Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Quiz, February 2018

February 28, 2018

Which canonical Gospel does not include the Parable of the Sower?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

February 27, 2018

Who wrote the poem in the work often called "The Country Parson?"

a. Nicholas Ferrar
b. John Bunyan
c. John Donne
d. George Herbert

February 26, 2018

Which two tribal heads of Israel had an Egyptian mother?

a. Manasseh and Ephraim
b. Manasseh and Reuben
c. Reuben and Asher
d. Dan and Ephraim

February 25, 2018

"He gained authority over the land of Egypt."  About whom was this said?

a. Abraham
b. Melchizedek
c. Moses
d. Joseph

February 24, 2018

Joseph Barsabbas is known in church tradition for what?

a. for being the released prisoner instead of Jesus
b. for being one of the false messiahs in a revolt put down by the Romans
c. for losing a drawing of the lots to replace Judas Iscariot in the 12
d. for being an early convert through the ministry of Peter

February 23, 2018

According to Tertullian, Polycarp was a disciple of which disciple of Jesus?

a. Thomas
b. James the Greater
c. John
d. Peter

February 22, 2018

Who was Potiphar?

a. an Egyptian officer of the Pharaoh
b. owner of Joseph when he was a slave
c. husband of the woman who tried to seduce Joseph
d. the man who incarcerated Joseph
e. all of the above

February 21, 2018

Who wrote this in reference to doctrinal "innovation" in the church:  "To be perfect is to have changed often?"

a. Hegel
b. Kant
c. Augustine
d. Thomas Aquinas
e. John Henry Newman

February 20, 2018

Which son of Jacob was known as "the dreamer?"

a. Benjamin
b. Levi
c. Reuben
d. Joseph

February 19, 2018

On which two occasions in the life of Jesus do the Gospels record a heavenly voice saying, "You are my son, the beloved...?"

a. Birth and Transfiguration
b. Birth and Baptism
c. Baptism and Transfiguration
d. Transfiguration and Glorification
e. Transfiguration and Resurrection

February 18, 2018

Which book in the Hebrew Scriptures purports to have been written in the time of the ancient Persian Empire but whose internal evidence pertains more to the events that occurred during the time of Antiochus Epiphanes?

a. Job
b. 2 Kings
c. Daniel
d. Esther

February 17, 2018

Janani Luwum, martyred archbishop of Uganda, was murdered by whom?

a. Idi Amin
b. Robert Mogabe
c. Mwanda II
d. Muteesa I

February 16, 2018

Which Gospel presents the longest prayer of Jesus?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

February 15, 2018

What biblical person inspired both the Kyrie and the famous "Jesus Prayer" tradition in the Orthodox traditions?

a. St. Paul
b. St. Peter
c. a penitential tax collector in a parable of Jesus
d. a Roman Centurion

February 14, 2018

What is the Orthodox Church equivalent of Ash Wednesday?

a. Clean Monday
b. Fasting Friday
c. Penitential Tuesday
d. Mourning Thursday

February 13, 2018

Which Bishop ordained Absalom Jones as the first African-American priest in the Episcopal Church?

a. Samuel Seabury
b. William White
c. Samuel Proovost
d. James Madison
e. Thomas John Clagget

February 12, 2018

What is the biblical meaning of "kenosis?

a. eventful time
b. fellowship and befriending
c. renunciation of the Divine to take the form of humanity
d. sanctification

February 11, 2018

Which canonical Gospel does not include an account of the Transfiguration?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

February 10, 2018

"Some believe in eating anything while the weak only eat vegetable."  Who wrote this?

a. the writer of Proverbs
b. Ben Sirach
c. St. Paul
d. writer of the Epistle of James

February 9, 2018

The place where Jacob had his dream about angels descending from heaven is called what?

a. Bethel
b. Luz
c. Beer-sheba
d. Mamre
e. a and b

February 8, 2018

Who was Laban?

a. Rachael's father
b. Leah's father
c. Rebekah's brother
d. Jacob's father in law
e. the father of Jacob's cousins whom he married
f. all of the above

February 7, 2018

Who was the first Gentile convert to the Gospel for Peter?

a. Simon the tanner
b. an unknown Ethiopian eunuch
c. Cornelius
d. Sapphira 

February 6, 2018

Beersheba, Sitnah, Rehoboth, Esek are associated with Isaac the Patriarch for what features?

a. the oases
b. groves of trees
c. the wells he dug
d. sites of contention with the Philistines

February 5, 2018

Which biblical figure could have had the nickname, "Red?"

a. Esau
b. Boaz
c. Reuben
d. Benjamin
e. Samuel

February 4, 2018

Who of the following was not a wife of a Patriarch?

a. Ruth
b. Sarah
c. Hagar
d. Rachael
e. Rebekah
f. Leah

February 3, 2018

Who did Abraham send to his homeland to find a wife for his son Isaac?

a. Isaac himself
b. Sarah
c. Lot
d. his chief servant Eliezer

February 2, 2018

The Presentation of Christ event inspired which of the following liturgical rites in the liturgical history of the Anglican Church?

a. mandatory circumcision
b. the Churching of Women
c. a dedication service for new born babies in lieu of a postponed baptism
d. the Churching of Fathers

February 1, 2018

The heroes of faith went to become part of great cloud of witnesses.  Where in the Bible can the metaphor "cloud of witnesses" be found?

a. Romans
b. Acts
c. Jude
d. Hebrews

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