Lectionary Link
23 Pentecost, Cycle a, Proper 24, October 16, 2011
23 Pentecost, Cycle a, Proper 24, October 16, 2011
Exodus 33:12-23 Psalm 99
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22
If I had all
of the children sit on this side of the room and all of the parents sit on the other side of the room. And then I have a
stranger who did not know anyone here come into the room and look at you. Do you think that this stranger could tell
which children belonged to which parent?
And how could a stranger match you and your parents? Because you look like your parents…you have
their noses, their eyes, their hair color.
So you look like your parents.
You in some way are an image of your parents. And so you belong together as a family.
We’ve read a
story today about some people who tried to trick Jesus about taxes. Do you know what taxes are? Taxes are the money that we pay to the
government to pay for the army, the roads, the courts and all of the things
that the government does for us. It is a
law that if we make money, we have to pay taxes.
So some
people came to Jesus and asked him if he paid taxes to the King, called the
Caesar. Jesus knew that they were trying
to trick him into saying that people should not pay taxes and that would get
him into trouble.
What did
Jesus do? He taught them a lesson. He asked them to show them a coin. I’m going to show some of the coins that are
just like the one Jesus asked for. These
coins are more than two thousand years old.
If you look carefully at these coins you can see that the head of the
King called Caesar is stamped on these coins.
And these coins were used to pay taxes to the King.
Jesus asked
his questioners? "Whose image is on this
coin?" And they said, “It’s the King’s
And Jesus
said, “Then give the coins that belong to the King to him, but give to God the
things that belong to God.”
Now this was
a very smart saying. Do you know why?
Jesus had
read the book of Genesis about the creation of the world. And in the book of Genesis it is written that
men and women are created or made in the image of God. So if men and women are made in the image of
God, who do they belong to? To God.
Was Caesar
the King a Man? Who did he belong
to? To God, because he was made in God
The most
important lesson in life is to learn that we belong to God because God made
us. And how do we show that we
appreciate God? We worship God. We praise God. We thank God.
And obey God’s rules about how we should live. And we are to love God and love our
neighbors. That is how we show that we
belong to God and how we give the very best of our lives.
Do we have to
pay a tax to God, since we are like God’s coins? Yes, we do pay a tax to God by loving God and
loving our neighbors as our self.
Jesus came to
remind us that we are all children of God and so we need to learn to live as
children of God. Can you remember
that? Amen.
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