Saturday, April 8, 2023

Prayers for Lent, 2023

Holy Saturday, April 8, 2023

O God, on this Holy Saturday, we enter into the Sabbath Rest of Jesus in his death to all that is unworthy in life and in our lives in particular.  From our rest from what is unworthy we await the resurrecting Spirit of Christ to use the members of our body for goodness and love.  Amen.

Good Friday, April 7, 2023

God of Great Creative Freedom, you shared aspects of that freedom with all even to the point of Pontius Pilate freely condemning Jesus to death on a cross; give us grace to use the freedom that we have to live toward loving and just outcomes.  Amen.

Maundy Thursday, April 6, 2023

Providing and Sustaining Holy One, you reveal the survival of human community found in eating holy and life giving meals together, and in the service to each other; we commit ourselves again to offering Eucharist and to mutual service.  Amen.

Holy Wednesday, April 5, 2023

O Christ the sun, your light was eclipsed by the darkness and shadows of death for your Tenebrae; give us grace in our tenebrae to survive the hours and days when it seems as though Hope has lost.  Amen.

Holy Tuesday, April 4, 2023

O Continuous Plenitude, we know you by having Eternal Word found us as human beings with language, and we define the beginningless and the endless Continuity with stories; we thank for the stories of Holy Week which challenge us to come to meaningful engagement with life and death and to enhance the meanings of our lives with justice.  Amen.

Holy Monday, April 3, 2023

God of time, give to us a week of holy remembering of the events in the life of Jesus and so interweave their meanings with our lives in search of continuous meaning of what love means for us and our world.  Amen.

Palm Sunday/Passion Sunday, April 2, 2023

God of justice, when just people hear either Hosanna or Crucify him, let us be with the crowd who valorizes love and justice for all.  Amen.

Saturday in 5 Lent, April 1, 2023

Encompassing God beyond life and death, help us not to use the cross of Jesus to minimize the actual horrors of the event of death in the feelings of those who suffer the loss of their loved ones.  Give us faith to live with uncertainty and the delay in knowing the meaning of pain and death.  Amen.

Friday in 5 Lent, March 31, 2023

God of freedom, we suffer under the deeply sad inconveniences of death and harm when they happen before reaching the ages of life expectancy; in our untimely losses the field of probability becomes changed and we beseech your grace to live hopefully within new horizons of imminent probabilities.  Amen.

 Thursday in 5 Lent, March 30, 2023

God of all, give us grace to discern what we do within our identity in the crowd with whom we lodge; give us boldness to leave the former influences of our lives when love and justice is not the motive for peer actions.  Amen.

Wednesday in 5 Lent, March 29, 2023

God, whose Son ask for his killers to be forgiven because of their ignorance; enlighten us to move each day from our ignorances to see more clearly what wisdom asks of us in the cause of love and justice.  Amen.

Tuesday in 5 Lent, March 28, 2023

God of Mystery, we are amazed at the continuity of the confessed personal relationship with Jesus of so many throughout history when so many others in history are forgotten; we honor the knowable Christ found in our lives today.  Amen.

Monday in 5 Lent, March 27, 2023

Gracious God, the death of Jesus came to be called a good death in the providential confession of those who knew him in his afterlife; let us not diminish life by over-glorifying his death unless we use the power the inspiration of his death to prolong abundant life for as many as possible.  Amen.

Sunday, 5 Lent, March 26, 2023

Everlasting God of Time, we continually wait with hope for ordinary history to be understood as a surpassing providence of goodness for our lives and the life of our world, and in faith we hold on to resurrection reparation of all things with justice, forgiveness, and love. Amen.

Saturday in 4 Lent, March 25, 2023

God, whose image is buried within everything, you creatively are always already resurrecting previous occasions to new occasions which retain likeness of the previous.  Give us grace to be in the flow of creativity and with freedom add to new life with excellence.  Amen.

Friday in 4 Lent, March 24, 2023

God, you are the poetry of Plenitude, the endless reservoir of Word creating words to come along side what we experience and provide us with the meanings to grow in love and justice.  Inspire us to translate the poetry of Plenitude into the words and deeds of love, grace, and just today.  Amen.

Thursday in 4 Lent, March 23, 2023

God, who is Word, you have give the words Bread, Way, Life, Resurrection, Truth, Vine, and Lamb of God as metaphors for teaching us the many ways in which you are with us.  Thank you for being as close to us as our language is close to us.  Amen.

Wednesday in 4 Lent, March 22, 2023

God of former times, current time and future time; you let us know in Jesus that the divine omnipresence is resurrection life always for everyone.  Give us the grace of aware of such resurrection life even now.  Amen.

Tuesday in 4 Lent, March 21, 2023

God of all seasons happening everywhere, when it is spring for us, it is fall for others; we invoke your presence upon the time of our life today and we beseech your favor upon us to spread love, kindness, and justice in all the seasons of our life.  Amen.

Monday in 4 Lent, March 20, 2023

God of life, you give us the sense of afterlife before we die and this hope strengthens us in our progressive demise; let the hope of betterment motivate our lives today.  Amen.

Sunday, 4 Lent, March 19, 2023

God of such Light, our seeing eyes are ever adjusting to your brightness; help us to see more clearly today the ways in which we can be rightly related to everything, everyone, our own histories, and in ways which are honest, just, and loving.  Amen.

Saturday in 3 Lent, March 18, 2023

Gracious God, your perfection keeps us moving and changing and improving our seeing of what is good, right and just.  Forgive us our judgments from our continuous comparisons of each other and of we once were and let not our imperfection make us timid in progressing toward what is more just and loving.  Amen.

Friday in 3 Lent, March 17, 2023

God of love and justice, keep us on alert about new paradigms of thought and action which will make more manifest the practice in our world, the truth of love and justice.  Amen.

Thursday in 3 Lent, March 16, 2023

God of Time and Future, as we wait for the future to fill the fuller meanings of what is happening now, let us not procrastinate to do love and justice now.  Inspire us to know that justice and love always results in a better future.  Amen.

Wednesday in 3 Lent, March 15, 2023

All-Knowing God, we are grateful that you do not hold us accountable for what we do not yet know because of our situation and capacity; keep us open hearted and open minded about the new insights which can yet transform our lives in excellence.  Amen.

Tuesday in 3 Lent, March 14, 2023

God of Light, let your light enlighten us to see beyond mere appearances and plumb the nuances of inward grace and let us be inspired to let the moving words of Scripture make us very literally and externally loving and justice.  Amen.

Monday in 3 Lent, March 13, 2023

Gracious God whose Spirit inspires self control, give us grace to be good orchestrators of the multiverses which can accompany our conscious lives from within.  Give us wisdom and arising insights to propel us to be better at love and justice in our various situations.  Amen.

Sunday, 3 Lent, March 12, 2023

Gracious Word of God, let our words and deeds today give cause to know that love and justice can be empirically verified by those who consistently experience them in our lives.  Amen.

Saturday in 2 Lent, March 11, 2023

Eternal Word, you have made us to realize that we are worded beings who come to signify everything in and with words; give us the grace of good word ability to be able to sew together our inward lives from which words are born, with our outer world as we try to make the life of love and justice actual in our various locations.  Amen.

Friday in 2 Lent, March 10, 2023

God, who is All, let us not reduce you to dogma to divide us from people who don't agree with us; let us respect the mystery that is appropriate to the Infinity which should make our humility inevitable.  Amen.

Thursday in 2 Lent, March 9, 2023

Creating God, from the plenitude of all that is past a new present arrives; give us grace to integrate the old with the new arisings and let that integration be completed with the goal of more kindness and justice.  Amen.

Wednesday in 2 Lent, March 8, 2023

O God, on whom we project language use even to the confession as the equivalence of God with Eternal Word; give us the grace of wise use of the language in our lives in our speaking, writing, and behaviors.  Amen.

Tuesday in 2 Lent, March 7, 2023

Gracious Word of God, words have come to code and classify our interior lives and our outer world; give us grace on how we use classifying words and let the qualifying words of love and justice be prominent is how to elevate our worded lives in speaking, writing, and body language acts.  Amen.

Monday in 2 Lent, March 6, 2023

God, whom we don't see; help us to be awaken to our perpetual inwardness as what often is seen as seeming negligible inner linguistic programming of how we have been coded to act.  Let the insight of Christ as eternal Word open us to new inner re-programming toward becoming more Christlike and allowing the divine nature to be through us.  Amen.

Sunday, 2 Lent, March 5, 2023

Gracious God of past, present, and future; keep us curious about what might be new in our future especially the potential insights which might help us to surpass ourselves in excellence.  Amen.

Saturday in 1 Lent, March 4, 2024

Grant us, O God, the grace to ever be born again as we embrace our continuous future rebirths int time as surpassing ourselves in the practice of love and justice in our future states.  Amen.

Friday in 1 Lent, March 3, 2023

God, who is mighty, our world lives too often by conferring on the mighty the right to own the majority of land and resources; teach us the power of restraint and the power to transform wealth, education, and power to care for others.  Amen.

Thursday in 1 Lent, March 2, 2023

God of time and history, Jesus left so that the Risen Christ could become fresh in new unfolding of love and justice within all time; give us grace to do the hard and necessary adjustments to the requirement of love and justice in our time.  Amen.

Wednesday in 1 Lent, March 1, 2023

God of love, who is love, and who loves the world; you sent Jesus to be for us the example of love and when his body was killed out of life, his love continued with many more showings.  Give us more showings of love today that we too might be showings of your love.  Amen.

Tuesday in 1 Lent, February 28, 2023

God of our spiritual transformation, you lead us into even new interpretations of spiritual meanings; give us grace to leave misreadings for our lives which have kept us in bad thinking, emotional infancy, and wrong behaviors.  Amen.

Monday in 1 Lent, February 27, 2023

Gracious Lover of the world, your Son Jesus became manifest as a sign of your love for us and as an Exemplar for us to love and be loved; keep us occupied in the perpetual enterprise of loving today.  Amen.

First Sunday in Lent, February 26, 2023

Second Adam Jesus Christ, you met the serpent who seeks to poison humanity with constant mistimings of words and deeds; give us grace to bring our lives in a holy timing of always doing the propitious things.  Amen.

1 Saturday in Lent, February 25, 2023

Gracious Christ, following your example let the human gifts of creativity be used for good and not for megalomaniacal exhibitionism of prideful person; give humanity the grace to resist using their abilities divorced from the service of others.  Amen.

1st Friday in Lent, February 24, 2023

Jesus Christ, most gifted of all; you were tempted to use your gifts for the wrong motives; in humility you chose the path of suffering with us so that our suffering could known as God with us in the worst probable conditions of life and death.  Amen.

1st Thursday in Lent, February 23, 2023

God, who presides over all probabilities, we are faced with inward and outward ordeals which challenge us to lose appropriate timing in when and how we should behave.  Give us the Christly timing and Christly resistance to the temptations which seek to throw off the timing to do right at the right times.  Amen.

 Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Creator God, the story of our dust spiritualized into our unified being reminds us of our future separation from our bodies as they become dust again; Give us grace to cherish and care for our lives in our bodies with love and justice and let our Lenten journeys be known to result in progress in repentance.  Amen.

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