Sunday, June 5, 2022

Prayers for Easter, 2022

Sunday, The Day of Pentecost, June 5, 2022

God of all and in all, we look for what is most interior about our interiors.  In vain we look for precise causation since it rests upon so many unknowable precedences and we feel limited to the surfaces which language creates by naming.  As we flit from words referring to other words, help us to accept our lives as language art lived before the Holy Spirit whom we presume to be beneath the surface of every word.  Amen.

Saturday, Eve of Pentecost, June 4, 2022

Holy Spirit, you are the clean Heart of divine immanence which we seek as a resource to cleanse our interior springs which drive the motivations of our lives.  We confess you to be God Accessible to all and we want all to respond to the Accessibility of Holy Spirit as the Clean Heart of divine immanence.  Amen.

Friday after Ascension Sunday, June 3, 2022

God of Creative Plenitude, Redemptive specificity, and Holy Spirit personal glue of everything; teach us that since we are stuck together forever we need to learn to honor our connections with the best of love and justice.  Amen.

Thursday after Ascension Sunday, June 2, 2022

Gracious Knower of all possibilities, we thank you for being patient with our freedom for things to move from the possible to the actual; and so we pray that the perfect will of the heavenly actual will find expression in the hard actualities of the free conditions of our world that includes the probability of the clashes within infinite number of things in an oft seeming bumper car existence.  We ask for resilience to survive the clashes and for alchemical grace to see golden outcomes from the pre-golden developmental states.  Amen.

Wednesday, after Ascension Sunday, June 1, 2022

Holy Spirit, we do not see you and yet we confess your Being from your effects that are known in our world and life.  You may be the sub-microscopic sustainer of the world, even of those who violate their freedom with evil behaviors.  Inspire us to use your power of sustenance for the intervention of doing the good which overcome evil.  Amen.

Tuesday, The Visitation, May 31, 2021

Gracious God, we commemorate in the bonding of Elizabeth and Mary, that natural birth is marvelous, and spiritual birth carries with it the designation of miraculous since it comes with realization of being over-shadowed by the Holy Spirit for the knowing of Christ in the us, the hope of glory.  Let us know the spiritual birth which makes us poets to declare a Magnificat on behalf of all the lowly in our world. And let Blessed Mary lead us into the liberation of all who are vulnerable.  Amen.

Monday after Ascension Sunday, and Memorial Day, May 30, 2022

Lord Jesus Christ, you had the greater love to lay down your life for your friends; we are thankful for those who put themselves in the place to do the same, and we pray that we might live lives worthy of those who sacrificed their lives in the cause of love and justice.  Amen.

Ascension Sunday, May 29, 2022

Christ of the Ascension, it often seems that you have left the "Jesus on the Cross" forsakenness experience with us when we observe the needless slaughter of the innocent due to people of greed and power who seem to make guns omnipresent to be available to people who suffer anger and crazy whims.  Please help people who have much realize that much is required in the care of the vulnerable and let not greed be promoted as a virtue.  Amen.

Saturday after Ascension Day, May 28, 2022

Creator God, you could call all creation good because you regarded yourself to be Goodness and you impart goodness as the supernature of our lives.  Help us to live up to that goodness in what we do and say today.  Amen.

Friday after Ascension Day, May 27, 2022

Holy God, Jesus is gone from our sight but Christ is closer to us that we are to ourselves.  Give us grace to live from the Christ Nature within us that we cannot see but to whom we make available to be seen through and acted through.  Amen.

Ascension Day, May 26, 2022

Ascended Christ, we confess you to be the continuation of Jesus of Nazareth in an invisible mode but with returning effects found within all, and particularly within those who have discovered their personal identity formed and constituted within the story of One who sets us on the path to bring Risen Christ effects incarnate again in lives lived toward love and justice.  Amen.

Wednesday in 6 Easter, May 25, 2022

God, our parent, we ask what would Jesus pray in the midst of a prolonged war with the deaths of the innocent, and in the continuation of gun deaths affecting us in frequent intermittent events.  We observe the heavenly weakness in submitting to the condition of human freedoms to hurt each other by people unpersuaded by the wisdom of care and love for each other.  We ask for the preponderance of good in people to turn the tide against the freedom for people to be evil in hastening the deaths of others.  Amen.

Tuesday in 6 Easter, May 24, 2022

God of time, who made time and who becomes in time, let us not see the coming of Christ as second or final but as continual and serendipitously available at any moment in time to hearts open to the discovery of their original blessing.  Amen.

Monday in 6 Easter, May 23, 2022

Eternal Word, you inspire us to become more versatile in being worded-beings in your likeness; give us grace to know the language which has physical and outer objectivity and the language which has inward and spiritual objectivity, and teach us the spiritual objectivity which creates the concrete situations of love and justice in the exterior environments of our lives.  Amen.

Sunday, 6 Easter, May 22, 2022

Eternal God, many in our world are in need of an Advocate, a Holy Lawyer, a Holy Friend, who will make the case for their well-being to themselves and within their material and social situations.  As the suffering Job found his Redeemer, let the suffering people of our world today find the Redeemer Advocate tailored to the specifics of their needs.  Amen.

Saturday in 5 Easter, May 21, 2022

Eternal God, let the Christ-effect continue to descend upon the people of this earth especially as it is known in peace, justice, and love.  Amen.

Friday in 5 Easter, May 20, 2022

Eternal Christ, we the world lost sight of Jesus of Nazareth a long time ago, but the Christ-identity remains with us.  We pray that the Christ-identity will not be misrepresented by people who do not endeavor to practice truth, justice, and love of one's neighbors.  Amen.

Thursday in 5 Easter, May 19, 2022

O God, we are told that we cannot see you and live and that may be the poetry of our lack of capacity in face of your greatness; we ask only to see you in part, in the parts of your immanence within creation and the sum total of all of the parts of being, becoming, and time with still be surpassed by your future greatness.  Amen.

Wednesday in 5 Easter, May 18, 2002

Gracious God, send us the Interior Advocate so that we may be convinced about the divine likeness which is upon our lives.  Let us be convinced today that the valuing of our own lives goes hand in hand with the valuing of the lives of others in our world.  Remind us that racism is fear about the value of our lives which results in the wrong belief that people different from us are a threat to us.  Help us know that the Christ nature in us is the Christ nature in each person.  Amen.

Tuesday in 5 Easter, May 17, 2022

God, we live our lives often in the state of being misplaced and living as alienated from our true God-given identity; give us the homing direction to return to the place of being at home in the family of God.  Amen.

Monday in 5 Easter, May 16, 2022

God of all-encompassing greatness, we need a profound Advocate to mediate the harmonious interaction of our particular lives within the orchestra of all that is.  Give us the Holy Spirit to help us find our complementing roles within the human community as we seek to be good stewards of the gifts of the earth.  Amen.

Sunday, 5 Easter, May 15, 2022

God of the future of everyone and everything, we hold to a reconstituting resurrection of all things because the very painful transitional event of death is so pronounced in our lives.  You have made everything good, even though good things have gotten revised often to be less than good.  As Easter people, we ask for grace and faith to live toward the goodness intended in creation, as we hope for newness in heaven and and earth.  Amen.

Saturday in 4 Easter, May 14, 2020

O God, whose theophanies seem to suspend our sense of time and space with the sublime; we seek grace to transform the experience of the sublime into the basic grit of life when the meaning of love is not for us to be spiritually high, but to do the hard work of justice.  Amen.

Friday in 4 Easter, May 13, 2022

God of Plenitude who seems to keep us unknowing and lost in Plenitude; there is too much that has happened and is happening for us to be able to collate and issue final judgments about anything, since there is always tomorrow with the arrival of more qualifying information.  Help us to accept the filters of love and justice in our immediate contexts as being reliable to do your will in our lives.  Amen.

Thursday in 4 Easter, May 12, 2022

Gracious God, the gift of providence to each of us is the gift of heuristics in coming to insightful purpose.  And we seek humility regarding the insights of purpose because we know that our current and future experience will continually adjust how we assess the purpose of the events of our past lives.  Give us the humility to admit that our life stories are always in process.  Amen.

Wednesday in 4 Easter, May 11, 2022

Gracious God, it is hard to believe in Easter in a war torn land of continuous death and dying.  The positive providence of war seems impossible or too far off to bring hope to the suffering and the dying.  As we apply the resurrection as a band aid to the dying, let the resurrection also be healing to wounded, and courage to those caught in the throes of the hell of war.  Let Easter hope take all of the forms it needs to take in the lives of those who are threatened by harm.  Amen.

Tuesday in 4 Easter, May 10, 2022

To the One that which none greater can be conceived, the vision of there being a new heaven and new earth proposes a radical new orientation when inward reality includes the reality of different kind of physical life.  And is there coming a day when we only live by Eternal Word as spiritual reality without any reference to the physical world?  Keep us in our bodies and in our world and give us grace to know how to use the eternal Word as an analgesic in our times of pain.  And let our pain be evidence of our love for our lives and the lives of other.  Amen.

Monday in 4 Easter, May 9, 2022

Gracious God, as we believe in redemption and reconciliation, let us not be proud in thinking we can declare what reconciliation might be while people are in the midst of horrendous suffering.  The lives of people in the moment are too valuable to trade them for a future perceived good.  As we hope for redemption and reconciliation for the people of Ukraine, let us not minimize their suffering now.  There is no greater good known in the moments of suffering and in the name of Jesus who suffered, we oppose the harming agents of evil.  Amen.

Sunday, 4 Easter, May 8, 2022, Good Shepherd Sunday

Lord God, called our Shepherd, and who sent Jesus to be our Good Shepherd, you call us to be good shepherds in our world today when we have power, knowledge, and wealth to use to help the vulnerable.  As we want help when we are vulnerable, let us be those who are ready to help the vulnerable and so get the reward of being empowered shepherds.  Amen.

Saturday in 3 Easter, May 7, 2022

Eternal Word of God, the words we have are like filters through which the light of our seeing is projected and these words become our versions of reality.  Help us to continually update our word filters so that they can help us to see in ways which motivate us to walk humbly, love mercy, and do justice.  Amen.

Friday in 3 Easter, May 6, 2022

Eternal Word of God, our most significant impairment in life is language impairment, in that we have learn so many patterns of misinterpretation of both external and internal reality, and we are prone to act out on habits of bad interpretation.  Let us hear the Good Shepherd voice as a way to correct our language impairment through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

Thursday in 4 Easter, May 5, 2022

Eternal Word of God, whose essence is communication; we want our interior lives altered so that we might hear and see you with different kinds of perceptive ears and eyes within the circumstances of our lives today.  Let us know new seeings and hearings of you today.  Amen.

Wednesday in 3 Easter, May 4, 2022

Gracious Christ, we have come to poetic meaning of you as Shepherd and Lamb, not to confuse us with contradiction, but to appreciate that God is with us in the mode of sustaining care, but also submits to the genuine freedom of the world in also being with us as a Lamb who went to the slaughter of his death.  Even as we prefer the Shepherd mode, we ask for grace to accept the identity of suffering with and together that is represented in the presentation of you as Lamb of God.  Amen.

Tuesday in 3 Easter, May 3, 2022

Christ the Eternally Good Shepherd; you commission us to use our power, knowledge, and wealth for the care of others.  Forgive us when we have failed in our call to use our resources for the general good of others, especially for the those in immediate indigent need.  Amen.

Monday in 3 Easter, May 2, 2022

Christ, our eternal Word, your infinite wordiness, has left open the possibilities of of many, many, voices to be heard.  We seek the discerning capacity of loving justice, doing mercy, and walking humbly as the perceptive guidelines for knowing which voice to follow in our lives.  Amen.

Sunday, 3 Easter, May 1, 2022

Gracious Christ, who is All and in All, yet who is often not seen because our lenses of perception are so unpracticed in reading divine in-breaking in our experience; let us have a barrage of showings of the Risen Christ so that we might be converted to the kind of love which helps us live together well.  Amen.

Saturday in 2 Easter, April 30, 2022

God, who inspires us with the normalcy of freedom from pain and harm, be with those for whom the threat of harm is an ever-confronting reality in their defense of their homes and families during war.  Inspire vigilance and heroism to protect the vulnerable and homes and give the defenders a vision of future safe homes for the children of the future.  Amen.

Friday in 2 Easter, April 29, 2022

God of Surpassing Excellence, give us grace to forge our identity on what we seek to be in surpassing ourselves in excellence rather than thinking we want to avoid being like the people for whom we have no affinity.  Let us build our identity upon the God of goodness rather than the weakness and frailty of humanity.  Amen.

Thursday in 2 Easter, April 28, 2022

Christ, the Eternal Word, through having words, we confess that you are the Word which is wisdom in linguistic manifestation which organizes and creates because you provide the filter for every human perception in knowing that we can know in the ways in which we know.  As you are the eternal playwright, give us grace to follow the script which you have written to have us walk the stage of life in love and justice.  Amen.

Wednesday in 2 Easter, April 27, 2022

Eternal Christ, if you are All and in All, since Word is implied in any consciousness or perception, the limitations of you as the Jesus of history has distilled into becoming an omnipresence of the relational essence of all things.  Keep us on our toes today to be ready to find you under the rocks of human experience which we turn over today.  Surprise us with your "peek a boo" presences.  Amen.

Tuesday in 2 Easter, April 26, 2022

God of Peter and Paul, you took some strong personalities and made their strengths work for and with you rather than against you and others in community.  Send to your transforming Spirit upon us and give us the strength even where we have been weak as we prove the alchemy of God in our lives.  Amen.

Monday in 2 Easter, April 25, 2022

God of Peter and Paul, you embrace and inspire different pieties and different missions in and for different people.  We are but funnels of your Plenitude and sometimes the limitations of our funnelling filters get in the way.  We thank you that you disperse your grace uniquely different in and through each person.  Amen.

The Second Sunday of Easter, April 24, 2022

Gracious God, forgive us when we doubt the reality of the experiences of the Risen Christ of others, especially when they include the signs of your Spirit, peace, the evidences of being sent to do the work of Christ's love, the practice of forgiveness in community.  Thank you for giving us Word in the form of the inspired words of others in speaking and writing to help us come to the persuasion of faith.  Amen.

Easter Saturday, April 23, 2022

God of creative process, in an ever-changing world, we can easily doubt the stability of any understanding; give us grace to move with you in a moving of occasions of befores and afters, and give us the ability to articulate the newness of resurrection life to new situations which we encounter today.  Give us wisdom to make the adjustments to the new without being stuck in old answers to former situations.  And let us confess that what does not change about you and all things is continuous change to the destinies of surpassing reconciliations.  Amen.

Easter Friday, April 22, 2022, also Earth Day

God of creation, we might question your managerial wisdom in making us tenants in the world.  We have usurped ownership rights from you as the landlord of the universe and trashed our planet without regard for you and those who will need to live here after us.  We confess our abuse of the gift of the Earth, and we ask for grace to be restored in the stewardship role which you intended for us.  Amen.

Easter Thursday, April 21, 2022

God of all time, you did not exhaust your presence within the thirty something lifespan of Jesus of Nazareth; you have been always, already manifest as Eternal Word and immediate present in communicative ways to all who have come to language.  Let us not doubt the efficacy of your many presences as we explore the meaning of Christ as All and in All.  Amen.

Easter Wednesday, April 20, 2022

God, who presides over the changing and expanding world in total occasions of becoming; what is left behind from yesterday is reason for doubting of yesterday's answers to today's situation.  Help us to be really willing to embrace something new even if it surpasses our previous preconceptions, so like Thomas we can come to a new experience of saying, "My Lord and My God!"  Amen.

Easter Tuesday, April 19, 2022

God of full spectera of truths; I do doubt the competence of my knowledge of you and life as being yet complete, and I seek greater adequacy in meaningful truths so that I might articulate the multifarious presences of the Risen Christ, whom we confess to be All and in All.  Amen.

Easter Monday, April 18, 202

God of everlasting life, as we awaken in the immediate aftermath of the celebration of Easter joy, we are challenged by how much Resurrection work there is left to do in our our world.  Give us grace to access the joyful energy of resurrection life through the power of the Holy Spirit so that we might help make your will be done on earth as it is in heaven in intentionally special ways with the people and places of our lives.  Amen.

Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022

God of everlasting hope, the hope that is not a taunting us for what we cannot be, but an invitation to be be on a path that has self-surpassing in goodness as an everlasting quest; give us grace not to delay the good things to an afterlife, if we have the ability to achieve them now, especially the deeds of love and kindness which are within our power to do.  And though hope means things in our life will be unfinished, let not the attainable be left unfinished.  Give us your apparentness in Easter grace to do the things that we need to do.  Amen.

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