Friday, June 30, 2017

Quiz of the Day, June 2017

Quiz of the Day, June 30, 2017

Saul of Tarsus and King Saul, first king of Israel were from what tribe of Israel?

a. Judah
b. Dan
c. Ephraim
d. Benjamin
e. Levi

Quiz of the Day, June 29, 2017

Which of the following are not feast day on the Episcopal calendar?

a. St. Peter
b. Confession of St. Peter
c. St. Paul
d. Conversion of St. Paul
e. St. Peter and St. Paul
f. a and c

Quiz of the Day, June 28, 2017

Which of the following does not pertain to Irenaeus?

a. polemics against heretics
b. plain sense of Scripture preferred
c. supported the four canonical Gospels
d. was a follower of Marcion

Quiz of the Day, June 27, 2017

Which rabbi said if the Jesus Movement is of God, it will not be overthrown?

a. Shammai
b. Hillel
c. Gamaliel
d. Paul

Quiz of the Day, June 26, 2017

Which opponent of Israel actually captured the Ark of the Covenant?

a. Amorite
b. Hittites
c. Philistines
d. Jebusites

Quiz of the Day, June 25, 2017

Who was Ichabod?

a. son of Phineas
b. nephew of Hophni
c. grand son of Eli
d. a baby whose name meant "the glory has left"
e. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, June 24, 2017

Who said, "He must increase and I must decrease?"

a. St. Paul
b. Peter
c. John the Baptist
d. Nathaniel

Quiz of the Day, June 23, 2017

Who said, "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening?"

a. Paul
b. David
c. Samuel
d. Isaiah

Quiz of the Day, June 22, 2017

Which is true about the death of St. Alban?

a. he died in battle
b. he died impersonating a priest
c. he died at the stake
d. he was the fourth martyr in England

Quiz of the Day, June 21, 2017

Which of the following was not a source for the first Book of Common Prayer?

a. Sarum Rite
b. Roman Breviary of Cardinal QuiƱones
c. Hermann von Wied book on liturgy and doctrine
d. King James Bible
e. Coverdale Bible

Quiz of the Day, June 20, 2017

Phineas was

a. Samuel's brother
b. Eli's son
c. David's butler
d. writer of Psalms

Quiz of the Day, June 19, 2017

Who is Theophilus?

a. a companion of St. Paul
b. the addressee of the writer of Luke and Acts
c. the brother of Luke
d. a companion of Barnabas

Quiz of the Day, June 18, 2017

Which biblical patriarch has a name which means "laughter?"

a. Abraham
b. Noah
c. Isaac
d. Jacob

Quiz of the Day, June 17, 2017

The account of the cleansing of the Temple by Jesus is found in which of the following Gospels?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John
e. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, June 16, 2017

What American city was named after an Irish bishop/philosopher?

a. Butler
b. Berkeley
c. Becket
d. Cambridge

Quiz of the Day, June 15, 2017

Who is associated with the metaphor "thorn in the flesh" when referring to a personal God given weakness or ordeal?

a. Jesus
b. Peter
c. Paul
d. James

Quiz of the Day, June 14, 2017

Which of the following saint is not designated as "the Great" in the title of his name?

a. Pope St. Gregory
b. Leo
c. Basil
d. Peter
e. Albert

Quiz of the Day, June 13, 2017

Who said, "If there were no God, there would be no atheists?"

a. C.S. Lewis
b. Charles Williams
c. G.K. Chesterton
d. J.R.R.Tolkien

Quiz of the Day, June 12, 2017

Who is regarded to be the founder of the church in Cyprus?

a. Silas
b. St. Paul
c. St. Barnabas
d. St. Timothy

Quiz of the Day, June 11, 2017

The "holy, holy, holy" or Sanctus derives from what book of the Bible?

a. Ezekiel
b. Revelations
c. Isaiah
d. Psalms

Quiz of the Day, June 10, 2017

Which of the following is true about the Holy Trinity?

a. using the word Trinity for God is not found in the Bible
b. the Trinity was first articulated by Athanasius
c. the Emperor Constantine enforced the invention of the Trinity
d. the Trinity was not an official belief until the Council of Nicaea

Quiz of the Day, June 9, 2017

Who was the founder of the Abbey on Iona?

a. Chad
b. Patrick
c. Columba
d. Wilfrid

Quiz of the Day, June 8, 2017

Which of the following is known for writing about missionary methods?

a. St. Paul
b. Roland Allen
c. St. Gregory the Great
d. St. Augustine of Canterbury

Quiz of the Day, June 7, 2017

What do the following Christian groups agree on?  Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Christadelphians, Christian Scientists.

a. divinity of Jesus
b. antitrinitarian
c. the Bible
d. ordained ministries

Quiz of the Day, June 6, 2017

Which of the following is a symbol of the Holy Trinity?

a. egg
b. triquetra
c. circle
d. eagle

Quiz of the Day, June 5, 2017

Boniface, the apostle to Germany was born where?

a. Bavaria
b. Frisia
c. Holland
d. England

Quiz of the Day, June 4, 2017

Which of the following is true about the account of the Day of Pentecost in the Acts of the Apostles?

a. Gentiles in Jerusalem heard the Gospel in their various languages
b. Devout Jews gathered in Jerusalem from around the world heard local Galileans speak in diverse languages
c. Gentiles received the gift of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost
d. the tongues of Pentecost are glossolalia or tongues of angels and not known human languages

Quiz of the Day, June 3, 2017

According to the Epistle of Hebrews, who was the model "High Priest" for Jesus?

a. Aaron
b. Moses
c. Eli
d. Melchizedek
e. Caiphas

Quiz of the Day, June 2, 2017

Which of the following is not used to refer to the Holy Spirit?

a Heavenly Dove
b. tongues of fire
c.  Paraclete
d. Advocate
e. Redeemer
f. Wind
g. breath of God
h. Comforter

Quiz of the Day, June 1, 2017

The Good Samaritan was

a. a disciple of Jesus
b. the woman at the well in John 4
c. a character in one of the parables of Jesus
d. the founder of the hospital movement in early Palestine

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