Sunday, December 28, 2014

New Scripts for the New Year

1 Christmas       December 28,2014
Is.61:10-62:3     Ps. 147:13-21
Gal. 3:23-25,4:4-7  John 1:1-18

Lectionary Link

    What is the biggest elephant in the room which we all take for granted and because we do,  we miss the most obvious thing about human life as we know?  And what is the elephant?  It is Word or language.  We are people who have language and through language our human world is completely created.
  And so you ask?  A baby does not yet have language and does a baby exist?  Indeed a baby has potential language ability but is a passive recipient of the language of the parents. Parents impose language upon a baby's world and Sigmund Freud tried to build a narrative around how parents treat certain sensual areas of the body in the very formation of their personal narratives.
  For the author of the Gospel John it was not enough that Jesus was born in Bethlehem.   One could infer that the community where John's writer preached and wrote no longer used the Christmas narratives for their main liturgy or their method of teaching spiritual transformation. 
  The community of John were further away in time from the actual presence of Jesus on earth. The Jesus of Nazareth, a very historical figure had given way to the corporate body of Christ.  The Jesus of Nazareth was gone, but the risen Christ had become an omnipresence metaphor for the immediate and intimate awareness of God’s presence known to people in a very engaging and personal way.
  The physical birth of Jesus was not adequate to account for the Christ of the resurrection who had returned in the power of the Holy Spirit.  The Risen Christ was such an experience of omnipresence of God's personal presence, the writer of John's Gospel could only confess in very poetic terms that the Risen Christ was the very basis for human life being aware of anything at all as  the Word which is before all human existence and which is within all human existence.
  If something is known or it is experienced, awareness of something being known or being experienced has to have passed through language or Word.  So Word is what is omnipresent in organizing and creating all of human life as we know it.  And this Word is pervasive and the confession of the Risen Christ as the  Word accounts for our belief that we live in a personal universe.  The world is totally Christianized by identifying the Risen Christ with the eternal Word, who had a phase of fleshly existence in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.
  You and I might think that we have unworded states of existence, or pre-linguistic states of existence, but in thinking that we have already used words to identify such states of existence.
  Word is the like the nano-second time delay on every human experience consciously articulated.  Word products exist passively in all of the products and actions of human civilization.    And if we did not have words, we would not even be aware that we had consciousness or existed.
  We are beings with language.  This is inescapable so don't try to escape it.  Language like music has rests, and silence is but a programmed features of having language.  By the time we learn to speak and use language we have already been thoroughly pre-coded with many meanings in our lives, and so we have already been passively formed by the value words which our nurturing environments have provided for us.
  In many ways, language uses us more than we use it because of this unconscious cultural coding of every aspect of our lives.
  One of the reason that the Word became Jesus Christ was because the worded scripts of humanity were losing scripts.  People were living out scripts of alienation from God and from each other.
  There needed to be an intervention into the human community.  And so the Word became flesh in the person of Jesus of Nazareth and he became dynamic word in actions and in teaching.
  Jesus of Nazareth came to show us that we don't have to be passive slaves in the great play of life with fixed and rigid scripts.
  Jesus of Nazareth was new playwright.  He came to show us that even though we have inherited some very losing scripts, we in our lives can learn to write and live new outcomes, better outcomes for our lives.
  Even though we are always pre-coded with certain habits of thought and actions, the very notion of repentance and education means that there is always a great task before us to overcome our many ignorances.
  If we understand that we are pre-constituted and coded by the word paradigms within which we live, Jesus as the preacher was one who showed us that we can receive progressive intervention in our Word lives so as to learn new acts and new habits and ways of thinking which will change our lives and the lives of our families and communities.
  Even though we are highly determined by our pre-coding in our cultural settings, Jesus was the Word of God made flesh to show us that we still have lots of freedom to exercise in our word lives.
  We are on the verge of a new year.  Where do you and I want some intervention today in the scripts of our lives which we are living right now?  Where do we want to have the freedom to know and act differently in the New Year?
  Words are power.  We know the power of words in political and commercial propaganda which seeks to guide and persuade the various behaviors of our lives.
  Let us today link up the Risen Christ with the power of Words in our lives and seek to find the words of power which can change our lives in the direction of love and justice in our world.  Let the Risen Christ as the eternal Word of God be the power to write and perform new scripts in our lives in the New Year.
  So, you and I are not going to escape language and Word.  We are going to be barraged by the words of our culture, by all sorts of persuasive propaganda.  The reason we gather here today is because we confess the need to have resistance against harmful words and we need the intervention of good and powerful words which can give us new and winning scripts of love, joy, hope and justice in our future.
  Let us submit today to the risen Christ whom we can know today as persuasive and powerful words of change in our lives today.  Happy New Year and God bless us as we find new and better scripts for our lives in the coming year.  Amen

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