Saturday, December 31, 2016

Quiz of the Day, December 2016

Quiz of the Day, December 31, 2016

Which of the following periscopes in the Gospel of John is not found in the earliest manuscripts of this Gospel?

a. Wedding at Cana of Galilee
b. healing of the blind man
c. Samaritan woman at the well
d. woman taken in adultery

Quiz of the Day, December 30, 2016

In the book of Revelation of St. John the Divine, what do the seven stars in his vision represent?

a. the seven churches
b. the seven angels of the seven churches
c. the biblical archangels
d. the seven tribes left after five of the twelve are lost

Quiz of the Day, December 29, 2916

Chaucer's pilgrims to Canterbury were going there to venerate which saint?

a. Augustine of Canterbury
b. Theodore
c.  Anselm
d. Thomas Becket

Quiz of the Day, December 28, 2016

The slaughter of the holy innocent in the birth narratives of Jesus represents a parallel event in of the life  what figure person in the Hebrew Scriptures?

a. Joseph
b. David
c. Jacob
d. Moses

Quiz of the Day, December 27, 2016

St. John, the Apostle and son of Zebedee, brother of James, the Evangelist and the Divine, are believe in Christian tradition and modern scholarship to be how many persons?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, December 26, 2016

What order of ministry was St. Stephen, the first martyr of the Jesus Movement?

a. apostle
b. prophet
c. priest
d. bishop
e. deacon

Quiz of the Day, December 25, 2016

In Orthodox Churches where it is not Christmas today, which of the following calendar do these churches use to determine their date of Christmas?

a. Julian
b. Roman
c. Gaulish
d. Gregorian

Quiz of the Day, December 24, 2016

According to the Christmas who of the following were not at the stable in Bethlehem when Jesus was born?

a. Mary
b. Joseph
c. Shepherds
d. Magi

Quiz of the Day, December 23, 2016

Which biblical people said the words from which the main phrase of the "Hail Mary" prayer derived?

a. Elizabeth
b. The Angel Gabriel
c. The Virgin Mary
d. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, December 22, 2016

Of the following who had marvelous conception-birth stories, which could be called a gestational gymnast?

a. Samuel
b. Blessed Virgin Mary
c. Isaac
d. John the Baptist

Quiz of the Day, December 21, 2016

What is another name for St.Thomas the apostle, aka Doubting Thomas?

a. Junius
b. Jonas
c. Didymus
d. Quirinius

Quiz of the Day, December 20, 2016

Which of the following is most used by the writer of Revelations to refer to the place of punishment in the afterlife?

a. Sheol
b. Tararus
c. Gehenna
d. Hades

Quiz of the Day, December 19, 2016

In what book of the Bible does one find the following:  (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.)

a. Daniel
b. Ezekiel
c. Zechariah
d. Revelations

Quiz of the Day, December 18, 2016

Which of the following is not a part of the "armor of God" listed in the Epistle to the Ephesian church?

a. sword of the Spirit
b. helmet of salvation
c. breastplate of righteousness
d. shield of faith
e. belt of truth
f.  shoes of love

Quiz of the Day, December 17, 2016

"De profundis" is the Latin title for which Psalm?

a. 51
b. 22
c. 130
d. 1

Quiz of the Day, December 16, 2016

The names Cram and Upjohn would fit with what name below?

a. Rossetti
b. Laud
c. Tallis
d. Wren

Quiz of the Day, December 15, 2016

Why is St. Lucy a patron saint of the blind?

a. her name means light
b. legends say her eyes were gouged out before execution
c. her hometown of  Syracuse was a refuge for the blind
d. she was given that designation by Eusebius

Quiz of the Day, December 14, 2016

The spiritual phase known as "The Dark Night of the Soul," is associated with which of the following mystical writers?

a. anonymous author of "The Cloud of Unknowing"
b. Walter Hilton
c. Jacob Boehme
d. John of the Cross
e. Teresa of Avila
f. Hildegard

Quiz of the Day, December 13, 2016

Where does "Immanuel" or "Emmanuel" occur in the Hebrew Scriptures?

a. Ezekiel
b. Daniel
c. Isaiah
d. Jeremiah
e. All of the above

Quiz of the Day, December 12, 2016

Of the following Marian apparitions, which does not have the official papal confirmation for "supernatural" origin?

a. Lourdes
b. Guadeloupe
c. Fatima
d. Medjugorje
e. Rue de Bac

Quiz of the Day, December 11, 2016

Of all of the religious parties within Judaism during the time of Jesus, which of the following parties was most receptive to the message of Jesus as the Messiah based upon the internal evidence of the four Gospels?

a. Zealots
b. Herodians
c. Sadducees
d. Pharisees
e. Community of John the Baptist

Quiz of the Day, December 10, 2016

The post-World War I reassessment of liberal Protestant theology is often called "Neo-Orthodoxy."  Who of the following was somewhat uncomfortable being classified in such a way?

a. Paul Tillich
b. William Temple
c. Karl Barth
d. Reinhold Niebuhr

Quiz of the Day, December 9, 2016

The events from which the Hanukkah tradition derived are recounted in which book of the Hebrew Scriptures?

a. Daniel
b. Ezekiel
c. Isaiah
d. They are not written in the Hebrew Scriptures
e. Maccabees

 Quiz of the Day, December 8, 2016

Which of the following is not true about Richard Baxter?

a. Puritan
b. Nonconformist
c. Royalist
d. Poet
e. hymn-writer

Quiz of the Day, December 7, 2016

Which of the following saints was not yet baptized when he selected to be a bishop?

a. Cyril
b. Clement
c. Ambrose
d. Augustine

Quiz of the Day, December 6, 2016

Why has the Bishop of Myra become, perhaps the most popular bishop in the world of the last two centuries?

a. his writing on the Holy Trinity
b. his stance against the heretics
c. his role in the arising of his Turkish homeland
d. he morphed into Santa Claus

Quiz of the Day, December 5, 2016

Clement of Alexandria has become known for opposing what heretical teaching?

a. Docetism
b. Pelegianism
c. Donatism
d. Gnosticism

Quiz of the Day, December 4, 2016

In biblical metaphors, scion means what?

a. the holy hill in Jerusalem
b. the messiah
c. a branch symbolizing the lineage of Jesse
d. King David

Quiz of the Day, December 3, 2016

St. Francis Xavier, co-founder of the Jesuits and a Basque native, was a preeminent missionary to Asia.  He traveled to India, Japan and other Asian country under aegis of what country?

a. Spain
b. France
c. Italy
d. Portugal

 Quiz of the Day, December 2, 2016

What does the "widow's mite" refer to?

a. the widow in the Elijah story who had very little provisions
b. a parable of Jesus about giving
c. an observation about the proportionate giving of a widow in the Temple
d. the strength of a widow in a Gospel story

Quiz of the Day, December 1, 2016

Where was the "Protestant nunnery" of Deacon Nicholas Ferrar?

a. Charing Cross
b. Hampstead Heath
c. Little Gidding
d. Cambridge

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