Saturday, April 30, 2016

Quiz of the Day, April 2016

Quiz of the Day, April 30, 2016

What does the Feast of Booths commemorate?

a. the making of the tabernacle
b. living in "booths" during the wilderness journey of Israel
c. the temporary quarters of the Israelites in Egypt
d. the toll collection places along the wilderness of Paran

Quiz of the Day, April 29, 2016

What did Jesus tell his followers not to throw before swine?

a. the children's bread
b. your pearls
c. holy things
d. your secrets

Quiz of the Day, April 28, 2016

Which of the following is not a "rule" found in Leviticus?

a. you shall not make your daughter a prostitute
b. you shall not tattoo any marks on you
c. you shall not oppress an alien
d. you shall defer to the elderly
e. you shall not eat pelican flesh

Quiz of the Day, April 27, 2016

What is the biblical notion of "gleaning?"

a. a special purity ritual in the Temple
b. the eighth day rite for women
c. leaving edges of the field for poor to harvest
d. the biblical tithe

Quiz of the Day, April 26, 2016

When Aaron confessed the sins of the people and symbolically placed them on the "scapegoat" to be sent into the wilderness, who was the "scapegoat" sent to?

a. Yahweh
b. Lucifer
c. Azazel
d. Melchizedek

Quiz of the Day, April 25, 2016

Saul (Paul) and Barnabus disagreed about the usefulness of what missionary companion?

a. Peter
b. Luke
c. John Mark
d. Silas

 Quiz of the Day, April 24, 2016

Who consecrated Aaron and vested him in the priestly garments?

a. God on Mount Sinai
b. His older brother Moses
c. The Levites
d. Joshua and Hur

Quiz of the Day, April 23, 2016

In the biblical record what structure was the precursor of Solomon's Temple?

a. Phoenician temples
b. Greek temples
c. Zorastrian temples
d. the Tabernacle

Quiz of the Day, April 22, 2016

What did Moses wear after he left the presence of God?

a. a special priestly robe
b. phylacteries
c. Urim and Thummim
d. a veil for his face

Quiz of the Day, April 21, 2016

Which of the following saints is associated with the ontological argument for the existence of God wherein God is defined as "That which none greater can be conceived" and further that existence would be a minimal requirement of the Greatest Being?

a. Thomas Aquinas
b. Augustine of Hippo
c. Anselm
d. Nicolas of Cusa

Quiz of the Day, April 20, 2016

When Moses asked to see God, what did God permit?

a. a show of God's light
b. a cloudy presence
c. a view of God's back
d. God touched Moses with God's finger

Quiz of the Day, April 19, 2016

What did Moses have his supporters do when they saw the people of Israel worshiping the golden calf?

a. send them back to Egypt
b. strap on their swords and kill about 3000
c. build an altar of repentance
d. punish his brother Aaron

Quiz of the Day, April 18, 2016

When Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the Law, who was responsible for making the golden calf?

a. Miriam
b. Hur
c. Joshua
d. Aaron

Quiz of the Day, April 17, 2016

What fruit was embroidered on the hem of Aaron's priestly vestments in-between bells?

a. apple
b. fig
c. pomegranate
d. grapes

Quiz of the Day, April 16, 2016

The Ark of the Covenant was originally built to be housed where?

a. Solomon's Temple
b. The Shrine at Shiloh
c. The tabernacle
d. Bethel

Quiz of the Day, April 15, 2016

When Moses went up Mount Sinai, how long did he remain their during his first occasion to receive the law?

a. 6 days
b. 7 days
c. 40 days
d. 77 days

Quiz of the Day, April 14, 2016

The writer of the Epistle to the Colossian church warned his readers about being deceived by what?

a. another Gospel
b. plausible arguments
c. the wisdom of the Greeks
d. skepticism

Quiz of the Day, April 13, 2016

Who called the scribes and Pharisees a "brood of vipers?"

a. Jesus
b. Paul
c. John the Baptist
d. Judas Iscariot

Quiz of the Day, April 12, 2016

God said to Moses that the divine presence would encounter him in what way on Mount Sinai?

a. a pillar of fire
b. a still small voice
c. in a dense cloud
d. a hand writing on a tablet of stone

Quiz of the Day, April 11, 2016

What person gave Moses the good advice of delegating and not doing all of the work himself?

a. his wife
b. Aaron
c. Miriam
d. his father-in-law

Quiz of the Day, April 10, 2016

From the Gospel accounts which of the following is not true about Mary Magdalene?

a. she was the first witness of the resurrection
b. she had seven demons cast out of her
c. she was a former harlot
d. in her grief she thought the resurrected Christ was a gardener

Quiz of the Day, April 9, 2016

What did Aaron and Hur do while Joshua fought the Amalek tribe?

a. they prayed
b. they blew ram's horns continuously
c. they held up the arms of Moses
d. they fasted in the tabernacle

Quiz of the Day, April 8, 2016

Jesus said to his disciples, "I have called you friends."  Which religious group has taken their name from this quote?

a. Seven Day Adventists
b. Congregational Church
c. The Quakers
d. Mennonites

Quiz of the Day, April 7, 2016

In which Gospel are the following metaphors used for Jesus: Vine, Gate, Light, Way, Truth, Life, Resurrection, Living Bread and Good Shepherd?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, April 6, 2016

Why did the people of Israel complain to Moses after God had delivered them from the Egyptians at the Red Sea?

a. lack of drinking water
b. not enough tents for sleeping
c. a large fire in the wilderness threatened them
d. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, April 5, 2016

"The Song of Moses" could also be called "The Song of         "

a. Aaron
b. Joshua
c. Miriam
d. the Defeated Egyptian Army

Quiz of the Day, April 4, 2016

Who is the angel of the annunciation?

a. Michael
b. Raphael
c. unknown
d. Gabriel

Quiz of the Day, April 3, 2016

What did Jesus say about marriage in heaven?

a. people are not given in marriage in heaven
b. people remain married in heaven
c. angels marry in heaven
d. a person is always married to their first spouse

Quiz of the Day, April 2, 2016

Whose burial remains did Moses take with him when he led the people of Israel from Egypt?

a. Joseph's
b. Rachael's
c. Potiphar's
d. Benjamin's

 Quiz of the Day, April 1, 2016

According to the Gospel of Luke, when Mary Magdalene and her companions told the apostles about the resurrection, what was the apostles response?

a. disbelief
b. praise
c. wonder
d. acceptance

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