Friday, December 31, 2021

Quiz of the Day, December 2021

Quiz of the Day, December 31, 2021

January 1st is a Book of Common Prayer Feast commemorating

a. the New Year
b. the Holy Innocent
c. St. John the Evangelist
d. The Holy Name

Quiz of the Day, December 30, 2021

From what biblical figure might "mouth to mouth" resuscitation be derived?

a. Jesus
b. Elijah
c. Elisha
d. Paul

Quiz of the Day, December 29, 2021

In the Gospel account of the deaths of the holy innocents, one finds it presented as a parallel with the time of what Old Testament figure?

a. David
b. Jeremiah
c. Jacob
d. Moses

Quiz of the Day, December 28, 2021

According to the writer of the Book of Proverbs, who was present at the creation of the world?

a. the angels
b. the Archangel Gabriel
c. Wisdom
c. the Messiah

Quiz of the Day, December 27, 2021

Who was the first martyr in the Jesus Movement?

a. Stephen
b. James of Jerusalem
c. James, son of Zebedee
d. Philip

Quiz of the Day, December 26, 2021

Elkanah was not

a. the father of Samuel
b. the husband of Ruth
c. the husband of Penninah
d. the cousin of Jesse

Quiz of the Day, December 25, 2021

Which of the following is not correct?

a.Matthew: Jesus was born in a house in Bethlehem
b. Luke: Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem
c. John: Pre-conceived Jesus was Eternal Word who became flesh
d. Mark: Jesus was spiritually born as Son of God at his baptism
e. all may be correct

Quiz of the Day, December 24, 2021

The prophet Isaiah wrote about a specific child to be named Emmanuel during the reign of what king?

a. Solomon
b. Asa
c. Ahaz
d. Quiz of the Day, December 23, 2021

Which song from the Hebrew Scripture might be the most obvious model for the themes of the Magnificat?

a. the song of Miriam
b. the song of Deborah
c. the song of Sarah
d. the song of Hannah

Quiz of the Day, December 22, 2021

The words from the prayer known as the "Hail Mary": "Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb."  Who said these words?

a. Gabriel
b. Simeon
c. Joseph
d. Elizabeth

Quiz of the Day, December 21, 2021

Which Apostle is believed to be the apostle of India?

a. Thaddeus
b. Bartholomew
c. Thomas
d. James the lesser

Quiz of the Day, December 20, 2021

According to Titus which people are "stereotypical" liars, vicious brutes, and lazy gluttons?

a. Gentiles
b. Greeks
c. Cretans
d. Cyprians

Quiz of the Day, December 19, 2021

Which Archangel is known as a heavenly warrior?

a. Raphael
b. Oriel
c. Michael
d. Gabriel

Quiz of the Day, December 18, 2021

What was the rider's name of the pale green horse in the Revelation of St. John the Divine?

a. Hope
b. Love
c. Death
d. Plague
e. Satan

Quiz of the Day, December 17, 2021

In the Book of Revelation, the metaphorical "Babylon" is a reference to which Empire?

a. Roman
b. Assyria
c. Greek of Alexander the Great
d. Persian

Quiz of the Day, December 16, 2021

What New Testament person uses the dental nightmare metaphor, "gnashing of teeth" the most?

a. Paul
b. Jude
c. St. John the Divine
d. Jesus

Quiz of the Day, December 15, 2021

How many gemstones are listed in the New Jerusalem of the Revelation of St. John the Divine?

a. seven
b. three
c. twelve
d. six

Quiz of the Day, December 14, 2021

Juan de la Cruz belonged to which religious order?

a. Dominican
b. Society of Jesus (Jesuit)
c. Carmelite
d. Benedictine

Quiz of the Day, December 13, 2021

Where in the Hebrew Scriptures do the images of what became the four horsemen of the Apocalypse occur?

a. Jeremiah and Ezekiel
b. Ezekiel and Zephaniah
c. Zechariah and Ezekiel
d. Daniel and Zechariah

Quiz of the Day, December 12, 2021

The third Sunday in Advent is not

a. Gaudete Sunday
b. Rose Sunday
c. Laetare 
d. Refreshment Sunday

Quiz of the Day, December 11, 2021

Zerubbabel is best known for

a. being a High Priest of Israel during the exile
b. his role in rebuilding the Temple
c. his revolt against Cyrus the Great
d. his penning of several Psalms

Quiz of the Day, December 10, 2021

Who used the metaphor of wishing to be like a mother hen with her brood in relationship to the people of Jerusalem?

a. David
b. Isaiah
c. Jeremiah
d. Jesus

Quiz of the Day, December 9, 2021

Which of the following is not one of the seven churches of the Revelation of St. John the Divine?

a. Laodicea
b. Thyatira
c. Ephesus
d. Pergamon
e. Philadelphia
f. Corinth

Quiz of the Day, December 8, 2021

In which Gospel is Jesus presented as saying, "call no one your father?"

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, December 7, 2021

Who was acclaimed as bishop before he was even baptized?

a. Augustine of Hippo
b. Gregory the Great
c. Ambrose
d. Augustine of Canterbury

Quiz of the Day, December 6, 2021

Who is the "plumb line" prophet?

a. Joel
b. Amos
c. Obediah
d. Micah

Quiz of the Day, December 5, 2021

Which Gospel is known for the presentation of songs or canticles?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, December 4, 2021

John of Damascus was not

a. an iconoclast
b. an icon supporter
c. a polymath
d. a hymn writer
e. one who live in peace with Muslims

Quiz of the Day, December 3, 2021

Who was known as the Apostle to India and Japan?

a. St. Thomas
b. Robert Nobilio
c. Henry Martyn
d. Francis Xavier

Quiz of the Day, December 2, 2021

Popular scholarship associates John the Baptist with what religious group in Judaism?

a. Pharisees
b. Zealots
c. Sadducees
d. Essenes

Quiz of the Day, December 1, 2021

The criteria for designating a major or minor prophet in the Hebrew Scriptures is what?

a. rabbinical council vote
b. length of writings bearing their names
c. church council votes
d. St. Jerome designated them when doing the Vulgate

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