Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Quiz of the Day, May 2017

Quiz of the Day, May 31, 2017

What do Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Samson, Samuel, John the Baptist and Jesus have in common?

a. they were all prophets
b. they were all Levites
c. they all died tragic deaths
d. they all had marvelous/miraculous births

Quiz of the Day, May 30, 2017

Which saint had the nickname "The Maid of Orleans?"

a. Thérèse of Lisieux
b. Joan of Arc
c. Isabelle of France
d. Genevieve

Quiz of the Day, May 29, 2017

The 1979 Book of Common Prayer provides which of the following instruction for Memorial Day liturgies?

a. celebrate a Requiem for the War Dead
b. use the memorial service found in Book of Occasional Services
c. Use the collect for Heroic Service
d. there is no instruction

Quiz of the Day, May 28, 2017

Which of the following is not true of the "Te Deum?"

a. it is a canticle used in Matins
b. it is a Psalm
c. it is used at a seating of a bishop
d. it is not recited in Advent and Lent
e. it is an ancient hymn of the church

Quiz of the Day, May 27, 2017

In various Judaeo-Christian traditions, who of the following did not have an "Assumption" into heaven?

a. Blessed Mary
b. Elijah
c. Enoch
d. Jesus

a. Quiz of the Day, May 26, 2017

Which of the following in true about Augustine of Canterbury?

a. he was a native of Canterbury
b. he wrote a biography called "Confessions"
c. his mother was named Monnica
d. he was the leader of the Gregorian Mission to England

Quiz of the Day, May 25, 2017

Which of the following are true according to  the biblical presentations of the Ascension?

a. it happened on Easter
b. it happened forty days after Easter
c. it happened on a mountain in Galilee
d. it happened from the Mount of Olives
e. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, May 24, 2017

Which of the following happens on Rogation Days?

a. the crops are blessed
b. the vestments are dedicated
c. the candles are blessed
d. the bee hives are blessed

Quiz of the Day, May 23, 2017

Which of the following once scientist heretic has become a latter day saint for his heliocentric view of the solar system?

a. Johannes Kepler
b. Nicolaus Copernicus
c. Galileo
d. Ptolemy

Quiz of the Day, May 22, 2017

Who was the Epistle of James written to?

a. the church at Jerusalem
b. the 12 Tribes of the Dispersion
c. the elders of the church at Antioch
d. the intended recipient is not listed

Quiz of the Day, May 21, 2017

According to the Acts of the Apostles, St. Paul engaged members of which of the following schools of philosophical thought?

a. Stoics
b. Cynics
c. Epicureans
d. Sophists
e. Platonists
f. Aristotelian
g. a and c
h. b and d

Quiz of the Day, May 20, 2017

Which of the following is not true of Alcuin?

a. he taught Thomas Aquinas
b. he was brought to the court of Charlemagne
c. he was a deacon
d. he was an abbot
e. he is credited with inventing the first modern "question mark"

Quiz of the Day, May 19, 2017

Which of the following is not a biblical use of the word and notion of "Legion?"

a. Legion was the name of the demons in the demoniac of Gerasenes
b. 3-6 thousand soldiers in a division of Roman soldiers
c. 12 legions of angels that Jesus said he could call to save him
d. the number of angels that comforted Jesus after his temptation

Quiz of the Day, May 18, 2017

Which biblical writer wrote the following:  "Some will eat anything while the weak eat only vegetable?"

a. Moses
b. Solomon
c. Paul
d. Isaiah

Quiz of the Day, May 17, 2017

The Gospel of Luke records how many demons came out of Mary, called Magdalene?

a. 1
b. 3
c. 6
d. 7

Quiz of the Day, May 16, 2917

Where is the parable of the seed and the sower not found in the New Testament?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John
e. c and d

Quiz of the Day, May 15, 2017

Paul greeted Junia and Andronicus, as friends among the apostles in the letter to the Roman church.  Why is this controversial?

a. because Junia was a woman
b. the church in Rome did not have other apostles
c. Andronicus is associated with the church in Ephesus
d. Junia is a textual error since the Roman church did not have women apostles

Quiz of the Day, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day became an official feast day in the Episcopal Church on what day?

a. August 15, the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for the 1928 Book of Common Prayer
b. Presiding Bishop the Rt. Rev. Hallmark Card instituted it in 1953
c. it is not an official feast
d. it is the Rite of the Churching of Women instituted when the 1928 Book of Common Prayer began to be used

Quiz of the Day, May 13, 2017

Which of the following is not usually designated as "Wisdom" literature?

a. Job
b. Psalms
c. Jonah
d. Proverbs
e. Ecclesiastes
f. Book of Wisdom
g. Sirach
h. Song of Songs (Song of Solomon)

Quiz of the Day, May 12, 2017

Which of the following is not true of Frances Perkins?

a. she is an Episcopal saint
b. she served in the FDR administration
c. she was involved in the establishment of Social Security
d. she was anti-labor unions

Quiz of the Day, May 11, 2017

Who wrote "The Revelations of Divine Love?"

a. Teresa of Avila
b. Hildegard of Bingen
c. Julian of Norwich
d. St. John the Divine

Quiz of the Day, May 10, 2017

In the list of the 12 disciples in the Gospel of Luke, how many pairs of the twelve had the same "first" name?

a. none
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3

Quiz of the Day, May 9, 2017

Which of the following Cappadocian Father was ordained a priest against his will because he was articulate in his defense against the Arian heresy?

a. Basil the Great
b. Gregory of Nyssa
c. Gregory of Nazianzus
d. Peter of Sabaste

Quiz of the Day, May 8, 2017

Lady Julian of Norwich is not regarded to be a saint in which of the following churches?

a. Church of England
b. The Episcopal Church
c. The Roman Catholic Church
d. The Lutheran Church

Quiz of the Day, May 7, 2017

Poimen, pastor, ro-i are the English transliteration for what?

a. king
b. priest
c. prophet
d. shepherd

Quiz of the Day, May 6, 2017

What is not true of the words, mene, mene, tekel, parsin?

a. they were the handwriting on the wall
b. they were words in the Hebrew language interpreted by Daniel
c. they were words in the Aramaic language interpreted by Daniel
d. parsin refers to Persia

Quiz of the Day, May 5, 2017

Which of the following books of the Bible was written to the "elect lady and her children?"

a. Acts, to Theophilus
b. 2 John
c. Philemon
d. Ruth

Quiz of the Day, May 4, 2017

St. Monnica was the mother of what famous saint?

a. Thomas Aquinas
b. Augustine of Hippo
c. Augustine of Canterbury
d. Athanasius

Quiz of the Day, May 3, 2017

The literary source for the common phrase, "the handwritings on the wall" is

a. Shakespeare's King Lear
b. Book of Daniel
c. Jeremiah
d. Amos

Quiz of the Day, May 2, 2017

Which of the following involves a "prophet" and a monarch who goes temporarily "mad" even to living the life of a beast in the fields?

a. Elijah-Ahab
b. Nathan-David
c. Isaiah-Sennacherib
d. Daniel-Nebuchadnezzar

d.Quiz of the Day, May 1, 2017

When Jesus read from the Hebrew Scriptures, "the Spirit of the Lord is upon on me to proclaim good news (Gospel)," what prophet was he reading from to indicate the Hebrew Scripture root for the "Christian" notion of Gospel?

a. Jeremiah
b. Ezekiel
c. Isaiah
d. Joel

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