Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Quiz of the Day, May 2022

Quiz of the Day, May 31, 2022

a. Where did Eli serve as high priest?

a. Jerusalem
b. Hebron
c. Dan
d. Shiloh
e. Bethel
f.  Bethlehem

Quiz of the Day, May 30, 2022

Who was Nun?

a. the grandson of Adam
b. a helper of Moses
c. the great grandfather of David
d. the father of Joshua

Quiz of the Day, May 29, 2022

Which biblical figure met God in a burning bush?

a. David
b. Elijah
c. Elisha
d. the prophets of Baal
e. Moses

Quiz of the Day, May 28, 2022

When Moses wanted to spread the leadership what did God take from Moses and give to 70 men?

a. law
b. wisdom
c. authority
d. spirit

Quiz of the Day, May 27, 2022

Of the following, which would be the most close model for the Magnificat?

a. Song of Hannah
b. Song of Moses/Miriam
c. Song of Deborah
d. Suffering Servant of Isaiah

Quiz of the Day, May 26, 2022

Of the following, who did not have a unique "departure" from the visible world?

a. Enoch
b. Elijah
c. The Virgin Mary
d. David
e. Jesus
f. Moses

Quiz of the Day, May 25, 2022

The book of Leviticus does not have rules about

a. specifying prohibition against eating one's children
b. drinking alcohol in holy places
c. harvesting one's entire field
d. mixing cotton and wool in a garment
e. cross breeding animals
f.  using flint stones for building a sheepfold

Quiz of the Day, May 24, 2022

Which of the following is not true regarding the parable of the sower?

a. John's version is most expansive
b. each presentation has a follow up explanation
c. Matthew, Mark, and Luke versions are similar
d. the meaning of parable method is about "hearing"

Quiz of the Day, May 23, 2022

Where is it written that the Israelites could procure slaves from foreign nations?

a. Genesis
b. Judges
c. Leviticus
d. nowhere

Quiz of the Day, May 22, 2022

The fiftieth year "anniversary" in Jewish law is called

a. the Golden Year
b. the Year of Redemption
c. Jubilee
d. the Year of Atonement
e. the Year of Rest

Quiz of the Day, May 21, 2022

Lydia was not

a. a merchant for purple cloth
b. from Thyatira
c. a companion of St. Paul
d. the first European convert
e. married to Barnabas, companion of St. Paul

Quiz of the Day, May 20, 2022

The Feast of the Unleavened Bread is also

a. Pentecost
b. Yom Kippur
c. Passover
d. Sukkot

Quiz of the Day, May 19, 2022

Where are the prohibitions against trimming the beard, rounded trimming of hair on the side of the head, and tattoos found in the Bible?

a. Genesis
b. Psalms
c. Judges
d. Leviticus

Quiz of the Day, May 18, 2022

Besides the words of Jesus, where is it written that "you shall love your neighbor as yourself?"

a. Psalms
b. Genesis
c. Leviticus
d. Ezekiel

Quiz of the Day, May 17, 2022

What is the name of the biblical scapegoat?

a. Jesus
b. Ahab
c. Azazel
d. Molech 

Quiz of the Day, May 16, 2022

What word would best translate the meaning of the New Testament word hypocrite?

a. Pharisee
b. Sadducee
c. actor
d. pride

Quiz of the Day, May 15, 2022

Who "presided" at the ordination of Aaron as High Priest and at the consecration of the Tabernacle?

a. the Lord God in pillar of fire
b. the Lord God in a cloud
c. Aaron
d. Moses
e. Joshua
f. Melchizedek

Quiz of the Day, May 14, 2022

What is the meaning of the word translated as "tabernacle?"

a. gathering
b. tented home
c. dwelling
d. holy place

Quiz of the Day, May 13, 2022

Who is known as the "mother of Social Security" and who is also on the Episcopal calendar of saints?

a. Eleanor Roosevelt
b. Dorothy Day
c. Elizabeth Seton
d. Frances Perkins

Quiz of the Day, May 12, 2022

Who did Hegel call the first German philosopher?

a. Hildegard of Bingen
b. Boniface
c. Jacob Boehme
d. Martin Luther

Quiz of the Day, May 11, 2022

Which Gospels do not have the beatitudes?

a. Mark and John
b. Luke and John
c. Matthew and Luke
d. Mark and Matthew
e. John and Matthew
f. Mark and Luke

Quiz of the Day, May 10, 2022

How many people did Moses have killed after the golden calf infidelity?

a. 1000
b. 2000
c. 3000
d. 10,000

Quiz of the Day, May 9, 2002

What was God's first response to Moses when Aaron had made and displayed a golden calf?

a. Let me kill them and start over with you
b. go and relieve Aaron of his priestly role
c. take the law tablets and smash them in the presence of the people
d. go and tell them that I forgive them, and tell them to do better.
e. I am a loving God and I never get angry

Quiz of the Day, May 8, 2022

The golden rosette on the turban worn by Aaron the High Priest meant what?

a. the God was present
b. the sins of the people were borne by Aaron in his office
c. the main difference between the vestments of other priests and the High Priest
d. the symbol of the Levites

Quiz of the Day, May 7, 2022

The ark of the covenant was made with what wood?

a. cedar
b. oak
c. elm
d. olive 
e. acacia
f. gopher wood

Quiz of the Day, May 6, 2022

Which of the following does not have the number forty associated with the duration of events?

a. the rainy days of the Flood
b. Moses trip to Mt. Sinai
c. Elijah flee to the wilderness
d. the days of the temptation of Jesus
e. the years of wandering in the wilderness of Israel

Quiz of the Day, May 5, 2022

Which Gospel begins with the account of the baptism of Jesus?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, May 4, 2022

Monica was the mother of whom?

a. Augustine of Canterbury
b. Constantine the Great
c. Francis of Assisi
d. Augustine of Hippo

Quiz of the Day, May 3, 2022

What does the Hebrew "shekhinah" refer to?

a. God's dwelling presence
b. Moses' authority
c. the Tabernacle
d. Mount Sinai

Quiz of the Day, May 2, 2022

Who might be called the "fig tree" disciple?

a. James
b. Philip
c. John
d. Nathaniel

Quiz of the Day, May 1, 2022

What was the occupation of Moses' father-in-law, a Midianite?

a. shepherd
b. metal worker
c. scribe
d. priest

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