Monday, March 31, 2014

Quiz of the Day, March 2014

Daily Quiz, March 31, 2014

What English cleric and poet and Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral is known for "No Man Is an Island?"

a. George Herbert
b. T.S. Eliot
c. John Donne 
d. Rudyard Kipling

No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; 
It tolls for thee. 

Daily Quiz, March 30, 2014

In John's Gospel who ask Jesus the following question about the blind man:  "Who sinned, this man or his parents that we was born blind?"

a. the Pharisees
b. the Sadducees 
c. the disciples of Jesus
d. Thomas

Daily Quiz, March 29, 2014

Where did Jacob bury his wife Rachel?

a. Bethlehem
b. Ephrath
c. Jericho
d. at the Oaks of Mamre 
e. a and b

Daily Quiz, March 28, 2014

According to the book of Genesis, what area of Egypt was given to Jacob and his family to settle in?

a. Memphis
b. Giza
c. Goshen
d. Avaris

Daily Quiz, March 27, 2014

When Jacob went to Egypt to reunite with his son Joseph, he and his family settled there to practice their occupation which the book of Genesis was "abhorrent" to the Egyptians.  What was that occupation?

a. dyer of wool
b. cloth makers 
c. farmer of a grain not common in Egypt
d. shepherding

Daily Quiz, March 26, 2014

After having John the Baptist beheaded, King Herod heard about the fame of Jesus.  According to the Gospel of Mark, who did Herod think that Jesus was?

a. a prophet
b. Elijah
c. John the Baptist raised from the dead
d. Moses

Daily Quiz, March 25, 2014

Why is the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25th, sometimes moved on liturgical calendars in some churches?

a. the Orthodox celebrate a different day for Christmas because they use a different calendar
b. because it occurs in Lent (can't have a major feast in Lent)
c. to avoid "competition" with Holy Week and Easter when they occur on March 25
d. because of Leap Year

 Daily Quiz, March 24, 2014

What modern day saint became a martyr because he spoke the truth to the kleptocratic powers which ruled his country to neglect of the poor?

a. Oscar Romero
b. Jacques Berthieu
c.  Pedro Calungsod
d.  Giovanni Battista Piamarta 

Daily Quiz, March 23, 2014

Who was named "Legion" in the Bible?

a. the centurion whose son was healed by Jesus 
b. another name for Satan 
c. a fellow ship passenger of St. Paul
d. a group of demons who possessed a man in the Gerasenes

 Daily Quiz, March 22, 2014

Why was Benjamin the favorite brother of Joseph?

a. because they had the same mother Rachel
b. because they had the same mother Leah
c. because the they the same mother Hagar
d. because they had the same mother Rebekah

Daily Quiz, March 21, 2014

Archbishop Thomas Cranmer was the one most responsible for bringing the prayers of the English Church from Latin into the "Common" language of the English people, hence the Book of Common Prayer.  The issue of the Crown's relationship with "catholic" control led to his death under a "Catholic Christian"  monarch.  Who was this monarch?

a. Elizabeth I
b. Henry VIII
c. Mary I
d. Edward VI

Daily Quiz, March 20, 2014

Who wrote the words for the doxology often used at the offertory presentation of the gifts and begins, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow"?

a. Isaac Watt
b. Bishop Thomas Ken
c. John Wesley
d. Charles Wesley

Daily Quiz, March 19, 2014

According to Eastern Orthodox tradition St. Joseph was a widower with children from his wife 

a. Mary
b. Salome
c. Hannah
d. Judith

Daily Quiz, March 18, 2014

How did the people of Israel get into Egypt so that they eventually had to be delivered from slavery there?

a. Joseph was sold as a slave in Egypt and his family became the people of Israel
b.  Abraham settled in Egypt long before the time of Moses
c.  Jacob went with his family to Egypt during a drought because there as food there
d.  The Israelites were a rebel group of the Egyptian Hyksos dynasty

Daily Quiz, March 17, 2014

Who was the best known saint born in Ireland and a real authentic Irish saint?

a. St. Patrick
b. St. Aidan
c. St. Kevin
d. St. Ita
e. St. Brigid
f.  St. Columba

Daily Quiz, March 16, 2015

How are the people of Egypt and the people of Israel linked in biblical genealogy?

a. through inter-marriage during the time of their sojourn and slavery there
b. Ephraim and Manasseh, had an Egyptian mother
c. The Pharaoh's people were also ancient Semites
d. All peoples in the Middle East are related to one another

 Daily Quiz, March 15, 2014  (Ides of March, Ancient Roman Calendar)

Dreaming is cited as a mode of communication with divinity often with signs of warning about impending events.  Which of the following does not have record of a dream in the Bible?

a. Nebuchadnezzar
b. Pharaoh during the time of Joseph
c. Joseph, Mary's husband
d. St. Paul
e. Peter
f.  Matthew
g. the Pharaoh's cup-bearer

  Daily Quiz, March 14, 2014

When Joseph was in the Egyptian prison he interpreted the dream of two tradesmen.  What were their occupations?

a. baker and herdsman
b. cup bearer and valet
c. baker and cup bearer
d. farmer and herdsman

Daily Quiz, March 13, 2014

Who was the first bishop of African-American heritage?

a. Richard Beamon Martin
b. Henry Beard Delaney
c. James T. Holly
d. John Walker

Daily Quiz, March 12, 2014

Gregorian Chant derived from what person?

a. Pope St. Gregory the Great
b. no known person but attributed to Gregory the Great three centuries later
c. Gregory II
d. Leo I

Daily Quiz, March 11, 2014

Jacob whose name was also Israel had a favorite son to whom he gave a coat  or garment of many color.  Who was Jacob's "favorite" son?

a. Reuben
b. Benjamin
c. Joseph
d. Judah

of many Daily Quiz, March 10, 2014

Lent is

a. Forty days not including Sundays
b. Forty six days including Sundays
c. a time when alleluia is omitted from the liturgy
d. includes two fast days, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
e. all of the above

Daily Quiz, March 9, 2014

Which archbishopric in England is second to the archbishopric of Canterbury and whose archbishop is refer to as the Primate of England? 

a.  Durham
b.  London
c.  Winchester
d.  York

Daily Quiz, March 8, 2014

Which actor has not played Jesus in a major cinematic role?

a. H.B. Warner
b. Claude Heater
c. Jeffrey Hunter
d. Victor Mature
e. Max von Sydow
f.  Ted Neeley
g. Victor Garber
h.  William Dafoe
i.  Jim Caviezel
j.  Diogo Morgado

Daily Quiz, March 7, 2014

Which was not one of the temptation of Jesus poses by Satan during his wilderness fast?

a. command to change stones into bread
b. a vision and promise of world power
c. a promise for a higher place than the angels
d. imploring Jesus to jump from the Temple to be caught by angels

Daily Quiz, March 6, 2014

Lent, was the English word which translated what Latin word when sermons began to be given in vernacular languages?

a. tessarakoste
b. quadragesima
c. cuaresma
d. quaresma

Daily Quiz, March 5, 2014

The number 40 in the 40 days of Lent comes from biblical numerology where forty stands for a time of testing or ordeal.  Which biblical event did not last 40 days and nights?

a. fast and temptation of Jesus in the wilderness
b. the days of rain of the great flood
c. the days which Moses spent on Mount Sinai
d. the number of years it took to build Solomon's Temple
e. the number of years that Israel wandered in the wilderness

Daily Quiz, March 4, 2014

The shrove of Shrove Tuesday is an archaic English words which means

a. the lard used for the pancakes of the day
b. the English equivalent of the gras in Mardi Gras
c. hearing/ making confession and receiving and giving absolution
d. the act of getting rid of animal fat before Lent begins

Daily Quiz, March 3, 2014

Why is Aldersgate important to the Methodists?

a. It is the street location of their first church
b. It is the location of the birth place John and Charles Wesley
c. It is the street on which which John Wesley's Evangelical conversion took place
d. It is where the first Methodist pastor was ordained

Daily Quiz, March 2, 2014

Who was not mentioned as being present at the Transfiguration event?

a. Peter
b. James
c. John
d. Jesus
e. Moses
f. Elijah
g.God the Father by voice only
h. Andrew

Daily Quiz, March 1, 2014

Eglwys yng Nghymru is the name of which Anglican Church?

a. the church in Ireland
b. the church in Central African
c. the church in Wales
d. the church in old Northhumberland 

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