Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Quiz of the Day, May 2016

Quiz of the Day, May 31, 2016

The occasion of the "Magnificat" is which of the following?

a. Mary's song of accepting praise at the Annunciation
b. The song Elizabeth at the Visitation
c. The song of Mary at the Visitation 
d. The song of Mary at the Presentation

 Quiz of the Day, May 30, 2016

Which patron saint of France was canonized in 1920?

a. St. Denis
b. St. Remigius
c. St. Joan of Arc
d. St. Therese of Lisieux

Quiz of the Day, May 29, 2016

What does one find the phrase, "Vanity of vanities!  All is vanity?"

a. Ecclesiasticus
b. Proverbs
c. Wisdom of Ben Sirach
d. Ecclesiastes

Quiz of the Day, May 28, 2016

Where is it written in the Bible: "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil?"

a. Proverbs
b. The Psalms
c. 1 Timothy
d. Ecclesiasticus

Quiz of the Day, May 27, 2016

Who was the Queen that welcomed the papal missionary Augustine to England?

a. Bertha of Kent
b. Matilda of Scotland
c. Eleanor of Aquataine
d. Eadgifu

Quiz of the Day, May 26, 2016

Which "Great" Pope sent Augustine to England?

a. Leo I
b. Clement I
c. Gregory I
d. Nicolas I

Quiz of the Day, May 25, 2016

Who was first person to write scholarly works in the English language? (that we know from surviving documents)

a. Geoffrey Chaucer
b. John Wycliffe
c. The Venerable Bede
d. Caedmon

Quiz of the Day, May 24, 2016

John and Charles Wesley were born and raised in what church?

a. the Methodist Church
b. the Mennonite Brethren
c. The Church of England
d. The Roman Catholic Church

Quiz of the Day, May 23, 2016

Copernicus' books were banned by the Pope for what reason?

a. they contradicted Old Testament cosmology
b. they asserted a heliocentric view of our planetary system
c. His views opposed the long standing view of Ptolemy
d. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, May 22, 2016

Why were similar Greek words "homoousia" and "homoiousia" controversial theological words in the Fourth Century Churches?

a. the church had disagreement about gender assignment
b. these words refer to Christ having "same substance" and "like substance" with the Father
c. these words refer to the procession of the Spirit from the Father and the Son
d. these words refer to the "same" or "like" communion of the various churches

 Quiz of the Day, May 21 2016

What British puritan pastor came to New England and became close enough with Algonquin peoples to translate their language?

a. Edward Sapir
b. Benjamin Whorf
c. John Eliot
d. William Dick

Quiz of the Day, May 20, 2016

How did the writer of Second Epistle of John address the recipient of the writer's letter?

a. fellow apostle
b. fellow sufferer
c. dear lady
d. Spirit carrier

Quiz of the Day, May 19, 2016

What translation of the Bible was used in the first Book of Common Prayer?

a. King James Bible
b. Coverdale Bible
c. Wycliffe Bible
d. Douai-Rheims Bible

Quiz of the Day, May 18, 2016

Roman Rite, Sarum Use, elements from the Greek liturgies of the Eastern Church,ancient Gallican rites, the Lutheran order of service, and from the Latin rite of Cologne, were inspiration for what Anglican theological work?

a. Jeremy Taylor's, "Holy Living, Holy Dying"
b. C.S. Lewis' "Screwtape Letters"
c. Cranmer's Book of Common Prayer
d. Hooker's "The Laws of Eccesiastical Polity"

  Quiz of the Day, May 17, 2016

About whom did Jesus say, "he is Elijah who is to come?"

a. St. Paul
b. Nathaniel
c. John the Baptist
d. John, the Beloved Disciple

Quiz of the Day, May 16, 2016

The book of Proverbs would be classified under what genre of biblical literature?

a. History
b. Poetry
c. Wisdom Literature
d. Apocalyptic

Quiz of the Day, May 15, 2015

What Jewish feast is observed on a "Pentecost" or fifty days after Passover?

a. Feast of Trumpets
b. Feast of Weeks or Shavuot
c. Feast of Booths, Sukkot
d. Purim

Quiz of the Day, May 14, 2016

In May of 2016, Pope Francis supported a commission to study what "innovative" feature in Roman Catholic ordinations?

a. ordination of married priests
b. ordination of former Episcopal priests as Roman Catholic priests
c. ordination of women to the priesthood
d. ordination of women as deacons

Quiz of the Day, May 13, 2016

Which prophet wrote about God putting "law within the hearts of the people" as a "new covenant" distinguished from the old covenant of laws written externally on the stone tablets?

a. Isaiah
b. Ezekiel
c. Jeremiah
d. Obadiah

Quiz of the Day, May 12, 2016

Who led the first group of Jews back from the Babylonian captivity during the time of Cyrus the Great and also laid the foundation for the second temple?

a. Daniel
b. Ezra
c. Nehemiah
d. Zerubbabel

Quiz of the Day, May 11, 2016

When Jesus cast demons out of a men in Gadarenes, where did he send the demons?

a. in the Jordan River
b. into a tree
c. into a herd of swine
d. into Hades

Quiz of the Day, May 10, 2016

To whom did God say, "Mortals look on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart?"

a. David
b. Moses
c. Samuel
d. Job

Quiz of the Day, May 9 2016

What was the eastern edge of the land which God promised to Joshua and the Israelites when he took over as leader?

a. Jordan River
b. Damascus
c. Land of the Hittites
d. Euphrates River

Quiz of the Day, May 8, 2016

On which day of the week does the Feast of the Ascension always fall?

a. Sunday
b. Wednesday
c. Thursday
d. Friday

Quiz of the Day, May 7, 2016

Fill in the blank
Moses said, "Would that all of God's people were                  ?

a. priests
b. faithful
c. prophets
d. servants

Quiz of the Day, May 6, 2016

What event inspired the "Song of Hannah?"

a. the return of the ark of the covenant to Shiloh
b. the exposure of the corrupt sons of Eli
c. the conception and birth of Samuel
d. Eli's ascension to be High Priest

Quiz of the Day, May 5, 2016

Which of the following books do not have accounts of the Ascension of the Risen Christ?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John
e. Acts of the Apostles
f. b and d
g. a nd e
h. a and d

Quiz of the Day, May 4, 2016

St. Monnica was the mother of what saint?

a. Augustine of Canterbury
b. Athanasius
c. Augustine of Hippo
d. Justin Martyr

Quiz of the Day, May 3, 2016

Which Gospel does not include the "Parable of the Sower?"

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, May 2, 2016

Who said, "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?"

a. Philip
b. Andrew
c. Nathaniel
d. John the Baptist

Quiz of the Day, May 1, 2016

What is the meaning of "Jubilee?"

a. a fifty year observance on the calendar specified in Leviticus
b. a celebration of a patronal feast
c. the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of a church
d. a half century mark

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