Friday, March 31, 2023

Quiz of the Day, March 2023

Quiz of the Day, March 31, 2023

Who wrote, "No man is an island?"

a. George Herbert
b. John Donne
c. T. S. Eliot
d. Evelyn Underhill
e. Julian of Norwich

Quiz of the Day, March 30, 2023

In what Gospel are two donkeys involved in the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, March 29, 2023

What Anglican priest preached a sermon entitled, "National Apostasy?

a John Henry Newman
b. Percy Dearmer
c. John Keble
d. Edward Bouverie Pusey
e. Charles Gore

Quiz of the Day, March 28, 2023

From which of the folllowing books would we conclude that Jesus had a beard?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John
e. Isaiah
f. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, March 27, 2023

Being a good fig or bad fig is a metaphor used by which prophet?

a. Ezekiel
b. Isaiah
c. Elijah
d. Elisha
e. Jeremiah

Quiz of the Day, March 26, 2023

In how many Gospels is Lazarus of Bethany, brother of Mary and Martha, mentioned?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Quiz of the Day, March 25, 2023

How many Gospels record the annunciation?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Quiz of the Day, March 24, 2023

Archbishop Oscar Romero was martyred in what country?

a. Nicaragua
b. El Salvador
c. Panama
d. Honduras

Quiz of the Day, March 23, 2023

What was the first "Christian nation" on earth?

a. Italy
b. Germany
c. Armenia
d. France
e. Spain

Quiz of the Day, March 22, 2023

In which Gospel is Jesus quoted as saying, "I am the bread of life?"

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, March 21, 2023

Who wrote the words for "Praise God from whom all blessings flow...?"

a. George Herbert
b. Thomas Tallis
c. Thomas Ken
d. John Donne

Quiz of the Day, March 20, 2023

According the Gospel genealogy, Jesus was from the Davidic line

a. through Joseph
b. through Mary
c. through a declaration from the Psalms
d. through the Holy Spirit

Quiz of the Day, March 19, 2023

Which women of the Hebrew Scriptures were used faith symbols by St. Paul?

a.Eve and Sarah
b.Sarah and Hagar
c.Ruth and Rahab
d.Esther and Bathsheba

Quiz of the Day, March 18, 2023

To which prophet did God speak using a loincloth?

a. Hosea
b. Amos
c. Isaiah
d. Elijah
e. Elisha
f. Jeremiah

Quiz of the Day, March 17, 2023

Which of the following does not pertain to the "Lorica?"

a. "The Deer Cry"
b. St. Patrick's Breastplate
c. A prayer for spiritual warfare
d. The Irish national motto

Quiz of the Day, March 16, 2023

What was King David's hometown?

a. Shechem
b. Shiloh
c. Bethlehem
d. Nazareth

Quiz of the Day, March 15, 2023

The "Balm in Gilead," of the well known song is a reference taken from what book in the Bible?

a. Psalms
b. Isaiah
c. Jeremiah
d. Ezekiel

Quiz of the Day, March 14, 2023

Which of the following does not pertain to Topheth?

a. hell
b. Gehenna
c. the Valley of Hinnom
d. Styx

Quiz of the Day, March 13, 2023

In which Gospel does blind mean seeing and seeing means being blind?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, March 12, 2023

Which of the following is true about Samaria?

a. it was a place of defeat for the Assyrians
b. it was a capital of Israel
c. it was on the Sea of Galilee
d. it was a Persian stronghold

Quiz of the Day, March 11, 2023

The holy place for the Samaritans is where?

a. Mount Sinai
b. Mount Zion
c. Mount Tabor
d. The Golan Heights
e. Mount Gerizim

Quiz of the Day, March 10, 2023

Of the following, who is on the Episcopal Calendar of Saints and whose image is also on American coin or currency?

a. Maya Angelou
b. Sojourners Truth
c. Harriet Tubman
d. Susan B. Anthony
e. Pauli Murray
f. all of the above
g. c through e

Quiz of the Day, March 9, 2023

Gregory of Nyssa, along with Basel the Great, and Gregory Nazianzus are called the Cappadocian Fathers.  In what modern country is Cappadocia?

a. Iraq
b. Russia
c. Ukraine
d. Turkey

Quiz of the Day, March 8, 2023

How did Moses provide water to the people of Israel?

a. he spoke to a rock that provided water
b. he struck the rocks to provide water twice
c. he spoke to and struck rocks to provide water
d. he threw his mantle upon a rock to provide water

Quiz of the Day, March 7, 2023

Which of the following prophet was punished by being thrown into a cistern?

a. Isaiah
b. Jeremiah
c. Joel
d. Amos
e. Hosea

Quiz of the Day, March 6, 2023

To whom was the living water discourse of Jesus addressed?

a. on lookers at the pool of Siloam
b. followers of John the Baptist 
c. a Samaritan woman at the well
d. the guests at a wedding in Cana

Quiz of the Day, March 5, 2023

Of the Major Prophets, which book is the longest?

a. Isaiah
b. Jeremiah
c. Ezekiel
d. Daniel

Quiz of the Day, March 4, 2023

Of the following, who did not travel with Abram from Ur and Haran west?

a. Sarai
b. Lot
c. Eliezer
d. Isaac

Quiz of the Day, March 3, 2023

Who were the top two prolific hymn writers in Christian History?

a. Bach and Mozart
b. John and Charles Wesley
c. Isaac Watt and Fanny Crosby
d. Charles Wesley and Fanny Crosby

Quiz of the Day, March 2, 2023

Of the following, who was not a Pharisee?

a. Paul
b. Nicodemus
c. Caiaphas
d. Gamaliel

Quiz of the Day, March 1, 2023

Which of the following is not true about Dewi Sant?

a. in English, he is Saint David
b. he was Welsh and their patron saint
c. a black crow miraculous sat on his shoulder
d. his day on March 1st is celebrated as a Welsh national holiday

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