Friday, January 31, 2020

Quiz of the Day, January 2020

Quiz of the Day, January 31, 2020

God told Abraham he would be the father of twelve princes.  How did that happen?

a. through his son Ishmael
b. his son Isaac had twelve sons
c. his grand son was the Patriarch of the twelve tribes of Israel
d. through the mother of Moses

Quiz of the Day, January 30, 2020

The covenant regarding the practice of circumcision first came to whom?

a. Adam
b. Noah
c. Abraham
d. Moses

Quiz of the Day, January 29, 2020

Who dealt harshly with Hagar?

a. Abram
b. Sarai
c. God
d. Ishmael

Quiz of the Day, January 28, 2020

Who would be regarded to be the chief architect of Scholasticism?

a. Augustine of Hippo
b. Anselm
c. Thomas Aquinas
d. Peter Abelard

Quiz of the Day, January 27, 2020

Which man met the King of Salem, Melchizedek?

A. Abram
B. Lot
C. Moses
D. David
E. Samuel

Quiz of the Day, January 26, 2020

Saul of Tarsus

A. Was a Pharisee
B. Was a Benjaminite
C. Saw Jesus of Nazareth
D. All of the above
E. A, B, & C

 Quiz of the Day, January 25, 2020

If someone has a "Damascus Road Experience," what saint would this be in reference to?

a. Barnabas
b. Peter
c. John
d. James
e. Paul

Quiz of the Day, January 24, 2020

The first woman ordained to the priesthood in the Anglican Communion was from where?

a. New Zealand
b. U.S.A
c. China
d. Japan

Quiz of the Day, January 23, 2020

The city of Babel was

a. a biblical city in the land of Shinar
b. named after the confusion of tongues
c. is the site of Babylon 
d. a and b
e. a and c

Quiz of the Day, January 22, 2020

The word Semitic comes from 

a. Shimon, a Hebrew name
b. Shem, son of Noah
c. From the Shema Prayer, "Hear O Israel..."
d. From Semion, meaning sign

Quiz of the Day, January 21, 2020

Which biblical figure is associated with the rainbow and its "meaning?"

a. Adam
b. Moses
c. Enoch
d. Elijah
e. Noah

Quiz of the Day, January 20, 2010

In what church was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ordained?

a. African-Methodist Episcopal
b. National Baptist Convention
c. Christian Methodist Episcopal
d. Church of God in Christ

Quiz of the Day, January 19, 2020

The week of Christian Unity in January is between feasts for which two saints?

a. John and Paul
b. Francis and Claire
c. Peter and John
d. Peter and Paul

Quiz of the Day, January 18, 2020

What is true about the confession of St. Peter regarding Jesus being the Messiah?

a. he did not understand what he confessed
b. he was not thinking about a suffering servant messiah
c. his misunderstanding led to the rebuke, "Get behind me Satan!"
d. the location of his confession was Caesarea Philippi
e. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, January 17, 2019

Who was sitting under a fig tree and was seen by Jesus from afar?

a. Andrew
b. Nathaniel
c. Levi
d. Bartimaeus

Quiz of the Day, January 16, 2020

Who was the third child of Adam and Eve?

a. Lamesh
b. Lamach
c. Enoch
d. Seth

Quiz of the Day, January 15, 2020

After Cain killed his brother, who said to him, "Where is your brother?"

a. Abel spoke from the grave
b. the Lord
c. Adam
d. Eve

Quiz of the Day, January 14, 2020

Of the following, who is the founder of the Anglican monastic order which is sometimes referred to as the "Cowley Fathers?"

a. Charles Gore
b. Richard Meux Benson
c. James Huntington
d. Thomas Merton

Quiz of the Day, January 13, 2020

Who was a co-sender of the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians?

a. Luke
b. Titus
c. Sosthenes
d. Onesimus

Quiz of the Day, January 12, 2019

The view that Jesus was proclaimed to be the Son of God at his baptism is called what?

a. docetism
b. monophysitism
c. Binarianism
d. adoptionism

Quiz of the Day, January 11, 2020

In which Gospel does Jesus refer to God as his Father the most?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, January 10, 2020

Laudianism might be best described as what?

a. Puritanism
b. Evangelical
c. Low Church
d. Proto-High Church

Quiz of the Day, January 9, 2020

Which of the following is not a biblical metaphor for the Holy Spirit?

a. breath
b. wind
c. dove
d. living water
e. fire
f.  oil
g. words
h. life

 Quiz of the Day, January 8, 2020

In which Gospel does Jesus state that he is the bread of life?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John
e. Thomas
f.  Philip

Quiz of the Day, January 7, 2020

Where is it written that "one does not live by bread alone?"

a. Deuteronomy
b. Matthew
c. Mark
d. John
e. Luke
f. a, b,c
g. a, b, e

Quiz of the Day, January 6, 2020

The story of the three kings visiting the Christ Child is found where?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John
e. the story of three things is not found in the Bible

Quiz of the Day, January 5, 2020

How did the Magi of the Gospel morph into three kings?

a. fulfilling Psalm 71:10
b. logic: such expensive gifts could only have come from kings
c. the Greek word for magi also can mean king
d. all of the above
e. a and b

Quiz of the Day, January 4, 2020

What was the last barrier to cross for the people of Israel to enter the Promised Land?

a. Red Sea
b. The Euphrates
c. The Jordan River
d. Mt. Hermon

Quiz of the Day, January 3, 2020

The sound of sheer silence(oxymoron with poetic poignancy),  borrowed in a Simon and Garfunkel song, was the theophany in contrast to wind, earthquake and fire, to which person in the Hebrew Scriptures?

a. David, as in the Psalm, "be still and know that I am God"
b. Moses on Sinai
c. Elijah in a cave
d. Job, after confronted by the whirlwind

Quiz of the Day, January 2, 2020

Where did the Magi visit Jesus?

a. at the family home in Nazareth the Bethlehem stable
c. at a house in Bethlehem
d. the Gospel does not indicate where

Quiz of the Day, January 1, 2020

What does the name "Jesus" mean?

a. anointed
b. God's chosen
c. salvation
d. messiah

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