Thursday, August 31, 2017

Quiz of the Day, August 2017

Quiz of the Day, August 31, 2017

A dispute between mothers regarding claims on a baby brought the suggestion that the baby be cut in two and shared from what wise man?

a. Samuel
b. David
c. Solomon
d. Nathan

Quiz of the Day, August 30, 2017

Of the following, who did not have a memorable "boat" voyage?

a. Noah
b. Paul
c. Jonah
d. Peter
e. Moses
f. Jacob

Quiz of the Day, August 29, 2017

Where did John Bunyan begin to write his famous allegory, "The Pilgrim's Progress?"

a. Oxford
b. Cambridge
c. Tower of London
d. Bedford prison

Quiz of the Day, August 28, 2017

Who was the "praying mother" of St. Augustine of Hippo?

a. Helena
b. Monica
c. Eunice
d. Priscilla

Quiz of the Day, August 27, 2017

The biblical support for Petrine Primacy is found in which of the following biblical quotes?

a. Feed my sheep
b. I will never deny you
c. On this rock, I will build my church
d. We must obey God rather than men

Quiz of the Day, August 26, 2017

Who was the biblical Bernice?

a. a companion of St. Paul
b. the head of a Johannine church
c. the wife of Agrippa
d. the mother of Timothy

Quiz of the Day, August 25, 2017

Which King Louis of France was a canonized saint?

a. X
b. IX
c. XII
d. XIV

Quiz of the Day, August 24, 2017

Who do many scholars think that Bartholomew was presented as in the Gospel of John?

a. Nicodemus
b. Nathaniel
c. Lazarus
d. Thaddaeus

Quiz of the Day, August 23, 2017

Who was  St. Rosa de Lima?

a. the girl who received the vision of Our Lady of Guadalupe
b. a Franciscan sister in Peru famous for helping the poor
c. the first saint born in the "new" world
d. the first Inca convert

Quiz of the Day, August 22, 2017

Which of the following interactions with Nature is not attributed to Jesus?

a. condemning a fig tree that did not provide figs out of bearing season
b. calming a storm on a lake
c. sending demons into swine that compelled them to drown
d. floated an axe head on a river

Quiz of the Day, August 21, 2017

On the day of the eclipse, who was the leader of Israel when "the sun stood still" to provide light for an extended battle?

a. Moses
b. Joshua
c. Gideon
d. David

Quiz of the Day, August 20, 2017

"We are not worthy so much as to gather the crumbs from under Thy table..."  What is the name of the prayer which includes this phrase?

a. Collect for Purity
b. Prayer of Humble Access
c. A Prayer of St. Chrysostom
d. A Collect for Renewal of Life

Quiz of the Day, August 19, 2017

When Absalom was attempting a coup against his father, King David, what odious act did he do to disrespect his father?

a. he grew very long hair
b. he stole his best donkeys
c. he went into King David's harem
d. he set crops on fire

Quiz of the Day, August 18, 2017

In the dramatic conversion event of St. Paul, he lost his eyesight.  Who is the person who helped him regain his sight?

a. Barnabas
b. Silas
c. Ananias
d. Priscilla
e. Peter

Quiz of the Day, August 17, 2017

A "camel going through the eye of a needle," is the metaphor Jesus used for what?

a. the possibility of entering the kingdom of God for wealthy folks
b. the possibility of religious people going to hell
c. the possibility of people of faith uprooting trees
d. the possibility of trees bearing fruit out of season

 Quiz of the Day, August 16, 2017

Which of the following is not true about Absalom?

a. he was famously handsome with an impressive head of hair
b. he revenged the violation of his sister by their half brother
c. he was David's son
d. he attempted a coup against David
e. Abigail was his mother
f. he died when he hung himself when his hair was caught in a tree

Quiz of the Day, August 15, 2017

Which of the following is not true regarding the Feast of the Virgin Mary?

a. In the Roman Catholic Church it is the Feast of the Assumption
b. All Anglicans and the Orthodox celebrate the Dormitian of Mary
c. the status of the feast attained its "infallible" status on November 1, 1950
d. the Assumption of Mary is not recorded in Holy Scriptures

Quiz of the Day, August 14, 2017

Jonathan Daniels was

a. a Civil Rights martyr
b. an Episcopal seminarian
c. a voters' right worker
d. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, August 13, 2017

Why is the main body of a church called a "nave?"

a. churches were built by ship builders
b. vaulted church ceiling resembled a ship's keel
c. ships often were hung in Baltic and Scandinavian churches
d. b and c
e. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, August 12, 2017

Who was the mother of King Solomon?

a. Abigail
b. Michal
c. Bathsheba
d. Haggith

Quiz of the Day, August 11, 2017

Who was the prophet who confronted King David about his "wife-stealing" scheme by telling a parable?

a. Samuel
b. Asaph
c. Nathan
d. Abithar

Quiz of the Day, August 10, 2017

Who was Uriah the Hittite?

a. a Hittite soldier in Saul's army
b. Bathsheba's first husband
c. a traitor in David's court
d. a foreigner who saved the Ark of the Covenant

Quiz of the Day, August 9, 2017

St. Herman was a Russian Orthodox monk missionary associated with what location?

a. Siberia
b. Moscow
c. Alaska
d. California

Quiz of the Day, August 8, 2017

St. Dominic preached to oppose what dissident group?

a. Cathars
b. Albigensians
c. Bogomils
d. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, August 7, 2017

Titius Justus and Crispus were converts and leaders in the church in what city?

a. Antioch
b. Jerusalem
c. Philippi
d. Corinth

Quiz of the Day, August 6, 2017

August 6th is the Feast of the Transfiguration.  On what other Sunday of the church calendar are the Transfiguration Gospel account read annually?

a. 2 Easter
b. Epiphany
c. Last Sunday after the Epiphany
d. All Saints' Eve

Quiz of the Day, August 5, 2017

Who is the artist for perhaps the most famous artistic rendering of "Praying Hands?"

a. Raphael
b. Michelangelo
c. Cranach the Elder
d. Albrecht Dürer

Quiz of the Day, August 4, 2017

When David became King, from where did he rule?

a. Jerusalem
b. Hebron
c. Shiloh
d. Bethlehem

Quiz of the Day, August 3, 2017

Whom of the following is on the calendar of saints and was a co-founder of the NAACP and first African American graduate of Harvard?

a. Martin Luther King Jr.
b. Absalom Jones
c. Richard Allen
d. W.E.B. Du Bois

Quiz of the Day, August 2, 2017

According to the rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer, what is the liturgical requirement when the Feast of the Transfiguration occurs on Sunday?

a. the Propers for the Sunday in Pentecost takes precedence
b. the Propers for Transfiguration take precedence
c. the Propers for Transfiguration are moved to Monday
d. the Propers for Transfiguration are used at a Sunday Vigil

Quiz of the Day, August 1, 2017

Who is the patron saint of funeral directors?

a. Elijah
b. Nicodemus
c. Christopher
d. Joseph of Arimathea

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