Monday, February 29, 2016

Daily Quiz, February 2016

Daily Quiz, February 29, 2016

Which of the following is John Cassian known for?

a. being a hermit
b. emphasizing religious life in community
c. carrying the tradition of the desert Fathers to Gaul
d. helped to elect a pope

Daily Quiz, February 28, 2016

To frame his brothers for stealing, Joseph had his silver cup planted in the possession of which of his brothers?

a. Reuben
b. Dan
c. Benjamin
d. Levi

Daily Quiz, February 27, 2016

Which of the following was not penned by George Herbert?

a. The Country Parson
b. The Altar
c.  Easter Wings
d. Holy Living, Holy Dying

Daily Quiz, February 26, 2016

St. Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, "I wish that all were like myself am."  To what was St. Paul referring?

a. bearing the marks in his body of the sufferings of Christ
b. a worker apostle, as a tent maker
c. unmarried person
d. tolerant of Gentile Christians

Daily Quiz, February 25, 2016

Who were the two sons which Jacob had with his wife Rachael?

a. Reuben and Asher
b. Asher and Levi
c. Joseph and Benjamin
d. Benjamin and Dan

Daily Quiz, February 24, 2016

Which of the following best characterizes the significance of the witness of St. Matthias?

a. patron saint of alcoholics and carpenters
b. ministry in Cappadocia
c. his martyrdom, stoned and beheaded
d. the restoration of the number of disciples to twelve signifying the church as the "new" Israel

Daily Quiz, February 23, 2016

Which Apostolic Father knew John the Evangelist and received his appointed office from John?

a. Clement
b. Justin Martyr
c. Polycarp
d. Irenaeus

Daily Quiz, February 22, 2016

The Israelites became slaves in Egypt.  How did they get embedded in Egypt?

a. Joseph went to Egypt
b. Abraham went to Egypt
c. Jacob went to Egypt and settled there when famine hit Canaan
d. Isaac visited his half brother Ishmael in Egypt and stayed

Daily Quiz, February 21, 2016

In the biblical "official" bloodlines, how are the Jews and Egyptians related?

a. through Abraham and Hagar
b. the Israelites inter-married with Egyptians in the captivity
c. Joseph married Asenath, an Egyptian and mother of Manasseh and Ephraim
d. Jacob took an Egyptian wife

Daily Quiz, February 20, 2016

The phrase "seven lean years" comes from what biblical context?

a. judgment of Samuel on Saul's sins
b. an interpretation of Joseph of the Pharaoh's dream
c. Nathan's issue of the punishment for David's sin with Bathsheba
d. Elijah's proclaimed prediction for Israel under King Ahab

Daily Quiz, February 19, 2016

When the jail mate of Joseph, a baker, dreamed about birds eating from the baking goods that he carried on his head, what did this mean?

a. that the Pharaoh would release him from prison
b. that he would be hanged
c. that he would be restored to his role as the royal baker
d. that Joseph would become the Pharaoh's right hand man

Daily Quiz, February 18, 2016

Which of the following is not true regarding Martin Luther?

a. he was an Augustinian monk
b. a legend says he threw an inkwell at the devil
c. he wrote an anti-Semitic book
d. he is the patron saint of Germany

Daily Quiz, February 17, 2016

Who was Onesimus?

a. a slave who belonged to Philemon
b. a runaway slave
c. a companion of St. Paul
d. all of the above

Daily Quiz, February 16, 2016

Which brother of Joseph intervened to keep the other brothers from killing him?

a. Asher
b. Simeon
c. Benjamin
d. Reuben

Daily Quiz, February 15, 2016

Which of the following is not true of Joseph, son of Jacob?

a. his mother was Rachael
b. he was his father's favorite
c. he was given a special multi-colored garment
d. he was a dreamer
e. as son of Jacob, Joseph is the name of one of the 12 tribes of Israel
f. he rose to prominence in Egypt under a Pharaoh

Daily Quiz, February 14, 2016

Love birds became associated with feast day the martyred St. Valentine in these lines from what poet?    "For this was on St. Valentine's Day, when every bird cometh there to choose his mate."

a. Dante
b. Chaucer
c. Spenser
d. Shakespeare

Daily Quiz, February 13, 2016

Which of the following in not true regarding Absalom Jones?

a. he was the first ordained African American Episcopal priest
b. he founded the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas in Philadelphia
c. Bishop White made his path to ordination easy
d. he was born in slavery

Daily Quiz, February 12, 2016

Which of the following prophets spoke in the name of God saying, "I have no pleasure in the death of anyone?"

a. Isaiah
b. Malachi
c. Ezekiel
d. Jeremiah

Daily Quiz, February 11, 2016

What is the derivation of the word "Lent?"

a. comes from the Latin meaning 40
b. comes from the Greek meaning 40
c. probably comes from the Old English word meaning "spring"
d. is past tense of lend and refers to "borrowed time"

Daily Quiz, February 10, 2016

How are the ashes of Ash Wednesday produced?

a. burning cedar wood
b. burning the dried palms of Palm Sunday
c. any burned wood
d. comes from burned dry grass

Daily Quiz, February 9, 2016

The act of shriving on Shrove Tuesday refers to what?

a. a priest hearing private confession and declaring absolution
b. using up of fat and lard for making pancakes
c. using up fat on "Fat Tuesday"
d. being shriven means the penance of self-flagellation

Daily Quiz, February 8, 2016

In theology what does the term "kenosis" refer to?

a. the kinship of God and humanity
b. the incarnation described as the self-emptying of God in appearing as Jesus
c. an alternate word for Genesis or beginning
d. the miraculous moving of things by the power of the mind

Daily Quiz, February 7, 2016

In various traditions which of the following were "assumed" into the heavenly after life?

a. The Virgin Mary
b. Moses
c. Elijah
d. Enoch
e. all of the above

Daily Quiz, February 6, 2016

For which of the following women did Laban figure as a "bridal" broker?

a. Rebekah
b. Leah
c. Rachael
d. all of the above

Daily Quiz, February 5, 2016

When Abraham's servant went looking for a bride for Isaac what was one of the first gifts he gave to the bride-to-be?

a. gold necklace
b. gold nose rings
c. golden ring
d. silken veil

Daily Quiz, February 4, 2016

Where was Sarah, wife of Abraham buried?

a. Somewhere in Egypt
b. Under the oaks of Mamre
c. In the cave at Machpelah in Hebron
d. In Jerusalem

Daily Quiz, February 3, 2016

According to religious tradition Mount Moriah where Abraham went to sacrifice his son is where?

a. Temple Mount in Jerusalem
b. Mount Gerizim in Samaria
c. Marwah near Mecca in Arabia
d. Depends upon Jewish, Samaritan or Islamic affirming sources

Daily Quiz, February 2, 2016

February 2 is

a. Candlemas
b. Feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary
c. Ground Hog Day
d. Feast of the Presentation of Jesus
e. all of the above

Daily Quiz, February 1, 2016

According to biblical record and Jewish tradition what person might most literally be called "salt" of the earth?

a. Ado
b. Edith
c. Lot's wife
d. All of the above

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