Friday, February 28, 2014

Daily Quiz-February 2014

Daily Quiz, February 28, 2014

Which of the following is not true of Philemon?

a. He was a friend of St. Paul
b. He had a run away slave named Onesimus
c. He was the brother of Timothy
d. He convened a church in his house

Daily Quiz, February 27, 2014

Who was the rector of Fugglestone St. Peter with Bemerton near Salisbury who was a poet, devotional writer, lived in the time of King James I,  and has been the model for the quintessential parish priest?

a. John Donne
b. George Herbert
c. Nicholas Ferrar
d. Thomas Bray

Daily Quiz, February 26, 2014

The account of the Transfiguration of Jesus does not occur in which canonical Gospel?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Daily Quiz, February 25, 2014

The book of Proverbs treats what quality of life as an incarnation of the divine?

a. Love
b. Fear of the God
c. Wisdom
d. Angelic beings

Daily Quiz, February 24, 2014 

In elections the "losers" rarely get remembered; when Matthias won the apostolic casting of lots to replace Judas Iscariot as the twelfth apostle, who was the man who did not win the "lottery?"

a. Justus
b. Joseph
c. Barsabbas 
d. all of the above

Daily Quiz, February 23, 2014

Which of the following was not from the village of Bethany?

a. Lazarus
b. Mary
c. Martha
d. Simon the Leper
e. Thomas the Apostle

Daily Quiz, February 22, 2014

Eric Liddell on the calendar saints made famous in the movie "Chariots of Fire" 

a. was a Scottish missionary to China
b. won two Olympic sprint medals
c. refused to run an Olympic race on a Sunday
d. won the 100-meter dash at the Olympics, his best event
e. all of the above
f.  a,b,c
g. a,b, d

Daily Quiz, February 21, 2014

When did Jacob get his name changed to Israel, the name of the nation of people?

a. when he married Rachel and Leah to bear the sons to be heads of the tribes of Israel
b. he received it before he was born through his grandfather Abraham
c. he received when he wrestled with an angel of God
d. he received it posthumously when Joseph carried his bones back to his home

Daily Quiz, February 20, 2014

What former slave and African American abolitionist, conferred with presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, attended the first women's rights convention at Seneca Falls, NY and was an ordained minister of the African Methodist Episcopal Church?

a. Richard Allen
b. Absalom Jones
c. Frederick Douglass
d. Booker T. Washington

Daily Quiz, February 19, 2014

When Jacob and Rachel fled Rachel's father Laban, what did she steal from her father's household?

a. some of her father's flock of sheep
b. household gods
c. dowry gold
d. some cloth

Daily Quiz, February 18, 2014

Why is Martin Luther's feast day February 18th on the church calendar?

a. it was the day he was born
b. it was day that he nailed the 95 Theses on the Wittenberg Castle Church door
c. it was the day that he died
d. it was the day he took on the Diet of Worms

Daily Quiz, February 17, 2014

Which infamous African dictator was responsible for the martyrdom of Archbishop Janani Luwum?

a. Robert Mugabe
b. Charles Taylor
c. Paul Biya
d. Idi Amin
e. Sekou Toure

Daily Quiz, February 16, 2014

Which of the sons of Jacob were not born from his first wife Leah?

a. Reuben
b. Simeon
c. Joseph
d. Levi
e. Judah

Daily Quiz, February 15, 2014

SPCK and SPG are acronyms for two Anglican societies founded by 

a. George Herbert
b. John Donne
c. Thomas Bray
d. William Wilberforce

Daily Quiz, February 14, 2014

St. Valentine is not a patron saint of

a. engaged couples
b. love
c. against fainting
d. epilepsy 
e. bee keepers 
f.  plague
g. happy marriages
h. chocolate 

Daily Quiz, February 13, 2013

Who was the first African American priest ordained in the United States?

a. Richard Allen
b. Absalom Jones 
c. Booker T. Washington 
d. David Walker
e. James Forten

Daily Quiz, February 12, 2014 

"Be Lord over your brothers, and may your mother's sons bow down to you."  What is the context for this?

a. Jacob's blessing of Joseph
b.  David's blessing of Absalom 
c.  Isaac's blessing of Jacob thinking he was Esau
d.  Abraham's blessing of Isaac

Daily Quiz, February 11, 2014

Fanny Crosby, blind from the age of six weeks, wrote more than 8,000 hymns.  Which of the following is not one of hers?

a. Humbly I Adore Thee
b. Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross
c. Blessed Assurance
d. I Am Thine O Lord
e. Praise Him, Praise Him

 Daily Quiz, February 10, 2014 

Which man in the Hebrew Scriptures was the older of two twins, had the name "Red" because of his hair, and sold his birthright reserved for the eldest son to his "younger" twin brother for a bowl of lentil stew?

a. Isaac
b. Jacob
c. Esau
d. Boaz

Daily Quiz, February 9, 2014

What is something Jesus did not say about children?

a. the kingdom of God belongs to them
b. one had to be like a child to receive the kingdom of God 
c. one had to be a baptized child to receive communion 
d. being born again was necessary to understand God's kingdom

Daily Quiz, February 8, 2014

Which biblical matriarch had a brother named Laban?

a. Sarah
b. Rebekah
c. Leah
d. Rachel

Daily Quiz, February 7, 2014

The Centurion Cornelius is associated with what Apostle who had a dream about God's permission to eat the meat of animals he believed to be unclean and forbidden?

a. Paul 
b. Saul
c. Barnabas
d. Peter 

Daily Quiz, February 6, 2014

Alpha and Omega, a biblical metaphor meaning beginning and end,  are the letters from the alphabet of what language?

a. Hebrew 
b. Latin 
c. Aramaic
d. Greek 

Daily Quiz, February 5, 2014

Anne Hutchinson was not 

a. called the most famous English woman of the American colonial history for exercising her freedom and gift of ministry
b. part of the Antinomian Controversy 
c. exiled from Massachusetts by John Winthrop
d. killed by the Siwanoy Indians in The Bronx NY region
e. the wife of Roger Williams

Daily Quiz, February 4, 2014

Who is known as the missionary to Scandinavia?

a. Wilfrid
b. Boniface 
c. Anskar
d. Wulfstan 

Daily Quiz, February 3, 2014

Nunc dimittis, Magnificat, and  Benedictus are 

a. first word Latin titles of canticles used in the Daily Offices 
b. titles of Latin musical setting for the Mass
c. first word Latin titles for Psalms
d. songs attributed to Simeon, Mary and Zecariah
e. a and d

c. Daily Quiz, February 2, 2014

Mary and Joseph offered turtle doves and pigeons for an offering at the Presentation.  Why would they have not given a lamb?

a. the law allowed a substitute for people who could not afford a lamb
b. Mary and Joseph wanted to make the least expensive offering
c. Mary and Joseph were not from Jerusalem and so the logistics for lamb procurement was the issue
d. The Temple priests could only handle a certain amount of lamb offerings

Daily Quiz, February 1, 2014

St. Brigid, a sixth century abbess is associated with what Irish city?

a. Dublin
b. Armagh
c. Kildare
d. Kilbride

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