Thursday, March 24, 2016

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday  March 24, 2016   
Ex. 12:1-14a       Ps. 78:14-20, 23-25
1 Cor 11:23-32      John 13:1-15

  Many people believe that the reason one becomes wealthy and powerful is so that one does not have to do the little things, like drive one’s car, take out the trash, wash dishes, clean the house, or take care of the children.

   Maundy Thursday is a night when we remember that Jesus said that our lives of faith involve being constituted by lots of little things, things so obvious that one might forget them or neglect them.

  The early Christian gathering was a table meal.  People have to eat and eating is also a good time for renewing friendship and family relationship.  The central Christian gathering is the Holy Eucharist and long before it became a stylized meal of unrecognizable bread and a sip of wine, it was an actual fellowship meal.  Jesus hosted a meal and served; he told his disciples to continue this simple practice.  “Continue to get together and eat and fellowship and when you do it as I ask, you will realize that I am there with you.  When you eat this meal which I asked of you, in this meal you will be connected with this very night when I first asked you to do it.”

  Peter and his disciple friends were often concerned about their position in the kingdom of Jesus. If Peter were thinking out loud he would be saying, “ Jesus, you are the kingly messiah and this is not just an ordinary meal among some friends.  This is like a banquet of a great king.  And since you Jesus are going to be our great king.  You can’t be putting a towel on and washing our feet.  That is not kingly work.”  And Jesus said, “Well guys we’ve set down to eat and no one has offered the basic hospitality of washing our dusty feet before we eat.  No one saw the obvious thing to do.  And there were not servants here to perform it. So I am going to set the example.  Your gathering in the future is going to be very basic; eat, discuss and fellowship together and serve each other doing the little things and the obvious things which need to be done.”  99% of life is obvious, ordinary maintenance things.  Too boring for you?  Well, if you only want to do big and heroic things you will miss doing them if you don’t do the basic things really well as a part of the formation of your character.”

   The Holy Eucharist is the continual grace of the gathered church sharing a meal, reading our family tradition as found in the Scriptures and making sure that the basic needs of the community are fulfilled.  Because if we live really well together, then that in itself will be the best evangelism.

   If we really live well together, then others will say, “I want what they have.  I want to be with them.  I want their good news.  I want their fun.  I want their peace and joy.  I want to be with them because they share it all, they rejoice with each other, they work with each other, they pray with each other, they mourn with each other, they comfort each other.”

  In 2000 years the church has become pretty good at hiding the basic stuff of the Holy Eucharist into church laws or obligations.  What we need to remember tonight is to return to the basic.  A fellowship meal together with the sharing of our best words of our traditions, prayers and encouragement and just really basic, basic fix the meal, take out the trash, do the laundry type of service.  Does it sound too boring?  Too ordinary? 

  I believe if we do the basic things of service very well we will also find that some extraordinary things will happen because we practice belonging to each other in the name of Jesus Christ.

  Let this meal tonight return turn us to basic, basic Jesus Movement Christianity.  A meal together, prayers, passing the peace, wishing each other the very best, and the basic service which will keep us together and help us to pass on these habits of fellowship to another generation of people who need to be connected to the original Last Supper.

  May God let us know that we are connected to the original Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples tonight.  Amen.

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