Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Quiz of the Day, November 2022

Quiz of the Day, November 30, 2022

Who introduced Simon Peter to Jesus?

a. John the Baptist
b. Andrew
c. the sons of Zebedee
d. Philip

Quiz of the Day, November 29, 2022

In ancient Rome, what was an adventus?

a. ceremony of arrival of an emperor
b. ceremony for the new moon
c. ceremony for arrival of the Christ Child
d. mock ceremony for cataclysmic ending of the world

Quiz of the Day, November 28, 2022

Which would not aptly define John the Baptist?

a. son of a priest
b. anti-civilization
c. martyr
d. vegetarian
e. prophet

Quiz of the Day, November 27, 2022

Of the following, which would not be an "apocalyptic" parable?

a. The Sower and the Seed
b. The 10 bridesmaid and their lamps
c. the budding fig tree
d. the faithful and wicked servants

Quiz of the Day, November 26, 2006

Who wrote the words for "Joy to the World?"

a. John Newton
b. Fanny Crosby
c. George Herbert
d. Charles Wesley
e. Isaac Watts

Quiz of the Day, November 25, 2022

How many of the four canonical Gospels have accounts of Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Quiz of the Day, November 24, 2022

According to the American Book of Common Prayer, Thanksgiving is

a. a Holy Day
b. a Feast of our Lord
c. a Major Feast
d. a Principal Feast
e. a Day of Special Observance

Quiz of the Day, November 23, 2022

Who wrote very early letters to the church at Corinth which did not become a part of the New Testament Canon?

a. Thomas the Apostle
b. Clement of Rome
c. Polycarp
d. The Shepherd of Hermes

Quiz of the Day, November 22, 2022

Which prophet ceremonially broke his staff to signify the broken family ties between Israel and Judah?

a. Malachi
b. Obadiah
c. Joel
d. Amos
e. Zechariah

Quiz of the Day, November 21, 2022

What is the first season of the liturgical calendar?

a. Christmas
b. Easter
c. Pentecost
d. Advent

Quiz of the Day, November 20, 2022

Which Gospels report inscriptions on the cross of Jesus?

a. Matthew and Luke
b. Mark and Matthew
c. Mark and John
d. Mark and Luke
e. Luke and John
f. Matthew and John

Quiz of the Day, November 19, 2022

In which of the following does it instruct to anoint with oil when praying for the sick?

a. 1 Corinthians
b. Hebrews
c. James
d. Mark

Quiz of the Day, November 18, 2022

Whose Abbey hosted the joining of the Latin and Celtic churches?

a. Julian of Norwich
b. Hilda of Whitby
c. Aidan
d. Chad

Quiz of the Day, November 17, 2022

What was the favorite pet of St. Hugh?

a. dog
b. goose
c. swan
d. rooster
e. cat

Quiz of the Day, November 16, 2022

Why was Golgotha called place of the Skull?

a. we don't don't know
b. it was the place for exposure of dead bodies to the birds
c. perhaps two deep sunken holes resembling eyes
d. it was a place of death
e. a and c

Quiz of the Day, November 15, 2022

Of the following, which is not a saint of Alaska?

a. Herman
b. Peter the Aleut
c. Innocent
d. Vladimir the Eskimo
e. Jacob Netsvetov

Quiz of the Day, November 14, 2022

Which of the following is not true of Samuel Seabury?

a. he was from Connecticut
b. he was a Loyalist (to the Crown) during the revolution
c. he was the first ordained bishop in the Episcopal Church
d. he was ordained in England
e. he was an opponent of Alexander Hamilton

Quiz of the Day, November 13, 2022

When was the Temple in Jerusalem destroyed for the final time?

a. 66 C.E.
b. 35 C.E.
c. 32 C.E. during the time of Jesus
d. 70 C.E.

Quiz of the Day, November 12, 2022

"You cannot serve God and wealth," are words of Jesus written where?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John
e. a and c

Quiz of the Day, November 11, 2022

Martin of Tours is a patron saint of

a. bakers
b. physicians
c. soldiers
d. ironsmiths

Quiz of the November 10, 2022

Which pope negotiated with Attila the Hun?

a. Gregory the Great
b. Leo the Great
c. Sixtus II
d. Hillary

Quiz of the Day, November 9, 2022

Who wrote the first autobiography in English?

a. Thomas Traherne
b. Margery Kempe
c. Julian of Norwich
d. Walter Hilton

Quiz of the Day, November 8, 2022

Where is found a reference to the marriage supper of the Lamb?

a. Ezekiel
b. Daniel
c. Luke
d. Revelation

Quiz of the Day, November 7, 2022

Why is Joel considered a "Minor" prophet?

a. the diminished status of his importance
b. rabbinical council designation
c. uncertainty about his timeline
d. he did not have long writings like the "Major" prophets

Quiz of Day, November 6, 2022

What might be call God's immanence in Hebrew Scripture?

a. the Torah
b. Wisdom
c. Melchizedek
d. Beauty

Quiz of the Day, November 5, 2022

The Wisdom of Ben Sira is also called

a. Ecclesiastes
b. Ecclesiasticus
c. Proverbs
d. Wisdom 
e. Wisdom of Solomon
f. Sirach
g. b and g
h. d and e

Quiz of the Day, November 4, 2022

How many horns does the beast of the Book of Revelations have?

a. 6
b. 12
c. 10
d. 666

Quiz of the Day, November 3, 2022

Levirate marriage was a requirement 

a. for a brother to marry his brother's widow
b. for marriage to be with a first and second cousin
c. requiring voluntary celibacy within it
d. what a the marriage of a Levite was called

Quiz of the Day, November 2, 2022

According to Ecclesiasticus, which heavenly body(ies) or event provide the sign for festal days?

a. the sun
b. the moon
c. the stars
d. comets
e. rainbows

Quiz of the Day, November 1, 2022

Where is the most explicit reference to a "Son of God" found in precursors to the New Testament?

a. Genesis
b. Psalms
c. Daniel
d. 2 Esdras

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