Saturday, June 30, 2012

Quiz of the Day, July 2012

July 5, 2012

Summertime Quiz:
Episcopal means:

a.being Anglican
b.being Protestant
c.having bishops
d.having Communion
e.wearing mitres

July 6, 2012
Summertime quiz:
Which are not Sacraments?
a. Holy Eucharist.
b. High School Diploma
c. Prayer for the Sick
d. Reconciliation
e. Sanctification
f. Consecration
g. Baptism
h. Matrimony
i. Ordination
j. Rogation
l. hazing

July 7, 2012
Summertime quiz:
What monarch is associated with the start of the separation of the the Church in England from the Roman Catholic Church?

b.Charles I
c.Louis XIV
d.Henry VIII
e.Philip II
Summertime quiz:

What Pope, at the end of the 6th century, is responsible for sending a missionary to the British Isles and then discovered Celtic Christianity was already there?

a.Pope Leo I, the Great
b.Pope Gregory the Great
c.Pope John XXIII
d.Pope Pius XII

July 8, 2012

Summertime Quiz?
According to the Catechism (Outline of Faith) in the Book of Common Prayer, what are the four orders of ministry?

a. Apostle
b. Teacher
c. Bishop
d. Presbyter/priest
e. Sexton
f. Senior Warden
g. Laity
h. Prophet
i. Administrator
j. Deacon

July 9, 2012

In the first American Book of Common Prayer, the Americans agreed to adopt the wording of the Eucharistic Prayer of which Church in the U.K.?

a. Scottish
b. Welsh
c. Irish
d. English
e. Ionian

July 11, 2012

Summertime Quiz:
The General Convention of the Episcopal Church is a bi-cameral body.

The two bodies are:

a. House of Bishops and House of Laity
b. House of Clergy and House of Laity
c. House of Bishops and House of Deputies
d. House of Lords and House of Common

A Canon/canon is not....
a. A collection of agreed upon books in the Bible
b. An item in official church law
c. An ecclesiastical title
d. A military weapon.

July 12, 2012
Summertime quiz:
Which is not part of a bishop's ecclesiastical accessories?
a. Crozier
b. Mitre
c. Ring
d. Pectoral Cross
e. Rochette and chimere
f. Monstrance

July 13, 2012

Summertime Quiz:
What are names for the first five books of the Bible?
a. Torah
b. Pentateuch
c. The Books of Moses
d. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
e. All of the above

A Psalter is:

a. Comes from the Greek for one using salt
b. A book organized for regular saying/chanting of the Psalms
c. One who chants the Psalms

July 14, 2012

Summertime Quiz:
What is a Missal?

a. Any airborne object launched with ill or benign intent
b. Pertaining to the "Mass" from the Latin "missa"
c. An Altar Book
d. Book of Rubrics and Texts for the Holy Eucharist
e. Ambiguously three of the above
f. Clearly two of the above
Summertime quiz:

July 15, 2012
Summertime Quiz:
The Sacrament of Holy Confirmation is:

a. The result of a split in the rite of Christian initiation due to the rise of the normative practice of infant baptism, necessitating a further maturation rite.
b. a way for an adult to confirm the baptismal promises that were made on one's behalf at infant baptism
c. a dominical sacrament
d. necessary for receiving Holy Communion
e. a and b
f. c and d
g. all of the above

July 16, 2012

Summertime Quiz:
Which is not a Eucharistic vessel:

a. Cruet
b. Chalice
c. Paten
d. Lavabo Bowl
e. Incense Boat
f. Vial

Summertime quiz:
Eucharistic vestments for a priest may include:

a. alb
b. amice
c. cincture
d. stole
e. chasuble
f. cassock
g. all of the above

July 17, 2012

Summertime quiz:
Musical compositions for the Mass include the following titles based upon their Latin names; which is not a part of the Mass.
a. Kyrie
b. Sanctus
c. Gloria
d. Credo
e. Benedictus
f. Carpe diem

July 18, 2012
Summertime Quiz

A Collect in the Book of Common Prayer is:

a. A British switch of a verb to a noun
b. Refer to gathering of the offering
c. From the Latin, 'collectio' for a general prayer of the liturgy of the day whose topic or petition includes the theme of the event of the day or a dedicatory intention

July 19, 2012

Summertime Quiz
Which is not part of a traditional church building?
a. apse
b. nave
c. transcept
d. chancel
e. narthex
f. clerestory
g. sacristy
h. auditorium

July 20, 2012

Summertime Quiz:
See is an ecclesiastical term for:

a. Church candy in California
b. Domain of a Bishop
c. Visual enhancements for the liturgy
d. A cathedral

July 21, 2012
In the first Book of Common Prayer c. 1548, Archbishop Cranmer collapsed the traditional breviary hours of prayer into Morning and Evening Prayer. Which of the following was not a monastic office prayer hour?

a. Matins
b. Lauds
c. Prime
d. Terce
e. Sext
f. Octo
g. None
h. Vespers
i. Compline

Summertime Quiz
Why Isn't The Episcopal Church the Church of England in America?

a. Yanks could never learn how to speak proper English
b. British disgust with our version of a "Tea Party"
c. Constitutional disestablishment of religion and inability of clergy to take a loyalty oath to the Crown meant Anglicanism in the former Colonies had to be different.

July 24, 2012

Summertime Quiz

Actor Paul Scofield in "Man for All Seasons" portrayed what English author of "Utopia" and one who refused to sign the Act of Supremacy in the time of Henry VIII?

a. Henry Moore
b. Sir Thomas More
c. Richard Burton
d. Thomas Cranmer
e. Richard Hooker

July 25, 2012

Summertime Quiz

In the Book of Common Prayer, which Creed is used with which liturgy?

a. Nicene Creed in the Holy Eucharist
b. Apostles Creed in Morning Prayer
c. Apostles Creed in Evening Prayer
d. Apostles Creed in the Burial
e. Apostles Creed in questions and answers at Baptism
f. All of the above

July 26, 2012

Summertime Quiz

The Incarnation refers to

 a. The doctrine about Jesus being the Word made flesh
 b. The doctrine about the Virgin Mary’s perpetual virginity
c. The doctrine of the relationship between the Father and the Son in the Godhead
d. The  doctrine of the Holy Spirit’s omnipresence

 July 27, 2012

Summer time Quiz:

The epiklesis is:

a. changing water into wine
b. invocation of the Holy Spirit in a sacramental action
c. receiving absolution of one's sins
d. all of the above

July 28, 2012

Summertime Quiz

The title "Defender of the Faith" for the English Monarch derives from the time of Henry VIII because:

a. he started Protestant Reformation in England
b. he declared himself to be the head of the church in England
c. he like all monarchs are to protect the church
d. he received the title from the Pope after he wrote a theological treatise against Martin Luther

July 29, 2012
Summer time Quiz:

The Synoptic Gospels are:

a. Matthew, Mark and Luke
b. Luke and John
c. Matthew and John
d. Matthew and Luke
e. Mark and Luke

July 30, 2012

Summertime Quiz

What are the three legs of the three-legged stool of the practice and discerning of authority within the Anglican/Episcopal Church?

a. The Bible, the clergy and the Archbishop of Canterbury
b. The Synods, Diocesan Conventions and General Conventions
c. The Bishops, the Priests and the Deacons
c. Scripture, Tradition and Reason

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