Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Prayers for Christmas 2021

Wednesday in 2 Christmas, Eve of the Epiphany, January 5, 2022

God whose very name would imply universality, what would be the universal meaning of Jesus Christ to everyone in the world?  We ask that the Christ nature of God's image being upon all persons would arise in each person and allow each person to recognize our common family identity so that we would care for each other as we seek to take the very best care of ourselves.  Amen.

Tuesday in 2 Christmas, January 4, 2022

O God, we believe that in Jesus Christ, the divine life became initiated into humanity in the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist; help those who are strong and powerful to accept their initiation into community for the the purpose of ministry and helping the entire community to raise their level of well being.  Amen.

Monday in 2 Christmas, January 3, 2022

God whom we know in palpable ways when the experience of the Sublime marks our human experience with the extraordinary and the uncanny, we ask for events of the Epiphany of Christ in increased events of the active practice of love and justice in the behaviors of all people.  Please God, inspire the sublime results of love and justice to become manifests so that the world can be saved.  Amen.

Sunday, 2 Christmas, January 2, 2022

God whose realm is everywhere, you make your realm accessible to all who with wisdom comes to find that all human life is possessed with Word ability that can become expressive of the wisdom which best characterizes the wisdom of God and life.  Amen.

Saturday in 1 Christmas, January 1, 2022, The Holy Name

O God, we have measured another year in the 4.543 years which have passed according to our own location and measuring standard; forgive us for overestimating our own time because we are prisoners of our own era.  Let our estimation of our own time be a time to add the qualities of love and justice to our world and help us to reverse the arc of damage that we are inflicting upon the people of the future because we live as though our world only belongs to us in our own time.  Amen.

Friday in 1 Christmas, December 31, 2021

God of Time, we label in arbitrary ways time in measurements as a way of telling our story located in time and space.  The end of a unit called a year is an attempt like grasping the water in the river that flows aways and we might call a handful of river water representative of the entire stream.  And so we clasp the river of Time with our calendars because we want that the time of our life to be qualitative time punctuated by the good deeds that qualify the days of our life.  Amen.

Thursday in 1 Christmas, December 30, 2021

Gracious Word of God, forgive us for keeping faith stories within their own logic and failing to see how they are meant to inspire us to do the seeming impossible task of making heaven on earth in the practice of love and justice.  God, we look to the impossibility of the miracles stories so that we might be inspired to overturn the logical gravity of selfish sin and let God do the seeming impossible work of justice through us in our daily practice.  Amen.

Wednesday in 1 Christmas, Holy Innocents, December 29, 2021

God of power and might, you share that power and might with people so that they can protect and care for infants and children; we condemn in your name the abuse of power which causes the needless death and harm of any infant or child and we ask that the power of humanity be converted to care for the vulnerable in Jesus' Name.  Amen.

Tuesday in 1 Christmas, December 28, 2021

God of the incarnation, make the Word flesh in us again and again as it can be made active in the words and deeds of love and justice in our lives.  Amen.

Monday in 1 Christmas, December 27, 2021

O God of the Martyrs, who presides over the free conditions where good people get killed wrongly, and bad people live on to do harm and evil for their power and their greed; you continue to inspire the humble and the good to overcome evil with the seeming pitiful weapons of goodness because you do not want good people to perpetuate evil in any way.  Give us hope to believe that the seeming invisible effects of goodness are building the infrastructure for future goodness.  Amen.

Sunday, 1 Christmas, December 26, 2021 (on the passing of Archbishop Tutu)

O Christ, the Eternal Word, made flesh in Jesus; you became made flesh again in your prophet and priest Desmond Tutu and the people of South Africa were rebuked into the work of reconciliation, forgiveness, and restoration.  Thank you for revealing in the work of our brother Desmond how bad our sins have been, how significant the changes to betterment have become, and yet further revealing the work that needs to be done in the loving of God and our neighbors.  Amen.

Christmas Day, December 25, 2021

Dear God, we thank you for uncovering the mystery of the ages, in the birth of Jesus who was the New Adam to help us realize that the image of God upon us is in fact the realization of the Risen Christ with us.  Thank you for using all creation as a midwife for Christ to be born in us.  Amen.

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