Friday, June 30, 2023

Quiz of the Day, June 2023

Quiz of the Day, June 30, 2023

What animal would be most associated with Saul becoming the first king of Israel?

a. sheep
b. eagle
c. donkey
d. horse

Quiz of the Day, June 29, 2023

What saints share a feast day but also have individual days which mark specific events in their lives?

a. Cyril and Methodius
b. Philip and James
c. Priscilla and Aquila
d. Paul and Peter

Quiz of the Day, June 28, 2023

Of the following, who was the one who would most likely recommend the "plain reading or meaning" of the Gospel as the preferred reading?

a. Origen
b. Augustine of Hippo
c. Irenaeus
d. Clement of Alexandria

Quiz of the Day, June 27, 2023

What did the Philistines craft to end a plague in their territory?

a. golden mice
b. golden frogs
c. golden tumors
d. golden hail stones
e. golden flowers
f. all of the above
g. a and b
h. a and c

Quiz of the Day, June 26, 2023

What enemy of Israel once captured the sacred Ark of the Covenant?

a. Perizzites
b. Ammonites
c. Jebusites
d. Philistines

Quiz of the Day, June 25, 2023

What child was given a name indicating a judgment against Israel?

a. Samuel
b. Ichabod
c. Emmanuel
d. Solomon

Quiz of the Day, June 24, 2023

Which of the following groups would have been most likely to become followers of Jesus?

a. Sadducees
b. Pharisees
c. Zealots
d. John the Baptist's community
e. Essenes

Quiz of the Day, June 23, 2023

Who is the "Father of faith" for St. Paul?

a. Adam
b. Moses
c. David
d. Abraham
e. Jesus
f. Melchizedek

Quiz of the Day, June 22, 2023

Which of the following would be a Hebrew word for the afterlife?

a. ouranos
b. paradise
c. Sheol
d. Hades
e. Tartarus

Quiz of the Day, June 21, 2023

Who were Hophni and Phineas?

a. sons of Samuel
b. sons of Eli
c. sons of David
d. son of Moses

Quiz of the Day, June 20, 2023

Where was the "house of Lord" where Eli and Samuel served?

a. Jerusalem
b. Hebron
c. Bethel
d. Dan
e. Shiloh

Quiz of the Day, June 19, 2023

Of the following who was not accused of being inebriated or drunkenness?

a. Jesus
b. Disciples of Jesus
c. Hannah
d. John the Baptist

Quiz of the Day, June 18, 2023

What did the seven angels have in the vision of St. John the Divine?

a. candlesticks
b. spirits
c. plagues
d. churches
e. horses

Quiz of the Day, June 17, 2023

What woman saint lived as a monk and whose "gender" was not known until s/he died?

a. Macrina
b. Marina
c. Isidore
d. Barbara

Quiz of the Day, June 16, 2023

Who was the first High Priest of Israel?

a. Moses
b. Aaron
c. Melchizedek
d. Eli

Quiz of the Day, June 15, 2023

What Anglican might be credited with rescuing the word "mystic" from being "kooky?"

a. Charles William
b. C. S. Lewis
c. Evelyn Underhill
d. Willam Law

Quiz of the Day, June 14, 2023

How many times was St. Paul ship wrecked?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Quiz of the Day, June 13, 2023

Of the following, which is not associated with a tree?

a. Jesus
b. Nathaniel
c. Zacchaeus
d. Boaz
e. Absolam

Quiz of the Day, June 12, 2023

Which Gospel does not have list of 12 disciples?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, June 11, 2023

What can a dragon be found in the Bible?

a. Ezekiel
b. Job
c. Psalms
d. Revelation

Quiz of the Day, June 10, 2023

In what order of ministry did Ephrem of Nisibis serve?

a. lay
b. diaconate
c. presbyterate
d. episcopate

Quiz of the Day, June 9, 2023

St. Columba was born where?

a. in Ireland
b. in Scotland
c. on Iona
d. in England

Quiz of the Day, June 8, 2023

Where was the location of the call of Christ to Matthew?

a. at the Sea Galilee
b. synagogue in Capernaum
c. at a tax booth
d. in the Temple complex in Jerusalem

Quiz of the Day, June 7, 2023

Which of the following is not found in the Bible?

a. polytheism
b. henotheism
c. Deism
d. monotheism

Quiz of the Day, June 6, 2023

To be cast into the sea with a milestone around one's neck is the punishment recommended by Jesus for what?

a. the sin of pride
b. causing a child to stumble
c. blaspheming the Holy Spirit
d. drunkenness

Quiz of the Day, June 5, 2023

In the parables of Jesus, a mustard seed is a metaphor for what?

a. sins
b. faith
c. good works
d. a miracle

Quiz of the Day, June 4, 2023

Where is it written that God is greater than all the divine works, and "He is All?"

a. Psalms
b. Proverb
c. Ecclesiastes
c. Ecclesiasticus

Quiz of the Day, June 3, 2023

Which of the following is not true about Lazarus in the New Testament?

a. there are two men named Lazarus
b. one Lazarus is a story figure of Jesus
c. one Lazarus was brought back to life
d. Lazarus died of leprosy
e. Lazarus had two sisters
f. Lazarus lived in Bethany

Quiz of the Day, June 2, 2023

In what two books of the Bible can the "10 Commandments" be found?

a.Genesis and Exodus
b.Exodus and Deuteronomy
c.Exodus and Proverbs
d.Exodus and the Psalms

Quiz of the Day, June 1, 2023

What biblical man wore a veil?

a. Cain
b. Joseph
c. Moses
d. Daniel
e. David

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