Thursday, September 19, 2024

Quiz of the Day, September 2024

Quiz of the Day, September 19, 2024

Of the following, who is not associated with the feast of Purim?

a. Esther
b. Mordecai
c. Hamaan
d. Darius
e. Ahasuerus

Quiz of the Day, September 18, 2024

The book of Job is best classified as 

a. poetry
b. wisdom literature
c. apologetics
d. history
e. liturgy

Quiz of the Day, September 17, 2024

Who had a vision about Macedonia?

a. Daniel
b. Judas Maccabees
c. Paul
d. Peter

Quiz of the Day, September 16, 2024

Why would Job's behemoth not be an elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus?

a. those animals weren't in Palestine
b. the reference to the stiff tail like a cedar
c. it was a common mythological creatures
d. it was probably a dragon

 Quiz of the Day, September 15, 2024

In the Revelation of St. John the Divine, Babylon is

a. cryptic name for Russia
b. cryptic name for Egypt
c. cryptic name for Empire is what is now Iraq
d. cryptic name for Rome

Quiz of the Day, September 14, 2024

Which of the following was not approved graven images in the Hebrew Scriptures?

a. golden cherubim
b. golden ark
c. golden calf
d. bronze serpent

Quiz of the Day, September 13, 2024

The permanent mode of disposition of the remains of Lazarus and Jesus probably would have been

a. a cave sepulcher
b. burial in the ground in a linen cloth
c. bones placed in an ossuary in a cave or chamber tomb
d. buried at the site of the tomb of King David

Quiz of the Day, September 12, 2024

Who was the person who was first told that Jesus was resurrection?

a. Mary of Bethany
b. Mary Magdalene
c. Martha of Bethany
d. Lazarus of Bethany
e. Peter

Quiz of the Day, September 11, 2024

Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha is written about in

a. Matthew and Luke
b. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
c. In John only
d. in Luke and John
e. in Matthew and John

Quiz of the Day, September 10, 2024

According to the Epistle of James, what is the most dangerous part of the body?

a. hands that do harm
b. legs that go down wrong paths
c. hearts that are evil
d. the tongue

Quiz of the Day, September 9, 2024

According to the book of Proverbs, what cries out in the streets?

a. love
b. justice
c. foolishness
d. wisdom

Quiz of the Day, September 8, 2024

Where is the number 144,000 found in the Bible?

a. Ezekiel and Revelation
b. Revelation
c. Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation
d. Zechariah and Revelation

Quiz of the Day, September 7, 2024

Which is not a metaphor in the "I am" sayings of Jesus in John's Gospel?

a. Good Shepherd
b. Light of the World
c. Gate
d. Way
e. Lamb of God
f.  Truth
g. Life

Quiz of the Day, September 6, 2024

Siloam is not

a. a suburb of Jerusalem
b. a pool built by Hezekiah
c. a pool rebuilt during the Temple reconstruction
d. a place that had angelic healing powers during the time of Jesus

Quiz of the Day, September 5, 2024

What might be the biblical record of spit and mud?

a. a rebuke of the prophet Isaiah
b. the disregard Ezekiel had for the sins of the people
c. a healing poultice of Jesus
d. Moses' response to the golden calf

Quiz of the Day, September 4, 2024

Bishop Paul Jones was

a. bishop of Utah
b. had to give up his bishopric for opposing the World War
c. found the Episcopal Peace Fellowship
d. lost his voting privileges in the House of Bishops
e. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, September 3, 2024

Rhoda is associated with what early church leaders?

a. Peter and John Mark
b. Paul and Barnabas
c. Priscilla and Aquilla
d. Paul and Silas

Quiz of the Day, September 2, 2024

Which New Testament book has the words which most clearly states that works must accompany faith?

a. Galatians
b. Romans
c. James
d. 1 Corinthians

Quiz of the Day, September 1, 2024

Which Gospels do not include the "Beatitudes?"

a. Matthew and Mark
b. Matthew and Luke
c. Luke and John
d. Luke and Mark
e. John and Matthew
f. Mark and John

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Prayers for Pentecost, 2024

Friday in 18 Pentecost, September 20, 2024 God who is known to us as the baby Jesus; protect the children in this world today from the harm ...