Sunday, June 30, 2024

Quiz of the Day, June 2024

Quiz of the Day, June 30, 2024

Of the following, which was a God permitted "graven image?"

a. golden tumors
b. golden mice
c. bronze serpent
d. golden calf

Quiz of the Day, June 29, 2024

Which two early Christian leaders had a disagreement on how Jewish and Gentile followers of Jesus should behave with each other?

a. James and John
b. Peter and Paul
c. Paul and Barnabas
d. Paul and John Mark

Quiz of the Day, June 28, 2024

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases," can be found in which biblical book?

a. Jeremiah
b. Lamentations
c. Psalms
d. Ecclesiastes

Quiz of the Day, June 27, 2024

What happened to the staff of Aaron after the rebellion of Korah?

a. it spouted blossoms overnight
b. it produced almonds overnight
c. it was stolen by opponents to the house of Levi
d. it turned into a serpent
e. a and b
f. a and d

 Quiz of the Day, June 26, 2024

Phonetic or transliterate words from which of the following languages can be found in the New Testament written in the koine Greek langauge?

a. Septuagint Greek
b. Hebrew
c. Aramaic
d. Latin
e. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, June 25, 2024

What was the punishment for the rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram?

a. leprosy
b. fire from heaven consumed them
c. the earth opened up and swallowed them
d. they were permanently exiled from the camp

Quiz of the Day, June 24, 2024

What is the "Song of the Bow?"

a. A battle song used by Israel against the Philistines
b. A song of Moses for battle
c. A David composition as a shepherd
d. A lament composed by David on the death of Saul and Jonathan

Quiz of the Day, June 23, 2024

St. Alban was a soldier stationed near what city?

a. Canterbury
b. Paris
c. London
d. Glasgow

Quiz of the Day, June 22, 2024

Moses sent 12 spies into Canaan; which spies were hopeful about taking the promised land?

a. Shammua
b. Shaphat
c. Caleb
d. Igal
e. Hoshea (Joshua)
f. Palti, son of Raphu
h. Gaddi
i. Ammiel
j. Sethur
k. Nahbi
l. Geuel
m. a through f
n. h through l
o. c and e only

Quiz of the Day, June 21, 2024

Which of the following is not true?

a. Israel included Judah.
b. Israel and Judah were separate kingdoms.
c. Israel is another name for Jacob.
d. Jerusalem was in the territory of Judah.
e. Moses and David were from the tribe of Judah.

Quiz of the Day, June 20, 2024

Of the following, who was not a sibling of three of the others?

a. Moses
b. Aaron
c. Gershom
d. Miriam

Quiz of the Day, June 19, 2024

Which biblical king(s) played an instrument?

a. Joash
b. Asa
c. David
d. Solomon
e. a and c
f.  Saul

Quiz of the Day, June 18, 2024

Goliath was

a. a Perizzite
b. an Ammonite
c. a Jebusite
d. a Philistine

Quiz of the Day, June 17, 2024

Who was David's best friend?

a. Saul
b. Samuel
c. Jonathan
d. Bathsheba
e. Abigail

Quiz of the Day, June 16, 2024

Where is the Aaronic blessing found?

a. Genesis
b. Exodus
c. Leviticus
d. Numbers

Quiz of the Day, June 15, 2024

Which group of people became a substitute for all the first born of Israel who belonged to the Lord?

a. Levites
b. children of Moses
c. children of Aaron
d. Egyptian first born sons
e. Passover lambs

Quiz of the Day, June 14, 2024

Which disciple was most vocal to Jesus about the possibility of his future suffering?

a. John
b. James
c. Peter
d. Andrew
e. Thomas

Quiz of the Day, June 13, 2024

The baptismal prayer for the newly baptized is 

a. an invocation for the fruits of the Spirit
b. an invocation for the seven fold gifts of the Spirit as listed in Isaiah
c. an invocation for gifts of the Spirit for one's church vocation
d. an invocation for the purifying fire of the Spirit

Quiz of the Day, June 12, 2024

Who wrote, "we walk by faith, not by sight?"

a. Peter
b. Paul
c. Writer of Proverbs
d. Psalmist
e. John

Quiz of the Day, June 11, 2024

Of the following, who was not a traveling companion of Paul?

a. Barnabas
b. Silas
c. John Mark
d. Peter

Quiz of the Day, June 10, 2024

Jesse was not

a. a metaphor for a stump
b. the father of David
c. a resident of Ramah
d. the husband of Ruth

Quiz of the Day, June 9, 2024

According to the words of Jesus, what is the unforgivable sin?

a. sexual immorality
b. killing
c. blaspheming the Holy Spirit
d. using the name of God in vain

Quiz of the Day, June 8, 2024

Which of the following animal has a biblical curse?

a. dragon
b. snake
c. donkey
d. lion
e. bear
f. dog

Quiz of the Day, June 7, 2024

Which disciple tried to walk on the water toward Jesus?

a. Andrew
b. Philip
c. Peter
d. James
e. John

Quiz of the Day, June 6, 2024

Who cut down a sacred oak tree to prove the superiority of the Christian God?

a. Wulfstan
b. Willibrord
c. Boniface
d. Anskar

Quiz of the Day, June 5, 2024

The Yard Birds wrote and sang a song "Turn, Turn, Turn," based on what biblical book?

a. Genesis
b. Psalms
c. Ecclesiastes
d. Proverbs

Quiz of the Day, June 4, 2024

What does the pearl of great value refer to?

a. discovery of the kingdom of God
b. salvation
c. resurrection
d. knowing the Holy Spirit

Quiz of the Day, June 3, 2024

Which is not a warning that Samuel issued regarding having a king of Israel?

a. a king will take your sons for battle
b. a king with take your vineyards
c. a king will take a tenth of your grain
d. a king will disobey God

Quiz of the Day, June 2, 2024

The word "vanity" is most associated with which book in the Bible?

a. Psalms
b. Proverbs
c. Ecclesiastes
d. Isaiah

Quiz of the Day, June 1, 2024

"The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil,"  is found where?

a. Ecclesiastes
b. Wisdom of Ben Sirach
c. 1 Timothy
d. Proverbs

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