Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Quiz of the Day, October 2017

Quiz of the Day, October 31, 2017

What is All Hallows' Eve known as in the Lutheran Church?

a. Reformation Day
b. the anniversary of the start of the Reformation
c. the day when Luther nailed the 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Castle church
d. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, October 30, 2017

What biblical documents did John Wyclif use for his English translation of the Bible?

a. Septuagint and Dead Sea Scrolls
b. The Bibles ordered by Constantine
c. Various Codices from the 3rd to 5th Century
d. Jerome's Vulgate

Quiz of the Day, October 29, 2017

Which of the following would characterize a main prophetic vision of the prophet Haggai?

a. get to work and rebuild the Temple
b. send the remnant back to Persia
c. oppose the leadership of Zerubbabel
d. promote Jehozadak as governor of Judah

Quiz of the Day, October 28, 2017

Which of the following is not tradition regarding Jude whose feast day is celebrated with Simon on October 28th?

a. he is patron saint for a children's hospital
b. he is the saint of lost or desperate causes
c. conflicting his name with Judas, made him a saint of last resort
d. he is the brother of James of Jerusalem
e. he is associated with the Epistle of the same name

Quiz of the Day, October 27, 2017

The Temple was built using cedar from what country which retains this tree as an enduring symbol to this day?

a. Syria
b. Samaria
c. Jordan
d. Lebanon

Quiz of the Day, October 26, 2017

Who was the patron for the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem?

a. Ezra
b. Nehemiah
c. Cyrus the Great
d. Darius

Quiz of the Day, October 25, 2017

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus was cited by religious authority for doing what on the Sabbath?

a. healing
b. picking heads of grain from a field
c. washing his disciples' feet
d. telling a sick man to carry his bedding

Quiz of the Day, October 24, 2017

The summary of the law, briefly, love God, love your neighbor as yourself was

a. originated in the words of Jesus
b. found first in the writing so St. Paul
c. found as separated phrase in Deuteronomy and Leviticus
d. written by Moses

Quiz of the Day, October 23, 2017

What can be controversial in various churches about James of Jerusalem, martyr and brother of our Lord?

a. the question of Jesus being the only child of Mary
b. the question of James being a "half brother" of Jesus
c. the importing of modern biology into biblical stories
d. the consistent use of the meaning of  "brother" in the koine Greek New Testament
e. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, October 22, 2017

What was the message from God through Jeremiah regarding the relationship of the exiled Jews in Babylon?

a. resist and rebel
b. escape and return home
c. build a temple in Babylon
d. start synagogues in Babylon
e. pray for the Babylonian authorities

Quiz of the Day, October 21, 2017

Whom of the following was in charge of the actual destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem?

a. Antiochus Epiphanes
b. Nebuchadnezzar
c. Nebuzaradan
d. Gedaliah

Quiz of the Day, October 20, 2017

Who translated the Bible into the Persian language (Farsi)?

a. Lord Curzon
b. E.G. Browne
c. Richard Burton
d. Henry Martyn

Quiz of the Day, October 19, 2017

Who said, "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword?"

a. Jeremiah
b. Joshua
c. David
d. Jesus

Quiz of the Day, October 18, 2017

Luke, the assumed writer of Luke and Acts, was a companion of Paul who is known for his "first" profession.  What is it?

a. tanner
b. tent maker with Paul
c. physician
d. merchant

Quiz of the Day, October 17, 2017

Who of the following is referred to as one who enhanced the notion of the "monarchical episcopate," the key role of a bishop in unifying the church?

a. Ignatius Loyola
b. Ignatius of Antioch
c. Cyril of Jerusalem
d. Augustine of Hippo

Quiz of the Day, October 16, 2017

Bishops Latimer and Ridley were Oxford Martyrs.  Who was the third?

a. Jewell
b. Laud
c. Cranmer
d. Tyndale

Quiz of the Day, October 15, 2017

What was the relation of Baruch to Jeremiah?

a. son
b. brother
c. scribal secretary taking dictation
d. co-author

Quiz of the Day, October 14, 2017

Which of the following is not true about Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky?

a. he was bishop of Warsaw
b. he was bishop of Shanghai
c. he translate the Bible into Mandarin
d. he was paralyzed and typed with one finger
e. he was a missionary to China

Quiz of the Day, October 13, 2017

Which king captured the Temple in Jerusalem and destroyed the sacred vessels of the Temple?

a. Darius
b. Sennacharib
c. Cyrus
d. Nebuchadnezzar

Quiz of the Day, October 12, 2017

According to the Book of Second Kings, which of the following kings actually kept the prescribed Passover in the book of the law?

a. Saul
b. David
c. Solomon
d. Josiah

Quiz of the Day, October 11, 2017

Why did St. Paul write to the Corinthian church about the Eucharist?

a. to institute its practice
b. to assign the presider at the Eucharist
c. to combat lay presidency at the Eucharist
d. to admonish the trivialization of the Corinthian church of the Eucharist

Quiz of the Day, October 10, 2017

Which king re-discovered the book of the law?

a. Asa
b. Josiah
c. Hezekiah
d. Jeroboam

Quiz of the Day, October 9, 2017

Where is the first account of Christian Eucharist found in the New Testament?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John
e. 1 Corinthians

Quiz of the Day, October 8, 2017

Jesus quoted the following passage from Hebrew Scripture: "The same stone which the builders rejected, has become the chief cornerstone."  Which book in Hebrew Scripture?

a. Isaiah
b. Jeremiah
c. Psalms
d. Nehemiah

Quiz of the Day, October 7, 2017

Who was the first Lutheran pastor and missionary to America?

a. Rasmus Jensen
b. Henry M. Muhlenberg
c. Reorus Torkillus
d. Jacob Fabricius
e. answer varies depending upon America or American colonies

Quiz of the Day, October 6, 2017

Who of the following is not known as a Bible translator?

a. Jerome
b. Luther
c. Cranmer
d. Tyndale
e. Coverdale
f. Wycliffe
g. Andrewes

Quiz of the Day, October 5, 2017

Why did King Hezekiah strip gold from the Temple door?

a. To hide the temple from thieves
b. To give to the invading king of Assyria 
c. God told him to do it
d. To avoid idolatry

Quiz of the Day, October 4, 2017

St. Francis of Assisi was a Friar but not a monk; what is the difference?

a. a Friar is a traveling mendicant
b. A monk is a solitary who stays in a monastery or hermitage
c. They essentially mean the same; one for the Orthodox and the other for Western Catholicism
d. a Friar is an ordained priest; a monk need not be a priest
e. all of the above
f. a and b only

Quiz of the Day, October 3, 2017

How could Hezekiah be King in Jerusalem and not the king of Israel?

a. he seized the city and claimed kingship there
b. he was the king of Judah when it was divided from the Northern Kingdom called Israel
c. he was the satrap for the Assyrians
d. he refused to serve the people of Samaria

Quiz of the Day, October 2, 2017

Why can't the 10 Commandments be the official basis of law in the United States?

a. it imposes a belief in one God
b. it imposes the observance of a Sabbath
c. it imposes beliefs about family behaviors
d. it denies one the freedom to have idols
e. it does not allow one's desire to be expressed as coveting
f. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, October 1, 2017

Peter gave a healing command to a woman named Tabitha; what was her "other" name?

a. Priscilla
b. Aquila
c. Dorcas
d. Dora

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