Sunday, October 31, 2021

God, What Can I Do to Get into Where I Already Am?

23 Pentecost 26B October 31, 2021
Deuteronomy 6:1-9 Psalm 119:1-8
Hebrews 9:11-14 Mark 12:28-34

How can one agree with Jesus about the law and still just be near the kingdom of God and not in it?  Sounds like another word riddle of the Gospels; distinctions without difference or what?  Why the word games or is there some highly nuanced spiritual and religious point?

And the solution to the word riddle of Jesus is this.  How does one do better things, associate with the right people, have the correct religious pedigree so that I can get into the room where I am not standing?

What do I have to do Jesus to get into the room where I am already?

Jesus if I agree with you that loving God and loving my neighbor are the greatest of the laws, will that allow me to get into the room where I am?

Can we appreciate the wisdom of Jesus.  You can't get to somewhere that you already are, so what is the big problem?

The problem is our internal alienation, the lack of understanding regarding the extent of God's realm in space and time.

What is the internal alienation?  Why is it that I don't think God's realm is already my location?  If I am not living in God's realm, then whose realm am I living in?

I live and move and have my being in my house, in my city, in my state, in my country, in my hemisphere, on the earth, in the solar system, in the universe, and in God, in totality, within the edges of the expanding universe.

If we can conceive of the universe as as location, then what realm is beyond the universe physically and spiritually in complete inner space, the totality of the inner lives of all people who ever have or can exist; what realm is beyond?  And do I not live there?

There was a total realm which pre-dated my existence; there will be a total realm which will post-date my death in my body.

What kind of internal alienation prevails to believe that the lesser realms are final and determining of my entire life?

Jesus was trying to teach biblical cosmology.  "Sorry, you religious people, you cannot be more religious to attain the status of being made in God's image and belonging to God in God's realm."  You cannot erase the image of the divine from your life; you can deny your heavenly parentage, but your heavenly parent will not deny the divine genetics of your life and the location of your life in space and time.

You are God's and you live and move and have your being in God and you cannot doing anything to get and be what you already are.

The Gospel program of Jesus is to deprogram us from our alienation about who we are and about the telling and most significant realm of life, the kingdom of God.

Why do people need to be deprogrammed?  Because they have been alienated from reality.

One might characterize a large sector of our population today as being alienated from reality.  Many people have come to believe lies as truth, science as unbelieveable, and many religious people have re-defined the kingdom of God as their own little groups with Q-Anon like reality of existence.

There are religious people today who say you have to believe their politics and their predictions about political leaders to really be in God's kingdom and be the true believers.  Any program of exclusivity is false, because one can never make oneself more in the Realm of God.  That was done and established long before we came into this world.

So what is the point Jesus?  The point is accepting that one lives and moves and has one's being in God, and being contained in God, one has access to the Spirit of God to engage in the human vocation with excellence.

Being in the kingdom of God, what is our vocation?  To love God and our neighbor and to have the Spirit of God help us to do this well.

If one is trying to promote that one is more correct, of a better race, have a superior baptism, have more of the Spirit, belong to the largest group of correct believers, of the correct sexual orientation, as a marker of knowing God better, one has missed the point of Jesus.  One persists in alienation.

There are many superior religious people in our country who believe they are more in the kingdom of God than others, as if their little formula of asking Jesus into their heart got them into the kingdom.

No, you can't get somewhere, where you already are, and that is Gospel of Jesus.  Don't keep adding born again rules, salvation rules to try to prove you did the right thing to get where you already are.

God made you and the entire place where you reside; accept that humbly and then accept the flow through the arteries of the universe, the Spirit of God to go forth and love God and our neighbors.  Amen.

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