Daily Quiz, March 31 2015
The Reproaches, Solemn Collects, Veneration of the Cross and Mass of the Presanctified, are part of which liturgical day in the Holy Week to Easter cycle?
a. Tenebrae on Holy Wednesday
b. Maundy Thursday
c. Good Friday
d. Easter Vigil
Daily Quiz, March 30, 2015
Which of the following is not true of Holy Week?
a. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday
b. Easter is the last day of Holy Week
c. Holy Week is the last week of Lent
d. "Alleluia" is not used in the Holy Week liturgies
Daily Quiz, March 29, 2015
The Sunday of the Passion recounts the Passion of Christ. It is called Passion because,
a. Christ loved us passionately
b. passion comes from the Greek verb "paschein" = to suffer
c. passion comes from the Greek verb "pathos" for suffering
d. passion comes from the Latin word "passio" which was a translation of the Greek word "pathos" and is the noun form of the Latin word "pati"=to suffer.
e. three of the above
Daily Quiz, March 28, 2015
According to the Gospel of John who was the first person who was given the knowledge of the resurrection of Jesus?
a. Mary Magdalene
b. Mary of Bethany
c. Simon Peter
d. Martha of Bethany
Daily Quiz, March 27, 2015
One of the last words recorded for Jesus on the cross: "My God, why have you forsken me?" This is a direct quote from which book of the Hebrew Scriptures?
a. Isaiah
b. Jeremiah
c. Psalms
d. Ezekiel
Daily Quiz, March 26, 2015
Who was the first African American ordained as a minister in the Methodist Church?
a. Absalom Jones
b. William Gray
c. William Wilcher
d. Richard Allen
Daily Quiz, March 25, 2015
What is the Feast of the Annunciation often called in England?
a. Lady Day
b. Gabriel's Day
c. Angel Day
d. Notre Dame Day
Daily Quiz, March 24, 2015
What actor played the role of Archbishop Romero in the biographical movie of his life?
a. Antonio Banderas
b. Raul Julia
c. Andy Garcia
d. Edward Olmos
Daily Quiz, March 23, 2015
The prophet Jeremiah had a vision of two baskets of figs, one ripe to eat and the other too spoiled to eat. What did these baskets signify?
a. Israel the good and Babylon the bad
b. Israel the good and Judah the bad
c. captives of Judah taken to Babylon good, King of Judah and those remaining in Judah, bad
d. the prophet good, the priests bad
Daily Quiz, March 22, 2015
How much New Testament Greek do you know? Try a guess from today's Gospel, John 12:25 and match the columns:
a.life 1. phileo
b.eternal 2. psuche
c.world 3. miseo
d.love 4. zoe
e.hate 5.aionios
f. soul life 6. kosmos
Daily Quiz, March 21, 2015
What did Thomas Cranmer do in the days before he died?
a. supported the pope and then recanted that support
b. denied his part in the Book of Common Prayer
c. remarried
d. tried to escape to the Continent
Daily Quiz, March 20, 2015
The words of the "Doxology" sung at the presentation of the gifts in many churches are a verse written by whom?
a. Thomas Tallis
b. William Law
c. George Herbert
d. Thomas Ken
Daily Quiz, March 19, 2015
How did God communicate with Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary?
a. casting lots
b. the Torah
c. dreams
d. the temple priests
e. the Angel Gabriel
Daily Quiz March 18, 2015
The liturgical practices for Holy Week in Jerusalem were carried back to Europe by pilgrims. Who was one of the Bishop responsible for developing the Holy Week liturgical practices?
a. Cyril of Jerusalem
b. Cyrian
c. James, brother of Jesus
d. Markos
Daily Quiz, March 17, 2015
Brigit, Columba and Patrick are the "patron" saints of Ireland. How many of the three were born in Ireland?
a. Patrick only
b. Brigit only
c. Columba and Patrick
d. Columba and Brigit
e. Columba only
f. Brigit and Patrick
Daily Quiz, March 16, 2015
Which prophet wrote about the condition of his people based upon an experiment that God told him to do with his underwear? (loin cloth)
a. Isaiah
b. Joel
c. Amos
d. Jeremiah
Daily Quiz, March 15, 2015
When poisonous snake afflicted the children of Israel, Moses placed a bronze serpent on a pole for people to look at and be healed. What did this healing snake on a pole inspire?
a. the snake symbol of the physicians
b. the snake handlers of Appalachia
c. correspondence symbolism of Jesus on the cross
d. a and b
e. a and c
Daily Quiz, March 14, 2014
"Glorious things of thee are spoken, Zion city of our God," are the opening of words of the hymn most often sung to the tune "Austria" composed by Franz Joseph Haydn. Where in the Bible do these words come from?
a. Psalm 87
b. Revelation
c. Daniel
d. 2 Samuel
Daily Quiz, March 13, 2015
Who was the first Episcopal bishop of African American heritage?
a. John T. Walker
b. Absalom Jones
c. James Theodore Holly
d. John Sentamu
Daily Quiz, March 12, 2015
Which of the following Popes has not been designated as "Great?"
a. Gregory I
b. Leo I
c. John Paul II
d. Nicholas I
Daily Quiz, March 11, 2015
Which of the following is not true of Pope St. Gregory the Great?
a. Gregorian Chants are named after him
b. Gregorian Chants were named after him three centuries after his death
c. John Calvin called him the last good Pope
d. He was the first pope to visit the British Isles
Daily Quiz, March 10, 2015
What Hebrew prophet is known as the "weeping prophet," was thrown into a cistern, and is considered the author of several canonical books of the Hebrew Scriptures?
a. Ezekiel
b. Daniel
c. Jeremiah
d. Isaiah
Daily Quiz, March 9, 2015
Which of the following was not a member of a famous Cappadocian family of saints?
a. Basil the Great
b. Gregory of Nyssa
c. Macrina
d. Gregory Nazianus
e. Peter Sebaste
Daily Quiz, March 8, 2015
Of the 613 laws in the Torah (248 do's and and 365 don'ts) how many of these still apply to a practicing Jew today?
a. all of them
b. 369
c. 150
d. 50
Daily Quiz, March 7, 2015
Perpetua and her Companions were martyrs from what ancient African city?
a. Alexandria
b. Cairo
c. Carthage
d. Hippo
Daily Quiz, March 6, 2015
What American doctor was made a part of the Episcopal Calendar of Saints, "Holy Women, Holy Men," and wrote a book entitled, "Whatever Became of Sin?"
a. William Mayo
b. Charles Menninger
c. Carl Rogers
d. Karl Menninger
e. Charles Mayo
Daily Quiz, March 5, 2015
Charles Wesley wrote more than six thousand hymns and was grieved by the breach within the Anglican Church that attended the Methodist Movement. Something of the music nature and nurture were passed on by him to whom of his succeeding generations?
a. son, Samuel Wesley
b. grandson, Samuel Sebastian Wesley
c. son, Charles Wesley, Jr.
d. all of the above
Daily Quiz, March 4, 2015
Which of the following is not true of John Wesley's trip to the U.S. colonies in 1735?
a. he was brought to be minister in Savannah by Oglethorpe
b. he was influenced by the piety of the Moravians
c his main ministry was to prisioners
d. he excommunicated a woman he loved who married another man
Daily Quiz, March 3, 2015
Two saints on our calendars are John and Charles Wesley who founded the Methodist Church. Why were they called "methodists?"
a. The Method was the name of their system of polity
b. it was mocking phrase by Oxford students for the regular practice of piety and Scripture study of the Wesley brothers and members of the "Holy Club"
c. It derived from their practice of non-Episcopal ordinations
d. It was chosen to distinguish themselves from the Anglican Church
Daily Quiz, March 2, 2015
Chad, a seventh century saint in the British Isles, stepped down as bishop of York to let a returning missionary bishop take the position. Who was this bishop?
a. Patrick
b. Aidan
c. Wilfrid
d. Theodore of Canterbury
Daily Quiz, March 1, 2015
Abram/Abraham was from Ur of the Chaldees, which is located in what modern country?
a. Jordan
b. Iran
c. Syria
d. Iraq
e. Iran
The Reproaches, Solemn Collects, Veneration of the Cross and Mass of the Presanctified, are part of which liturgical day in the Holy Week to Easter cycle?
a. Tenebrae on Holy Wednesday
b. Maundy Thursday
c. Good Friday
d. Easter Vigil
Daily Quiz, March 30, 2015
Which of the following is not true of Holy Week?
a. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday
b. Easter is the last day of Holy Week
c. Holy Week is the last week of Lent
d. "Alleluia" is not used in the Holy Week liturgies
Daily Quiz, March 29, 2015
The Sunday of the Passion recounts the Passion of Christ. It is called Passion because,
a. Christ loved us passionately
b. passion comes from the Greek verb "paschein" = to suffer
c. passion comes from the Greek verb "pathos" for suffering
d. passion comes from the Latin word "passio" which was a translation of the Greek word "pathos" and is the noun form of the Latin word "pati"=to suffer.
e. three of the above
Daily Quiz, March 28, 2015
According to the Gospel of John who was the first person who was given the knowledge of the resurrection of Jesus?
a. Mary Magdalene
b. Mary of Bethany
c. Simon Peter
d. Martha of Bethany
Daily Quiz, March 27, 2015
One of the last words recorded for Jesus on the cross: "My God, why have you forsken me?" This is a direct quote from which book of the Hebrew Scriptures?
a. Isaiah
b. Jeremiah
c. Psalms
d. Ezekiel
Daily Quiz, March 26, 2015
Who was the first African American ordained as a minister in the Methodist Church?
a. Absalom Jones
b. William Gray
c. William Wilcher
d. Richard Allen
Daily Quiz, March 25, 2015
What is the Feast of the Annunciation often called in England?
a. Lady Day
b. Gabriel's Day
c. Angel Day
d. Notre Dame Day
Daily Quiz, March 24, 2015
What actor played the role of Archbishop Romero in the biographical movie of his life?
a. Antonio Banderas
b. Raul Julia
c. Andy Garcia
d. Edward Olmos
Daily Quiz, March 23, 2015
The prophet Jeremiah had a vision of two baskets of figs, one ripe to eat and the other too spoiled to eat. What did these baskets signify?
a. Israel the good and Babylon the bad
b. Israel the good and Judah the bad
c. captives of Judah taken to Babylon good, King of Judah and those remaining in Judah, bad
d. the prophet good, the priests bad
Daily Quiz, March 22, 2015
How much New Testament Greek do you know? Try a guess from today's Gospel, John 12:25 and match the columns:
a.life 1. phileo
b.eternal 2. psuche
c.world 3. miseo
d.love 4. zoe
e.hate 5.aionios
f. soul life 6. kosmos
Daily Quiz, March 21, 2015
What did Thomas Cranmer do in the days before he died?
a. supported the pope and then recanted that support
b. denied his part in the Book of Common Prayer
c. remarried
d. tried to escape to the Continent
Daily Quiz, March 20, 2015
The words of the "Doxology" sung at the presentation of the gifts in many churches are a verse written by whom?
a. Thomas Tallis
b. William Law
c. George Herbert
d. Thomas Ken
Daily Quiz, March 19, 2015
How did God communicate with Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary?
a. casting lots
b. the Torah
c. dreams
d. the temple priests
e. the Angel Gabriel
Daily Quiz March 18, 2015
The liturgical practices for Holy Week in Jerusalem were carried back to Europe by pilgrims. Who was one of the Bishop responsible for developing the Holy Week liturgical practices?
a. Cyril of Jerusalem
b. Cyrian
c. James, brother of Jesus
d. Markos
Daily Quiz, March 17, 2015
Brigit, Columba and Patrick are the "patron" saints of Ireland. How many of the three were born in Ireland?
a. Patrick only
b. Brigit only
c. Columba and Patrick
d. Columba and Brigit
e. Columba only
f. Brigit and Patrick
Daily Quiz, March 16, 2015
Which prophet wrote about the condition of his people based upon an experiment that God told him to do with his underwear? (loin cloth)
a. Isaiah
b. Joel
c. Amos
d. Jeremiah
Daily Quiz, March 15, 2015
When poisonous snake afflicted the children of Israel, Moses placed a bronze serpent on a pole for people to look at and be healed. What did this healing snake on a pole inspire?
a. the snake symbol of the physicians
b. the snake handlers of Appalachia
c. correspondence symbolism of Jesus on the cross
d. a and b
e. a and c
Daily Quiz, March 14, 2014
"Glorious things of thee are spoken, Zion city of our God," are the opening of words of the hymn most often sung to the tune "Austria" composed by Franz Joseph Haydn. Where in the Bible do these words come from?
a. Psalm 87
b. Revelation
c. Daniel
d. 2 Samuel
Daily Quiz, March 13, 2015
Who was the first Episcopal bishop of African American heritage?
a. John T. Walker
b. Absalom Jones
c. James Theodore Holly
d. John Sentamu
Daily Quiz, March 12, 2015
Which of the following Popes has not been designated as "Great?"
a. Gregory I
b. Leo I
c. John Paul II
d. Nicholas I
Daily Quiz, March 11, 2015
Which of the following is not true of Pope St. Gregory the Great?
a. Gregorian Chants are named after him
b. Gregorian Chants were named after him three centuries after his death
c. John Calvin called him the last good Pope
d. He was the first pope to visit the British Isles
Daily Quiz, March 10, 2015
What Hebrew prophet is known as the "weeping prophet," was thrown into a cistern, and is considered the author of several canonical books of the Hebrew Scriptures?
a. Ezekiel
b. Daniel
c. Jeremiah
d. Isaiah
Daily Quiz, March 9, 2015
Which of the following was not a member of a famous Cappadocian family of saints?
a. Basil the Great
b. Gregory of Nyssa
c. Macrina
d. Gregory Nazianus
e. Peter Sebaste
Daily Quiz, March 8, 2015
Of the 613 laws in the Torah (248 do's and and 365 don'ts) how many of these still apply to a practicing Jew today?
a. all of them
b. 369
c. 150
d. 50
Daily Quiz, March 7, 2015
Perpetua and her Companions were martyrs from what ancient African city?
a. Alexandria
b. Cairo
c. Carthage
d. Hippo
Daily Quiz, March 6, 2015
What American doctor was made a part of the Episcopal Calendar of Saints, "Holy Women, Holy Men," and wrote a book entitled, "Whatever Became of Sin?"
a. William Mayo
b. Charles Menninger
c. Carl Rogers
d. Karl Menninger
e. Charles Mayo
Daily Quiz, March 5, 2015
Charles Wesley wrote more than six thousand hymns and was grieved by the breach within the Anglican Church that attended the Methodist Movement. Something of the music nature and nurture were passed on by him to whom of his succeeding generations?
a. son, Samuel Wesley
b. grandson, Samuel Sebastian Wesley
c. son, Charles Wesley, Jr.
d. all of the above
Daily Quiz, March 4, 2015
Which of the following is not true of John Wesley's trip to the U.S. colonies in 1735?
a. he was brought to be minister in Savannah by Oglethorpe
b. he was influenced by the piety of the Moravians
c his main ministry was to prisioners
d. he excommunicated a woman he loved who married another man
Daily Quiz, March 3, 2015
Two saints on our calendars are John and Charles Wesley who founded the Methodist Church. Why were they called "methodists?"
a. The Method was the name of their system of polity
b. it was mocking phrase by Oxford students for the regular practice of piety and Scripture study of the Wesley brothers and members of the "Holy Club"
c. It derived from their practice of non-Episcopal ordinations
d. It was chosen to distinguish themselves from the Anglican Church
Daily Quiz, March 2, 2015
Chad, a seventh century saint in the British Isles, stepped down as bishop of York to let a returning missionary bishop take the position. Who was this bishop?
a. Patrick
b. Aidan
c. Wilfrid
d. Theodore of Canterbury
Daily Quiz, March 1, 2015
Abram/Abraham was from Ur of the Chaldees, which is located in what modern country?
a. Jordan
b. Iran
c. Syria
d. Iraq
e. Iran
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