Monday, November 30, 2020

Quiz of the Day, November 2020

Quiz of the Day, November 30, 2020

Who introduced Simon Peter to Jesus Christ?

a. John the Baptist
b. his brother Andrew
c. the sons of Zebedee
d. James, the brother of our Lord

Quiz of the Day, November 29, 2020

The Advent wreath originated

a. in a papal bull of Pope Gregory the Great
b. in Celtic Christianity
c. among 16th century Lutherans in Germany
d. because of candle makers in Naples

Quiz of the Day, November 28, 2020

What does the "cleansing of the Temple" refer to?

a. purification procedures for priests
b. the rededication of the Temple during the Maccabees
c. Jesus removing the seller from the Temple
d. the river of life which flows from the altar

Quiz of the Day, November 27, 2020

The exclamatory cry "Hosanna" is associated with what event in the life of Jesus?

a. the Transfiguration
b. the Samaritan woman at the well
c. the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem riding on a donkey
d. the healing of the blind man Bartimaeus

Quiz of the Day, November 26, 2020

In Hebrew Scriptures, who is the wandering Aramean? 

a. Noah
b. Moses
c. Abraham
d. the Messiah

Quiz of the Day, November 25, 2020

Of the following, which man was not a Pharisee?

a. Saul of Tarsus
b. Nicodemus
c. Gamaliel
d. Levi

Quiz of the Day, November 24, 2020

Which prophet wrote about thirty pieces of silver being cast into the Temple treasury and it was used as a correspondence for the thirty pieces of silver bribe of Judas?

a. Isaiah
b. Jeremiah
c. Zechariah
d. Malachi

Quiz of the Day, November 23, 2020

In church tradition in the succession of popes, which number is Clement I?

a. second
b. third
c. fourth
d. fifth

Quiz of the Day, November 22, 2020

Which of the following is not true about the Feast of Christ the King?

a. it originated during the time of the early Church Fathers
b. it began in the 1920's through Pius XI
c. it date has not always been the last Sunday of Pentecost/Ordinary Time
d. it arose a as a response to growing secularization

Quiz of the Day, November 21, 2020

Where can one find reference to the practice of anointing the sick with oil?

a. Romans
b. 1 Corinthians
c. James
d. Hebrews

Quiz of the Day, November 20, 2020

Handel's Oratorio uses the phrase, "for he is like a refiner's fire;" where is this found in Holy Scripture?

a. Isaiah
b. Ezekiel
c. Malachi
d. Amos

Quiz of the Day, November 19, 2020

Which would be the most "literal" meaning of apocalypse?

a. the last great battle of Armageddon
b. the Rapture
c. a Greek word meaning "to uncover" and designated title the last book of the New Testament
d. the end of world
e. the final judgment

Quiz of the Day, November 18, 2020

What was the ultimate result of the Council hosted by Hilda of Whitby?

a. the missionary work to Ireland
b. the establishment of Lindefarne
c. the end of Celtic Christianity
d. the establishment of the Ionian community

Quiz of the Day, November 17, 2020

According to the parable Jesus, when the King returned to judge the people, where did the people find him or miss him?

a. in strangers
b. in poor
c. in hungry
d. in prisoners
e. in the sick
f. all of the above
g. a through d

Quiz of the Day, November 16, 2020

From which prophet did Paul, quote, "the just/righteous shall live by faith?"

a. Joel
b. Amos
c. Obadiah
d. Habakkuk

Quiz of the Day, November 15, 2020

The King James' version of the Bible transliterated the word "mammon;" what does it mean?

a. breast
b. wealth
c. power
d. fame

Quiz of the Day, November 14, 2020

What did the Scottish Church ask of the American Church in exchange for consecrating the first American bishop, Samuel Seabury?

a. Haggis was to be served on Bobby Burns Day
b. the adoption of the Scottish Book of Common Prayer
c. the use of the Scottish prayer of consecration for the Eucharist
d. the addition of St. Andrew's Day on the Calendar of Saints

Quiz of the Day, November 13, 2020

What is one of the myths of the origin of an unlucky Friday, the thirteenth?

a. thirteen steps to Golgotha hill
b. 13th of Nisan, the day of the crucifixion
c. the number plagues in Revelation to reach fulfillment on a Friday
d. Judas as becoming an unlucky 13th after Matthias was elected

Quiz of the Day, November 12, 2020

The parable of the talent is found where in the Bible?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John
e. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, November 11, 2020

Which patron saint of soldiers feast day fall on Veteran's Day?

a. St.Ignatius Loyola
b. St. George
c. St.Martin of Tours
d. St. Michael the Archangel
e. St. Joan of ArcQuiz of the Day, November 10, 2020

What "game bird" was given to the people of Israel to eat in the wilderness?

a. dove
b. pheasant
c. quail
d. duck

Quiz of the Day, November 9, 2020

Which of these women attained the highest role of leadership in Israel?

a. Jezebel
b. Deborah
c. Bathsheba
d. Ruth

Quiz of the Day, November 8, 2020

"Speaking in tongues," is found in which writings in the Bible?

a. Genesis
b. Acts of the Apostle
c. 1 Corinthians
d. Titus
e. all of the above
f. b and c

Quiz of the Day, November 7, 2020

When does Babylon really does not mean Babylon?

a. in the vision of Daniel
b. in the vision of Ezekiel
c. in the vision Zecharish
d. in the vision of John the Divine

Quiz of the Day, November 6, 2020

"When I pray, coincidences happen, when I don't, they don't."  Who said this?

a. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
b. Pope Francis
c. Archbishop William Temple
d. Cardinal John Henry Newman

Quiz of the Day, November 5, 2020

Where in the Bible can one find reference to one hundred pound hailstones?

a. Daniel
b. Ezekiel
c. Revelations
d. Jude

Quiz of the Day, November 4, 2020

Of the following, who is most responsible for establishing the three-legged stool of Anglican authority, as the dynamic between Scripture, Tradition, and Reason?

a. Thomas Cranmer
b. Charles Gore
c. Richard Hooker
d. F.D. Maurice

Quiz of the Day, November 3, 2020

In what biblical book is there found a vision of an angel with sickle who harvests the grapes of the earth to be the grapes of God's wrath?

a. Jude
b. Revelation
c. Daniel
d. Psalms

Quiz of the Day, November 2, 2020

All Souls' Day became uniquely adopted and locally adapted in which of the following countries?

a. Russia
b. Israel
c. Mexico
d. Canada

Quiz of the Day, November 1, 2020

In which of the following books, is Son of God found as a visionary figure of apocalyptic importance?

a. Ecclesiasticus
b. Daniel
c. 2 Esdras
d. 1 Maccabees

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