Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Quiz of the Day, January 2023

Quiz of the Day, January 31, 2023

What is something Paul did not write about himself?

a. that he was going blind
b. that he was chief of sinners
c. that he had a physical infirmity
d. that he was the least of the apostles
e. that he was not worthy to be called an apostle

Quiz of the Day, January 30, 2021

Of the following, which is not an English transliteration of an Aramaic phrase in the Bible?

a. mene, mene, tekel upharsin
b. ephphatha
c. talitha cum
d. eloi, eloi, lama sabachthani
e. maranatha
f. rabbi

Quiz of the Day, January 29, 2023

Of the following what is true about the biblical Rahab?

a. a sea monster
b. a harlot from Jericho
c. a person in the messianic lineage of Jesus
d. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, January 28, 2023

Which Greek philosopher figured most highly in the theology of Thomas Aquinas?

a. Socrates
b. Plato
c. Hippolytus
d. Aristotle

Quiz of the Day, January 27, 2023

Which of the following miracles occurs in all four Gospels?

a. healing the man with leprosy
b. feeding of the 5000/4000
c. raising of Lazarus from the dead
d. healing of Peter's mother-in-law

Quiz of the Day, January 26, 2023

Which pope was the first pope to say publicly that homosexuality is not a crime?

a. John Paul II
b. Benedict XVI
c. John XXIII
d. Francis I

Quiz of the Day, January 25, 2023

St. Paul was riding a horse to Damascus in what version of his conversion?

a. Acts of the Apostles
b. Galatians
c. Ephesians
d. Painting by Caravaggio

Quiz of the Day, January 24, 2023

Which Creed is integrated into the baptismal vows?

a. Nicene Creed
b. Athanasian Creed
c. Chalcedonian Creed
d. Apostles Creed

Quiz of the Day, January 23, 2023

Which Gospels do not include the beatitudes?

a. Matthew and Mark
b. Mark and Luke
c. Luke and John
d. Matthew and John
e. Mark and John

Quiz of the Day, January 22, 2023

What was the name of the demon cast out by Jesus in the Geserenes?

a. Beelzebul
b. Satan
c. Legion
d. Tartarus

Quiz of the Day, January 21, 2023

According to the Gospel of Matthew, what became a home of Jesus after he left Nazareth?

a. Jerusalem
b. Bethany
c. Capernaum
d. Bethlehem

Quiz of the Day, January 20, 2023

Jesus was from Galilee and the prophet Isaiah refers to the Galilee of the Gentiles?What does Galilee of the Gentiles refer to?

a. there was a Galilee of the Gentiles and one of the Jews
b. part of Galilee was given by Hiram of Tyre by Solomon
c. it had a majority of non-Jewish residence
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

Quiz of the Day, January 19, 2023

Which of the following is not true about the "mustard seed" in the Bible?

a. a metaphor in the parables of Jesus
b. a metaphor about forgiveness
c. a metaphor about the kingdom of God
d. a metaphor about faith

Quiz of the Day, January 18, 2023

The messianic confession of Peter took place where?

a. Jerusalem
b. Bethany
c. Jericho
d. Samaria
e. Caesarea Philippi

Quiz of the Day, January 17, 2023

Who is the Father of monasticism?

a. Dominic
b. Benedict
c. Francis of Assisi
d. Anthony of Egypt

Quiz of the Day, January 16, 2023

Which Gospel does not include a list of the twelve disciples?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, January 15, 2023

Who was the king of Salem?

a. David
b. Solomon
c. Asa
d. Melchizedek

Quiz of the Day, January 14, 2023

Who was the founder of the Anglican Order of St. John the Evangelist?

a. Gregory Dix
b. Charles Gore
c. Richard Benson
d. Nicholas Ferrar

Quiz of the Day, January 13, 2023

Levi, who followed Jesus left what profession?

a. farming
b. fishing
c. Herodian lawyer
d. tax collecting

Quiz of the Day, January 12, 2023

For which of the following was Jesus not accused?

a. being mad
b. being in league with Beelzebul
c. for eating with sinners
d. for working on the Sabbath
e. for forgiving sins
f. for using oil to anoint the sick

Quiz of the Day, January 11, 2023

In which Gospel does Andrew bring his brother Peter to meet Jesus?

a. Mark
b. Matthew
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, January 10, 2023

Which of the following is not true regarding William Laud?

a. he was Archbishop of Canterbury
b. he was Bishop of London
c. he opposed the Puritans and Calvinism
d. he was executed in the English Civil War
e. he was not a supporter of Charles I

Quiz of the Day, January 9, 2023

Of the following, who is the one named as a follower of John the Baptist?

a. Philip
b. Andrew
c. John
d. Peter

Quiz of the Day, January 8, 2023

Which of the following is not true about the baptism of John the Baptist?

a. he did not feel worthy to baptize Jesus
b. his baptism occurred in the Jordan River
c. his baptism was a liturgical innovation since the Jews did not have anything like it
d. his baptism was one signifying repentance

Quiz of the Day, January 7, 2023

The Epiphany is mainly about what?

a. the manifestation of Christ to the peoples of Palestine
b. the manifestation of Christ to the Jews
c. the manifestation of Christ to the magi
d. the manifestation of Christ to everyone

Quiz of the Day, January 6, 2023

How did the magi become kings?

a. in the Gospel of Luke
b. from Hebrew Scriptures references used to explain Jesus
c. Revelations refers to Jesus as King of kings
d. St. Paul's writing to Timothy

Quiz of the Day, January 5, 2023

Which writing presents Jesus as a glorified high priest serving at a heavenly altar?

a. Revelations
b. John
c. 1 Peter
d. Hebrews

Quiz of the Day, January 4, 2023

What was the occupation of Moses' father-in-law Jethro?

a. priest
b. prophet
c. shepherd
d. vine dresser

Quiz of the Day, January 3, 2023

Who gave Bethel its name?

a. Abraham
b. Isaac
c. Jacob
d. Joseph

Quiz of the Day, January 2, 2023

The Bread of Life discourse is found in which Gospel?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, January 1, 2023

What were the former names of Abraham and Sarah?

a. Ben-Terah and Beth-Sarai
b. Abram and Sarai
c. Ben-Ur and Eve-Chaldees
d. Ab-Isaac and Amma-Isaac

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