Sunday, January 31, 2016

Daily Quiz, January 2016

Daily Quiz, January 31, 2016

In his prayer, Abraham bargained with God from 50 down to 10 of what?

a. camels for Isaac's dowry
b. day of rain
c. righteous people in Sodom
d. years of waiting for his promised son

Daily Quiz, January 30, 2016

Sarah, who laughed when she heard that she would have a baby in her old age, did what when she was confronted with her laugher?

a. said why don't we name our child "laughter=Isaac"
b. denied that she laughed
c. said her laughter was one of joy
d. said her laughter was one of disbelief

Daily Quiz, January 29, 2016

According to the book of Genesis, at what age did Abraham get circumcised?

a. the eighth day as is the Jewish custom
b. age 13 at his bar-mitzvah
c. age 99
d. the day that Isaac was born

Daily Quiz, January 28, 2016

Which of the following is most associated with scholastic theology, Thomism, and the "schoolmen?"

a. Benedict
b. Aquinas
c. Francis
d. Albert Magnus

Daily Quiz, January 27, 2016

In biblical genealogy how are the Jews and Arabs related?

a. they are both Semitic from Noah's son Shem
b. they both have Abraham as a Patriarch heir
c. Isaac's half brother Ishmael in the Father of the Arab nation
d. all of the above

 Daily Quiz, January 26, 2016

Which companion of St. Paul had a Greek father and Jewish mother and became circumcised as an adult to gain acceptance in his ministry among the Jews?

a. Silas
b. Titus
c. Philemon
d. Timothy

Daily Quiz, January 25, 2016

Where was St. Paul when he had his conversion experience?

a. on the road to Jericho
b. on the road to Pella
c. on the road to Damascus
d. on the road to Galilee

Daily Quiz, January 24, 2016

What two books in the Hebrew Scriptures were originally one book but were divided into two books by Christians in the third century C.E.?

c. Ezra-Nehemiah
d. I & II Maccabees

Daily Quiz, January 23, 2016

Before his son was born Abraham had the diminutive name Abram, and when he traveled into Egypt he feared that the Pharaoh would be attracted to his wife Sarai.  How did Sarai present herself to the Pharaoh?

a. Abram's servant
b. Abram's sister
c  Abram's niece
d. Abram's cousin

Daily Quiz, January 22, 2016

About whom does the writer of the letter to the Hebrews writes, he resembles the Son of God, without mother or father, beginning or end?

a. Jesus
b. Abraham
c. Gabriel the Archangel
d. Melchizedek

Daily Quiz, January 21, 2016

What would be the literary purpose of the story about the Tower of Babel?

a. origin of urban societies
b. origin of the world having many languages
c. origin of skyscrapers
d. origin of the sin of human pride

Daily Quiz, January 20, 2016

After the great Flood subsided, Noah became drunk and his nakedness was seen by one of his sons who received a curse of servitude for seeing his naked father.  Which son was it who was cursed to servitude?

a. Shem
b. Ham and his offspring Canaan
c. Japheth
d. Job

Daily Quiz, January 19, 2016

In which book of the Bible can be found the following:  "My heart dances with joy...?"

a. Genesis
b. Matthew
c. Revelation
d. Psalms

Daily Quiz, January 18, 2016

What did Jesus say to Peter after Peter confessed Jesus to be the Christ, the Messiah?

a. "flesh and blood has not revealed this to you."
b. "get behind me Satan"
c. "on this rock I will build my church."
d. all of the above

Daily Quiz, January 17, 2016

In the account of Noah's ark, how many pairs of animals was Noah supposed to take on the ark?

a. 1 pair of unclean animals
b. 2
c. 3
d. 7 pairs of clean animals and birds
e. a and e
f. 1 pair of all animals

Daily Quiz, January 16, 2016

Noah's ark was constructed with what kind of wood?

a. gopher
b. cypress
c. oak
d. pine
e. don't know, depends how one translate the Hebrew consonants G-F-R

Daily Quiz, January 15, 2016

Who are the Nephilim mentioned in the Bible?

a.Pre-Flood offspring of "sons of God" and "daughters of man (humanity)
b.Mentioned as a set up for the story of Noah
c.Speculated about as a race of "giants"
d.Speculated as being fallen angels bearing children with human women
e.all of the above

Daily Quiz, January 14, 2016

According to the genealogy in the book of Genesis, Jubal was the ancestor of whom?

a. all who played the lyre and the pipe
b. all who made bronze tools
c. all who became kings
d. all who raised livestock

Daily Quiz, January 13, 2015

In the biblical account, who was the first to ask God, "Am I my brother's keeper?"

a. Abel about Cain
b. Cain about Abel
c. Reuben about Joseph
d. Esau about Jacob

Daily Quiz, January 12, 2016

Which of the following saints might be called the saint of holy friendships?

a. John the Apostle
b. Aelred of Rivaulx
c. Valentine
d. Bernard Clairvaux

Daily Quiz, January 11, 2016

According to the Genesis story of creation, Eve was made out of what body part of Adam?

a. head
b. heart
c. liver
d. rib

Daily Quiz, January 10, 2016

Place into order the six days of creation as reported in the book of Genesis.

a. Human beings
b. Light and Dark/Day and Night
c. Earth, Water and Firmament
d. Sea creatures and creatures which fly
e. Wild animals of the earth
f.  Sun and Moon

Daily Quiz, January 9, 2016

What is Julia Chester Emery best known for?

a. Episcopal hymnody
b. first ordain deaconess
c. Founder of the United Thank Offering
d. missionary work in China

Daily Quiz, January 8, 2016

What happened at the Rock at Horeb?

a. Miriam danced and sang
b. Aaron rebelled against Moses
c. Moses struck the rock and water flowed forth
d. Snakes plagued the people of Israel

Daily Quiz, January 7, 2016

In which Gospel does Jesus say that he is bread come down from heaven, the bread of life, the living bread and that his flesh is the bread given for the life of the world?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Daily Quiz, January 6, 2016  The Epiphany

“Kings shall see and stand up,
princes, and they shall prostrate themselves,
because of the LORD, who is faithful,
the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you.”   This portion of the Hebrew Scriptures shows how the magi became interpreted as Kings.  This is taken from which book of the Hebrew Scriptures?

a. Daniel
b. Psalms
c. Isaiah
d. Jeremiah

Daily Quiz, January 5, 2016

In the Gospel of John, who was the first person told that Jesus was the Resurrection?

a. Mary Magdalene
b. Peter
c. Martha of Bethany
d. The Beloved Disciple

Daily Quiz, January 4, 2016

What was the symbolic gateway to the Promised Land for the people of Israel, the last barrier to traverse?

a. Sinai desert
b. walls of Jericho
c. Plains of Megiddo
d. The Jordan River

Daily Quiz, January 3, 2016

Why is it is assumed that there were three kings or magi who visited the Christ child?

a. if there were three gifts then there must have been three magi
b. Hebrew Scripture predictions
c. magi always traveled in threes
d. three kings would have traveled alone on a long desert trek

Daily Quiz, January 2, 2016

How did the magi of the Gospel story become the kings visiting Jesus?

a. information from a non-canonical Gospel
b. changed for Christmas pageant purposes
c. magi and king are both translations of the Greek word in the Gospel
d. added information from the Psalms and the prophet Isaiah

Daily Quiz, January 1, 2016

"He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored."  These words of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" are inspire by words from which book of the Bible?

a. John
b. Revelation
c. Daniel

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