Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Daily Quiz, December 2014

Daily Quiz, December 31, 2014

What are other names for the Feast of the Holy Name?

a. the churching of women
b. the Purification of the Virgin Mary
c. the Circumcision of Christ
d. New Year's Day

Daily Quiz, December 30, 2014

"Angels We Have Heard on High" is a Christmas carol which originated in what country?

a. England
b. Belgium
c. France 
d. Germany

Daily Quiz, December 29, 2014

The Coventry Carol begins "Lullay, Thou little tiny child"  and is based upon a 16th Pageant portrayal in Coventry of what event?

a. the birth in Bethlehem
b. the Holy Innocents
c. Mary's struggle in child birth
d. the slaughter of male babies by Pharaoh 

Daily Quiz, December 28, 2014 

"What Child Is This" has a tune that was supposedly composed by whom as a love song?

a. Elizabeth I
b. Thomas Tallis
c. Henry VIII
d. Louis XIV

Daily Quiz, December 27, 2014

Why could it be said that St. John the Divine is a saint without a feast?

a. Scholars believe he was not the same person as John the Evangelist
b. he was decanonized in 1952
c. the members of the church who believes John of Patmos and the evangelist are the same can live in denial
d. parishes of John the Divine patronage, claim December 27th for him

Daily Quiz, December 26, 2014  

December 26th is known for what?

a. Boxing Day in the U.K.
b. The day good King Wenceslaus went out 
c. Feast of St. Stephen  

d. all of the above

Daily Quiz, December 25, 2014

"Adeste fideles" is the Latin title for what famous Christmas Carol?

a. The First Nowell
b. O Come All Ye Faithful
c. What Child Is This
d. Hark, the Herald Angels Sing

Daily Quiz, December 24, 2014

In the Carol, "Away in a Manger" the words in the second verse, "the little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes" got the writer accused of what heresy because such infant stoicism  seemed to imply the human nature of Christ was an illusion?

a. Pelagianism
b. Arianism
c. Docetism
d. Donatism

Daily Quiz, December 23, 2014

From what country did the Christmas carol, "Silent Night, Holy Night" derive?

a. Germany
b. Austria
c. Switzerland
d. The Netherlands

Daily Quiz, December 22, 2014

The game played at Hanukkah involves a dreidel with four Hebrew letters on the 4 faces of the top.  They are נ (Nun), ג (Gimel), ה (Hay), ש (Shin), an acronym for what phrase?

a. light the menorah each night
b. the Maccabees brought deliverance
c. a great miracle happened there
d. next year in Jerusalem

Daily Quiz, December 21, 2014

"Veni Emmanuel" is

a. an Advent hymn
b. the name of the tune associated with the hymn "O come, come Emmanuel"
c. the Latin for " Come, Emmanuel"
d. the Latin name for the Advent hymn
e. all of the above

Daily Quiz, December 20, 2014

Who is the composer of the familiar tune "Antioch" used with the words, "Joy to the World?"

a.Hoyt Axton, for the Three Dog Night Band
b.G.F. Handel
c. J.S. Bach
d. J. Pachelbel

Daily Quiz, December 19, 2014

How recent is the singing of the common Christmas Carols within the church?

a. 3rd Century
b. 15th Century
c. late 19th Century
d. Early 20th Century

Daily Quiz, December 18, 2014

What American Episcopal Bishop and famous preacher wrote the Christmas Carol "O Little Town of Bethlehem?"

a. John E. Hines
b. James Pike
c. Phillips Brooks
d. Samuel Seabury

Daily Quiz, December 17, 2014

The most referred to book of the Bible for the words of Handel's oratorio, Messiah is what?

a. Malachi
b. Isaiah
c. Romans
d. The Psalms

Daily Quiz, December 16, 2014

The words of the "Hallelujah" Chorus of Handel's "Messiah" come from which book of the Bible?

a. Zechariah
b. Isaiah
c. Revelations
d. The Psalms

Daily Quiz, December 15, 2014

What is the name of the mother of the famous judge Samuel?

a. Sarah
b. Ruth
c. Hannah
d. Naomi

Daily Quiz, December 14, 2014

The Third Sunday of Advent is called "Gaudete" or Rose Sunday or Refreshment Sunday.  What does "gaudete" mean?

a. Laetare, in Latin
b. Rejoice
c. Rose
d. Relax
e. a and b

Daily Quiz, December 13, 2014

Who is the patron saint of Syracuse in Sicily?

a. Rosalia
b. Agatha
c. Lucy
d. Dominic

Daily Quiz, December 12, 2014

Who is St. Juan Diego?

a. a 16th century Spanish Carmelite saint
b. a mission Padre of California
c. the man who received the appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe
d. the man for whom San Diego, CA was named

Daily Quiz, December 11, 2014

Who is the popular modern monk who entitled his biography, The Seven Storey Mountain?"

a. Basil Pennington
b. Thomas Keating
c. Thomas Merton
d. Henri Nouwen

Daily Quiz, December 10, 2014

Natural theology begins with an assumption that the divine can be found within Nature; Neo-Orthodoxy challenges this by saying God is known only through "revelation."  Which of the following has been associated with "Neo-Orthodoxy?"

a. Thomas Aquinas
b. Karl Barth
c. Paul Tillich
d. J.A.T. Robinson

Daily Quiz, December 9, 2014

The writer of the Gospel of Luke reported that Jesus spent his nights where?

a. in the home of Mary and Martha of Bethany
b. on the Mount of Olives
c. in the Garden of Gethsemane
d. in the home of his disciples

Daily Quiz, December 8, 2014

The earliest New Testament writing is believed to be a letter of Paul to Christians who were worried that some of their members had died before the Lord had returned.  Which church was this?

a. Corinthian
b. Ephesian
c. Colossian
d. Thessalonian

Daily Quiz, December 7, 2014

The life occupation of Zechariah, father of John the Baptist was what?

a. a priest in the line of Aaron
b. a shepherd
c. a rabbi
d. an elder in the desert Essene community where John was raised

Daily Quiz, December 6, 2014

St. Nicholas of Myra is not the patron saints of which of the following?

a. children
b. sailors
c. falsely accused
d. falconers
e. broadcasters
f.  merchants
g. fishermen

Daily Quiz, December 5, 2014

Which of the following is not true about St. Clement of Alexandria?

a. his name was removed from the Roman Catholic Calendar of saints
b. he was a teacher of Origen
c. he was the fourth Pope
d. he wrote against persons who have come to be called gnostics

Daily Quiz, December 4, 2014

What saint was perhaps the last Church Father, lived in a city under Islamic Caliph control, read the Qur'an and Greek philosophy and defended the veneration of icons against the iconoclasts?

a. St. Thomas Aquinas
b. St. John of Damascus
c. St. Juan de Ribera
d. St. Alphonsus Liguori 

Daily Quiz, December 3, 2014

A college or universities with Loyola or Xavier in its name would be associated with what religious order?

a. Dominican
b. Benedictine
c. Franciscan 
d. Jesuit
e. Lasallian

Daily Quiz, December 2, 2014

Which of the following was a chief architect in the formation of the Holy Catholic Church of Japan, the Nippon Sei Ko Kai?

a. Robert Nobili
b. Henry Martyn
c. Channing Moore Williams
d. Francis Xavier

Daily Quiz, December 1, 2014

How did St. Andrew become the patron saint of Scotland?

a. according to a William Blake ode, he traveled there
b. his relics were brought to Scotland in the mid 10th century
c. it was a Links golf tradition which started in the 15th Century
d. his intercession was deemed important in the defeat of invaders 
e. b and d

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