Sunday, November 30, 2014

Daily Quiz, November 2014

Daily Quiz, November 30, 2014

Which is not a common Advent devotional practice?

a. no altar flowers
b. Advent Calendar
c. Advent Wreath and Candles
d. Jesse Tree
e. increased charitable giving
f.  putting up a Christmas tree

Daily Quiz, November 29, 2014

On November 30, 2014, First Sunday of Advent, we begin a liturgical year with a Sunday lectionary that favors which Gospel?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Daily Quiz, November 28, 2014

Who was the godmother for the child of Queen Emma and King Kamehameha IV for Hawaii?

a. the wife of Millard Fillmore 
b. Queen Victoria
c. the wife of Franklin Pierce
d. the wife of James Buchanan

Daily Quiz, November 27, 2014

Which of the following is not true of the Pilgrims?

a. they were Separatists in England
b. they fled England and settled for awhile in the Netherlands
c. they held illegal worship services while in England
d. they were called recusants 
e. they were in favor of the "King James Bible" and had the blessing of King James' government

Daily Quiz, November 26, 2014

Which hymn was not written by Isaac Watts?

a. I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
b. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
c. Joy to the World
d. O God Our Help in Ages Past
e. My Shepherd Will Supply My Needs

Daily Quiz, November 25, 2014

James Huntington was the founder of what Episcopal Religious Order?

a. Society of St. John the Evangelist
b. Order of the Holy Cross
c. St. Gregory's Abbey
d. Society of St. Paul

Daily Quiz, November 24, 2014

Jesus said that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than what?

a. Pharisees to enter the kingdom of heaven
b. rich people to enter the kingdom of heaven
c. unbelievers to enter the kingdom of heaven
d. Samaritans to enter the kingdom of heaven

Daily Quiz, November 23, 2014

Concern for Marxism and other secular political philosophies and concerned about the Roman Question which kept the Pope a "prisoner" of the Vatican, this Pope instituted the Feast of Christ the King as a liturgical response to modern governance issues.

a. Pius X
b. Pius XI
c. Benedict XV
d.Pius XII 

Daily Quiz, November 22, 2014

St. Gregory the Great and St. Cecilia are patron saints for what profession?

a. bakers
b. beekeepers
c. musicians
d. lawyers

Daily Quiz, November 21, 2014

Thomas Tallis was a prominent English liturgical and court musician and served under which of the following English monarchs?

a. Henry VIII
b. Edward VI
c. Mary 
d. Elizabeth I
e. all of the above
f. a and b
g. a,b and d

 Daily Quiz, November 20, 2014

What Anglican author wrote "The Screwtape Letters?"

a. J.R.R. Tolkien
b. G.K. Chesterton
c. Charles Williams
d. C.S. Lewis

Daily Quiz, November 19, 2014

Which St. Elizabeth is known for the vision of white and red roses instead of bread being seen when she opened her cloak?

a. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
b. St. Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist
c. St. Elizabeth of Hungary
d. St. Elizabeth of Portugal

Daily Quiz, November 18, 2014

In 680 at the Synod of Whitby portions of the Celtic Church of the British Isles came to an agreement with the Holy See of Rome regarding Christian practice.  What were the results of the agreement at St. Hilda's convent?

a. agreement on calendar for setting the date of Easter
b. haircut styles, tonsures of the monks
c. transfer of the See from Lindisfarne to York
d. those who could not accept the agreement returned to Iona
e. all of above
f. a,c, and d

Daily Quiz, November 17, 2014

Habakkuk is one of the 12 minor prophets whose book is in the Hebrew Scriptures.  How did he and the twelve get the designation as minor?

a. he was less important than Isaiah or Jeremiah
b. minor refers to the brevity of text compared with more wordy major prophets
c. there is less certainty about his ministry as a prophet
d. it was a designation by the rabbis

 Daily Quiz, November 16, 2014

In the parable of the talents what is the stated reason for the failure of the person with one talent to invest it?

a. lack of ability
b. fear of his master
c. laziness
d. lack of positive encouragement

Daily Quiz, November 15, 2014 

Who was the first Methodist Bishop in the United States?

a. Samuel Seabury
b. Francis Asbury
c. Jonathan Edwards
d. George Whitefield

Daily Quiz, November 14, 2014

Who was the first American Episcopal Bishop who had the Archbishop of Canterbury as a co-consecrator?

a. Samuel Seabury
b. William White 
c. Samuel Provoost
d. James Madison
e. b and c, there were two consecrated in the same liturgy

Daily Quiz, November 13, 2014

What is the name of the cupboard in a church used to store the reserve sacrament?

a. sacristy
b. tabernacle
c. monstrance
d. ciborium

Daily Quiz, November 12, 2014

Charles Simeon is known for being associated with what piety group within Anglicanism?

a. High Church
b. Broad Church
c. Evangelical
d. Christian Socialist

Daily Quiz, November 11, 2014

St. Martin of Tours is the patron saint of all except one of the following?  Which one is he not a patron saint of?

a. bishops
b. soldiers
c. reformed alcoholics
d. horses
e. equestrians
f. France
h. beggars
i. wine makers

Daily Quiz, November 10, 2014

What famous pillager was impressed with Pope Leo I and did not attack Rome?

a. Bleda
b. Attila
c. Ellac
d. Ardaric

Daily Quiz, November 9, 2014

What is the significance of the poppy on Veterans Day?

a. the red poppy prevalent on European countryside came symbolize the blood shed in battle in World War I
b. it is an ancient Christian symbol from the Crusades
c. it was used to do fund raising for the care of veterans
d. it symbolizes the blood of Christ

Daily Quiz, November 8, 2014

Which English poet paid direct homage to Dante with the titles of his poems?

a. Samuel Johnson
b. John Milton
c. John Bunyan
d. Alexander Pope

Daily Quiz, November 7, 2014

What Northumbrian saint went to a place known for its breed of daily cattle, Frisian Cows in Europe but known as Holsteins in the U.S.?

a. Boniface 
b. Wilfrid
c. Aidan
d. Willibrord

Daily Quiz, November 6, 2014

The politics of which Archbishop of Canterbury was disliked by Winston Churchill?

a. Cosmo Lang
b. Geoffrey Fisher
c. William Temple
d. Michael Ramsey

Daily Quiz, November 5, 2014

Which of the following is not a liturgical object?

a. aspergillum
b. thurible
c. paten
d. ciborium
e. sacristan
f. monstrance
g. aumbrey

Daily Quiz, November 4, 2014

Dia de los Muertos, an observance by members of the Hispanic community is which feast on the church calendar?

a. All Saints'
b. All Hallows Eve
c. All Souls'
d. St. Michael and All Angels

Daily Quiz, November 3, 2014

A foundation book for Anglicanism "Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie" was written by what Anglican theologian?

a. John Jewell
b. Charles Gore
c. Richard Hooker
d. Thomas Cranmer

Daily Quiz, November 2, 2014

When the English government needed silver for currency who suggested to go into the churches, "Melt down the saints and put them into circulation?"

a. Thomas Cranmer
b. Cardinal Wolsey
c. Henry VIII
d. Oliver Cromwell 

Daily Quiz, November 1, 2014

Which notion of saint or saints is not found in the Bible?

a. the collective body of Christ
b. individual Christians as being a part of the body of Christ
c. a holy group people set apart for the work of God
d. an official Christian Hall of Fame entered through the canonization process sanctioned by the Vatican

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