Thursday, March 31, 2022

Quiz of the Day, March 2022

Quiz of the Day, March 31, 2022

What priest wrote the poem with the phrase, "No man is an island?"

a. George Herbert
b. John Keble
c. John Donne
d. Jeremy Taylor

Quiz of the Day, March 30, 2022

What healing "poultices" did Jesus use in his healing?

a. saliva
b. saliva made mud
c. myrrh
d. hyssop
e. a and b
f. b and d

Quiz of the Day, March 29, 2022

The first writing about the "eucharist" is found in which New Testament writing?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John
e. Acts
f. 1 Corinthians

Quiz of the Day, March 28, 2022

On his deathbed, the "oracle" words of Jacob presage which son and tribe would be a "ravenous" wolf?

a. Naphtali
b. Joseph
c. Benjamin
d. Reuben
e. Issachar

Quiz of the Day, March 27, 2022

How did Jacob perpetuate a "first shall be last and last shall be first" tradition?

a. by favoring Benjamin
b. by blessing Joseph's younger son over his eldest
c. by conferring tribal status for Joseph's son but not for Joseph
d. by favoring his second wife or his first wife

Quiz of the Day, March 26, 2022

Who wasn't buried in the family burial cave of Machpelah?

a. Abraham
b. Sarah
c. Isaac
d. Rebekah
e. Jacob
f. Leah
g. Rachel

Quiz of the Day, March 25, 2022

The story of the multiplication of loaves and fish is found in how many Gospels?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Quiz of the Day, March 24, 2022

According to Genesis, what occupation did all Egyptians despise?

a. farming
b. brick making
c. sheep herding
d. rock quarry work

Quiz of the Day, March 23, 2022

Who was Joseph's favorite brother?

a. Reuben
b. Asher
c. Benjamin
d. Dan

Quiz of the Day, March 22, 2022

Who said, "he who refrains from marriage does better?"

a. Moses
b. the writer of Leviticus
c. Jesus
d. Paul
e. John the Divine

Quiz of the Day, March 21, 2022

Who is responsible for the words of the Doxology used at offertory in many churches?

a. Isaac Watt
b. Franny Crosby
c. Thomas Ken
d. Thomas Tallis
e. George Herbert

Quiz of the Day, March 20, 2022

The wife of Moses was from where?

a. Midian
b. Egypt
c. Sidon
d. Israel

Quiz of the Day, March 19, 2022

Which Gospel makes no mention of Joseph, guardian of Jesus and husband of Mary?

a. Mark
b. Matthew
c. John
d. Luke

Quiz of the Day, March 18, 2022

How many times are pistachios mentioned in the Bible?

a. many times
b. once
c. twice
d. three times
e. four times

Quiz of the Day, March 17, 2022

The most famous Lorica is associated with which saint?

a. Chad
b. Columba
c. Patrick
d. Brigid

Quiz of the Day, March 16, 2022

What name of the divine did Moses receive at the burning bush theophany?

a. I am that I am
b. I am
c. Adonai
d. Elohim
e. a and b

Quiz of the Day, March 15, 2022

Which of Joseph's brother had the same mother as his?

a. Dan
b. Asher
c. Benjamin
d. Naphtali
e. Levi

Quiz of the Day, March 14, 2022

Which two patriarchs of the tribes of Israel were half Egyptian?

a. Ephraim and Manasseh
b. Levi and Judah
c. Reuben and Ephraim
d. Asher and Dan
e. Dan and Ephraim

Quiz of the Day, March 13, 2022

Who is the biblical Asenath?

a. the wife of Moses from Midian
b. the wife of Samson, a Philistine
c. the wife of Joseph, an Egyptian
d. the brother-in-law of Boaz

Quiz of the Day, March 12, 2022

What did the Pharaoh dream about?

a. a pyramid
b. skinny and fat cows
c. stars in the skies
d. sheaves in the field

Quiz of the Day, March 11, 2022

Of the following, who does not have dream recorded in the Bible?

a. the Magi
b. Joseph son of Jacob
c. Joseph husband of Jesus
d. Nebuchadnezzar
e. the Pharaoh
f. Solomon
g. David

Quiz of the Day, March 10, 2022

Why did Joseph get thrown into an Egyptian prison?

a. he was a slave
b. he conspired with the Pharaoh's cupbearer
c. he was accused of harassing Potiphar's wife
d. he gave an unfriendly interpretation of a dream

Quiz of the Day, March 9, 2022

According to the Bible, which of the following is not true about the Midianites?

a. they derive from Midian, a son of Abraham
b. Moses fled Egypt, dwelled with the Midians and married one
c. they were the slave traders who sold Joseph to Egypt
d. the Midianites were defeated in battle by Gideon
e. Bathsheba, mother of Solomon was a Midianite

Quiz of the Day, March 8, 2022

The script used for the Ukrainian language is named after what saint?

a. Methodius
b. St. Andrew
c. Nicolas
d. Cyril

Quiz of the Day, March 7, 2022

Which of the following is true of current Orthodox churches?

a. they have experienced the most significant split in 1000 years
b. the Russian Orthodox church has an unhealthy alliance with Putin
c. The Russian Orthodox church has broken communion with the Ukrainian Orthodox
d. The Russian Orthodox has split with the Constantinople Patriarchate
e. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, March 6, 2022

Which is not a reference to the evil one in the New Testament?

a. Satan
b. the devil
c. Beelzebul
d. Lucifer
e. the evening star

Quiz of the Day, March 5, 2022

Epaphroditus is associated with which apostle?

a. Peter
b. Paul
c. Timothy
d. Silas

Quiz of the Day, March 4, 2022

In which Gospel is the longest prayer of Jesus found?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John
e. Thomas

Quiz of the Day, March 3, 2022

Of the following, who was the most prolific Anglican hymnodist?

a. Isaac Watts
b. Thomas Tallis
c. George Herbert
d. Charles Wesley

Quiz of the Day, March 2, 2022

Traditional the Ashes of Ash Wednesday

a. come from the ashes of the wood of olive trees
b. the ashes of the previous year's palm frond
c. the ashes of burnt burlap
d. the ashes of burned communion hosts

Quiz of the Day, March 1, 2022

The "shove" of Shrove Tuesday has to do with what?

a. using up lard to make pancakes before Lent
b. confession and absolution of sins
c. a black veil covering on the eve of Lent
d. the entire Pancake Supper tradition on the eve of Lent

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