Friday, September 30, 2022

What's the Use of Casting Mulberry Trees into the Sea?

16 Pentecost, C proper 22 October 2, 2022
Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4 Psalm 37:1-10
2 Timothy 1:1-14 Luke 17:5-10

Lectionary Link

So, what is the use of casting mulberry trees into the sea?  Is this really a valid sign that one's faith has increased?  

This seems to imply that having one's faith increased results in becoming something of a circus show to do totally impractical things.

If one wanted to have great faith to do "nature miracles" how about starting before the profoundly destructive hurricane Ian reached the land.  Didn't all of those coastal residents have the "increased levels" of faith to command the winds of Ian back into the deep sea and away from being able to harm human life and property?

One needs to read the words of Jesus in artistic and literary ways, not literal ways.  The words of Jesus are often enigmatic, mysterious, hyperbolic and inscrutable like a the Japanese riddle koans.

Many of our televangelist preachers and megachurch preacher have become those who are "casting mulberry trees" into the seas.  The primary purpose being to enlarge their membership and coffers so that they can continue to increase their coffers.  They have increased their faith to be able to live is big expensive homes.

How about we pierce the hyperbolic words of Jesus in their irony and in their contextual comparative presentation?

What would the ironic words of Jesus imply?  "So disciples, you want to have more faith?  Do you think great faith means becoming like a freak show, casting trees into the sea to show how great your faith is?

No, faith is like doing the work of a slave, being reliable and faithful, in the tasks which is assigned and doing it without fanfare or show or need to be praised for having great faith."

Jesus was trying to teach his disciple that faith is work which is its own reward because each deed and word accumulates to become great complexes and ambiances of faith and so create the environmental community for love and justice to be practiced.  The way that we get rewarded for our increased faith is to experience the faith environments created which enables goodness to live and thrive. 

If Jesus were here today, he would not use slave vocabulary, but he would say that we are people whose true owner is God, and to live faithful to our Owner and the brand and image of Christ on our lives is what our human calling is.

Too much Christianity has become a freak show with barkers telling us how great their faith is, especially in building complexes and methods to do fantastic collection of more money.

Let us adopt the mustard seed faith of Christ and regard ourselves as being Owned by God  and who are trying to live in moment by moment faithful obedience to the example of love and justice demonstrated by the example of our big brother Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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