Friday, January 5, 2024

Prayers for Christmas 2023-2024

Twelfth Day of Christmas, January 5, 2024

Christ of Christmas Day and Season, we can never leave the perpetually birthing events of realizing you and all and in all;  give us grace to the manifold phases of your divine creating and birthing effects everywhere.  Amen.

Eleventh Day of Christmas, January 4, 2024

God of Christmas, the Mass of Christ; we thank you for giving us the Mass to commemorate the continuous birthing of Christ within us as the realization of the image of God upon our lives even as we observe particular remembrance events of what is always already.  Amen.

 Tenth Day of Christmas, January 3, 2023

God, who birth within the human experience cannot be limited to the Christmas event or season, be born in us continuously as we seek identity each moment with what is the highest in us as living proof of the values of love and justice.  Amen.

Ninth Day of Christmas, January 2, 2024

God of all, we tend to make you but a local deity who rubber stamps our very provincial lifestyle; give us humility to perceive your plenitude and welcome to all in ways individually unique to each person.  Amen.

Eighth Day of Christmas, January 1, 2024 (Feast of the Holy Name)

Eternal Word, from you arising the naming habits of humanity as our hope of preserved identity across the changes which time forces upon our outward and inward being; we give thanks that the name of Jesus is remembered in many ways in attaining the constant return as the Risen Christ, and we entrust our identities to the vast memorial capacity of the Eternal Word, who is God.  Amen.

Seventh Day of Christmas, December 31, 2023 (A certain calendar last day of the year)

O God, whether we call today, the seventh day of Christmas or the last day of our calendar year, we invoke your presence upon the times of our lives in search of meanings in our lives which are passing away; help us to value the times our lives, of everyone's lives with the practice of love and justice.  Amen.

Sixth Day of Christmas, December 30, 2023

God, who is the Horizon of all that we know, keep us humble enough within your great Horizon to care for everyone and everything which lives and moves and have being within the great Horizon that you are.  Amen.

Fifth Day of Christmas, December 29, 2023

Eternal Word, our knowing of you and anything begins with you as with great reflexivity we became worded beings who know each other and our world through having word; help us to find our voices of love and justice in our words and deeds and in our social structures.  Amen.

Fourth Day of Christmas, December 28, 2023 (Holy Innocents)

Jesus Christ, your word says that children's angels in heaven behold the divine Father even while children on earth suffer and die as part of the direct and collateral damage of the cruelty and neglect of adults; renew us in the mission to protect infants and children as central to our calling to mentor those who are the future of our world.  Amen.

Third Day of Christmas, December 27, 2023

Eternal Christ, we poetically proclaim you as all and in all by confessing you as Word from the beginning; help us to make the very best words flesh in our lives with creative body language deeds of love and justice.  Amen.

Second Day of Christmas, December 26, 2023

Word made flesh, you are the mystery of the mystification of what we see, hear, touch, and taste with a symbolic order of meanings.  Give us wisdom in the ordering of our lives through our deliberate roles in finding our voices in language to teach our body language to perform the deeds of kindness, justice, and mercy.  Amen.

Christmas Day, December 25, 2023

O God whose greatness might make you so aloof from human experience; we thank you for the discovery of the Christmas Story of your hiddenness within human experience, even within the Christ Child, who is born in us and gives us grace to accept our experience as a valid way to know what is sublime in human living.  Amen. 

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