Monday, August 31, 2020

Quiz of the Day, August 2020

Quiz of the Day, August 31, 2020

In what city were followers of Jesus first called "Christians?"

a. Jerusalem

b. Capernaum

c. Antioch

d. Ephesus

Quiz of the Day, August 30, 2020

Salome is the young girl dancer who was coached by her mother to ask for the head of John the Baptist.  Where is Salome's name found?

a. Mark

b. Matthew

c. Luke

d. Josephus

Quiz of the Day, August 29, 2020

Which is a more recent commemoration day added to the Liturgical Calendar of the Episcopal Church?

a. Nativity of John the Baptist

b. The Baptism of John the Baptist

c. The Feast of John XXIII

d. The Feast of Frances Perkins

Quiz of the Day, August 28, 2020

Which of the following were not written by St. Augustine of Hippo?

a. The Confessions

b. The City of God

c.  The Imitation of Christ

d. Christian Doctrine

e. The Enchiridion

Quiz of the Day, August 27, 2020

Monica was the mother of whom?

a. Augustine of Canterbury

b. Augustine of Hippo

c. Constantine I

d. Gregory the Great

Quiz of the Day, August 26, 2020

Thomas Gallaudet is associated with ministry to persons with which disability?

a. blindness

b. deafness

c. amputees

d. paralysis

Quiz of the Day, August 25, 2020

Who was responsible for ministering the restoration of the health of Dorcas?

a. Tabitha

b. Paul

c. Silas

d. John Mark

e. Peter

Quiz of the Day, August 24, 2020

Who is the Apostle Bartholomew often equated with?

a. Levi

b. Nathaniel

c. Lazarus

d. the Beloved Disciple

Quiz of the Day, August 23, 2020

Where did the confession of Peter about Jesus the Messiah take place?

a. Jerusalem

b. Mount of Olives

c. Caesarea Philippi

e. On the Sea of Galilee

Quiz of the Day, August 22, 2020

Who said, "The Lord gave and the Lord takes away; blessed be the Name of the Lord?"

a. the writer of Ecclesiastes

b. the writer of the Proverbs

c. St. Paul

d. Job

Quiz of the Day, August 21, 2020

What modern day country was St. Paul from?

a. Syria

b. Greece

c. Lebanon

d. Turkey

e. Israel

Quiz of the Day, August 20, 2020                                                  

How does the book of Job present the cause of Job's suffering?

a. his sins

b. a contest between God and Satan

c. the sins of his family

d. the randomness of bad luck befalling people

Quiz of the Day, August 19, 2020 

What was found to be in the House of God at Shiloh?

a. the Ark of the Covenant

b. an idol

c. Aaron's budding rod

d. the fleece of Gideon

Quiz of the Day, August 18, 2020

Derived from the Bible, what is the sin of the selling of ecclesiastical positions called?

a. the Peter principle

b. the Magus principle

c. Simony

d. the Judas principle

Quiz of the Day, August 19, 2020 

What was the name of the young man at the stoning of Stephen?

a. Demas
b. Saul
c. Junius
d. Simon Magus

Quiz of the Day, August 16, 2020

Where did the Canaanite woman's request for crumbs under the table make it into the Anglican/ Episcopal liturgy?
a. The Great Litany
b. The Penitential Opening to Holy Eucharist
c. The Prayer of Humble Access
d. The Collect for Purity

Quiz of the Day, August 15, 2020

What is something not held to be true about the Virgin Mary in the Roman Catholic Tradition?
a. Mary bore no children besides Jesus
b. she was immaculately conceived
c. she was sinless
d. she reappeared under various apparitions
e. her birthday is August 15th
g. she was assumed into heaven

Quiz of the Day, August 14, 2020

What weapon did Samson use to kill a thousand Philistines?
b. spear
c. animal jawbone
d. wooden staff

Quiz of the Day, August 13, 2020

What did Samson eat from a lion he killed?
a. lion flesh
b. falling grapes
c. fallen figs
d. honey
e. quail's eggs 

Quiz of the Day, August 12, 2020

Of the following, who was not among the first deacons?
a. Stephens
b. Silas
c. Philip
d. Prochorus,
e. Nicanor 
f. Timon
g. Parmenas
h. Nicolaus

Quiz of the Day, August 11, 2020

An angel of the Lord did not say to the barren wife of Manoah?
a. you will have son
b. your child shall never cut his hair
c. your child will be under the vow of the nazirite
d. your child shall deliver Israel from the Philestines
e. you shall name your child Samuel

Quiz of the Day, August 10, 2020

What is the the significance of Shibboleth?
a. it was magic incantation word in Ephraim
b. it was a pronunciation test to identify the Gileadites
c. It was a territory in Gilead
d. it was to expose the inability of the Gileadites to prounounce the "th" sound

Quiz of the Day, August 9, 2020

Why was the vow of Jephthah to God devastating to him?
a. he was required to marry a prostitute
b. he had to sacrifice a daughter
c. he suffered defeat to the Ammonites
d. he lost his leadership role in Israel

Quiz of the Day, August 8, 2020

Why did Abimelech ask for someone to kill him with a sword?
a. he did not want to be known for having been killed by a woman
b. he did not want to be captured in battle
c. he did not want to be killed by Philistines
d. he did not want to commit the sin of suicide

Quiz of the Day, August 7, 2020

In the book of Judges what is the talking plants, an olive tree, a fig tree, a vine and a bramble about?
a. a hymn or verse about an impending ruler of Israel
b. an allegory about the people of Israel and Deborah
c. a vision of a prophet about his role
d. a vine dresser opining about the superiority of the vine

Quiz of the Day, August 6, 2020

The Transfiguration of Jesus is not found in the Gospel which has the most references to Christ being the Light of the world.  Which Gospel is it?
a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, August 5, 2020

Who used the phrase, "universal restoration?"
a. Jesus
b. John
c. Paul
d. Isaiah

Quiz of the Day, August 4, 2020

What skill did Gideon's army member had to have to be selected to fight?
a. good archer
b. good with the sword
c. good with a spear
d. lap water like a dog
e. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, August 3, 2020

Who is associated with Mount Horeb?
a. Moses
b. Elijah
c. Elisha
d. David
e. a and b
f.  c and d

Quiz of the Day, August 2, 2020

What biblical person is associated with the phrase used to get instruction for the divine direction of one's life: "putting out the fleece?"
a. Deborah
b. Samuel
c. Gideon
d. Samson

Quiz of the Day, August 1, 2020

What was the topic of a song by Deborah, judge of Israel?
a. Jael, a woman who pounded a tent peg into the head of Sisera
b. her duties as a judge of Israel
c. the greatness of the armies of Israel
d. the King of Israel

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