Monday, October 1, 2012

Quiz of the Day, July-September 2012

July 5, 2012

Summertime Quiz:
Episcopal means:

a.being Anglican
b.being Protestant
c.having bishops
d.having Communion
e.wearing mitres

July 6, 2012
Summertime quiz:
Which are not Sacraments?
a. Holy Eucharist.
b. High School Diploma
c. Prayer for the Sick
d. Reconciliation
e. Sanctification
f. Consecration
g. Baptism
h. Matrimony
i. Ordination
j. Rogation
l. hazing

July 7, 2012
Summertime quiz:
What monarch is associated with the start of the separation of the the Church in England from the Roman Catholic Church?

b.Charles I
c.Louis XIV
d.Henry VIII
e.Philip II
Summertime quiz:

What Pope, at the end of the 6th century, is responsible for sending a missionary to the British Isles and then discovered Celtic Christianity was already there?

a.Pope Leo I, the Great
b.Pope Gregory the Great
c.Pope John XXIII
d.Pope Pius XII

July 8, 2012

Summertime Quiz?
According to the Catechism (Outline of Faith) in the Book of Common Prayer, what are the four orders of ministry?

a. Apostle
b. Teacher
c. Bishop
d. Presbyter/priest
e. Sexton
f. Senior Warden
g. Laity
h. Prophet
i. Administrator
j. Deacon

July 9, 2012

In the first American Book of Common Prayer, the Americans agreed to adopt the wording of the Eucharistic Prayer of which Church in the U.K.?

a. Scottish
b. Welsh
c. Irish
d. English
e. Ionian

July 11, 2012

Summertime Quiz:
The General Convention of the Episcopal Church is a bi-cameral body.

The two bodies are:

a. House of Bishops and House of Laity
b. House of Clergy and House of Laity
c. House of Bishops and House of Deputies
d. House of Lords and House of Common

A Canon/canon is not....
a. A collection of agreed upon books in the Bible
b. An item in official church law
c. An ecclesiastical title
d. A military weapon.

July 12, 2012
Summertime quiz:
Which is not part of a bishop's ecclesiastical accessories?
a. Crozier
b. Mitre
c. Ring
d. Pectoral Cross
e. Rochette and chimere
f. Monstrance

July 13, 2012

Summertime Quiz:
What are names for the first five books of the Bible?
a. Torah
b. Pentateuch
c. The Books of Moses
d. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
e. All of the above

A Psalter is:

a. Comes from the Greek for one using salt
b. A book organized for regular saying/chanting of the Psalms
c. One who chants the Psalms

July 14, 2012

Summertime Quiz:
What is a Missal?

a. Any airborne object launched with ill or benign intent
b. Pertaining to the "Mass" from the Latin "missa"
c. An Altar Book
d. Book of Rubrics and Texts for the Holy Eucharist
e. Ambiguously three of the above
f. Clearly two of the above
Summertime quiz:

July 15, 2012
Summertime Quiz:
The Sacrament of Holy Confirmation is:

a. The result of a split in the rite of Christian initiation due to the rise of the normative practice of infant baptism, necessitating a further maturation rite.
b. a way for an adult to confirm the baptismal promises that were made on one's behalf at infant baptism
c. a dominical sacrament
d. necessary for receiving Holy Communion
e. a and b
f. c and d
g. all of the above

July 16, 2012

Summertime Quiz:
Which is not a Eucharistic vessel:

a. Cruet
b. Chalice
c. Paten
d. Lavabo Bowl
e. Incense Boat
f. Vial

Summertime quiz:
Eucharistic vestments for a priest may include:

a. alb
b. amice
c. cincture
d. stole
e. chasuble
f. cassock
g. all of the above

July 17, 2012

Summertime quiz:
Musical compositions for the Mass include the following titles based upon their Latin names; which is not a part of the Mass.
a. Kyrie
b. Sanctus
c. Gloria
d. Credo
e. Benedictus
f. Carpe diem

July 18, 2012
Summertime Quiz

A Collect in the Book of Common Prayer is:

a. A British switch of a verb to a noun
b. Refer to gathering of the offering
c. From the Latin, 'collectio' for a general prayer of the liturgy of the day whose topic or petition includes the theme of the event of the day or a dedicatory intention

July 19, 2012

Summertime Quiz
Which is not part of a traditional church building?
a. apse
b. nave
c. transcept
d. chancel
e. narthex
f. clerestory
g. sacristy
h. auditorium

July 20, 2012

Summertime Quiz:
See is an ecclesiastical term for:

a. Church candy in California
b. Domain of a Bishop
c. Visual enhancements for the liturgy
d. A cathedral

July 21, 2012
In the first Book of Common Prayer c. 1548, Archbishop Cranmer collapsed the traditional breviary hours of prayer into Morning and Evening Prayer. Which of the following was not a monastic office prayer hour?

a. Matins
b. Lauds
c. Prime
d. Terce
e. Sext
f. Octo
g. None
h. Vespers
i. Compline

Summertime Quiz
Why Isn't The Episcopal Church the Church of England in America?

a. Yanks could never learn how to speak proper English
b. British disgust with our version of a "Tea Party"
c. Constitutional disestablishment of religion and inability of clergy to take a loyalty oath to the Crown meant Anglicanism in the former Colonies had to be different.

July 24, 2012

Summertime Quiz

Actor Paul Scofield in "Man for All Seasons" portrayed what English author of "Utopia" and one who refused to sign the Act of Supremacy in the time of Henry VIII?

a. Henry Moore
b. Sir Thomas More
c. Richard Burton
d. Thomas Cranmer
e. Richard Hooker

July 25, 2012

Summertime Quiz

In the Book of Common Prayer, which Creed is used with which liturgy?

a. Nicene Creed in the Holy Eucharist
b. Apostles Creed in Morning Prayer
c. Apostles Creed in Evening Prayer
d. Apostles Creed in the Burial
e. Apostles Creed in questions and answers at Baptism
f. All of the above

July 26, 2012

Summertime Quiz

The Incarnation refers to

 a. The doctrine about Jesus being the Word made flesh
 b. The doctrine about the Virgin Mary’s perpetual virginity
c. The doctrine of the relationship between the Father and the Son in the Godhead
d. The  doctrine of the Holy Spirit’s omnipresence

 July 27, 2012

Summer time Quiz:

The epiklesis is:

a. changing water into wine
b. invocation of the Holy Spirit in a sacramental action
c. receiving absolution of one's sins
d. all of the above

July 28, 2012

Summertime Quiz

The title "Defender of the Faith" for the English Monarch derives from the time of Henry VIII because:

a. he started Protestant Reformation in England
b. he declared himself to be the head of the church in England
c. he like all monarchs are to protect the church
d. he received the title from the Pope after he wrote a theological treatise against Martin Luther

July 29, 2012
Summer time Quiz:

The Synoptic Gospels are:

a. Matthew, Mark and Luke
b. Luke and John
c. Matthew and John
d. Matthew and Luke
e. Mark and Luke

July 30, 2012

Summertime Quiz

What are the three legs of the three-legged stool of the practice and discerning of authority within the Anglican/Episcopal Church?

a. The Bible, the clergy and the Archbishop of Canterbury
b. The Synods, Diocesan Conventions and General Conventions
c. The Bishops, the Priests and the Deacons
c. Scripture, Tradition and Reason

August 1, 2012

Summertime Quiz

August 1st is the feast of Joseph of Arimathea.  In the Gospel narrative he,

a.       Provided the thirty pieces of silver to give to Judas
b.      Provided the tomb for the body of Jesus after the crucifixion
c.       Arranged for his friend Nicodemus to meet with Jesus at night
d.      Provided the room for the Last Supper

August 2, 2012
Summertime Quiz

In the New Testament, the word Greek word for “priest”  hiereus is mainly used to refer to:
a.  the person who said the prayers at the Eucharist
b.  the cultic officials of Roman temples
c.  the priests in Judaism who offered the sacrifices in temple in Jerusalem before it was destroyed
d. the apostles and disciples

August 3, 2012
Summertime Quiz

August 6th is the Feast of the Transfiguration.  What Sunday every year do we read the Transfiguration account from the Gospels?

a.  First Sunday of Lent
b. Last Sunday of Epiphany
c. First Sunday in Advent
d. First Sunday after the Epiphany

August 4, 2012
Summertime Quiz

Do you not know that in a race the runners all compete, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win it. Athletes exercise self-control in all things; they do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable one.  So I do not run aimlessly, nor do I box as though beating the air;

This Olympic metaphor is found in the New Testament.  Where is it found?

a. The Epistle to the Hebrews
b. 2nd Timothy
c. The Book of Revelation
d. St. Paul’s  First Epistle to the Corinthians

August 5, 2012
Summertime Quiz

Manna is

a. the mysterious substance that fed the Israelites in their wilderness journey
b. a word that comes from the Hebrew meaning, "What is it?"
c. called the bread of angels
d. used by a Gospel writer to teach a lesson about Jesus as living bread
e. all of the above

August 6, 2012
Summertime Quiz
Who was present at the Transfiguration event?

a.Jesus, James, John, Peter
b.Jesus, Moses, Elijah,  Peter and John
c.Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Peter and James
d.Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Peter, James and John
e.Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Peter, James, John and God the Father

August 7, 2012
Summertime quiz

The Sadducees, a sect of Judaism in the time of Jesus, did not believe in the resurrection from the dead because:

a. It could not be supported from the writings of the Prophets
b. They were pessimists
c. It was not support from the writings of the Torah
d. Immortality was a Greek notion

August 8, 2012
Summertime Quiz

What English word does the new Roman Catholic Liturgy use to translate "of one being with" in the Nicene Creed?

a. transubstantial
b. unified
c. substantial
d. consubstantial

August 9, 2012
Summertime Quiz

Intercessory prayer is

a. asking God for things for ourself
b. praying in a special time
c. praying done with fasting
d. identifying with the needs of other and asking for God's help on their behalf

August 10, 2012
Summertime Quiz

Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are called by St. Paul:

a. theological virtues
b. cardinal virtues
c. gifts of the Spirit
d. fruit of the Spirit
August  11, 2012
Summertime Quiz

Why is the day of worship different for Jews and Christians?

a.  Sunday, the first day of the week is the day of the resurrection of Christ
b. Judaism has maintained its ancient Sabbath tradition
c. The Acts of the Apostles states that the disciples gathered on the first day of the week to break bread and say the prayers.
d. All of the above

August 12, 2012
Summertime Quiz

Why do scholars call the Old Testament the Hebrew Scriptures?

a. It was written in Hebrew
b. Out of respects for the Jews
c. If a person does not recognize a New Testament, their Testament is not old, it's their only Testament
d. all of the above

August 13, 2012
Summertime Quiz

Who succeeded David on the throne of Israel and was regarded to be the wisest person of ancient Israel?

a. Absalom
b. Jonathan
c. Saul
d. Ahab
e. Joash
f. Solomon

August 14, 2012
Summertime Quiz

August 15 is the Feast of the Virgin Mary. On November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII infallibly defined that,

a. the Virgin Mary was a saint
b. the apparitions of the Virgin Mary were authentic
c. the Virgin Mary was Assumed or bodily taken into heaven at the end of her earthly life
d. all of the above

 August 15, 2012

The Virgin Mary is:

a. referred to as "Theotokos" or God-Bearer in the Eastern Orthodox traditions.
b. referred to as Mother of God in the Western Church Tradition.
c. has a cousin names Elizabeth according to the Gospel of Luke
d. mother to the siblings of Jesus
e. all of the above

August 16, 2012

Long before UFO and Extra-terrestials, the Bible has presented extra-human figures known and called angelic (messenger) beings.  Visionaries actually divided angelic being into choirs.  Which is not in one  of the choirs?

a.  Seraphim
b.  Cherubim
c. Thrones or Ophanim
d. terraphim
e.  Dominions
f.  Virtues
g.  Powers or Authorities
h.  Principalities or Rulers
i.  Archangels
J. Angels

August 17, 2012

Summertime Quiz

The Four Gospels do not have internal evidence that reveals their actual authors.  The names were attached in the traditions of the church.  Which Gospel would seem to have some evidence of the author?

a. Mark, since he is probably the young boy in the Gethsemane arrest event
b. Matthew, since he was probably Levi
c. John, since he was the beloved disciple
d. Luke, since Luke goes with Acts and he was a physician and companion of Paul

August 18, 2012
Summertime Quiz

The Restoration in English History refers to:

a. The day and period of the restored monarchy in England in 1660
b. The end of the rule of Oliver Cromwell’s son
c.  The ascent to the throne of Charles II
d.  the time when a significant revision of the Book of Common Prayer occurred
e.  all of the above

August 19, 2012

The Prayer for the Sick is a sacrament. It has also been called,

a. the prayer for healing
b. Extreme Unction
c. last rites
d. holy unction

August 20, 2012
Summertime Quiz

In religious terminology, apocalypse means,

a.  literally, an unveiling
b. catastrophic ending of the world as we know it
c. if capitalized another name for the last book of the Bible, Revelations
d. all of the above

August 21, 2012
Summertime Quiz

Before, during and after the time of Jesus when the communities where biblical writings occurred often were suffering and oppressed communities, a pronounced fervor about the end of the world as we know it was common. Portions of the Bible are called Apocalyptic literature. The theological sub-discipline for the study of end times is called:

a. Apocalyptology
b. Parousiology
c. Cosmology
d. Eschatology

August 22, 2012

To what disciple did Jesus, "on this rock I will build my church?"

a. Andrew
b. The Beloved Disciple
c. Peter
d. Simon bar Jonah
e. Cephas
f. two of the above
g. c, d, and e

August 23, 2012
Summertime Quiz

Pneumatology is the sub-discipline of theology and involves the study of,

a. angels
b. breathing techniques in prayer and meditation
c. respiratory illnesses and the prayer for the sick
d. the Holy Spirit

August 24, 2012

Ecclesiology is,

a. the study of the book of Ecclesiastes
b. the study of liturgical practices
c. the study of church architecture
d. the theological study of the church

August 25, 2012

The Gospels often refer to Jesus as the Son of Man; why so?

a. to indicate that he was truly human
b. to use a phrase that refers to humanity in general
c. to translate a phrase in Hebrew that literally means son of Adam
d. to indicate the identity of Jesus with an apocalyptic figure written about in the book of Daniel associated with the end of the world
August 26, 2012

According to the Book of Acts, Rabbi Gamaliel was,

a. a leading Rabbi who violently opposed the followers of Jesus
b. a Rabbi who converted when he heard Paul preach
c. a Rabbi who favored the execution of Peter
d. a Rabbi who said if the Jesus movement is of God then no one can overthrow it

August 27, 2012

In the Acts of the Apostles, who was the man who replaced Judas Iscariot and how was he chosen?

a. Joseph Barsabbas elected by the remaining eleven
b. Justus, who was revealed in a dream to Peter
c. Matthias, who was elected by a two-thirds concurrent majority of both disciples and non-inner circle disciples of Jesus
d. Matthias, elected by drawing lots

August 28, 2012

What famous Saint from Africa wrote two of the best known books in Christian history, entitled, "Confessions" and "City of God?"

a. Augustine of Canterbury
b. Augustine of Hippo
c. Origen
d. Eusebius

August 29, 2012

John Bunyan wrote which Christian classic?

a. Great Expectations
b. Paradise Lost
c. Holy Living, Holy Dying
d. The Pilgrim's Progress

August 30, 2012

The Synod at Whitby in 663 was significant in English Church history because,

a.   the native Celtic Christians of the British agreed to give up their local customs for Roman Church practices
b.  it included an early version of football
c.  the Celtic Church separated from the Roman Church
d.  the Celtic Church told the Roman Church to leave the British Isles

August 31, 2012

The phrase having "the patience of Job" comes from,

a. the book of Job in the Bible
b. the story of a man named Job who is the most famous example of suffering
c. a writer who wanted to show that bad things happen to good people
d. all of the above

September 1, 2012

 A liturgical gesture is a way of including our bodies in the act of worship. Which is not a liturgical gesture?

a. genuflection (acknowledging the presence of Christ in the Reserve Sacrament or for some at the incarnata of the Creed)
b. reverencing (a half bow) of the cross and altar
c. signing the cross on head, lips and heart at the Gospel reading
d. sign of the cross
e. beating the chest
f. standing
g. kneeling
h. sitting
i. processing
j. prostration
k. kiss of peace
l. bowing
m. raising of hands in orans or ancient prayer posture
n. closing of the eyes
o. turning off one's cell phone

September 2, 2012
Summertime Quiz

The Purity Codes found in the book of Leviticus include definitions of states of uncleanliness and prescribes rites to restore the state of cleanliness because to approach God one had to be respectful since God is absolute cleanliness or God is:

a. One
b. Holy
c. Creator
d. All Powerful

September 3,  2012
Summer time Quiz

Labor Day is,

a.   a minor feast day in the Episcopal Church
b.  a major feast day in the Episcopal Church
c.  has its own Collect in the Book of Common Prayer
d.  two of the above

September 4, 2012

Bishop Paul Jones was

a. a pacifist during World War I
b. founded the Episcopal Pacifist Fellowship
c. resigned his position because of his pacifist views
d. all of the above

September 5, 2012

Summer time Quiz

What is the "official" teaching of The Episcopal Church on Private Confession or Reconciliation of a Penitent?

a. the rubrics in the Prayer Book that introduce the rite
b. it is mandatory
c. it is optional
d. all may, no one has to and some should
e. three of the above

September 6, 2012
Summertime quiz

Which two books of the Bible begin with the words, "In the beginning?"

a. Revelation and Genesis
b. John and Revelation
c. Genesis and John
d. Genesis and Luke

September 7, 2012
Solo Scriptura refers to

a. a founding principle of Protestantism
b. Scripture alone being used to establish doctrine
c. a rejection of tradition being a source to establish doctrine
d. all of the above

September 8, 2012
Summertime Quiz

In Anglicanism, the Lambeth Conference is

a. a meeting of all bishops in the Anglican Communion
b. a meeting that occurs every 10 years
c. a meeting of bishops invited by the Archbishop of Canterbury
d. an events that gets it name from Lambeth Palace the official residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury
e. all of the above

September 9, 2012

Chartres Cathedral is a pilgrimage place to view

a. the Sancta Camisa, said to be the tunic worn by the Virgin Mary at Christ's birth
b. the relics of St. Paul
c. the relics of John the Baptist
d. the relics of St. Terese

September 10, 2012

Today is the lesser feast of Alexander Crummell;  he was a pre-Civil African American Episcopal priest who,

a. went to Liberia as educator
b. tried to encourage African-Americans to move to Africa
c. preached abolition of slavery
d. all of the above

September 11, 2012
Summertime Quiz

Lapsarianism, prelapsarianism, post-lapsarianism, infralapsarianism, supralapsarianism have to do with doctrines and beliefs about

a. the afterlife
b. the perfection of Christ
c. the perfection of Mary
d. the fall

September 12, 2012

What happened in the Elizabethan Settlement of 1559?

a. Book of Common Prayer was restored
b. Elizabeth was declared head of the Church in England
c. People were required to attend the Church of England on Sunday
d.  all of the above

September 13, 2013
Summertime Quiz

In English History, the Non-Conformists were

a.       Hippie-like folk called Lollards
b.      Christians Protestants who did not conform to the Anglican Church
c.       The Welsh and the Scots
d.       None of the above

September 14, 2012

The restored use of the Book of Common Prayer in 1552 occurred in the same age as playwrights who derived benefit from the interest of Queen Elizabeth I in the theatre.  Which playwright(s) benefited Her Majesty’s interest in drama?

a.       Shakespeare
b.      Marlowe
c.       Spenser
d.      Jonson
e.      All of the above

September  15, 2012

Samuel Seabury was

a. the first Episcopal bishop in the United States
b. an American bishop consecrated by the Scottish church
c. the second presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church
d. all of the above

September 16, 2012
Summer time Quiz

Bishop William White was

a. a professional baseball player who later became a bishop
b.the  first presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church
c. the fourth presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church
d. b and c

September 17, 2012
Summer time Quiz

In contrast to the Roman Catholic Church's canonization process for the official recognition of a "saint," the Episcopal Church has had a process for remembering people of faith who have been exemplary in their faith.  This process ends with ratification in the General Convention and has resulted in publication of a book of a calendar of "saints" days.  The book is entitled,

a.  Lesser Feasts and Fasts
b.  Holy Women, Holy Men
c.  Formerly Lesser Feast and Fasts, and now Holy Women, Holy Men
d.  The Episcopal Book of Saints

September 18, 2012
Summertime Quiz

Hildegard of Bingen, whose feast day is September 17th was a

a. 11th century German writer
b. composer
c. botanist
d. mystic
e. Benedictine abbess
f. future to be declared 35th Doctor of the the Church on October 7, 2012
g. all of the above

September 19, 2012
Summer time Quiz

Today is Feast of Theodore of Tarsus.  He was

a.  a Greek speaking bishop from Cilicia who ended up in Canterbury England
b. the eighth Archbishop of Canterbury
c. known for reforming the English Church and forming the Canterbury school
d. all of the above

September 20, 2012
Summertime Quiz (Autumnal Eve)

The Gradual in the Holy Eucharist is the sung portion before and after the reading of the Gospel. The gradual meaning and practice include:

a. derivation from "gradus" or the step to the ambo where the deacon reads the Gospel
b. May include the seasonal sung alleluias and verses
c. May also include a prose-like Sequence or a "following on" singing
d. all of the above

September 21, 2012

Today is the feast of St. Matthew. He is often identified with what Gospel figure?

a. Thaddeus
b. Bartholomew
c. Levi, the tax collector
d. Zacchaeus

September 22, 2012
Autumn Quiz

What book of the Bible does not mention God?

a.  Song of Solomon
b.  Ruth
c.  Esther
d.  Ecclesiastes

September 23, 2012
Autumn Quiz

St. Thomas a Becket was murdered at what church in 1170?

a. Chartres Cathedral
b. Notre Dame in Paris
c. Westminster Abbey
d. Canterbury Cathedral

September 24, 2012
Autumn Quiz

What Jewish feast derives from the event recorded in the book of Esther?

a. Hanukkah
b. Yom Kippur
c. Succoth
d. Purim

September 25, 2012
Autumn Quiz

In the Book of Common Prayer, the Psalms are numbered but they also have a title.  Their title derives from

a.            their Hebrew title
b.            a late developed poetic designation
c.             the first words in Latin as recited in the monastic prayer office
d.            King David who wrote them

Autumn Quiz

In the Book of Common Prayer the Holy Eucharist is divided into two sections. They are

a. The Word of God
b. The Holy Communion
c. The Prayers of the People
d. The Procession
e. a and c
f. a and b
g. b and c

September 27, 2012
Autumn Quiz

Another name for the Ten Commandments is

a. Torah
b. Pentateuch
c. The Divine Law
d. Decalogue

September 28, 2012
Autumn Quiz

Why is there a Rite I and Rite II for many liturgies in the Book of Common Prayer?

a. To give liturgical choice
b. To acknowledge differences in the aesthetics of language
c. To introduce the new while comforting those familiar with the old
d. To introduce the results of new liturgical scholarship
e. To introduce ecumenism in our Prayers
f. all of the above

September 29, 2012
Autumn Quiz

Today is the feast of St. Michael and All Angels.  What four Angels are named in the Bible?

a. John, Paul, George and Ringo
b. Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and Daniel
c. Michael, Gabriel, Belshazzar and Raphael
d. Michael, Uriel, Raphael and Gabriel

September 30, 2012
Autumn Quiz

The Sunday Lectionary Cycle is divided into how many years?

a. Four, for spreading the reading between the 4 Gospels
b. There is only one repeating schedule of reading each year
c. Two, Matthew and John for one cycle, Mark and Luke for the other
d. Three, Matthew, Mark and Luke Cycle with readings from John in all three years

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