Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Holy Spirit, God's Breath as a Sign of Life

Day of Pentecost   May 27, 2012  
Acts 2:1-21  Psalm 104: 25-35,37
Romans 8:22-27  John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

  I have a harmonica here.  What makes this harmonica make a sound?  I blow in the little holes, and my breath pushes across some little reeds. The reeds in each hole are different sizes and that is what makes each sound higher or lower.  I also have a Pan Flute.  And when I blow across these bamboo tubes I can make many sounds.  What is the difference between a whistle and the harmonica and the Pan Flute?  How many sounds can a whistle make, you know that whistle that the referee uses at the soccer game.  A whistle only makes one sound.
  Today is a special feast day.  It is the feast of Pentecost. It means that the season of Easter is finished.  It means that the season of Pentecost begins.  And what is the color for the Day of Pentecost?  How did you know?
  Pentecost is the day when we celebrate the birth of the church. So it is our birthday party.
  And how was the church born?
  Well, more than 2000 years ago after Jesus left this earth, his friends were wondering if God was going to be gone and absent from their lives.  But you know what they discovered?  They discovered that God was still with them.  They discovered a wonderful energy and a wonderful happiness and joy within them.  And even though Jesus was gone, they felt that God was very close to them and with them.
  And so when God was close to them and with them, do you know what they called God?  They called God the Holy Spirit.
  The word for Spirit means wind or breath.  Can you blow air out of your mouth?  What does blowing air out your mouth mean?  Does it mean that you are alive?  Can you see your breath when you blow it?  You can’t see it but you can feel it, right.  How do you know your breath is there?  You feel it against your hand.
  So do you see why people began to call God, the Holy Spirit.  Even though God’s Spirit could not be seen, the results of God’s presence was known.
  So we can know God’s presence without seeing God or without seeing Jesus, because God is the Holy Spirit.  And the Holy Spirit gave birth to the church, because the church feels and knows the presence of God without seeing God.
  Just as I blow into the harmonica and the Pan flute and make different sounds.  Can you imagine the breath of God blowing through you?  Can you imagine God’s Spirit in you, living through you and doing something special in this world?  Just like each sound in my harmonica is different when I blow through, so each one of us is different and when the Holy Spirit blows through and lives through us, the Holy Spirit is able to do something special and different through each of us.
  Today, on Pentecost Sunday, let us each know that God’s Spirit is in us, teaching us to love and help this world in a special way.  I want you to remember always that the Holy Spirit is living in you.  Can you remember that?

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