Friday, August 31, 2018

Quiz of the Day, August 2018

Quiz of the Day, August 31, 2018

Which of the following is not true about Lindisfarne?

a. it's call The Holy Island
b. Aidan and Cuthbert were saints who resided there
c. a famous monastery was founded there
d. it is off the coast of Scotland
e. it was an important center of Celtic Christianity

Quiz of the Day, August 30, 2018

Which apostles needed to be prepared in a dream to approach and preach to an "unclean" Gentile Roman officer who had the "profane" customs of the Gentiles?

a. Barnabas
b. Simon Peter
c. Paul
d. Luke

 Quiz of the Day, August 29, 2018

Why did John Bunyan write "Pilgrim's Progress" in prison?

a. he refused to conform to Anglican requirements in the Restoration
b. he fought with Cromwell
c. he was a Baptist minister
d. he refused allegiance to Charles II

Quiz of the Day, August 28, 2018

Which of the following is not a quote from St. Augustine?

a. Love God and do what you want.
b. That love is all there is, is all we know of love.
c. O Lord, give me chastity, but do not give it yet.
d. He who created us without our help, will not save us without our consent.

Quiz of the Day, August 27, 2018

When Paul was being sought in Damascus to be killed, how did he escape from the city?

a. angels escorted him from the city
b. he was hidden in a cart of hay
c. he was let down the city wall in a basket
d. he climbed down a rope on they city wall

Quiz of the Day, August 26, 2018

Who were Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar?

a. the names that came to be given to the three wisemen
b. the friends of Job
c. Daniel's three friends
d. along with Caleb and Joshua, spies sent to the Promised Land

Quiz of the Day, August 25, 2018

Why is the name Ananias both associated with lying and with intercessor for St. Paul?

a. there were two different men in Acts of the Apostle with same name
b. Ananias the liar converted to become Ananias the friend of Paul
c. Ananias lied to protect the life of Saul of Tarsus
d. Ananias only lied to cover for his wife Sapphira

Quiz of the Day, August 24, 2018

Who declared a place to be the "house of God" and the "gate of heaven?"

a. Moses
b. Solomon
c. Jesus
d. Jacob
e. David

Quiz of the Day, August 23, 2018

Which of the following books of the Bible might be considered the quintessential personal study of the meaning of human suffering?

a. Psalms
b. Job
c. Proverbs
d. Ecclesiastes

Quiz of the Day, August 22, 2018

Simony, the selling of ecclesiastical offices derives from what biblical person?

a. Simon Magus
b. Simon Peter
c. Simon the tanner
d. Simon the Zealot

Quiz of the Day, August 21, 2018

Whom of the following was asked to judge between papal rivals?

a. St. Ignatius Loyola
b. St. Francis of Assisi
c. St. Teresa of Avila
d. St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Quiz of the Day, August 20, 2018

Whom of the following is known for his sermons retained in a book on the Song of Songs in which the spiritual meanings are explicated?

a. Ignatius Loyola
b. Bernard of Clairvaux
c. Julian of Norwich
d. John of the Cross

Quiz of the Day, August 19, 2018

Which of the following is not true about Samson?

a. he was a Judge of Israel
b. he was blinded by the Philistines
c. he committed suicide
d. he pulled a house down on 3000 Philistines and killed them
e. Delilah was his wife and childhood family friend

Quiz of the Day, August 18, 2018

What was the source of Samson's supernatural strength?

a. he was bigger and stronger in physical size
b. he grew up wrestling wild animals
c. his long hair due to his nazirite vow
d. his holy life style and chaste behavior

Quiz of the Day, August 17, 2018

Samuel Johnson, became rector of the first Anglican parish in the 13 colonies and then went on to become president of King's College.  What happened to King's College?

a. after the Revolutionary War, the College returned to their Cambridge England campus
b. It closed after the Revolution since America could not have an institution with ties to the English monarch
c. It became Columbia University in New York City
d. It became Columbia College and then became Columbia University

Quiz of the Day, August 16, 2018

Samson ate honey collected from an unusual location and he made a riddle about that location?  From where did Samson collect the honey?

a. from the carcass of a dead lion that he had previously killed
b. from a hive in the shrine
c. from a hive on the tomb of his father
d. from the quiver for his arrows

Quiz of the Day, August 15, 2018

What do various Christians disagree about regarding the Virgin Mary?

a. her perpetual virginity
b. her Assumption into heaven
c. her sinlessness
d. her role as Co-redemptrix of the world
e. her immaculate conception
f.  all of the above

Quiz of the Day, August 14, 2018

Who was Manoah?

a. the father of Samuel
b. the father of Gideon
c. the father of Samson
d. the father of Boaz

Quiz of the Day, August 13, 2018

What is the Shibboleth and Sibboleth pronunciation controversy?

a. rabbis argued about sh versus s and change in meaning of the text
b. It was used as a Jordan crossing password, since the lispers revealed their regional identity with mispronunciation
c. it is the difference between a sword and a knife
d. it was devised by the rabbis as a way of choosing their students based upon their ability to pronounce words

Quiz of the Day, August 12, 2018

In a vow that came back to haunt him, what raider-leader of Israel gave his daughter to God as a burnt offering?

a. David
b. Saul
c. Jephthah
d. Samson

Quiz of the Day, August 11, 2018

Which of the following is not true about Clare of Assisi?

a. she was a sister of St. Francis
b. she founded an order called the Poor Ladies or later called the Poor Clares
c. she was the first known writer of Rules for a religious Order
d. established a convent in San Damiano

Quiz of the Day, August 10, 2018

Who was the earliest king of Israel?

a. Abimelech, son of Jerubbaal
b. Gideon
c. Saul
d. Samuel

Quiz of the Day, August 9, 2018

What was the main fault in the life of Gideon?

a. many wives
b. compromised with the Midianites
c. he made an ephod (idol) out of gold
d. he refused to be made King of Israel

Quiz of the Day, August 8, 2018

Of four founders of monasteries/monastic movevments, who came first?

a. Francis
b. Dominic
c. Benedict
d. Ignatius

Quiz of the Day, August 7, 2018

What was the criteria for the selection of the troops of Gideon for battle?

a. good archers
b. drank water with cupped hands
c. good swordsmen
d. lapped water like a dog

Quiz of the Day, August 6, 2018

Mount Tabor is sometimes cited as the possible location for this event.

a. The Sermon on the Mount
b. The place of the return of the Son of Man
c. The Transfiguration
d. The Ascension

Quiz of the Day, August 5, 2018

Gideon was inspired by God for what?

a. to fight the Midians
b. to deliver Bibles in public facilities
c. to fight the Moabites
d. to divine God's will with fleece

Quiz of the Day, August 4, 2018

In the lectionary, which two days always use the Transfiguration periscope from the Gospels?

a. Feast of the Transfiguration and First Sunday after Easter
b. Feast of the Transfiguration and Last Sunday after Pentecost
c. Feast of the Transfiguration and Last Sunday after the Epiphany
d. Feast of the Transfiguration and Second Sunday after the Epiphany

Quiz of the Day, August 3, 2018

What couple in Hebrew Scriptures were part of a singing duet?

a. Abraham and Sarah
b. Moses and Miriam
c. Hannah and Eli
d. Deborah and Barak

Quiz of the Day, August 2, 2018

How did Sisera die?

a. of leprosy
b. a woman drove a tent peg into his temple while he slept
c. sword wound
d. hit by an arrow in battle

Quiz of the Day, August 1, 2018

Whom of the following would be the most logical patron saint of morticians?

a. Ezekiel, of dry bones fame
b. Elijah, of chariot of fire fame
c. Enoch, of deathless fame
d. Joseph of Arimathea 

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