings
d. St. Paul's writing to Timothy

Quiz of the Day, January 5, 2023

Which writing presents Jesus as a glorified high priest serving at a heavenly altar?

a. Revelations
b. John
c. 1 Peter
d. Hebrews

Quiz of the Day, January 4, 2023

What was the occupation of Moses' father-in-law Jethro?

a. priest
b. prophet
c. shepherd
d. vine dresser

Quiz of the Day, January 3, 2023

Who gave Bethel its name?

a. Abraham
b. Isaac
c. Jacob
d. Joseph

Quiz of the Day, January 2, 2023

The Bread of Life discourse is found in which Gospel?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, January 1, 2023

What were the former names of Abraham and Sarah?

a. Ben-Terah and Beth-Sarai
b. Abram and Sarai
c. Ben-Ur and Eve-Chaldees
d. Ab-Isaac and Amma-Isaac

Monday, January 30, 2023

Sunday School, February 5, 2023 5 Epiphany A

 Sunday School, February 5, 2023    5 Epiphany A

Themes:  Salt, light and laws

Discuss with the children salt.
Do you like salt?
Why do you like salt?
Can you eat just salt alone?  Why not?

Salt makes foods like popcorn and French fries tasty.  Food can taste very boring without salt but with just a little salt it can make food taste delicious.  In the times when there was no refrigerators, people used salt to preserve foods that would spoil or get rotten especially meat and fish.  Salt can clean and kill germs.

Jesus told his friends, “You are the salt of the earth.”  What do you think this means?  It means that the way that we live, we should make life tasty or exciting.  It means the way that we live we should preserve what is good and loving.

Discuss light with the children.
Why do we need light?  So we can see.
What is the biggest light?  The Sun
What did people use for light before electric lights were invented?  The Sun, Fire, torches with fire, oil lamps.

Jesus told his followers: “You are the light of the world.”  How can people be like a light?  When we learn something new, it is like a light coming on.  When someone shows how to live better, it is like a light coming on.  A person who teaches us to live better is like a light.  And we are supposed to learn and become teachers for others to help them live better.  So we are supposed to be learning all of the time so that we can become lights to show others how to live better.


What is a law?  It is rule that tells us how to act.
Are all laws the same?  No
Which law is more important, “You shall not kill,” or “You shall not turn on your sprinklers on Monday, Wednesday or Friday?”

Jesus said that we should not be like people who made less important law the most important rules.  Are the rules of soccer more important that the rules about being kind to our neighbor?  What if we are not kind to our neighbors but we make everyone know and follow the rules of soccer as the most important rules in life?  It shows us that we are more concerned about a game than we are about caring for people.  Jesus said that we cannot replace the great important laws of love and kindness with less important rules.


  Today, I have in my bag of tricks two things.  What is this that I have in my hand?  A salt shaker.  And what else do I have in my bag?  A flash light.  What do I get when I turn this on?  I get light.
  Jesus liked to speak in riddles with his friends.  He told them that they had to be like salt and light.
  How many of you like salt?  What does popcorn taste like without salt or butter?  A little dull isn’t it.  What do French fries taste like without salt?  Really dull.  How many of you like pickles?  Do you know what makes pickles taste so good?   Salt water.
  What does Jesus mean when he says that we should be like salt?  He means that we should make the life of other people more tasty…more interesting…more exciting.
  I saw a little boy running into school and so I asked him why he was running so fast to get to school.  And he said, “I can’t wait to see my friends so I can have fun.”  That is what being like salt means.  We are to make life fun and exciting for each other.  We are to practice how to be good friends.
Jesus also said we are to be like light.  What did he mean?  I think that he meant that we are supposed to teach each other.  If I have learned something new that has helped me; then I want to share it with you.  And when we learn something new it is like a light coming on in our heads.
  No matter how old you are you have good things that you can teach someone else.  May be you can help your baby brother or sister learn how to crawl or walk.   May be you can help them learn how to talk or read.
  Jesus said that we are supposed to be like light because we are supposed to take the very best things that we have learned and share them with other people.
  What is the very best thing that we have learned from Jesus?  Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.
  If we can teach this to everyone in this world then our lives will be fun and happy.
  So can you be like salt today?  Can you make life fun for each other?
  Can you be like light today?  Can you learn new things and teach other people the very best things in your life?  I know that you can be like salt and light today.  Amen

Intergenerational Family Service with Holy Eucharist
February 5, 2023: The Fifth Sunday after The Epiphany
Gathering Songs:
Jesus Bids Us Shine, We Are Marching in the Light of the Lord, Thy Word,  This Little Light of Mine

Liturgist: Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
People: And Blessed be God’s Kingdom, Now and forever. Amen.

Liturgist:  Oh God, Our hearts are open to you.
And you know us and we can hide nothing from you.
Prepare our hearts and our minds to love you and worship you.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Song: Jesus Bids Us Shine, (The Christian Children Songbook, #132)
1-Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure light, Like a little candle burning in the night; In this world of darkness, we must shine, You in your small corner and I in mine.
2-Jesus bids us shine first of all for Him, Well he sees and knows it if our light is dim; He looks down from heaven, sees us shine.  You in your small corner and I in mine.
3-Jesus bids us shine as we work for Him, bring those that wander from the paths of sin; He will ever help us if we shine, You in your small corner and I in mine.

Liturgist:         The Lord be with you.
People:            And also with you.

Liturgist:  Let us pray
Almighty and everlasting God, you are able to rule all things both in heaven and on earth: Mercifully hear our prayer requests, and especially in our time grant us your peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

 Litany of Praise: Chant: Alleluia

O God, you are Great!  Alleluia
O God, you have made us! Alleluia
O God, you have made yourself known to us!  Alleluia
O God, you have provided us with us a Savior!  Alleluia
O God, you have given us a Christian family!  Alleluia
O God, you have forgiven our sins!  Alleluia
O God, you brought your Son Jesus back from the dead!  Alleluia

A Reading from the Prophet Isaiah
Is not a fast to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover them, and not to hide yourself from your own kin?
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly;

Liturgist: The Word of the Lord.
Peope: Thanks be to God

Please read with me from Psalm 112
Hallelujah! Happy are they who fear the Lord * and have great delight in his commandments!
Light shines in the darkness for the upright; * the righteous are merciful and full of compassion.

Litany of Thanksgiving: Chant: Thanks be to God!

For the good earth, for our food and clothing. Thanks be to God!
For our families and friends. Thanks be to God!
For the talents and gifts that you have given to us. Thanks be to God!
For this day of worship. Thanks be to God!
For health and for a good night’s sleep. Thanks be to God!
For work and for play. Thanks be to God!
For teaching and for learning. Thanks be to God!
For the happy events of our lives. Thanks be to God!
For the celebration of the birthdays and anniversaries of our friends and parish family.
   Thanks be to God!

Liturgist:         The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew
People:            Glory to you, Lord Christ.
Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled under foot.  "You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.  "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one stroke of a letter, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Liturgist:         The Gospel of the Lord.
People:            Praise to you, Lord Christ.

Sermon –   

Children’s Creed

We did not make ourselves, so we believe that God the Father is the maker of the world.
Since God is so great and we are so small,
We believe God came into our world and was born as Jesus, son of the Virgin Mary.
We need God’s help and we believe that God saved us by the life, death and
     resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe that God is present with us now as the Holy Spirit.
We believe that we are baptized into God’s family the Church where everyone is
We believe that Christ is kind and fair.
We believe that we have a future in knowing Jesus Christ.
And since we all must die, we believe that God will preserve us forever.  Amen.

Litany of Asking:  Chant: Christ, have mercy.

For fighting and war to cease in our world. Christ, have mercy.
For peace on earth and good will towards all. Christ, have mercy.
For the safety of all who travel. Christ, have mercy.
For jobs for all who need them. Christ, have mercy.
For care of those who are growing old. Christ, have mercy.
For the safety, health and nutrition of all the children in our world. Christ, have mercy.
For the well-being of our families and friends. Christ, have mercy.
For the good health of those we know to be sick. Christ, have mercy.
For the remembrance of those who have died. Christ, have mercy.
For the forgiveness of all of our sins. Christ, have mercy.

Youth Liturgist:          The Peace of the Lord be with you always.
People:                        And also with you.

Offertory: Song during the preparation of the Altar and the receiving of an offering

Song: We are Marching in the Light of the Lord, Renew! # 306
We are marching in the Light of the Lord;
            we are marching in the light of the Lord
            We are marching in the Light of the Lord;
we are marching in the light of the Lord
            We are marching, marching, we are marching, oh,
we are marching in the light of the lord.       
We are marching, marching, we are marching, oh,
we are marching in the light of the lord.

Doxology (Stand)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him, all creatures here below.
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Prologue to the Eucharist.
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, for to them belong the kingdom of heaven.”
All become members of a family by birth or adoption.
Baptism is a celebration of our birth into the family of God.
A family meal gathers and sustains each human family.
The Holy Eucharist is the special meal that Jesus gave to his family to keep us together as the family of Christ.

The Lord be with you
And also with you.

Lift up your hearts
We lift them up to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to God.
It is right to give him thanks and praise.

It is very good and right to give thanks, because God made us, Jesus redeemed us and the Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts.

Therefore with Angels and Archangels and all of the world that we see and don’t see, we
   Forever sing this hymn of praise:

Holy, Holy, Holy (Intoned)
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of Power and Might.  Heav’n and earth are full of your glory.  Hosanna in the highest.  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.  Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna in the Highest.

(All  may gather around the altar)

Our grateful praise we offer to you God, our Creator;
You have made us in your image
And you gave us many men and women of faith to help us to live by faith:
Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah Jacob and Rachael.
And then you gave us your Son, Jesus, born of Mary, nurtured by Joseph
And he called us to be sons and daughters of God.
Your Son called us to live better lives and he gave us this Holy Meal so that when we eat
  the bread and drink the wine, we can  know that the Presence of Christ is as near to us as  
  this food and drink that becomes a part of us.

And so, Father, we bring you these gifts of bread and wine. Bless and sanctify them by your Holy Spirit to be for your people the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Bless and sanctify us by your Holy Spirit so that we may love God and our neighbor.

On the night when Jesus was betrayed he took bread, said the blessing, broke the bread, and gave it to his friends, and said, “Take, eat: This is my Body, which is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.”

After supper, Jesus took the cup of wine, gave thanks, and said, “Drink this, all of you. This is my Blood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me.”

Father, we now celebrate the memorial of your Son. When we eat this Holy Meal of Bread and Wine, we are telling the entire world about the life, death and resurrection of Christ; and that his  presence will be with us in our future.

Let this holy meal keep us together as friends who share a special relationship because of your Son Jesus Christ.  May we forever live with praise to God to whom we belong as sons and daughters.

By  Christ, and with Christ, and in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit all honor and glory
 is yours, Almighty Father, now and for ever. AMEN.

And now as our Savior Christ has taught us, we now sing, (Children may rejoin their parents and take up their instruments)

Our Father (Sung): (Renew # 180, West Indian Lord’s Prayer)
Our Father who art in heaven:  Hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done: Hallowed be thy name.
Done on earth as it is in heaven: Hallowed be thy name.
Give us this day our daily bread: Hallowed be thy name.
And forgive us all our debts: Hallowed be thy name.
As we forgive our debtors: Hallowed be thy name.
Lead us not into temptation: Hallowed be thy name.
But deliver us from evil: Hallowed by thy name.
Thine is the kingdom, power, and glory: Hallowed be thy name.
Forever and ever: Hallowed be thy name.
Amen, amen, amen: Hallowed be thy name.
Amen, amen, amen, amen: Hallowed be thy name.

Breaking of the Bread
Celebrant:       Alleluia! Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.
People:            Therefore let us keep the feast.  Alleluia!

Words of Administration.

Communion Song: Thy Word, (Renew! #94)
Refrain: Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path
When I feel afraid, think I’ve lost my way, still you’re right beside me.  And nothing will I fear as long as you are near.  Please be near me to the end.  Refrain.
I will not forget your love for me, and yet my heart forever is wandering.  Jesus, be my guide and hold me to your side; and I will love you to the end.  Refrain

Post-Communion Prayer
Everlasting God, we have gathered for the meal that Jesus asked us to keep;
We have remembered his words of blessing on the bread and the wine.
And His Presence has been known to us.
We have remembered that we are sons and daughters of God and brothers
    and sisters in Christ.
Send us forth now into our everyday lives remembering that the blessing in the
     bread and wine spreads into each time, place and person in our lives,
As we are ever blessed by you, O Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Closing Song: This Little Light of Mine (Christian Children’s Songbook, # 234)
This little light of mine.  I am going to let it shine.  This little light of mine, I am going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Hide it under a bushel, no.  I am going to let it shine.  Hide it under a bushel, no.  I am going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Don’t let anyone blow it out; I’m going to let it shine.  Don’t let anyone blow it out, I’m going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Shine all over my neighborhood, I’m going to let it shine.  Shine all over my neighborhood, I’m going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.


Liturgist: Let us go forth in the Name of Christ. 
People: Thanks be to God!  

Sunday, January 29, 2023

American Christianity and the Beatitudes

4 Epiphany A January 29,2023
Micah 6:1-8 Ps. 37:1-18
1 Cor. 1:18-31 Matt. 5:1-12

Lectionary Link

What if someone asked you, How are you feeling?  And you reply: My spirit is feeling really poor.  I'm in mourning.  I feel like I have no place or ownership on earth.  I am often without enough to eat or drink.  People are persecuting me and saying awful things about me.

And that person said in response: "Well then, you are really lucky, and not just lucky but blessed."  And because you are blessed you should always be a peacemaker.  And you should have pure motives about everything.  And you should always be merciful.  Because if you do these things, you are even more blessed.

In America, we generally think to be blessed and fortunate means that we are wealthy, have more than enough to eat and drink, own property, to be lucky that we don't have life situations which cause us to mourn, and to have pride of spirit, and to be publicly popular with people affirming us and giving us praise.

And if one can live the blessed American dream, from such privilege one can be a peacemaker, determining our own terms of peace.  And we can feel like our motives are pure and right because living the American dream is the good motive.

And so we pose the question.  How are the beatitudes really relevant to the life experience of American Christians?

And were the beatitudes written for people in situations like American Christians?  And about the only thing we can say is, yes, but it pertains more to Americans who have been historically oppressed by persons who call themselves American Christians.

The words of the beatitudes pertain more to the indigenous people pushed off their lands.  The words of the beatitudes pertain more to the many slaves who were brought to our country as the chief product of the American colonial economy.  The slaves were the involuntary work engine of our country as well as being the chief economic commodity.

Oppressed people, in order to survive have to learn how to survive without being killed.  They have to learn how to live with as much of their own communal dignity while living in ways that comport well with their oppressors.  In our country, we find that the slaves who found a refuge in the message of Christ did true Christly living more than their Christian oppressors.

Can we not see how the beatitudes were perhaps composed for an oppressed population who did not have economic or social power in the Roman Empire?

But for many centuries Christianity has been altered by being the stated belief of people in empires with power and influence.  As Christianity has become empire religion, it has lost the actual practice of the beatitudes, except for the people who have been subjugated and oppressed by Christian empires.

How do those of us who are the recipients of the power and wealth positions afforded by being in the ruling classes of Empire Christianity, adopt, adjust, apply the teachings of the beatitudes in ways that might be worthy of Jesus of Nazareth who spoke the words of the beatitudes?

It is true that both oppressors and oppressed people need to experience spiritual transformation, but those who reside in places of privilege need significantly different strategies.

People of privilege need to confront their actual poverty of spirit, seen in the cruelty which individually and socially has been inflicted in our names upon oppressed people.  Until we can recognize with deep mourning the cruelties of empire religion, we will not have the poverty of spirit to know God's realm.  We cannot be meek until we give all we have to the poor to prove that God and not us owns all the earth and is always already giving it back, but not on our terms but on the divine terms which specify the distribution of enough for everyone.  We cannot be filled in knowing God's fullness until we have seen the futility of placing many other objects of desire as the idols of our life.  We cannot define being merciful as handing band aids of charity when our system of economics has caused widespread poverty.  We cannot be called peacemakers who want peace only on our own terms.  We need to let those who have been oppressed state the conditions of what peace would mean.  We must be willing to be unpopular and be spoken against when people of power and privilege denigrate empathy to a mocked "wokeness."  Empathy is the golden rule of treating others they way we want to be treated, meaning that we are sensitive to racial and cultural identities and gender identities.   We must be willing to be unpopular when people in power try to suppress the truth about our history of subjugating other people.  The beatitudes for people who enjoy social power means "unpowering" our social egos and learning to approach others in their preferred befriending ways.

As Americans, we should consider the words of Jesus as coming to significant political effect in our founding documents.  We were to be a nation of equal justice under the law, and the continuous application of that equal justice as we become aware of our failures in equality toward indigenous people, people of color, women, and persons on non-binary places in the gender continuum.

It is wonderful to have the witnesses of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi who united oppressed people in beatitude movements of non-violent resistance.  But how much better it would be that American Christians lived as non-oppressors fulfilling fresh applications of liberty and justice for all?  And such liberty and justice for all would indicate the will of heaven being done on earth.  Amen.

Prayers for Advent, 2024

Saturday in 3 Advent, December 21, 2024 God, the great weaving creator of all; you have given us the quilt of sacred tradition to inspire us...