Saturday, September 30, 2017

Quiz of the Day, September 2017

Quiz of the Day, September 30, 2017

Who of the following is associated with the Vulgate, a Latin translation of the Bible which served as the "official" version of the Western Church for many years?

a. Athanasius
b. Jerome
c. Augustine of Hippo
d. Rufinius

Quiz of the Day, September 29, 2017

Of the following which is not an angel mentioned in the Bible?

a. Melchior
b. Michael
c. Gabriel
d. Raphael
e. Uriel

Quiz of the Day, September 28, 2017

What is common to Thomas Traherne, Margery Kempe, Walter Hilton and Richard Rolle?

a. They were Reformation mystics
b. they were friends with Lady Julian of Norwich
c. they collaborated on a book called "The Ladder of Perfection"
d. They were English

Quiz of the Day, September 27, 2017

What are St. Vincent de Paul and his namesake Society best known for?

a. The Vincentian position on Canon Law
b. The Vincentian Rule regarding poverty
c. A commitment to work on behalf of the poor
d. the commitment to the abolition of slavery

Quiz of the Day, September 26, 2017

Who of the following was an important editor of the Authorized Version of the English translation of the Bible?

a. King James I and VI
b. Miles Coverdale
c. John Wycliffe
d. Lancelot Andrewes

Quiz of the Day, September 25, 2017

The Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius does what?

a. promotes the Russian Orthodox Church in England
b. fosters relationships between the Orthodox and Anglicans
c. its a choral society promoting Russian Orthodox chant
d. it is a scholarship fund for Anglicans to study in Russia

Quiz of the Day, September 24, 2017

Crossword puzzle give the clue "liar" for Ananias and Ananias is also the one who prayed for the blinded Saul and "received" him into the Jesus Movement.  How is it that Ananias is both liar and Jesus Movement leader in Damascus?

a. he had a conversion himself
b. there are two men named Ananias in the book of Acts
c. he lied to save Paul's life
d. Paul as Saul had earlier called him a liar

Quiz of the Day, September 23, 2017

Which of the following is not a biblical "parting" of the waters?

a. Jesus, on the Sea of Galilee
b. Spirit of God in creation moving on the face of the deep
c. Moses parting the Red Sea
d. Joshua parting the Jordan River
e. Elijah parting the Jordan River
f. Elisha parting the Jordan River

Quiz of the Day, September 22, 2017

Tishbite is a person from Tishbe in Gilead.  Who of the following was a Tishbite?

a. Jeremiah
b. Isaiah
c. Elijah
d. Elisha

Quiz of the Day, September 21, 2017

St. Matthew is listed by name in which of the canonical Gospels?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John
e. He not listed

Quiz of the Day, September 20, 2017

Who of the following disciples of Jesus was not a fisherman?

a. Andrew
b. Peter
c. Philip
d. James
e. John

Quiz of the Day, September 19, 2017

Paul was from Tarsus; what other man from Tarsus became the Archbishop of Canterbury in the post-Synod of Whitby English Church?

a. Augustine
b. Theodore
c. Thomas a Becket
d. Laurentius
e. Honorius

Quiz of the Day, September 18, 2017

Whom of the following biblical women does not have a "song?"

a. Mary
b. Miriam
c. Deborah
d. Ruth
e. Hannah

Quiz of the Day, September 17, 2017

"Passing on the mantle," from what biblical figure have we derived this common phrase?

a. King David
b. Samuel
c. Elijah
d. Isaiah

Quiz of the Day, September 16, 2017

Who of the following is not a Celtic saint?

a. Patrick
b. Chad
c. Ninian
d. Columba

Quiz of the Day, September 15, 2017

Who was the husband of Jezebel?

a. Omri
b. Moby
c. Ahab
d. Naboth

Quiz of the Day, September 14, 2017

Which of the following were Hebrew Scriptures that were creatively used by New Testament writer to refer to the Cross of Jesus?

a. the pillar that Samson pulled down on the Philistine gathering
b. the cedars of Lebanon used to construct the Temple
c. the tree of life in the Garden of Eden
d. the bronze serpent on a pole raised by Moses
e. a and b
f.  c and d

Quiz of the Day, September 13, 2017

John Chrysostom was archbishop of what city?

a. Rome
b. Damascus
c. Antioch
d. Constantinople

Quiz of the Day, September 12, 2017

In the meeting of orality and writing, where is this quote found in the Bible: "my tongue shall be the pen of a skilled writer?"

a. Proverbs
b. Ecclesiastes
c. Psalms
d. Job

Quiz of the Day, September 11, 2017

Who of the following was the key person to introduce and keep alive the African American Spirituals?

a. James Weldon Johnson
b   Mahalia Jackson
c.  Harry Thacker Burleigh
d.  Scott Joplin

Quiz of the Day, September 10, 2017

Jeroboam and Rehoboam were significant for which of the following?

a. sons of Solomon
b. Kings of Israel
c. Kings of Judah and Israel, respectively
d. Repulse the Assyrian armies

Quiz of the Day, September 9, 2017

Which of the following in the Bible does not refer to Israel?

a. Jacob
b. the church
c. Northern Kingdom
d. Tribal lands of Judah and Benjamin
e. Abraham

Quiz of the Day, September 8, 2017

Why did the prophet Ahijah tear his garment into 12 pieces?

a. as a symbolic prophetic act
b. as a witness against Solomon's sins
c. as symbol of the division of the tribes of Israel
d. as a announcement to Jeroboam of his ascension to be king of the 10 separated tribes
e. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, September 7, 2017

What was King Solomon's marital sin?

a. polygamy
b. marrying foreign wives
c. adultery
d. offering sacrifices to the gods of his foreign wives

Quiz of the Day, September 6, 2017

If names can get lost in a crowd, who was the most identified wife of King Solomon listed in holy Scriptures?

a. Tamar
b. Queen of Sheba
c. the daughter of the Pharaoh
d. Jezebel

Quiz of the Day, September 5, 2017

Which New Testament book specifically makes the point of the compatibility and mutual reciprocity of works and faith?

a. Romans
b. 1 Corinthians
c. Jude
d. James

Quiz of the Day, September 4, 2017

Which of the following is not found in the Book of Common Prayer for the liturgical observance of Labor Day?

a. Contemporary Collect for Labor Day
b. Traditional Collect for Labor Day
c. Appointed Lectionary readings for Labor Day
d. Specific Eucharistic Preface for Labor Day

Quiz of the Day, September 3, 2017

Which leader of Israel was responsible for building the first Temple in Jerusalem?

a. Moses
b. Joshua
c. David
d. Solomon

Quiz of the Day, September 2, 2017

What is the significance of "Three Taverns" in the New Testament?

a. the place near the Last Supper in Jerusalem
b. a staging place Roman Christians for St. Paul on the Appian Way in Rome
c. the location of the Antiochian church
d. a location in Corinth visited by St. Paul

Quiz of the Day, September 1, 2017

What product was the ancient country of Sidon famous for?

a. granite
b. livestock
c. lumber from cedar trees
d. salt

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