Monday, August 31, 2015

Daily Quiz, August 2015

Daily Quiz, August 31, 2015

Cuthbert and Aidan sojourn here made this place to be the Holy Island.

a. Iona
b. Lindisfarne
c. New Hebrides
d. Shetland

Daily Quiz, August 30, 2015

Why was the direction of prayer to be focused upon Jerusalem for the Jews?

a. it was the city of David
b. it was the ancient residence of Melchizedek
c. Solomon asked that God would hear the pleas of those who directed their prayers toward the newly built Temple
d. it is the place where Abraham offered the sacrifice of the ram in place of his son Isaac

Daily Quiz, August 29, 2015

What is the name of the Pilgrim in Bunyan Pilgrim Progress?

c. Charity
d. Hopeful
e. Valiant
f. Grace

Daily Quiz, August 28, 2015

Which saint to be uttered the prayer, "Grant me chastity and continence, but not yet?"

a. Augustine of Canterbury
b. Clement of Alexandria
c. Augustine of Hippo
d. Thomas Aquinas 

Daily Quiz, August 27, 2015

Why are Thomas Gallaudet and Henry Winter Syle on the Episcopal Calendar of Saints?

a. first blind persons to be ordained in the Episcopal Church
b. apostle to the deaf and first deaf person ordained in the Episcopal Church
c. inventors of sign language
d. promote the American Disability Act

a. Daily Quiz, August 26, 2015 

When Solomon became King what did he ask for from God?

a. discernment between good and evil for his people
b. permission to build the Temple
c. to take the Pharaoh's daughter as his wife
d. for the health of his mother Bathsheba

Daily Quiz, August 25, 2015

Which Louis was a King, a crusader and a saint?

a. X
b. XIV
c. IX
d. XII

Daily Quiz, August 24, 2015

St. Bartholomew, one of the 12 disciples,  is often identified with what other person who appears in the Gospel?

a. John Mark
b. Barnabas
c. Nathaniel
d. Judas, not Iscariot

Daily Quiz, August 23, 2015

"How lovely are thy dwelling place" begins Psalm 84.  What is the most often used tune called for the metric version of this Psalm?

a. Columba
b. Slane
c. Brother James Air
d. Thaxted

Daily Quiz, August 22, 2015

When King David's hometown was controlled by Philistines, what did David desire to get from his hometown?

a. a harp from the family home
b. the sword he took from Goliah
c. a drink of water from the Bethlehem well
d. his family members who were held hostage

Daily Quiz, August 21, 2015

What is Pascal's wager?

a. probability theory position about believing in God
b. if there is a chance that one can go to hell, why not believe in God instead
c. found the writing, "Pensées"
d. generated by Blaise Pascal
e. all of the above

 Daily Quiz, August 20, 2015 

Which of the following is not true of David, the model King for the notion of messiah?

a. a shepherd boy who killed Goliah
b. arranged for the death of a man to marry his wife
c. had rival crowned competing Kings twice
d. over-thrown by his son Absalom
e. played a string instrument
f. built the first Temple in Jerusalem

Daily Quiz, August 19, 2015 

What does Jesus say about marriage  in heaven?

a. the practice will continue
b. one remarries one's earthly spouse
c. it does not happen because residents will be like angels who do not marry
d. everyone there will embrace celibacy

Daily Quiz, August 18, 2015

What are the names of an Episcopal bishop and Episcopal priest and theologian who served in the army of the Confederacy?

a. Lee and Polk
b. Polk and Dubose
c. Porcher and Polk
d. Lee and Dubose

Daily Quiz, August 17, 2015

When St. Paul was brought before the high priest Ananias for a religious tribune, how did he argue his case?

a. he told the story of his conversion
b. he professed to be a Pharisee who believed in the resurrection
c. he professed to be a Sadducee who did not believe in the resurrection
d. he asserted that he was a Roman citizen

Daily Quiz, August 16, 2015

According to the Gospel of John, to whom did Jesus give the care of his mother Mary?

a. Mary Magdalene
b. Peter
c. John 
d. the disciple whom he loved

Daily Quiz, August 15, 2015

Which is not one of the dogmas about the Virgin Mary in Roman Catholicism?

a. Mother of God
b. Perpetual Virgin
c. Immaculately Conceived
d. Assumption in Heaven
e. Redemptrix of the world 

a. Daily Quiz, August 14, 2015

Jonathan Myrick Daniels was an Episcopal seminarian who went to march in Selma from the appeals of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  He was later shot working for civil rights as he pushed aside the young girl for whom a shotgun blast was intended.  What seminary did he attend?

a. Seabury Western
b. Seminary of the South at Sewanee
c. General Theological Seminary
d. Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge
e. Church Divinity School of the Pacific

Daily Quiz, August 13, 2015 

A group of Anglican theologians are called "Caroline Divines" (Carol= Latin form of Charles) during the time of Charles I who was executed during the English Civil War.  One Caroline Divine wrote a book "Holy Living and Holy Dying."  Who was the author of this book?

a. Lancelot Andrewes
b. Charles Sprat
c. Jeremy Taylor
d. William Laud
e. Thomas Ken

Daily Quiz, August 12, 2015

Florence Nightingale, on our calendar of saints, elevated nursing to a high calling and help to save lives of soldiers in what war?

a. The Civil War
b. World War I
c. World War II
d. The Crimean War

Daily Quiz, August 11, 2015

Which is or has not been a name for the order derived from Clare of Assisi?

a. Little Sisters of the Poor
b. Order of Poor Ladies
c. Poor Clares
d. Order of St. Clare

Daily Quiz, August 10, 2015

Absalom, son of David is known for which of the following?

a. defending the honor of his sister Tamar
b. fratricide
c. attempted coup on his father David's throne
d. was killed by Joab when his long hair was caught in a tree
e. all of the above

Daily Quiz, August 9, 2015

Jesus is referred to as the bread of life in which of the four Gospels?

a. all of them
b. Matthew
c. Mark
d. Luke
e. John
f. Mark and John

Daily Quiz, August 8, 2015

Why didn't Solomon's oldest brother become king of Israel after David?

a. he was physically impaired
b. he was not David's child
c. his mother Bathsheba would not permit it
d. he died after birth

Daily Quiz, August 7, 2015

Bathsheba was a wife of King David and the mother of Solomon. King David arranged for Bathsheba's husband to be at the front of battle so that he would die. Who was Bathsheba's first husband?

a. Abner
b. Mephibosheth
c. Uriah the Hittite
d. Asaph

Daily Quiz, August 6, 2015

Who went up the mountain with Moses when he went to receive the Law?

a. Aaron
b. Hur
c. Joshua
d. all of the above

Daily Quiz, August 5, 2015

Who was the artist for the rendering of the most famous "praying hands" in the history of art?

a. Rembrandt
b. Dürer 
c. Grünewald
d. Michelangelo 

Daily Quiz, August 4, 2015

In the book of Acts, Apollos is mentioned as 

a. the Greek god of light
b. a convert of the Apostle Paul in Athens
c. a disciple of John the Baptist who had not heard about Jesus
d. the plural of the Greek god Apollo

Daily Quiz, August 3, 2015

Which of the following is not true about St. Paul?

a. he was from Jerusalem
b. he studied with the rabbi Gamaliel
c. he was a missionary apostle
d. he was tent-maker by training and trade

Daily Quiz, August 2, 2015

Over what did David and his wife Michal have a serious disagreement?

a. as daughter of Saul, she retained her  allegiance to him
b. she was childless
c. she criticized David for dancing near naked in front of the Ark of the Covenant
d. jealousy among David's other wives

Daily Quiz, August 1, 2015

Why could the placing of the body of Jesus in the tomb provided by Joseph of Arimathaea be called his "first" burial?

a. the second burial was placing the bones into an ossuary
b. Jesus had only one death
c. the Romans would exhume and do a second burial
d. the second occurred with embalming

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