Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Daily Quiz, April 2014

Daily Quiz, April 30, 2014

After escaping from the Egyptians, the Israelites wandered in the Wilderness of 

a. Rephidim
b. Mamre
c. Sin
d. Kadesh-Barnea 

Daily Quiz, April 29, 2014

The "Song of Miriam" was composed for what event?

a. The Passover Event
b.  Miriam is another name for Mary; it is about the Annunciation
c.  The deliverance of Israel from the Egyptian in the Red Sea
d.  The entrance of Israel into the Promised Land

Daily Quiz, April 28, 2014

Church Tradition attributes the founding of the church in Africa to what evangelist?

a. Philip
b. Cyprian
c. Mark
d. Antony

Daily Quiz, April 27, 2014

During the Season of Easter which canticle is used after the invitiatory in Morning Prayer?

a. Venite
b. Nunc dimittis
c. Pascha nostra
d. Phos hilarion

Daily Quiz, April 26, 2014

Whose bones did Moses bring with him when he left Egypt for the promised land?

a. Jacob's
b. Rachel's 
c. Joseph's 
d. Sarah's 

Daily Quiz, April 25, 2014

Who wrote, "Where, O Death is your victory?  Where, O Death is your sting?"

a. Rudyard Kipling
b. Arthur Conan Doyle
c. St. Peter 
d. St. Paul

Daily Quiz, April 24, 2014 

The Paschal Candle is lit for what times in the church year?

a. 50 days of Easter 
b. for baptisms
c. for requiems 
d. all of the above

Daily Quiz, April 23, 2014

The Book of Exodus states that the Israelites were in Egypt for how many years?

a. 40
b. 665
c. 77
d. 430 

Daily Quiz, April 22, 2014

According to the Gospel of Mark who did Jesus first appear to after his resurrection?

a. his Mother Mary
b. Peter
c. John
d. Mary Magdalene

Daily Quiz, April 21, 2014

How many post-resurrection appearances of Jesus are recording in the four Gospels?

a. 9
b. 10
c. 11
d. 12

Daily Quiz, April 20, 2014

According to the account in the Gospel of Matthew, how did the stone get rolled away from the tomb of Jesus?

a. an earthquake 
b. an angel descended to open it
c. the coincidence of a and b 
d. none of the above

Daily Quiz, April 19, 2014

Which of the following Scripture lessons is not included in the readings for the Great Vigil of Easter?

a. Ezekiel's Valley of the dry bones
b. Israel's exodus from Egypt
c. The Creation Story
d. The Flood
e. Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac
f.  David's slaying of Goliath

Daily Quiz, April 18, 2014

Which Mary was not reported in the Gospels to be present at the crucifixion of Jesus?

a. Mary, the mother of Jesus
b. Mary Magdalene
c. Mary, mother of James and Joseph
d. Mary wife of Clopas
e. Mary of Bethany, sister of Martha

Daily Quiz, April 17, 2014

Which Gospel does not have the institution of the Last Supper at the time of the Passover Meal?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Daily Quiz, April 16, 2014

Which is not a part of a Passover Meal?

a. Charoset
b. Lamb Shank bone
c.  Roast Egg
d.  Bitter Herbs  (Maror and Hazeret)
e.  Hyssop
f.   Charoset
g.  cups of wine
h.  Matzah

Daily Quiz, April 15, 2014

What is the name of the liturgy often observed in some churches on Holy Wednesday?

a. Lauds
b. Matins
c. Tenebrae
d. Vespers

Daily Quiz, April 14, 2014

"My God, why have you forsaken me" are words attributed to Jesus when he was dying on the cross.  Where do these words come from?

a. the Prophet Isaiah
b. the Prophet Jeremiah
c. the suffering man Job
d. Psalm 22

Daily Quiz, April 13, 2014

We associate with Palm Sunday the expression: "Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!" In what other places to we find this expression?

a. Psalm 118
b. Sanctus of the Mass
c. Holy, Holy, Holy of the Mass
d. all of the above

Daily Quiz, April 12, 2014

What was the last plague in Egypt before the Israelites left?

a. bloody water
b. darkness
c. death of firstborn sons
d. death of livestock

Daily Quiz, April 11, 2014

Why is Easter not on the same day each year like Christmas is on December 25th each year for Western Christians?

a. Easter is set to be after the Jewish Passover, which is based upon the full moon
b. Easter is the first Sunday after the paschal full moon on the Gregorian calendar
c. Easter is the first Sunday after the paschal full moon on the Julian calendar
d. all of the above

Daily Quiz, April 10, 2014

Which was not among the ten plague of Egypt before the release of the Israelites from Egypt?

a. lice
b. bloody waters
c. locusts
d. boils
e. rats
f. death of first born sons
g. frogs
h. sustained darkness

Daily Quiz, April 9, 2014

What Protestant pastor was arrested and executed for helping a group who were plotting the death of Hitler?

a. Reinhold Niebuhr
b. Richard Niebuhr
c. Paul Tillich
d. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Daily Quiz, April 8, 2014

Who was the sister of Moses and Aaron?

a. Zipporah
b. Judith
c. Miriam
d. Hannah

Daily Quiz, April 7, 2014

When Moses had the experience with God in the burning bush and was called by God to help deliver Israel from Egypt, what excuse did Moses offer to try to decline the call?

a.  he was afraid
b.  he said he lack eloquence
c.  he said he was too old
d.  he said he was from the wrong tribe of Israel

Daily Quiz, April 6, 2014

Moses was raised by Egyptian royalty but which tribe of Israel did he belong to?

a. Benjamin
b. Dan
c. Ephraim
d. Levi

Daily Quiz, April 5, 2014

The father-in-law of Moses was a Midian priest named 

a. Reuel
b. Jethro
c. Zipporah
d. a and b
e. b and c 

Daily Quiz, April 4, 2014

What is the spiritual gift known as "glossolalia" γλωσσολαλία?

a.  clairvoyance 
b. predictive abilities
c. speaking in an unknown tongue or tongue of angels
d. being slain in the spirit
e. healing

Daily Quiz, April 3, 2014

Who is credited with lyrics for "Day by Day, Three Things I Pray," a song popularized in the famous Rock Musical, "Godspell?" 

a. Martin Luther
b. Richard of Chichester
c. John Wesley
d. Augustus Toplady

Daily Quiz, April 2, 2014

Who said, "Even though you intended to harm to me, God intended it for good to save numerous people." 

d. Joseph

Daily Quiz, April 1, 2014

What numerically unlucky Pope is known for initiating a new calendar named after him and thus created a group of April 1st "fools" who did not "get the memo" about the new calendar and continued to celebrate New Year's Day on April 1st instead of the new, New Year beginning on January 1st?

a. Gregory I
b. Gregory VI
c. Gregory XIII
d. Gregory IV

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