Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Daily Quiz, December 2015

Daily Quiz, December 31, 2015

"Our true mother, Jesus, bear us for joy and endless life."  Which mystic found Jesus to be an ultimate metaphor for a loving mother and wrote this?

A. Hildegard
B. Teresa of Avila
C. Evelyn Underhill
D. Lady Julian of Norwich

Daily Quiz, December 30, 2015

Frances Joseph Gaudet is known for what?

A. Prison reform for juvenile offenders
B. Found a school for deaf persons
C. Founding a school for African-American children
D. All of the above
E. A and C

Daily Quiz, December 29, 2015

In the presentation of the account of the death of the Holy Innocents, what event from the Hebrew Scripture is reprised to tell the story of Jesus across an existing template?

A. The sacrifice of Isaac
B. The Passover "plague" to kill all first born sons
C. The attempt by Pharoah to kill Hebrew children including Moses
D. None of the above

Daily Quiz, December 28,2015.  

If St. John the Divine was not St. John the Evangelist when is his feast day?

A. He has none
B. On the same day as John the Evangelist 
C. March 15
D. April 15

Daily Quiz, December 27, 2015

To whom did Simeon say, "a sword will pierce your own soul?"

a. Elizabeth
b. Zechariah
c. Joseph
d. Mary, mother of Jesus

Daily Quiz, December 26, 2015?

According to the Christmas Carol, on what day did the good king Wenceslaus go out?

a. December 26th
b. Boxing Day
c. The Feast of Stephen
d. all of the above

 Daily Quiz, December 25, 2015

Who is given credit for beginning the tradition of staging "living crèches" after taking a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Bethlehem?

a. Ignatius Loyola
b. Francis of Assisi
c. Egeria
d. Benedict of Nursia

Daily Quiz, December 24, 2015

Why didn't the Puritans celebrate Christmas? 

a. they did not celebrate "Mass" which is a part of the word
b. they were opposed to the Anglicans and the Roman Catholics
c. they believe the celebration of Christmas derived from pagan practices
d. because the Holy Scriptures do not provide a calendar date for the birth of Jesus

Daily Quiz, December 23, 2015

Who was the chief prophet to minister to King David?

a. Asaph
b. Jonathan
c. Samuel
d. Nathan

Daily Quiz, December 22, 2015

What angel appeared to Zechariah to announce to him that he would have a son to be raised as a nazarite?

a. Gabriel
b. Michael
c. Raphael
d. an unnamed angel of the Lord

Daily Quiz, December 21, 2015

An ancient church in India takes its name from what Apostle?

a. Peter
b. Andrew
c. Thomas
d. James

Daily Quiz, December 20, 2015

What is the meaning of Carol?

a. a Christmas hymn
b. an Advent hymn
c. may be originally associated with "carula" or dancing
d. became a designation for all music with Christmastide themes
e. all of the above

Daily Quiz, December 19, 2015

The opening of the seven seals is found in a recounted vision in what book of the Bible?

a. Daniel
b. Zechariah
c. Revelation
d. The Psalms

Daily Quiz, December 18, 2015

Which of the following parables might best express the life principle of "atrophy?"

a. The Sower and the Seed
b. The Pearl of Great Price
c. The Parable of the Talent
d. The Prodigal Son

Daily Quiz, December 17, 2015

Beethoven's birth date is assumed from what document?

a. state records in Germany
b. Lutheran church baptismal records
c. baptismal records St. Regius Roman Catholic Church, Bonn,
d. his mother's mid-wife report

Daily Quiz, December 16, 2015

Richard Upjohn was

a. An American Episcopal theologian
b. A American architect who designed many American churches
c. A famous American Episcopal bishop from New Hampshire
d. known for his "carpenter gothic" style
e. b and d

Daily Quiz, December 15, 2015

The defilement of the Temple known as the desolating sacrilege is not found in which of the following books of the Bible?

a. Daniel
b. John
c. Matthew
d. 1 Maccabees
e. Mark
f.  Luke

Daily Quiz, December 14, 2015

Which of the following mystics is most associated with the spiritual stage described as "the dark night of the soul?"

a. Teresa of Avila
b. John of the Cross
c. Hildegard
d. Thomas Merton

Daily Quiz, December 13, 2015

Gaudete is another name for the Third Sunday of Advent.  What does Gaudete mean?

a. Latin for gaudy
b. Latin for rejoice
c. Latin for refreshment
d. Latin for Rose as in "Rose Sunday"

Daily Quiz, December 12, 2015

Cyrus, Darius, Xerxes and Artaxerxes were "biblical" kings of what Empire?

a. Assyrian
b. Babylonian
c. Chaldean
d. Persian
e. Parthian
f. Seleucid

Daily Quiz, December 11, 2015

In which of the following churches is Thomas Merton, the Trappist monk regarded to be an "official" saint?

a. The Episcopal Church
b. The Roman Catholic Church
c. The Lutheran Church
d. The Orthodox Churches

Daily Quiz, December 10, 2015

Which of the following theologians is associate with the Barmen Declaration and "Neo-Orthodoxy?"

a. Paul Tillich
b. Schubert Ogden
c. Karl Barth
d. Richard Niebuhr
e. Reinhold Niebuhr

Daily Quiz, December 9, 2015

In one book of the Bible, the author is "obsessed" with the number 7.  There are nineteen groups of seven in this book.  Which book is it?

a. Daniel
b. Ezekiel
c. Genesis
d. Revelation

Daily Quiz, December 8, 2015

Where did John the Divine have his visions which became the Apocalypse or Revelation?

a. Thyatira
b. Laodicea
c. Island of Patmos
d. Athos

Daily Quiz, December 7, 2015

Why might it be said that Ambrose was quick to rise in the hierarchy of the church?

a. his father was wealthy and influential
b. he was baptized and became bishop of Milan in a few days
c. he was baptized and became pope in a few months
d. he was baptized and became a cardinal in a few days

Daily Quiz, December 6, 2015

From which prophet does the phrase, "he is like a refiner's fire" come?

a. Isaiah
b. Jeremiah
c. Zechariah
d. Malachi

Daily Quiz, December 4, 2015

John of Damascus is known for what?

a. defense of icons
b. hymnody
c. worked as an administrator for a caliph
d. defense of orthodox views of Christ
e. all of the above

Daily Quiz, December 3, 2015

Ignatius Loyola is the well-known founder of the Jesuits?  Who is a lesser known co-founder?

a. Robert Bellarmine
b. Edmund Campion
c. Francis Xavier
d. Aloysius Gonzaga

Daily Quiz, December 2, 2015

Jesus quotes Isaiah in Mark and Matthew: "My house shall be called a house of prayer."  What is missing in the quote in Matthew?

a. den of thieves reference
b. "for all peoples/nations."
c.  "for the holy Lord God"
d. "but it shall be destroyed in three days."

Daily Quiz, December 1, 2015

Which of the following is not true of Charles Foucauld?

a. he was a Frenchman
b. he was a hermit
c. he was a martyr
d. he lived in the Sahara
e. he was a native Algerian

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